"That's great, damn it, it can be regarded as a bad breath." The second assistant from the left clenched his fists, and his mind couldn't help being active, and he still hadn't given up on Miyazaki Airi——

Just beat Zhou Han and make him be more honest.

Then I can get close to sister Miyazaki without any worries.

Wouldn't it be flattering to be able to kiss Fangze at that time?


It's already November, think about how fast time is!

This book was just opened on 11.8 last year, yes, it has been written for a year.

For a whole year, there has been no update, and there is no monthly update of less than 18 words on the shelves.

Along the way, I still admire my perseverance when I think about it.

I thought about it a lot before, but now I'm at a loss for words, and I don't know what to say.

In the past year, I have felt a lot of emotion. Many old readers have disappeared, and a new batch has entered the pit.

In any case, whether it is the readers who continue to support me now, or the readers who have supported me in the past, I am still very grateful.

I was able to write this book for a full year, thanks to all the friends who supported me and supported me.

Although 250 million words is not too much, but it is really not a lot to update to 250 million words in a year.

All of this has to be supported by my friends, so after a year, what I want to say to everyone is——

Mina-san, Arigado!

In addition, thank you for your support in October. Although there are 10-7 chapters missing, thank you for still supporting me.

I hope everyone can understand the pressure of my double-opening. Counting the new book, I updated about 38 words last month.

This month's new book also ushered in the manuscript deposit period, and the pressure is very high. When it comes to shelves in December, I may have to update 40 words a month.

So please be considerate, because the update time is late, I also stay up late.

But here is still updated as usual, you don't have to worry.

Finally, I hope everyone will continue to support me!

"o((>ω< ))o"

This month's illustration, Ai Li, who is very sexy, looks very touching in conjunction with the first blood chapter——


Chapter 62 Who's Wife

The meeting lasted nearly two hours.

Zhou Han felt like he was sitting on pins and needles inside, and he was too embarrassed to leave.

So for these two hours, he spent his life looking at the ceiling without love.

After the end, Zhou Han told Elizabeth that in the future, don't always call yourself about this kind of thing. It was a rare vacation time, and it would be nice to be with my sister.

"That's it, Mr. Zhou, I hope our cooperation will get better and better in the future."

"Okay, okay, please ask Uncle Duan to take care of me in the future."

Outside the meeting room, Zhou Han and Duan Qiang shook hands and exchanged some polite words.

"If you need anything in the future, feel free to call me." Duan Qiang said kindly, obviously just now in the conference room he was full of anger and wanted to cut off someone's ear, but now he is a very polite old gentleman.

"Yes." Zhou Han nodded.

"Then I won't send it off. I have prepared a special car for you outside the door, and you can see it when you go out." Duan Qiang turned around with an ugly face after speaking, "Xiao Lei, go and see Mr. Zhou off."

Chen Lei was hesitant to be humiliated by Sun Qi, and the whole audience was sleepwalking. He was startled when he was called out by the boss, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Okay okay..."

Zhou Han smiled, thinking that now Chen Lei should be honest and won't continue to cause trouble?

"Han... Young Master Han, please come with me." Chen Lei smiled all over his face and led the way, feeling very nervous in his heart, he could only express his kindness, otherwise Zhou Han would find faults and cause trouble.

Sun Qi snorted coldly, it was obvious that Chen Lei was still not pleasing to the eye, but after what happened in the meeting room, he was in a much better mood.

Since Zhou Han didn't show any concern, even though Sun Qi was brooding about Chen Lei beating him, he would try his best to restrain himself.

Sun Qi admired Zhou Han very much before, and now he admires him even more, as if he will obey him in the future and become a complete fanboy.

The three of them took the elevator to the outside of Anxing Building, Zuo Dazhu and his brother had been waiting for a long time.

Although he didn't underestimate who it was, he greeted him without thinking too much.


Zuo Dazhu stretched out his hand obsequiously. As soon as he looked up, he saw Zhou Han's face, and the smile froze on his face.

"Yo, you two~" Zhou Han smiled, thinking that today is very lucky, and met all the people who have festivals.

The second assistant from the left was full of disbelief, and his mind was short-circuited for an instant, wondering why Zhou Han was here? !Isn't this the headquarters of Anxing Company, its own spring water?Could it be that she has been abused!

Zuo Dasuke's reaction was even greater than that of his younger brother, and he exclaimed directly.

