What the hell!

Worried old man.

Who the fuck is mediocre?

My emotional intelligence often breaks through the sky, okay?

Otherwise, how can I become a harem?Is it because of the protagonist's halo?

It's definitely not right, I have a certainty in my heart, whoever refuses to accept me will be a hammer!

Zhou Han coughed lightly, concealed his embarrassment, and explained.

"We are not born rich, we don't have so many problems, and now we are rich, aren't we human? We can live as we used to live now. There is no need to pretend to be evil. It is meaningless. In my eyes, instant noodles are no better than bird's nest. Shark fins are bad."

Zhou Han said that he was not pretending to be coercive, but there was still a hint of coercion inside and out of the words, it was simply invisible coercion, the most deadly.

"Ha, I've been thinking about it for the past few days. Brother Han is different now, and he must have a higher opinion. It's normal to look down on me." Sun Qi told the truth, and he felt a little unbalanced.

The person I have always admired is a rich and powerful second generation, so why have I been working so hard?The starting point is different, and it is impossible to touch other people's heels in this life.

Hearing that Zhou Han was relying on luck, Sun Qi could still reluctantly accept that fate was predestined, this cannot be forced.

But Sun Qi saw that Zhou Han was different from before, but he was still approachable and unassuming, so he was quite happy.

"Look at what you said, it's really ugly. I'm still me. Nothing has changed. Does it mean that if you have money, you will expand? Don't think too much, there is nothing at all..." Zhou Han put on an angry look, thinking that he is not that Be virtuous, otherwise you won't help Sun Qi and give him a better stage.

After all, although Zhou Han had conflicts with Sun Qi, he still regarded Zhou Han as a friend, otherwise he wouldn't have threatened to cover Zhou Han that day.

Because of this, Zhou Han felt that Sun Qi could be trusted, and let him thrive. Not only did he help his friend to be kind, but he also gained a reliable assistant, so why not do it?

Zhou Han still wants to be a student, but he also needs other external forces to protect his life. Sun Qi has become the best choice. It is also good to retreat behind the scenes and become a big boss.

No one will know their strong financial resources, being surrounded by huge forces.

All these changes were due to Xu Zheng attacking Lin Nianwei with a knife, which made Zhou Han determined to become strong and develop his own power.

Otherwise, all ghosts and monsters will ride on it, putting yourself or the people around you in danger.

Sun Qi let out a long breath, sighed and said, "Hear brother Han, you say that, don't mention anything else, I feel comfortable."

"Tsk!" Zhou Han was speechless, and said dissatisfied, "Don't talk about Brother Han, I don't feel comfortable."

"No, no, it's time to call you. You are different now. It's impolite to call you by your name." Sun Qi was rather stubborn, thinking that although Zhou Han was a friend, his status was quite high. take care of."

Seeing Sun Qi speak out, Zhou Han was not polite, obviously he was short of money.

It's not surprising to him, Sun Qi is probably short of money by himself in the north of the city.

Zhou Han just wanted to train Sun Qi, so he spoke directly.

"I understand what you mean. It's not a big problem. I'll bring you here today. Do you know what I'm going to do?"

"Looking for a place?" Sun Qi still remembered the incident when Chen Lei beat him up that day, and thought that there was going to be a fight today, so he told his brothers to get ready, but Zhou Han told him to come over formally in a suit.

"That's what it means..." Zhou Han nodded, thinking that the Anxing Gang was all his own, not looking for a place, but mainly looking for those thorns to settle accounts.

"Brother Han, you need to bring someone along to a fight, you can't just put on a suit and tie and just reason with them." Sun Qi felt that Zhou Han was not in this business, and he didn't know how deep the water was. To be reasonable, just talk about whether your fist is hard or not?"

In fact, Sun Qi was very worried. He heard Zhou Han was here to find trouble, but no matter how he looked at it, he knew that he and himself were running to the office building of their headquarters. It was not bad to be beaten out of shit! ?

"Don't worry, it's fine, the two of us are enough, don't worry." Zhou Han sighed, thinking that it's a fart to have too many people, and he is not afraid of getting a headshot.

"Brother Han, I have to say that you are a little naive, I'd better call someone over." Sun Qi took out the phone and wanted to call a group of people over to make a fuss.

