Chapter 65 Monthly Pass Addition

Miyazaki Airi was still very angry at first, but now she has become wronged, her small face is wrinkled and unwilling.

She is not good at quarreling with others, and as a result, someone who is more unreasonable than herself comes directly, which is very annoying.

Zhou Han looked at Miyazaki Airi's aggrieved appearance, as if her younger sister was acting like a spoiled child to him, he couldn't help but feel love pouring out of his heart, and touched her head.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, it's just a harassing phone call, don't take it seriously."

Miyazaki Airi lowered her head slightly, her face was red, and she was very happy.

"Don't touch it, what if it doesn't grow taller?"

"You're pretty good now, why do you want to be taller?" Zhou Han asked strangely, feeling that Miyazaki Airi was no longer a particularly short girl among the girls.

"I want to stand with you to be more suitable..." Miyazaki Airi muttered with a mosquito sound.

"What?" Zhou Han didn't hear clearly.

"'s nothing!" Miyazaki Airi blushed, opened Zhou Han's hand in a panic, and changed the subject, "The girl who harassed the phone just now really pissed me off."

"Airi, don't be angry, there are only a few of them, maybe they made a mistake?" Zhou Han prefers Miyazaki Airi's coquettish appearance.

"Hmph! That's right." Miyazaki Airi was in a slightly better mood, and asked tentatively, "If the girl on the other end of the phone appeared in front of you, what would you do?"

"I'll definitely slap her to death. If you dare to be angry with my sister, you can't let it go." Zhou Han deliberately made Zhou Han happy.

"What if it's a beautiful woman, and you can't walk when you see it?" Miyazaki Airi asked again, trying to test Zhou Han's concentration and see what position he has in Zhou Han's heart.

Small problems between couples like this have always been particularly attractive, making people have a lot of fun.

"Of course it was a slap across the face." Zhou Han said without hesitation.

"Why? Don't you have any thoughts of pity and tenderness?" Miyazaki Airi frowned slightly, thinking that it was not good for Zhou Han to beat up girls, which made her disgusted.

"Because there is no girl in this world who is prettier than our family's Aili." Zhou Han hit the sugar-coated bullet with his backhand, full of power.

Miyazaki Airi blushed, hugged Zhou Han, lowered her head and buried her small face in her chest, "You are a big villain, you can only talk to make me happy, you have no morals at all."

"No, isn't it what I should do as an older brother to make you happy?" Zhou Han stroked Miyazaki Airi's flaxen hair.

"Hmph! You... are not brothers anymore, okay?" Miyazaki Airi's face was burning hot, thinking how could a brother and sister have a relationship.

"It doesn't matter, you can treat me as a brother or a boyfriend, as you like, whether you are a sister or a girlfriend, I like you." Zhou Han put his arms around Miyazaki Airi's slender waist, Even if I've seen and done everything, I still like this dead girl very much, I don't even believe it if it's not love.

"I don't like to listen to your sweet talk!" Miyazaki Airi made another old habit, and refused to admit that she was moved. "If you count Wei Jiang and Xiaorui, who do you like the most?"

"This..." Zhou Han hesitated, thinking that the good atmosphere had been ruined, and it was this kind of thankless rubbish problem again.

"You hesitated?" Miyazaki Airi was a little angry, pushed Zhou Han away, and said dissatisfiedly, "Sure enough, she can say some nice words to make me happy."

"It's not like that, it's just..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak, and said awkwardly, "It's too difficult to choose, Airi, don't be angry."

"Forget it, I'm not angry." She pouted stubbornly and said dissatisfiedly, "I just asked casually without thinking too much. It's my fault for asking you such an embarrassing question. Without lying, It's really hard to choose, isn't it?"

"That..." Zhou Han felt that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, making people a little breathless.

Although Zhou Han understands that girls have strong possessive desires, but he didn't expect to be so sensitive. Sure enough, he can't tell the truth?It is necessary to use coaxing and deception to muddle through.

"I'll cook first. If I'm too hungry, there are still rice balls in the refrigerator."

Miyazaki Airi turned and went into the kitchen without saying anything.

Because they touched on a very sensitive topic just now, both of them were a little embarrassed, and it seemed that they needed to be quiet for a while.