"Damn it! Why are you here, you little bastard! Fuck you! Brother Lei beat him, he can't escape today! This is our territory, call the brothers to get him!"

"Ha..." Sun Qi smiled beside him, feeling that Zuo Dazhu's intelligence is not very good, and he needs to use a baseball bat to add an intelligence buff.

"I'll go, Chen Lei, your subordinates told you to call someone to beat me up." Zhou Han smiled with a crooked mouth, and said to Chen Lei meaningfully.

Chen Lei covered his blackened face, completely speechless, thinking that Zuo Dazhu, this bastard, actually caused trouble for himself, almost lost his ears, and now he is still here, is he trying to kill my rhythm?

"Brother Lei!? Why are you standing there, the mobile phone is in arrears, quickly call the ruthless people in the headquarters, this little bastard is here, the opportunity is rare!" Zuo Dazhu rolled up his sleeves, as if to do something.

The second assistant from the left didn't dare to speak, he always felt that something was wrong, why Zhou Han, who is an enemy, came here with Chen Lei, and it was very peaceful, there must be a dirty business deal.

"Be more polite, if you messed with my brother Han, you can't eat it!" Sun Qi threatened at the side, if he dared to hit Zhou Han, he might want to rebel?

"Grass mud horse Sun Qi, dare to call it that in our territory? Looking for death? Brother Lei will get them together, the loss last time will not be in vain!" Zuo Dazhu eagerly gave it a try, seemingly about to fire the first shot of the armed revolution.

Without further ado, Chen Lei went up and gave Zuo Dazhu a slap across the face, cursing, "Fucking bastard, don't make trouble for me! Young Master Han, can you move around as you please?"

"Lei...Brother Lei, what do you mean?" Zuo Dazhu covered his face, his eyes were full of ignorance, and felt that Chen Lei respected Zhou Han too much, "What's less Han?"

"Young Master Han is our major shareholder! You idiot! If you dare to talk nonsense, I won't beat you to death!" Chen Lei went all out to keep Zhou Han from getting angry. He even beat his own brother, showing no sense of justice at all. .

"Big... major shareholder?" Zuo Dazhu was startled. Although he knew that Zhou Han was rich and seemed to have a good background, how did he become a major shareholder?

The second assistant from the left was also shocked. He didn't expect that Zhou Han was that rich man, and his status was much higher than his brother's. Zhou Han was very ordinary in school. How did he become a man with one hand covering the sky?

The two brothers are full of question marks, a little confused about the eating situation.

Zhou Han smiled and said nothing, hiding his merit and fame, he likes to see them surprised and unable to accept the reality, it is very interesting.

"Zuo Dazhu, don't be surprised. Brother Han is now Anxing's major shareholder and nominal director. He can be regarded as your boss, so be polite. Brother Han is not a small shrimp like you. I just want you to be honest. It's a matter of talking." Sun Qi grinned beside him, the more he saw Zuo Dazhu's powerless appearance, the more he wanted to laugh.

"How is it possible?! Are you kidding me!" Zuo Dazhu had a brilliant expression on his face, and he couldn't accept the way the turn was too big.

"Believe it or not, I will be the boss in the north and east of the city from now on. You are working under me. If you dare not accept it, you will accept the consequences." Sun Qi pulled his tie and glanced at the second assistant on the left. Your brother, I heard that he was having trouble with my brother Han at school, if he dares to be shameless in the future, I will break his legs!"

The second assistant from the left trembled with fright, and his legs and feet were a little unsteady. He was already afraid of Sun Qi, but now he was even more afraid.

"Brother Lei, is it true or not?" Zuo Dazhu asked blankly.

"I also asked about your paralysis. Young Master Han will be our God of Wealth in the future. If you dare to say no, I will beat you to death." Chen Lei pointed at Zuo Dasuke's nose.


Now Zuo Dazhu is desperate, his elder brother is helping Zhou Han to speak, so it is obviously true.

What I ate on Zhou Han can only be regarded as a dumb loss.

Since even Chen Lei can't do anything about it, let alone myself, what else can I do if I don't accept the reality?

I rely on the Anxing Gang the most, and I hope to get back the place. Zhou Han is so good, he bought his old nest, and directly became his immediate boss. Is there anything more arbitrary than this?

Zuo Dazhu felt that he was fucked by an evil capitalist strong woman, simple and rude without any condoms.

Since you can't resist, you can only enjoy it silently.

