"Fuck, awesome!" Xie Peng's eyes widened and he was very excited, "But this is a matter of profit, how did the Anxing gang compromise?"

"What do you know? Brother Han is the major shareholder of Anxing. It can be said that most of Anxing's properties are owned by Brother Han." Sun Qi said very proudly, feeling that today is the most glorious time of his life.

"Damn it! Awesome!" Xie Peng was poor at words, he was awesome except awesome. He admired Zhou Han very much and felt that he was omnipotent.

"Could you change the word?" Sun Qi frowned, thinking that awesomeness was very vulgar.

"Aside from awesome, is there anything else that can describe Brother Han?" Xie Peng asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's fine~" Sun Qi said with a haha.

Zhou Han's head was full of black lines, thinking that the word "**" is not more vulgar?

Xie Peng and Sun Qi were laughing and laughing all the way, obviously very happy.

For Sun Qi, this is an opportunity.

Zhou Han provided him with such a good platform, so he must grasp it.

I am sorry for this kindness even if I am not in a hurry.

In fact, Zhou Han didn't think too much about it, he just needed someone he could trust. Obviously, Sun Qi was more suitable. If he could become his wing, it would be even more perfect.

The van arrived at the entrance of the community, and Zhou Han got off.

"Brother Han." Sun Qi poked his head out from the passenger seat, "That..."

"What's the matter?" Seeing Sun Qi, Zhou Han hesitated to speak.

"I... don't know what to say. Brother Han, you have helped me a lot. I am grateful from the bottom of my heart. I don't say too nice words. I, Sun Qi, remember this kindness. It's all here..." Sun Qi pointed Pointing to his heart, he continued, "If you need me in the future, please give me a call."

"Tsk!" Zhou Han was speechless, a little conflicted——

"Say a few words less."

"The more it sounds, the more gay it sounds..."

at home.

Miyazaki Airi is cooking.

Originally, Zhou Han went out in the morning, but he didn't come back until it was almost lunch time.

He was obviously going to send Lin Nianwei and Yao Xiaorui home, but it took him so long to come back, so don't think too much, he must have gone somewhere to fool around on the way.

Miyazaki Airi had already called Zhou Han, but he didn't answer because he was in a meeting at the time.

It seemed very impolite to answer the phone, so Zhou Han hung up after being cruel.

Miyazaki Airi was very angry about this, that idiot dared to hang up his phone, his courage was really getting bigger and bigger.

Miyazaki Airi felt that her phone call was an imperial edict, so she dared to refuse to answer it, she wanted to die!

Miyazaki Airi was cooking angrily, and chopped Zhou Han's dog's head (kohlrabi) in half with a knife, constantly thinking about it.

At this moment, the landline phone in the living room suddenly rang!


Miyazaki Airi was stunned, quickly wiped her hands, and went to answer the phone.

"Hello, who are you?"

There was silence on the phone for a while, then a crisp female voice rang out.

"Who are you?! Which vixen?"

Miyazaki Airi was stunned, feeling that the other party was very hot-tempered, she suddenly felt angry, "Are you polite, how can you call someone a vixen casually?"

"Who the hell are you?! Answer my question, are you a vixen!" The other party's temper was still strong.

"You are crazy! Who is a vixen, why should I tell you who I am? If you want to know who I am, shouldn't you report yourself? Are you educated!" Miyazaki Airi was angry, the first time I saw her He was so confident until he made the wrong call.

The other party seemed to be angry, and said more forcefully——

"I called my own family, why should I declare my family name! You must be sick! Who are you?! A vixen has the guts to declare your name!"


Chapter 64 Monthly Pass Addition

"You are the only one who is sick! Your whole family is sick! Why should I report my name! Who do you think you are!"

Miyazaki Airi was so angry that she didn't even notice the main message in the other party's words.

It was already obvious who the other party was, but Miyazaki Airi's forehead felt hot, she just wanted to reply without thinking too much.

"Why are you swearing, you have no manners at all? I don't hear the sound right. You are not an old vixen. Tell me, what is your number?"

The opponent's attitude is very arrogant, even more powerful than Miyazaki Airi who is in a state of ignorance, and will bite back, beat back and other strategies.

Miyazaki Airi rolled her eyes, the little flames in her heart shot up, she had seen unreasonable people, but she had never seen anyone unreasonable than herself.

"Who's being rude! You're the one who got so angry and didn't talk back. Who else is a vixen! You're a vixen, and your whole family is a vixen!"

Miyazaki Airi is obviously not very good at swearing, and she repeated those routines over and over again, which makes people anxious.

"Did I scold you?! Can you pick it up yourself? Did I name you? No, I'll just call it a vixen, and you put it on yourself in a hurry! Hahaha..."

The other party smiled very forcefully, and a few words can arouse people's anger.

"Crazy you! I don't even know you, why are you making random calls!"

Miyazaki Airi was so furious that she really wanted to go down the phone line and beat her up, it was the first time she met such an unreasonable person.

"Who is making random calls! What's wrong with me calling my own phone number? Who are you!"

The other party seemed to be a little anxious, and his tone became more and more aggressive.

"Did you not take your medicine? Who am I has nothing to do with you! Do you know if you made a wrong call! Don't call again!"

Miyazaki Airi hung up the phone viciously, using a little force because of her anger.

It seems that the other party has a bad temper, but it turns out that Miyazaki Airi is not a very calm person. As a result, the BOOM exploded when they got together, and it is reasonable to break up unhappy.

Who is this! ?

Such a hot temper!

No manners at all.

Open your mouth and shut up, vixen!

