
Chen Lei was shocked and startled, but he didn't expect to be called by the boss.

He was suddenly uncomfortable, and cold sweat came down from nervousness.

Chen Lei peeked at Zhou Han, and saw that he was smiling meaningfully at him.

He hurriedly looked away, worried that he would be troubled. After all, the boss has always been ruthless in his work. If he offended the major shareholders, it would definitely not be easy.

Chen Lei decided to show his kindness and please Zhou Han.

"No problem, I am willing to hand over the power to Brother Han's people."

"Brother Han can do whatever he says, and I have no opinion at all."

"Brother Han told me to go east, I will definitely not go west."

"Yo? I can't bear that title. Didn't you want to kidnap and kill me before?" Zhou Han smiled calmly, intending to tease Chen Lei.

Sun Qi's temper was rather explosive, and he suddenly jumped up, pointing at Chen Lei's nose and scolding——

"Smelly shameless old thing..."

"My brother Han's name is also what you can call randomly?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

There was silence in the conference room, no one spoke.

Sun Qi's outburst seemed very disrespectful, especially on the way to the meeting.

But Sun Qi just saw how upset Chen Lei had beaten him a few days ago.

Seeing Zhou Han with such a strong background now, and starting to kneel and lick in various fancy ways, it's really fucking disgusting.

The uncles in the management didn't speak, because they didn't understand the situation, but Duan Qiang is an old fritter, and according to Zhou Han, he had a feud with Chen Lei.

"Xiao Lei, what do you mean by kidnapping and extorting? Do you have a grudge against Mr. Zhou?"

"This..." Chen Lei swallowed nervously, and said with a smile on his face, "No...no, Brother Han and I are friends, friends..."

"Fart! Didn't you bring someone to trouble me a few nights ago? You even threatened my brother Han, trying to kidnap him and blackmail him." Sun Qi is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he directly exposed Chen Lei without giving him face.

"It's true Mr. Zhou." Duan Qiang asked, his face livid.

Zhou Han is the major shareholder, and the God of Wealth of Anxing Company, if he loses his temper, life will be difficult in the future. What's more interesting is that he was provoked by his own subordinates, and Duan Qiang feels that he is responsible.

"There's such a thing, it's not going to be a big deal, but that day's attitude was extremely bad, and it scared me a little." Zhou Han said very euphemistically, what he meant was "I'm scared, you can figure it out." .”

"Xiao Lei, you have been with me for many years, right?" Duan Qiangmen cleared that although Chen Lei was his subordinate, the God of Wealth was obviously more important, "Why do you still do some shameful things in private? You don't know that we are already Is it a regular company? Some things can no longer be done.”

"It's not the boss... that..." Chen Lei couldn't explain anymore, because the look in Duan Qiang's eyes had become very severe,

He knew in his heart that the boss was angry, and the consequences would be very serious. The methods used by gangsters to teach people are usually extremely vicious, but Duan Qiang is still the best. What method has he not used in half his life?

"Did you secretly do a lot of things that violated gang rules in private?" Duan Qiang was a little annoyed, he didn't tap the table with his fingers, he was still an old gentleman on the outside, but in fact he already showed a lot of ruffian air.

"I don't have one..." Chen Lei said with a guilty conscience, feeling that his old background was going to be forced out. Although his boss looked like a polite gentleman, he was always decisive and ruthless in his actions.

"It's fine to say that you do some shameful things in private, but you dare to provoke Mr. Zhou, aren't you breaking ground on the head of Tai Sui!" Duan Qiang yelled, breaking his old gentleman's mood. Temperament, became furious, making people fearful.

"I was wrong, boss!" Chen Lei pushed the chair away and knelt down with a plop, "I didn't do it on purpose, it was my little brother who encouraged me to do it."

"Okay, it's our usual trick for the little brother who has an accident to push the vat." Duan Qiang said coldly.

"I'm sorry, boss! I really didn't mean it!" Chen Lei burst into tears, looking as pitiful as he could be. "At that time, I didn't know that brother Han was the major shareholder. Those who don't know are innocent. I beg the boss to let me go this time!"

"What's the use of begging me? Has Mr. Zhou calmed down?" Duan Qiang himself felt that it was nothing. In this business, it is necessary to show one's power, but Zhou Han, a shareholder, may not be sure.

"Brother Han! Brother Han, I was wrong, let me go, I really didn't know your identity last time, if I knew, I wouldn't dare to do it casually if you gave me eight guts!" Chen Lei turned to beg Zhou culvert.

Zhou Han looked at Chen Lei, he was very embarrassed by this brother Han, who was obviously much older than himself, didn't he feel ashamed to call it that?

Although Chen Lei kept apologizing, Zhou Han's brows changed. He remembered that he had threatened Sun Qi as a hostage that night.


Zhou Han didn't speak, but made a sound almost sneering.

Duan Qiang was helpless, and seemed to understand what Zhou Han meant.