"Then... Mr. Han, hurry up and get in the car, we brothers will see you off."

"That's unnecessary, we have a car." Zhou Han said lightly, patted Sun Qi on the shoulder, and walked towards a broken Wuling Hongguang, leaving the BMW without sitting.

"Remember, don't mess with Brother Han in the future. I, Brother Han, am magnanimous. I don't care about the past holidays. Let it go. But in the future, don't be ashamed, and don't blame me, Sun Qi, for being rude!" Sun Qi put down this sentence Follow Zhou Han directly.

Zhou Han walked halfway and suddenly remembered something, turned around and said——

"Erzhuzi, I warn you not to miss Miyazaki, because she is my wife."

Chapter 63 Call

The second assistant from the left gasped in shock, not expecting to be called by Zhou Han's name.

Now the second assistant from the left dare not provoke Zhou Han at all, the status is very different, for fear of being beaten.

The elder brother nodded and bowed to Zhou Han, and he was even less able to challenge him.

Obviously, Miyazaki Airi can't think about it casually, let alone make up her mind, otherwise she will really be overwhelmed and walk around.


The second assistant from the left was a little incoherent, because he was too afraid that Zhou Han would see him unhappy, so he couldn't speak easily.

"If you dare to have unreasonable thoughts about Miyazaki, I will definitely not let you go. As long as I am still alive, no one can hurt her." Zhou Han's tone was very cold, and he threatened the second assistant from the left without any concealment. .

The second assistant from the left seemed to be in the ice cellar, and a chill rose from the bottom of his heart. He really gave up now, and he didn't dare to give Miyazaki Airi a single idea.

What is Zhou Han's current status, the boss behind the biggest gang in Zhongqing City, the second assistant from the left dares to miss his wife, I'm afraid he's tired of working.

Zuo Dazhu saw that his younger brother was frightened and stupid, so he quickly knocked on his head, and reminded him a little worriedly, "What are you doing in a daze? Are you stupid?"

"I... I don't dare to think about my sister-in-law! I don't even dare to kill you, Mr. Han, don't worry, if I dare to harass my sister-in-law once in the future, I will commit seppuku!" Zuo Erzhu came back to his senses, and quickly showed his loyalty, That appearance almost made Zhou Han cry from fright.

"Really." Zhou Han smiled, and left with Sun Qi, and got into the dilapidated Wuling Hongguang.

Seeing Zhou Han leave, Chen Lei breathed a sigh of relief.

At the meeting today, I thought I was going to die.

After all, Boss Duan has always been ruthless and will not be soft-hearted.

But fortunately, there was no danger. I followed the boss for many years and escaped.

Chen Lei still respects Boss Duan very much, since his own boss likes Zhou Han very much, there is nothing he can do about it.

Although his rights are gone, if he has the opportunity to please Zhou Han, the major shareholder, he might be able to make a comeback.

Although Chen Lei felt very useless today, when he was beaten by Sun Qi, he still felt a little rebellious.

But after calming down, Chen Lei felt that it was impossible.

Zhou Han's background is definitely not small, and the boldness of waving billions of dollars, can it be a small family?I really can't do it myself.

What's more, since I disobeyed Boss Duan, there must be no good fruit to eat.

That's why Chen Lei decided to keep his memory long and not go against Zhou Han, a guy with all-hands and eyes.

"Brother Lei, what should we do next?" Zuo Dazhu tentatively asked, being shocked by what happened just now, he still felt dreamy.

"What should I do? You brothers take care of yourself and don't cause trouble for me everywhere!" Chen Lei cursed and left angrily.

"I..." Zuo Dazhu felt a little wronged, so he slapped his younger brother, "You fucking watch your belt, and if you make trouble for me, I won't slap you!"

"I..." Zuo Erzhu felt bitter...

on the van.

Xie Peng drove the van, and Sun Qi chatted with him about what happened just now.

An ordinary meeting was called a Hongmen Banquet, which was very exciting.

When Sun Qi slapped Chen Lei and stomped on Zuo Dazhu, Xie Peng was so addicted to it, he hated himself for not being there to watch the scene.

In the end, when Sun Qi announced that he was the boss of the two areas and took over all the entertainment facilities in that area, Xie Peng was completely stunned, and he didn't quite believe it, so he turned around and asked.

"Brother Han, is what Sun Qi said true?"

"Well, really, you guys will be more formal in the future." Zhou Han replied with a smile.

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