Regarding the acquisition of the company, Jason was still very puzzled. He was also well-informed. He had never heard of a Zhou Fund on Wall Street, and it was a very strong capital investment, as if it came out of thin air.

But the young man in front of him is Zhou Han, and it is indeed the name of the chief executive of the consortium, but he is so young that it makes people suspicious.

But Jason knew that this matter should be handed over to the teacher, so he couldn't inquire further.

"Are you Zhou Han?"

"Yeah." Zhou Han was still calm. If he hadn't had the title of major shareholder, he might have been a little nervous.

As for Sun Qi next to him, he was quite calm, but standing in front of Jason, he still felt the pressure.

"Hello, Mr. Zhou, I am the person in charge of security of Anxing Company. The director is already waiting for you upstairs. I hope to meet you before the meeting." Jason's tone was very respectful. After all, Zhou Han is the major shareholder. Politeness is still a must.

"Okay..." Zhou Han nodded, indicating that there is no problem.

"Mr. Zhou, please follow me." Jason bent slightly, leading the way.

The men in black apologized and bowed slightly to show their respect.

Zhou Han was a little embarrassed, it was difficult to adapt to this scene, and he almost blurted out, "Everyone loves you, there is no need to salute, I don't care about trivial matters."

But in the end I endured it, because I can't be ashamed, I have to keep it cold and mysterious, the more unpredictable the better.

According to what Elizabeth said, I lack experience, so don't talk too much to reveal that you are not deeply involved in the world, the more mysterious you are, the more majestic you are.

Zhou Han had no expression on his face, and followed behind Jason, feeling that he was already very cold.

Sun Qi felt very fresh, thinking that Brother Han is awesome, like a big shot.

Zhou Han thought there was going to be an elevator, so he stood at the door of the elevator and waited, but Jason said beside him.

"Mr. Zhou, there is a special elevator for VIPs, please come here."

"Ah... oh." Zhou Han felt very embarrassed, it was the first time he heard that there was a special elevator for VIPs, "What... the elevator door is nice, like a mirror, I messed with my hair."

This reason is very far-fetched, but it is better than embarrassment.

Zhou Han thought to himself that he was a little unlucky when he first arrived, and it doesn't look like a good omen.

Sun Qi fiddled with her hair beside her, thinking that as expected of Brother Han, he always cares about his state and needs to learn!

The three came to the VIP elevator.

In fact, there is no difference, that is, there are fewer people and no crowds.

Zhou Han and Jason walked in, and Sun Qi wanted to follow, but was stopped.

"If possible, no one else can come in."

"Tsk!" Sun Qi was speechless, and said inexplicably, "What do you mean?! Do you want to fight?"

Jason's face was cold, he didn't speak at all, a little scary.

Zhou Han blushed, thinking that Sun Qi was really a stunned young man, and would fight if he got upset.

"Let him in, he's my friend and bodyguard."

Jason hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Since it's Mr. Zhou's intention, then come in."

"Hmph!" Sun Qi snorted coldly and entered the elevator.

After Jason pressed the 47th floor, he stood calmly aside, like a robot.

Sun Qi was a little upset seeing Jason, as if he was belittling him.

"Mr. Zhou, if you need a bodyguard, we can send one for you. He is definitely handsome, skilled, flexible in mind and high in EQ."

"No need, I don't need..." Zhou Han smiled, thinking that his ability is the full value of human beings, what kind of bodyguards do he need, a serious punch will kill all boxing champions on the spot.

Jason became more and more confused. He didn't need a bodyguard. Could it be that because of his strong background, no one could do anything to him?

Well, it is possible!It seems that although Mr. Zhou is very young, he is very powerful, and his courage is admirable...

Let's see Zhou Han's real thoughts at this moment, in fact, he is thinking——

fuck the bodyguard, ok?

Good-looking, good in skill, flexible in mind and high in emotional intelligence.

Isn't this Nima a typical beauty magnet, the typical setting of the urban soldier king Long Aotian?

I have so many wives, all of them like flowers and jade, so I don't feel relieved to have this kind of bodyguard by my side. Isn't this the rhythm of waiting to be cuckolded?

Zhou Han would never let this kind of person appear under his nose, he would eliminate even the slightest danger.

On the 47th floor, under the leadership of Jason, the two came to an office door, which said Chairman's Office.

Jason knocked on the door twice and said in a low voice, "Teacher, Mr. Zhou has come."

"Please come in." The person inside responded.

"Come in, Mr. Zhou." Jason said respectfully.