But after all, Chen Lei is his horse boy who has been with him for many years. If he kills him, he will have no benevolence and justice, and it will be difficult to convince the public.

So Duan Qiang tried his hand at Jason who was beside him.

Jason understood, walked over and picked up Chen Lei like a chicken.

Then he pressed hard on the memory table, took out the switchblade, and pressed it against Chen Lei's neck.

"No! Boss! Give me a chance!"

Chen Lei felt a chill go down his neck, and his face was as pale as paper after being frightened out of his wits.

"Brother Han! Brother Han, please let me go!"

Jason had a lot of strength, no matter how hard Chen Lei struggled, his hands didn't move at all, even holding the knife very steadily.

Zhou Han blushed, thinking that this was too cruel, although he had a feud with Chen Lei, but to be honest, it was not to the extent of killing him, and he could only say that the gangster's approach was really simple and straightforward.

Only now did Zhou Han see that the meeting looked quite formal, but in fact it was purely fist-based and very rough.

Normally, if someone took out a knife during a meeting, everyone would run away, but this group of people just watched calmly, obviously getting used to it.

Zhou Han made up his mind, not to get too close to this group of people, just use it as a tool, and never talk about friends.

"Mr. Zhou, what do you think? If you don't forgive him, I can ask Jason to cut off his ears to make amends." Duan Qiang asked tentatively, throwing the question to Zhou Han.


Zhou Han was silent, thinking that even if he didn't have to die, cutting off his ears would be an overkill.

It's not good to have to pay such a high price just because the other party has some conflicts with himself.

It's not like Xu Zheng, if it was Xu Zheng, Zhou Han would definitely nod without hesitation.

And Zhou Han always felt that this question was deliberately thrown by Uncle Duan, saying that it was for his own sake, but in fact he wanted to let him make things easier for him.

Zhou Han thought for a while, this kind of thing would not tear his face, and the way of killing people casually is not suitable for him at all.

"Sun Qi, come."

"What's the matter, Brother Han?"

Sun Qi came over, wondering what Zhou Han was looking for at this time?

Zhou Han calmly whispered something to Sun Qi and said something.

Sun Qi hummed, and walked directly to Jason, "Let's drive."

Jason hesitated for a moment, and stepped aside, because according to the teacher's intention, he didn't want to kill others.

"Don't...don't kill me, don't kill me, if you have something to say, say it well, I didn't mean to trouble you that day, it was my little brother Zuo Dazhu, let me help him vent his anger."

Chen Lei explained in a panic, obviously frightened.

"Huh!" Sun Qi snorted coldly, without saying anything, directly picked up Chen Lei, raised his big hand with a "slap", gave a resounding slap across the face, and questioned——

"Do you have a long memory now?"

"Brother Han is also something you can blackmail?"

"Tell you, I will be the boss in the north and east of the city from now on."

"Who dares to make trouble with my brother Han, first ask me if I agree?"

Chapter 61 Monthly Pass Addition

Chen Lei was stunned, covering his mouth, looking at Sun Qi without saying a word, his eyes seemed to be annoyed, he was almost 30 years old, yet he was slapped by a high school student, it was really a shameful thing.

"What are you looking at? Are you not convinced?" Sun Qi had a tough attitude, feeling that a slap in the face was really cheap for him.

To deal with a local snake like Chen Lei who has no morals, it would be better to use some ruthless tactics, but Zhou Han didn't mean it.

Although Sun Qi didn't want to blame Zhou Han for being a woman, he still felt that he had to be ruthless in handling things, otherwise some bitches really liked to push their noses.

Chen Lei didn't stay in a daze for too long, but soon came back to his senses, nodded and bowed and said, "No, no, I'm not unconvinced, good fight! Great fight!"

"I asked you if you have a long memory?" Sun Qi emphasized again that beating him was to vent his anger, mainly to make him be more honest in the future.

In fact, Sun Qi knew that his behavior was humiliating, but if he wanted to take over the north and east of the city in the future, he definitely wanted Liwei.

Especially in front of this group of bigwigs in the management, one cannot be despised just because of his young age.

What's more, after Chen Lei has no rights, he may still mess around in Chendong, and will act under his nose.

Chen Lei nodded sharply, with a thick face, covered his face and said, "I have grown up, I have a long memory, I will never fight against Brother Han again, I apologize, I sincerely apologize, Brother Han is my own brother, I recognize!"

"Stop putting gold on your face, how old are you, and you are also called Brother Han, did you do it on purpose? You want to shorten my brother Han's life!" Sun Qi raised his hand and wanted to slap again.

Zhou Han had a strange expression. He didn't want to be called Brother Han at first, but now he seems to be calling him that, which is very embarrassing.

"Hey! That... Shao Han! Shao Han is fine!" Chen Lei was afraid of being beaten, so he quickly changed his words.