"No, no, no, no..."

Zhou Han stopped Sun Qi, thinking that this guy is also an iron boy, with such a weak family background, he is no match for him, and he is not here to fight today.

"We are not here today mainly to find a place, but to do something else."

"What's the matter?" Sun Qi frowned and asked suspiciously.

"Do you want to be an executive in Anxing, and the entire north and east of the city will be under your control?" Zhou Han asked patiently.

"Ha, brother Han, what are you kidding?" Sun Qi laughed out loud, thinking that Zhou Han was bragging, but he didn't know that Zhou Han was really awesome.

"I'm not kidding, because..." Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, and said lightly——

"My father is Anxing's major shareholder."

"The entire Anxing security company belongs to my family."

"I want to give you a serious job, and it's a matter of one sentence..."


You know I'm mobbin with the DRE~


Chapter 55 is not simple

Zhou Han deliberately said that his father is the shareholder, so that the credibility is higher.

I'm a high school student, so I just bought a company and it's over. What kind of joke are you kidding?

Sun Qi's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it, and felt that it was impossible, so he smiled and said, "Are you kidding me? How is it possible?"

"Really, I'm not lying. My dad is the major shareholder, and Anxing is one of them. He has certain management authority." Zhou Han said seriously, trying to convince Sun Qi of himself.

"Really?" Sun Qi's expression turned bright, a little unbelievable, suddenly so many things surprised him, he really couldn't accept it.

"I have a black gold card, how could I lie? And I'm not a fool. If Anxing wasn't from my family, why would I bring you here? Isn't this going deep alone?" Zhou Han made a lot of sense. It is impossible to refute.

"I'll go..." Sun Qi lowered his head, frowning tightly, feeling that the amount of information was suddenly stuffed in, "So, it was your people who beat me up before?"

"It can't be my fault, they don't know who I am, so they did it without any scruples." Zhou Han paused, then continued, "So don't worry, you don't need to bring a group of people to find a venue today, the two of us are enough , Clean up the thorns that day."

"So that's how it is..." Sun Qi nodded, seeming to understand, "But clean it up, that Chen Lei is too crazy."

"Okay, we'll talk about it when the time comes. My main purpose this time is to give you a better stage, so do you want to be a powerful executive?" Zhou Han brought the conversation back to the topic.

"Think about it, can you not think about it? The tree is big enough to enjoy the shade, and I am not a regular company's opponent at all."

Sun Qi is not an idiot either, he heard that Zhou Han meant to support him, it seems that he is also a noble person, and his friend Fei Fei took him along.

He knew that Anxing's business was huge, not counting the number of nightclubs it owned, it was very profitable. He had also opened a lot of entertainment businesses, and the most powerful thing was legal!

Such a big stage is exactly what Sun Qi wanted. He has some abilities, but because he is too young and lacks foundation, Zhou Han gave him a good opportunity, so he must grasp it well.

People like Sun Qi, if they weren't underage, would be honored to be caught.

Moreover, Sun Qi is about to reach adulthood, and the protection of minors will be gone by then, and it will be very difficult to mix. If he mixes on the legal stage of Anxing, he will have no worries.

"Okay, as long as you want, I'll get it for you today, and you can go with me as my bodyguard for now." Zhou Han nodded.

"Brother Han, you've helped me so much, I wouldn't say thank you for such polite words, the kindness is all here..." Sun Qi pointed at his heart in a very quack manner.

"Okay, don't always call me Brother Han, it's weird." Zhou Han said helplessly.

"It's not surprising, this Brother Han's name is not bad." Sun Qi was very stubborn and didn't want to change his words, it seemed that he was determined to follow Zhou Han.

This made him find the feeling he had in junior high school, shouting and killing after Zhou Han.

The black line on Zhou Han's forehead flowed down like a waterfall——


Forget it, do whatever you want.

The two came to the building of Anxing Company.

The feeling of entering the door is very gorgeous and resplendent.

Especially the big gilt characters on the wall of the hall, righteousness.

It gives people a feeling of spiritual shock, and the small artificial fountain in the center also complements each other.

Zhou Han came directly to the counter, where two young ladies were working.

"Hello, is your director here? We need to see him."