"Sun Qi, wait for me outside." Zhou Han turned around and said.

"Okay." Sun Qi rubbed his neck, expressing that he didn't care.

Zhou Han entered the office.

I saw an old man in a white suit, his brown leather shoes were polished brightly, and the small purple handkerchief on his chest was very eye-catching, but it embellished the overall attire, and he was very well-dressed.

His pale hair is meticulously combed, and his messy stubble looks extremely sexy. At such an age, he looks very handsome, handsome uncle.

The handsome old man stood in front of the window and watched the sun go down outside.

"Are you Mr. Zhou?"

The old man turned around, he didn't look like a gangster at all, but looked like a fashionista following the trend, and his tone was extremely kind.

"That's right." Zhou Han nodded.

"I'm much younger than I imagined. It's really admirable to do something at such a young age. It seems that I am also old and can't keep up with the fast-paced era." The old man smiled, without any vicious airs at all. Like a well-bred old gentleman, sticking to his principles.

"Ha..." Zhou Han gave a dry laugh and didn't say much. He felt that there was a big gap between himself and this kind of old fritters. It would be better to talk less and do more.

"My name is Duan Qiang, you can call me Lao Duan." The old man said with a smile.

"Uh, forget it, let's call him Uncle Duan." Zhou Han felt that calling him Old Duan was not good for his age.

"Haha, that's fine, just think I took advantage of it." Duan Qiang sat on the chair and greeted, "Come on, you sit too. If you want to drink something, I'll ask Secret Technique to bring it to you."

"Don't drink anymore, let's get to the point. Everyone is a sensible person, and they are not here to drink tea and chat." Sitting opposite Duan Qiang, Zhou Han said seriously——

"Except for small talk, let's put the problems on the table and talk about them."

Chapter 57 Monthly Pass Addition

Duan Qiang looked at Zhou Han for a while and smiled, and then showed some seriousness.

"Well, since Mr. Zhou is also a straightforward person, let's talk frankly."

Zhou Han didn't want to say anything boring, he also knew in his heart that being so young would definitely raise a lot of doubts.

But he didn't have any pressure, because Elizabeth said that the other party wanted something from him, so his posture should naturally be higher.

According to Elizabeth, before the acquisition, Anxing's operating conditions were not optimistic, and it was on the verge of bankruptcy. Fortunately, Anxing was able to survive with its own large capital injection.

Then I am not only equivalent to a benefactor who gives charcoal in a timely manner, but also equivalent to choking the other party's throat, and I still have the capital to negotiate.

"Mr. Zhou looks very young, what do you do at home?" Duan Qiang began to ask around.

"I can't tell you this secret." Zhou Han deliberately played a smoke bomb to maintain his sense of mystery.

"Really, if it's inconvenient, I won't inquire about it, so at least tell me your occupation?" Duan Qiang asked again, very curious about Zhou Han, and didn't know the details at all.

"Student, I'm a second-year student at Jinteng College. Check it out." Zhou Han replied lightly. It's really unpredictable that a student has such a large amount of money.

"Student? That's great. My son is also studying in Jinteng College. He is in the first grade. Maybe you've seen him before." Duan Qiang smiled forcedly, with a drop of cold sweat streaming down his forehead, and his disdain for Zhou Han became even greater. Thoroughly, why does this brat have so much money, and what kind of family is behind it?Willing to give billions of pocket money casually?

Zhou Han smiled and said nothing, thinking that there are too many first graders, who knows which one?Even if I met him, I just passed by. To be honest, I don't know anyone with the surname Duan at all.

It seems that Zhou Han seems to have forgotten that he shot someone in the face in the bathroom of the movie theater.

"It really surprised me. Since you are a student, Mr. Zhou, where did you get the money? Suddenly injecting billions into our company is not a small amount." Duan Qiang said pretending to be calm.

"Of course it's from our family." Zhou Han replied lightly.

He knew that if he said it was all his own, no one would believe it, because a high school student was running around with a huge sum of money, no matter how he thought about it, it was unbelievable.

Besides, a mere high school student wants to be the boss, who would be convinced?From the bottom of my heart, I will despise myself as a brat.

Besides, I am a high school student who spends billions of dollars at every turn. Isn't this telling others "I'm a thief who has money, hurry up and rob me", isn't that just cheating?

It's not that Zhou Han doesn't understand the truth that everyone is innocent, but Huai Bi is guilty.