Miyazaki Airi didn't take it seriously either, probably it was a wrong call, or a harassing call on purpose.

Although Miyazaki Airi didn't care very much, it affected her good mood and made her very angry.

Miyazaki Airi left angrily, and the phone rang again after a few steps.


Miyazaki Airi must be the girl from just now again, so she picked up the phone without thinking too much.

"What do you want to do? They say you made a wrong call! Is there any end to it? Do you think I'm easy to bully?"

"I didn't make a big mistake. This is my landline number. Who are you? Hurry up and report your name!"

"Why don't you tell me your name? It's because I have such a bad temper. I don't want to talk to you. I warn you not to call!" Miyazaki Airi seemed to have issued an ultimatum. The impulse of the telephone line.

"What is the vixen so arrogant? Where is my brother? Why didn't you answer the phone? Who are you? Why did you answer my landline!"

The other party also seemed very surprised that Miyazaki Airi answered the phone. It seemed that she missed something, which caused a lot of misunderstanding.

"What is your landline at home? This is my home. I have told you a hundred times that you have dialed the wrong number!"

"Nonsense! This phone number is my home, my home!" the other party shouted

"My family is right!" Miyazaki Airi retorted angrily.

"It's my home!"

"my home!"


The two younger sisters quarreled in the air. If there was no telephone line to isolate them, they might have fought on the spot.

At this time, Zhou Han opened the door with the key, and when he returned home, he saw the scene of the two sides scolding and fighting.

Because the scene was very intense, Zhou Han didn't dare to disturb it, and he didn't understand the situation at all.

"Hi! You are such an arrogant vixen! Quickly tell me who you are? Why did you show up at my house!" The other party was obviously not much better than Miyazaki Airi, and he was a little confused.

"Who are you? It's over, don't make harassing calls to my house." Miyazaki Airi almost roared angrily.

"Can I call my own home as a nuisance call? Why are you a vixen at my house, get out!" The other party began to swear ferociously.

"神経が立ち去りて, あなたと话したくない!"

(Translator: Crazy go away, I don't want to talk to you!)

Miyazaki Airi couldn't help her tone becoming sharper, and her eyebrows were furrowed in anger.

"You...you are Japanese? Is it really a typo?" The other party's tone began to hesitate.

"I told you that you made a wrong call, please don't call me again! See you again!"

Miyazaki Airi hung up the phone with a bang, her shoulders trembling with anger.

I thought to myself, who is this person called?Unreasonable, vexatious, self-righteous, self-righteous!

Miyazaki Airi still has the nerve to criticize others, but she doesn't know what kind of virtue she is...

Zhou Han looked a little dazed from the side, thinking who is this dead girl arguing with?Looks like they're about to hit it off.

Miyazaki Airi waited for a while, seeing that she really didn't call again, she turned around reassuringly, and was about to continue cooking, but she saw the stunned Zhou Han staring at her.

"You... When did you come back?" Miyazaki Airi asked in surprise with two blushes on her face.

"Not for a while." Zhou Han said with a smile.

"Really..." Miyazaki Airi walked in front of Zhou Han, pinched her waist and said dissatisfiedly, "Baga! Where did you go? Why did you come back late again! I didn't answer your phone calls. Make an agreement, and report everything to me!"

Zhou Han complained to Miyazaki Airi, his head dilated, and he said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I just found out that the phone was muted."

"Wow!" Miyazaki Airi raised her pretty face, her shrewd eyes seemed to have seen through everything, "You must have sneaked out to fool around without telling me! Is there something wrong with you outside? For example, you secretly raised a little four What? Are you sorry for me? Baga!"


There is no end to Xiao Si's stalking!

It doesn't exist at all, why does Airi always doubt me?

Zhou Han sighed deeply, expressing his helplessness for Miyazaki Airi's suspicion.

"Heaven and earth conscience, really not. My previous friend had just been discharged from the hospital. He happened to pass by when he was sending Yao Xiaorui off, so we chatted."

Zhou Han found a more reasonable excuse, hoping to get away with it.

"It's hard to believe what you said, ahh..." Miyazaki Airi was still very suspicious, unwilling to believe it easily, "If you come back late once, there will definitely be a second or third time, and you won't go home in the end Yes, I know it all, hmph~!"

"Why?" Zhou Han hugged Miyazaki Airi, and said softly, "Our Airi is so beautiful, why would I not want to go home? Wouldn't it be a fool not to go home?"

"Hmm..." Airi Miyazaki blushed, thinking that Zhou Han was alluding to such a thing, she couldn't help but feel a little flustered, "I'll say it nicely, and tell you not to continue hooking up with other girls outside, enough is enough It's troublesome."

"No, I'm satisfied." Zhou Han kissed Miyazaki Airi's forehead lightly.

"Huh! Really, don't answer my phone next time, or I will be uneasy and worried." Miyazaki Airi said complainingly.

In fact, Miyazaki Airi was not very angry, but rather worried about Zhou Han not answering the phone, because she didn't know what he was doing.

"Okay, I will definitely pay attention next time." Zhou Han nodded and continued, "Who did you quarrel with just now? So fierce!"

"Ah yes! Listen to me..." Miyazaki Airi suddenly remembered, and vomited bitterness to Zhou Han——

"Just had a call from a girl who posted something annoying."

"And the attitude is rude and unreasonable, not unreasonable at all."

"At first glance, he is a guy who lacks tutoring and has no manners."

"I guess their whole family are idiots! Maybe they are inferior creatures with substandard IQ!"

"Hey, just thinking about it makes me angry!"

(,,o . o,,)

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