In fact, Miyazaki Airi also knew that the question she asked was not very good, it would easily make Zhou Han hesitant, and it seemed particularly dishonest, and it was not very fair to other girls.

But even if everyone communicates normally, the girls will inevitably have exclusive thoughts in their hearts.

Miyazaki Airi was also affected by the atmosphere, so she asked such a question, which immediately made the atmosphere very weird.

However, Miyazaki Airi still felt a little uncomfortable and unbalanced seeing Zhou Han's hesitation.

He obviously has a relationship with himself, the person he likes the most must be himself, right?

But the result made Miyazaki Airi a little sad. She was working so hard, it seemed that it was difficult for Zhou Han to favor any one, which would only increase her frustration.

Miyazaki Airi was cooking in the kitchen, and felt that she would not be able to ask questions indiscriminately in the future. She was the queen of the palace, if she provoked her indiscriminately, it might turn into a real-life Gongdou drama, poisoning each other and framing each other...

Looking at Miyazaki Airi's busy figure in the kitchen, Zhou Han was not in a good mood, so he sat on the sofa silently.

Since you know it will be unbalanced, try not to ask.

Zhou Han wondered if he had known this earlier, he might as well have lied and answered. Are all the scumbags forced out?


A text message was sent, Zhou Han took it out and saw that it was sent by Qiqi.

Qi: "Brother, don't forget the evening video, or I will die for you to watch, and you will never see me again in the future."

"Uh!" Zhou Han choked for breath, seeing the text message sent by Zhou Qiqi, suddenly at a loss.

To be honest, he had long forgotten about Zhou Qiqi, and he was a little confused when he was suddenly reminded.

Fuck!There is such a thing at night! ?

how would I not know!Oops...

Zhou Han looked down at Qiqi's text message, feeling mixed feelings for a moment, not knowing what to do?

Speaking of which, I haven't seen my sister for several years, and I suddenly have to meet online tonight, and I can't say that I am excited or nervous.

The main thing is to worry about Zhou Qiqi, her sister is very jealous, and she is still a brother-controller.

If she saw that Miyazaki Airi was her step-sister and was still living with her, she would definitely explode in place because of having an extra sister.

When the time comes, the two younger sisters will be unhappy and become hostile to each other, and being caught in the middle will definitely be the rhythm of the end.

Moreover, Zhou Han's understanding of Miyazaki Airi is a master who refuses to admit defeat. He will probably have the intention of competing with his own sister to prove that he is the best sister.

Miyazaki Airi said last time that she wanted to be her sister, but in fact she just wanted to overwhelm Kiki and was very interested in meeting her.

Zhou Han thought about it for a while, and felt that the bad operation was the rhythm of a world war.

Never let Miyazaki Airi and Zhou Qiqi meet, otherwise nothing good will happen!

Zhou Han decides to meet Qiqi secretly tonight, Miyazaki Airi will keep it secret and try not to let the two of them know about each other.

Han: "Well, okay, see you tonight."

Qi: "Don't let me go! I will definitely die for you, and then you will have no sister."

Han: "I won't let the pigeons go, don't worry, you're too old to do this."

Qi: "I like brother no matter how old I am."

Zhou Han's forehead was full of black lines, and he didn't want to talk at all. He was already immune to the sister who always talked about his liking.

Qi: "Brother, listen to me, I seem to have dialed the wrong landline number just now, and someone scolded me. He has a very bad temper and is not well-bred."

Han: "Really?"

Qi: "Brother, what do you think should I do? I have been scolded."

Zhou Han thought about it, and decided to make his sister happy——

Han: "What else can I do? Send me the address, and I'll come to the door and knock that bitch off!"

Chapter 66 Suspicious

Zhou Han still has a way of coaxing his younger sister, no matter what Zhou Qiqi says, in short, it's right to follow her.

After all, Zhou Qiqi was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, and she has been loved by thousands of people, how can she stand the disobedience of others?If you don't move, you will die or live.

Qi: "My brother still loves me the most, so happy~"

Seeing Zhou Qiqi's reply, she was obviously very happy.

"Hmph~" Zhou Han smiled, thinking that I was too stupid, how foolish I am.

Qi: "But having said that, when did you change your landline number?"

Zhou Han became confused, not knowing what Zhou Qiqi was talking about.

