What's more, Xu Zheng wanted to stab Lin Nianwei with a knife just now, so Zhou Han couldn't bear it anymore.

Lin Nianwei's position in Zhou Han's heart is hard to be replaced by a girl, it is extremely special.

So Zhou Han had a grudge against Xu Zheng, and to put it bluntly, he was murderous.

Duan Qiang picked up the information and flipped through it roughly, and then checked it carefully.

"How? Can you find it?" Zhou Han asked eagerly.

"Haha, it's not difficult for our Anxing Gang to find someone in Zhongqing City, unless he never goes out and doesn't communicate with the outside world at all." Duan Qiang smiled, with an elegant demeanor, "Let's put it this way, We can find even a silver needle as long as it is a low level in Zhongqing City."

Duan Qiang is not bragging. The Anxing Gang is the largest organization in Zhongqing City, and it has been legalized for whitewashing, which shows its strength.

The Anxing Gang is completely different from the general gangsters who fight and fight. They are organized and disciplined, and they can become a private army of the people.

"Really, that's good, I have to find this person..." Zhou Han said worriedly, he would not be at ease if he didn't catch Xu Zheng for a day.

"Is there a time limit?" Duan Qiang asked.

"No, but I still hope that the sooner the better." Zhou Han said seriously.

"Okay, I won't play tricks just because you are young, because there are many young and promising people, besides, faith is the most important thing in our business. Since you are a major shareholder, we will do it rationally. I will do my best for you." Duan Qiang gave Zhou Han a reassurance that he could work for anyone.

Even if the other party is a high school student and is willing to pay, they have no problem with the trend.

What's more, Zhou Han is the major shareholder. With so much investment, he can be regarded as the boss of Anxing Company. As a director in name, he is also regarded as an employee of the company. How can he not mention the boss to relieve his worries?

Besides, the future development of the company needs the energy of Zhou Han and his family to take care of it.

"That's good." Zhou Han nodded, hoping to have some effect, so as to save the life of worrying every day.

"Do you have any other requirements? We will try our best to satisfy you." Duan Qiang released his kindness.

"I need to secure someone from your company." Zhou Han said frankly, he was not at ease with Anxing Company, it was necessary to recruit Sun Qi whom he trusted, in case something went wrong, I can know the first time.

Duan Qiang was silent for a while, looking like a mirror, thinking that this request is not too much, after all, it is normal for the other party to be worried about him.

Not only Zhou Han, but everyone who deals with the underworld will not be at ease. After all, there are almost no kind people who eat this bowl of food.


"It's not that ** came to give me a idle job, but a position with real power. I hope to hand over the rights to the north and east of the city to my people." Zhou Han said lightly, and he also knew in his heart that this matter involved some interests Yes, it's easy to lose face.

"This one……"

Duan Qiang's expression turned ugly in an instant, and his whole body exuded the chill of a superior. Obviously, this matter touched his own interests.

Not to mention major shareholders, even brothers can easily tear their skins apart when it comes to interests.

Cold sweat dripped down Zhou Han's back, and he finally found out that this old man was not as kind as he appeared on the surface, he was a gangster, and the captivating aura still existed, making people dare not look directly into his vulture-like eyes.

After all, Zhou Han is still a high school student, and there is a gap between him and the social bosses, especially in terms of aura, he still seems a little too immature.

But as long as you have a hole card in your hand, you can still make up for it.

"Master, don't panic. Don't be afraid of this old man. You have to know that you are their boss. If you dare to provoke trouble, you can withdraw your capital and leave. Let them go bankrupt." Seeing that Zhou Han's momentum was suppressed by Duan Qiang, Elizabeth, Hurry out to the rescue.

"I know, but the other party is not a serious company..." Zhou Han was calm on the surface, but actually panicked.

"Whatever he is, the initiative is in our hands. If we dare not be convinced, we will tear our face apart. Although this old man is a black boss, he is essentially a businessman and will definitely weigh his interests." Elizabeth explained.

"I try my best..."

Zhou Han coughed lightly, slightly hiding his embarrassment.

"How's it going? Isn't it difficult to install a woman?"

"This condition seems to be a bit too much..." Duan Qiang didn't say too much, but no one was willing to give up on interests.