"That's more or less..." Sun Qi put down his hand, quite satisfied with this title, feeling very foreign.

Zhou Han covered his face, lowered his head and thought——

what's the situation?

Why do I have villain-specific titles?

This little one and that little one are all people with low IQ, who are easy to be slapped in the face by decency...

Zuo Dazhu and Zuo Erzhu brothers drove over in a black BMW business car and parked in front of the Anxing Building, waiting to pick them up.

According to the meaning above, it was to take a distinguished guest home, so Zuo Dazhu was specially asked to find a car to come over.

When Zuo Dazhu heard it, he had an opportunity to show himself in front of the gang's top management. As long as he used it properly and got acquainted with him, he could climb up a lot.

So Zuo Dazhu hurriedly borrowed a good car, and it didn't seem like he had lost the chain.

Zuo Dazhu also put his younger brother Zuo Erzhu on, in the pretense of showing him to the world, but in fact he wanted him to learn how he ran the train with his mouth full, and flattered him to make him feel comfortable.

The suits and leather shoes worn by the two brothers looked very formal.

"My stupid Odoudou, today I will bring you to see what the big shots are like?" Zuo Dazhu snorted and said, looking very awesome, as if the big shots were himself.

"Okay bro, I can open my eyes to you today." The second assistant from the left nodded, expressing his excitement, "Who are we going to pick up here today?"

"Our Anxing Gang was acquired by someone not long ago. Today we are going to pick up the major shareholder. He must be a successful person. You should take a good look at his speech and behavior, and don't mess with me outside all day long." Zuo Dazhu beat his younger brother , Actually, I have never seen who the major shareholder is, but it must be a very powerful person. He gave the company billions of funds with a wave of his hand. How do you think he is a big boss?

And today, he is going to pick up the other party. This kind of close contact opportunity is rare. Maybe he can make friends after a good chat. Then he will have more face.

Zuo Dasuke's mood now is like that of an African refugee who is about to meet Bill Gaizi, very excited!

"Brother Xing, I'll study hard and see how rich people talk." The second assistant from the left nodded and asked curiously, "But brother, why did you take the initiative to become a driver, don't you feel ... embarrassing? "

"You silly boy!" Zuo Dazhu slammed his younger brother on the head and said angrily, "Don't you know that the most powerful job these days is a driver?"

"Why... why?" The second assistant from the left felt aggrieved.

"Being a rich man's driver can build relationships. These days, relationships are worth more than real money. Think about having a rich friend, and the level of people will be different immediately. Many friends have multiple paths. If you want a friend who is a local tyrant, that is The bright road." Zuo Dazhu was not well-educated, so he explained in rough words.

"Oh~, I understand, getting in touch with that major shareholder will benefit my brother in the future, right?" The second assistant from the left understood.

"That's right, that's what it means, so don't look at your brother and me as a driver, this is a good job that can't be exchanged for a thousand dollars~" Zuo Dazhu said happily, feeling that he was about to climb a high branch and become a great success.

"I'm still smart~" The second assistant from the left gave a thumbs up, thinking that the elder brother didn't drink so much Sanlu milk powder for nothing when he was a child, and his head is a circle bigger than ordinary people, so he must be full of wisdom.

"That's~, don't look at who I am, why am I willing to be a small member below, if I climb up to the backing of the major shareholder today, I will definitely skyrocket, fuck brother Lei, what is it ..." Zuo Dazhu curled his lips, Chen Lei was not present, so he was a little out of choice.

"Yes, fuck brother Lei, brother, you are much better than him, why should you be his subordinate, my brother's qualifications are not much lower than his, it's time to come out and start your own business." Zuo Erzhu was very angry with his elder brother worship.

"My brother's words are very pleasant to hear. My brother doesn't love you for nothing. After a while, you should grow your eyesight. Don't talk nonsense. Give me assists from time to time to make a good impression on others. Once you are a stranger and you are acquainted, you should behave well today. Take a moment." Zuo Dazhu told his younger brother.

"Okay, I'm sure I won't talk nonsense and give my brother a good assist." The second assistant from the left patted his chest.

"By the way, there is also Zhou Han, your deadly enemy. I don't think he will be free for a long time outside. Brother Lei is going to ask the headquarters to send someone out today. They are all very stubborn." Zuo Dazhu thought of Zhou Han again, and he and his younger brother were on him. It's uncomfortable not to take revenge if you eat too much.

Zuo Dazhu has limited ability, so he can only rely on Chen Lei.

Little did they know that in the current conference room, Chen Lei's face was slapped, and he pretended to be his grandson, not daring to show his air.

"Really!?" Zuo Erzhu's eyes widened. The last time he saw Zhou Han's strength, he had already given up a little bit of hope. He didn't expect that there was still room for revenge.

"Could it be fake? Wait, Zhou Han won't be able to run this time with a broken arm and leg, he must be peeling off..." Zuo Dazhu expected Zhou Han to be deflated.

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