Han: "What changed?"

Qi: "I called home just now, but it was answered by a Japanese. I had a big fight with her, and thought she was a vixen who was close to my brother."

Zhou Han fell silent, as if he suddenly discovered something?

He got up quickly, hurriedly came to the landline, looked at the caller ID, the phone number on it showed the international area code.

It is obvious that the phone call that I quarreled with Miyazaki Airi just now came from Australia. I don’t need to think too much about it. It must be Zhou Qiqi’s call. I didn’t find myself and ended up arguing with Airi——

What the hell!

Why so many coincidences?

My two younger sisters had a fight over the phone line before they even met!

What if we meet face to face?Eighty percent of the time it's a battle between dragons and tigers, the rhythm of water and fire!

Zhou Han had completely recollected it, and after thinking about it carefully, he understood what was going on.

Just now, he threatened to slap his two younger sisters in the face. This incident made such a fuss, isn't he courting death?

My own sister can't be beaten, and neither can my righteous sister, so I can only slap myself in the face!

Zhou Han felt that the matter was too sci-fi, so he set up the self-explosive flag for no reason, and pretended to be forceful, with tears in his eyes.

I didn't expect that the two younger sisters had already communicated with each other. Although it was not harmonious, they could be regarded as acquaintances.

Zhou Han thinks that the situation is not good. The two younger sisters quarreled at the beginning. If they meet in the future, they will fight until the sky is dark and the earth is dark, and the house will be demolished?

avoid!Must be avoided!

Get rid of all evils and break all flags.

This landline phone number cannot be kept, if Miyazaki Airi calls back, and Kiki finds out that she is living with her step-sister, she will definitely come back with just one plane ticket, and then destroy her two-person world.

Miyazaki Airi and Qiqi must not be allowed to meet or have any contact.

Zhou Han quickly deleted the phone number without leaving a trace.

Even if Miyazaki Airi realized something was wrong afterwards, it would be impossible to call back.

Zhou Han breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he had avoided a trouble, so he lowered his head to reply to Zhou Qiqi.

Han: "Yeah, the phone number at home has been changed a long time ago, so don't make random calls to that number."

Qi: "Sure enough, why was that stinky [-] angry when I said it? It turned out to be a typo, but that girl is really uneducated, and she didn't say her name when asked, as if she would die if she said her name."

Han: "Don't scold them, it's your fault for calling the wrong number, right?"

Qi: "Brother, why do you speak for a stinky Sanba you don't know? It's strange."

Zhou Han broke out in a cold sweat, and accidentally spoke for Aili.

Han: "You are a 15-year-old girl, and you are not a child. I can't always spoil you."

Qi: "I'm always a younger sister. You have to pamper me, pamper me, and hug me when you have nothing to do, or I'll let you know my anger."

Han: "Stop making trouble, you've become a big girl, why are you still so virtuous?"

Qi: "Brother, are you accompanied by some vixen, why are you so indifferent to me? You make me very cold."

Zhou Han held his forehead, a little embarrassed, thinking that Qiqi hadn't changed at all, she was making trouble for no reason, and she was also very willful.

Alas, it's all tears.

Han: "I'm not indifferent to you, you're my own sister, but you're getting older, so there's nothing wrong with being more mature, right?"

Qi: "I won't grow up, but I can still stick to my brother for 500 years."

Zhou Han felt a little helpless, thinking that Qiqi is still in control?I thought that after so many years, there would be some changes, what should I do?Let alone let her see Miyazaki Airi.

Although Miyazaki Airi is a righteous sister, she has almost fulfilled Zhou Qiqi's dream, living with her brother, making her brother like her, and finally having sex with her brother, with the ultimate goal of conceiving her brother's child!

Except for the final goal, which is temporarily unknown, it seems that Miyazaki Airi, the righteous sister, has done everything else.

Zhou Han felt that if Qiqi knew, she would absolutely despair, and then jumped on the spot, and everyone died together.

Until now, Zhou Han felt that his own sister was a bit abnormal.

The position of the biological sister is in jeopardy, and the adopted sister has already skyrocketed, and there is a faint tendency to overwhelm the leader.

Qi: "Brother, I'm going to practice the piano, let's talk tonight."

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