"I don't think it's too much. I invested so much money in you to save you from bankruptcy. It's not too much to arrange some jobs for my friends, right?"

"Before the acquisition, your company's financial situation was very bad, and no one would be interested in it. I bought it under pressure. Isn't it a help to Uncle Duan?"

"Now it's the other way around, what if I need your help? May I ask where is the benevolence and righteousness you advocate?"

Zhou Han spoke eloquently, what he said made Duan Qiang blush a little, and the pressing pressure disappeared immediately.

"This is..."

Zhou Han decided to put some pressure on Duan Qiang, "I can only give you three seconds to think about it, Uncle Duan. If it doesn't work, I will withdraw the capital, and there is no need to talk about anything else."

Duan Qiang's heart skipped a beat, he didn't expect Zhou Han to threaten him with divestment, and he was very decisive and smart, leaving no room for thinking.


Zhou Han started counting down, it seems that he is less reasonable than the underworld.

Duan Qiang was a little panicked, if Zhou Han really withdrew his capital in a fit of anger, his company would definitely go bankrupt.


Duan Qiang thought about it carefully, and felt that it would be better for Zhou Han to hire a person, which is better than going bankrupt, and Anxing's lucrative industry is in the south of the city.

"1." Zhou Han lifted his butt.

"Mr. Zhou, don't worry. I didn't say I disagree. I will hand over the management of the north and east of the city to your people, right? Yes..." Duan Qiang chose to take a step back because Zhou Han seemed too strong.

In fact, Zhou Han wanted the north and east of the city because he was always active there, and it was convenient for Sun Qi to do things, and he was at ease.

"Then it's settled, I don't have any demands." Zhou Han nodded.

"Then Mr. Zhou, please listen to my request." Duan Qiang paused, and continued, "I know Mr. Zhou, you are the major shareholder and have certain management rights, but with all due respect, I cannot entrust this to you. .”

Zhou Han thought about it, and felt that he needed Anxing's help, not because he wanted to manage them.


Duan Qiang was a little surprised. He didn't expect it to go so smoothly. It seems that it is not a bad loss to give up the east and north of the city.

"That Mr. Zhou... a pleasant cooperation."

"Well, it's a pleasure to work together."

The two held hands together, reaching a consensus.

Zhou Han secretly breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that things are going well, so next——

Going to do the math for that day...


Chapter 59 Screaming

After coming out.

Zhou Han and Sun Qi followed Duan Qiang, ready to go straight back to the meeting.

Basically, it is to make the management familiar, and everything has been discussed just now.

Sun Qi secretly asked about Zhou Han's situation, and was relieved when he saw that he was fine.

Sun Qi thinks that Zhou Han is not a fool in the Tao, so don't be fooled by Duan Qiang, a super old fritter, and suffer a disadvantage.

Judging from the current situation, it seems that there is no major problem.

After entering the meeting room, the people inside are all uncles in their 40s, and occasionally there are a few young ones.

Seeing Duan Qiang coming in, they stood up and applauded to welcome him, neatly like an army reception ceremony.

It seems that Duan Qiang's prestige is very high, even if Zhou Han takes over the company, no one will support him.

Fortunately, Zhou Han has no ambitions, nor does he have any desire to manage.

Jason stood next to the main seat, and silently helped the teacher pull out the chair, and also helped Zhou Han pull out the chair, showing his respect.

After Duan Nan and Zhou Han took their seats, Sun Qi sat beside the big meeting room and listened.

Nuo Da's conference room is luxuriously decorated, it looks like the Imperial Hotel.

The applause was thunderous and lasted for a long time.

Duan Qiang raised his hand to signal everyone to stop, showing a gentle gentleman's smile, the handsome old man had a kind expression, but in fact he had a very high majesty, the applause stopped abruptly.

"Thank you for coming to the company's high-level meeting in your busy schedule, but before we start, I have a few things to explain..."

Duan Qiang signaled Zhou Han with his hand, like all the board of directors to accept.

"This is Mr. Zhou, the largest shareholder of our company and the nominee director of our company."

The nominee director has no title and no position, which was discussed between Zhou Han and Duan Qiang before.

Zhou Han forced a smile, and nodded to a group of uncles.

But unfortunately, no one spoke, and no one responded to Zhou Han

There was dead silence in the meeting room, because Zhou Han was so fucking young, he looked like a kid.