So try to brag about your family as much as possible, the more mysterious the better, so that the other party can't see through it and dare not act rashly, thinking that you are not alone, and there is a lot of power behind it, which plays a very good deterrent effect, so that the other party will not Belittle yourself.

The other party is not a very serious company, and can be restrained with a contract, and force deterrence is also necessary.

After all, my family is awesome and has credibility, but who can believe me as a high school student?

From this point of view, it is very necessary for Sun Qi to insert into this company. It will serve as his own eyes. Zhou Han will not completely trust people who don't know the basics. Wouldn't it be bad if he bites himself back?

"Really, it's from the family?" Duan Qiang smiled, heaving a sigh of relief, thinking that it's normal for Zhou Han's family to pay for it, if a high school student squanders billions of pocket money at will, it's fake.

But now that Zhou Han's family is paying the money, people have to take it seriously. They feel that the power behind him is not small, and it is obvious that he is not the one who is short of money.

"Actually, I'm not a local. I just come here to go to school. Our family is in Yanjing." Zhou Han started bragging again. After all, the big family in Yanjing gives people the impression that they are very powerful, achieving a better deterrent effect. .

"So you are from Yanjing?" The contempt in Duan Qiang's heart gradually faded, "Then why did you come to Zhongqing City to study? Obviously Yanjing is better, right?"

"How should I put it? My family thinks that I'm not safe in Yanjing, so they let me go to school in a small place." Zhou Han deliberately said it mysteriously, and then let the other party guess.

"Oh, that's it..." Duan Qiang nodded, convinced in his heart that every big family has some enemies, right?In order to protect their children, it is not uncommon for them to be sent to small places or live abroad.

"My father bought your company because you are a security company with good innate conditions and can protect my safety." Zhou Han explained.

"My father has a unique insight. In the entire Zhongqing City, there is no better security company than ours. Since you are our major shareholder, it is certain to protect your safety. I dare not say it in other places..." Duan Qiang pointed his finger He knocked on the table and said confidently, "Only in Zhongqing City, we are here. No one can touch you. If possible, we can also send professional bodyguards to protect you."

"I don't need this, except for my family, no one knows that I am in Zhongqing City for the time being." Zhou Han refused, thinking that there was nothing wrong with someone following behind.

"Then feel free to contact us if necessary." Duan Qiang nodded without forcing.

"Yes, of course, besides protecting me, my father also has another main purpose. I hope you can help me solve some troubles. Uncle Duan, do you understand?" Zhou Han said meaningfully, implying that he wanted them to help me Settle the trouble, "If you can help me when I need it, I can let my dad continue to inject money into you for your development."

"Haha..." Duan Qiang laughed twice, and said equally meaningfully, "Your father knows what kind of company we are, right?"

"Well, of course I know, otherwise I wouldn't have bought you. Although everyone is living according to social rules, sometimes tough measures are needed." Zhou Han said very tactfully.

"Don't look at me being so old, but some things are clear. Although the money is paid by your father, the major shareholder's name is Mr. Zhou, so please rest assured that if you need some help, we will do our best to help. "

Duan Qiang also noticed that Zhou Han is the second generation ancestor of the big family and needs his own influence in other places.

Besides, as long as Zhou Han's requirements are met, he can have a continuous source of funds, so why not do it?

Working for whom is not a job?Apparently, a boss like Zhou Han is more forthright and not greedy, so he hasn't made particularly excessive demands until now.

Zhou Han nodded. The purpose of acquiring Anxing Company was nothing but to clear up some troubles when he didn't have to come forward.

"Since you have said so, Uncle Duan, I really need your help now."

"Please say."

Zhou Han took out Xu Zheng's identity information from his arms, and spread it out in front of Duan Qiang——

"Find this man, but then imprison him."

Chapter 58 Consensus

Zhou Han took out Xu Zheng's information. These things were easy for Elizabeth to steal without much effort.

Although Elizabeth has the ability to steal monitoring, there is no monitoring in all private occasions, so Elizabeth can't find Xu Zheng, so please ask for the best choice.

As for Xu Zheng?

Of course, we must take revenge.

Zhou Han is not some kind of Holy Mother, Xu Zheng is going to put him to death, and he still wants to say "I forgive you, it's okay."

Shit!To deal with someone like Xu Zheng, of course an eye for an eye is an eye for a tooth.

Since Xu Zheng is about to kill Zhou Han, Zhou Han will not let him go easily. Talking about it and advocating world peace is meaningless.

Sometimes you just need an iron fist, and it's useless to reason with a bitch.

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