"Do you have an appointment?" the receptionist asked.

"Yes." Zhou Han nodded, thinking that everything seems to have been taken care of by Elizabeth.

"What is your name?"

"Zhou Han."

"Wait a minute." The reception lady started to get busy, she seemed to be checking the appointment information, and then her face became weird, "Really...is it Mr. Zhou?"

"Yeah, my surname is Zhou, what's the problem?" Zhou Han nodded, thinking what is there to be surprised about?

"No...no..." The receptionist's face turned pale, seemingly shocked, "It just looks too young."

Zhou Han smiled and said nothing, thinking that if he said that he is a high school student, wouldn't it be more amazing?

For the first time, he envied those mature people, at least he didn't cause embarrassment because of his young age.

The reception lady picked up the phone and was communicating in a low voice. After a while, she said to Zhou Han——

"Mr. Zhou, please wait a moment, someone will pick you up soon."

"Well, good." Zhou Han nodded, thinking it's okay to wait a while.

"Brother Han, it's done well here." Sun Qi whispered beside him.

"Yeah." Zhou Han felt that this place didn't look like a bad company at all, it looked very serious, just like a normal company, it was really cleaned up thoroughly, and even the image changed.

Not long after, there was a ding from the elevator, and after the door opened, seven or eight men in black suits came down, looking menacing.

Looking at the appearance of intercom earphones on their faces, they are almost like serious bodyguards, and they look very professional.

The men in black cleared out the idlers in the hall, leaving only Zhou Han and Sun Qi.

Zhou Han was stunned, thinking what does this mean?Do you want to close the door and beat the dog?

"Don't panic, this is a professional bodyguard behavior. In order to protect your safety, you can't let unknown people around you." Elizabeth explained.

"Is that so……"

Zhou Han frowned, feeling uncomfortable because he was too domineering.

"You are their boss, be more mature and don't be ashamed." Elizabeth said helplessly.

"I know, don't worry." Zhou Han replied pretending to be calm.

"Put on the attitude of the boss, deduct all their salaries if you are unhappy, and fire them all if you are not convinced. The company is ours, so we can do whatever we want." Elizabeth encouraged.

"The black boss in the market probably refers to you, Xiaoyi."

Zhou Han said helplessly that he felt that Elizabeth was just messing around, and she would be fired every now and then, who would dare to work below her.

A man who seemed to be the leader walked directly in front of Zhou Han. There was not a single hair on his head, and the long scar slid across his left eye. If it weren't for the sunglasses to cover it up, he would look full of evil spirits.

Zhou Han felt a lot of pressure in front of him, and his intuition told him that this person was not an ordinary person, and the oppressive feeling was too strong.

This man's name is Jason, and he is of mixed race. He has worked as a mercenary in the Middle East, as a killer in the United States, as a bodyguard for many people, and has done a lot of dirty work.

The more famous operation, the killing of bin Laden, he was one of the hired special forces, but he was exiled to China and worked as a security consultant for Anxing Company full-time, in fact, he was also responsible for handling the dirty work.

As for why he stayed in Huaxia, the reason is very simple. The director of Anxing is his teacher.

But today he was a little puzzled, because as the company's new major shareholder, Zhou Han seemed too small.

I thought I was an adult, or older, but the reality is that I am very young.

Although Jason has seen many rich second-generation ancestors, it is rare to see such a young one.

According to the teacher's instructions, Jason tried to use hacking skills to find out Zhou Han's background, but his super high hacking skills were difficult to crack Zhou Han's information, as if he was deliberately protected by someone.

Years of blood-licking experience told Jason that this Zhou Han——

Not an ordinary second-generation ancestor, and the background is not simple, there is definitely something to dig...

Chapter 56 Monthly Pass Addition

Jason also understands the teacher's worries. After all, Anxing Company has a dark foundation, so don't be bought by someone with evil intentions.

That's why I want to know Zhou Han's details, who is he?

Although Zhou Han, as a major shareholder, has certain rights, Jason's teacher does not want to hand over the management rights. After all, he has worked hard for many years, so there is no reason to hand it over to others?

It just so happens that today I have a chance to meet and talk, without stealing other people's privacy or engaging in petty theft.

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