At first, everyone thought he was the nephew of the Boss family. He came to observe the meeting. Why is he suddenly the largest shareholder?

The following are all the management. They all heard that the company has been acquired and bought by billions of dollars. As a result, the new boss is a young man who looks like a high school student.

This news immediately shocked everyone in Anxing Company. You must know that Anxing Company is not a small company in Zhongqing City, and it has a big background. No one dared to buy it, but it was taken care of by a young man.

The group of uncles in their 40s were discussing below, guessing Zhou Han's origin.

Only one of them was silent, his face was very ugly, like a pig's liver, and sweat dripped from his brow for no reason.

This person is Chen Lei who had a conflict with Zhou Han not long ago. As the person in charge of Chengdong, he was also at the meeting.

Oh my God!

What the fuck is going on here?

This Zhou Han is the major shareholder?

I even beat him a few days ago, isn't this the rhythm of being killed by the boss? !

It's over, how can this be good...

Chen Lei originally wanted to recruit some good people to help Zhou Han in the meeting, but now he has no such intentions at all, because his status is much higher than his own, and the major shareholders will leave if they say a word.

If I can't hold grudges well, I may lose an arm and a leg here today.

Chen Lei didn't expect that he had an unpleasant quarrel with the major shareholder, and regretted it in his heart.

He secretly hated Zuo Dazhu for cheating himself, and there will be no good fruit for a while.

Chen Leimo lowered his head and pretended to be dead, hoping Zhou Han could not see him, but Zhou Han came to beat him.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Han was very embarrassed, with a drop of cold sweat streaming down his forehead, wondering what?Can't these old guys treat me like a baby face?


Duan Qiang couldn't control the scene, so he coughed to stop it.

Most of the management members came from the grassroots, and many of them were smart people. They saw what Boss meant, so they hesitated for a while. Han welcomes.

Zhou Han nodded in embarrassment, thinking that this meeting with old men is really not suitable for him.

"As you can see, our new majority shareholder is very young, but please don't forget that heroes come out of youth, and when we came out to work hard, we were as old as Mr. Zhou, so we don't want to report age to Mr. Zhou. Contempt, you should sincerely express respect." Duan Qiang said a few words for Zhou Han.

The people below nodded without hesitation. Since Duan Qiang said that Zhou Han is the major shareholder, all this must be true.

"Mr. Zhou is also a man of benevolence and righteousness. When our company was on the verge of bankruptcy, he extended a helping hand to us. According to the rules, we must keep this kindness in our hearts." What Duan Qiang said was both emotional and rational. very strong.

In the following time, it was a long speech composed of various polite words.

Zhou Han really didn't want to listen, so he looked at Chen Lei who kept his head down and said nothing, thinking that now he knew he was afraid?Wasn't it crazy at the beginning?It is not easy for me to engage him as a major shareholder.

"So from now on, Mr. Zhou will be our noble person, and he will give us great support for Anxing." Duan Qiang made a phased summary, and then talked about the next thing, "The second thing, according to Mr. Zhou's intention, I plan to let a newcomer take over the rights to the north and east of the city. This is Brother Sun. Don’t underestimate him because he is young. I heard that Brother Sun has already done a good job in the north of the city. He is also experienced, so everyone will help him in the future. help."

Sun Qi stood up in response, and bowed slightly to express his respect. After all, he was a fool on the road, so he had to know some rules.

In fact, Sun Qi didn't pay attention to these old guys in his heart, because he was with Zhou Han.

Now that Sun Qi finally knew why Zhou Han asked him to wear a suit, this kind of moment seemed very formal.

The management below gave some applause. They were not as surprised as before. Zhou Han was able to become a major shareholder at such a young age. It was not surprising that Sun Qi took over part of the rights.

Many bigwigs are Duan Qiang's old subordinates, and they always follow his lead. Generally, no one objects to the things he decides.

It’s just that many people have an MMP saying in their hearts——

Damn, rich people can really do whatever they want!

"Since the power has been handed over, Xiaolei will be in charge of other work temporarily, is that okay?" Duan Qiang asked Chen Lei.

Zhou Han looked at Chen Lei with interest, wanting to see what this guy who was arrogant with him before and wanted to blackmail him said?

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