Han: "Do you know how to play the piano?"

Qi: "I don't like it at all, but my mother insisted on letting me practice, saying that I am too active and need to use other things to vent my energy."

Zhou Han thought about it, and felt that what his mother did was right, otherwise Qiqi would like to make trouble if she couldn't be quiet.

Han: "Mom is right, you should cultivate more hobbies."

Qi: "Brother, you traitor to the revolution, you are actually on the united front with Mom."

Han: "Isn't what you said too harsh?"

Qi: "Forget it, don't forget in a while, if you dare to let me go, wait a few days to get the blade back."

Han: "I know, I won't release pigeons."

Qi: "Well, Qiqi loves you~"

Zhou Han let out a long breath, relaxed, and waited for the evening video.

"What are you doing standing next to the landline?"

Miyazaki Airi's voice suddenly reminded her, she had been watching at the kitchen door for a while, but she didn't see Zhou Han delete the landline call record.

"Ah!?" Zhou Han was taken aback. He didn't expect Miyazaki Airi to be by her side, and thought she had been busy in the kitchen, "I... I didn't do anything?"

Miyazaki Airi showed a suspicious expression, and looked Zhou Han up and down, "Then who do you find out information from, quite frequently? I have never seen you chatting with someone so happily through text messages before."

"This..." Zhou Han put away his phone, his eyes wandered a few times, and he said haha, "That's... that friend who just got out of the hospital, thanked me for taking care of me these days, nothing special, so I just exchanged greetings A few words."

"Really?" Miyazaki Airi narrowed her eyes, a little disbelieving, thinking that something is wrong with that friend in the hospital?Isn't it annoying to use the same excuse so many times?This guy seems to be hiding something from me.

"Yeah, I'll go back to the house first." Zhou Han felt guilty and took a few steps back to his room to hide.

Miyazaki Airi thought to herself, she just felt the need to respect each other's privacy, if she was stricter and asked Zhou Han to hand over the phone to see the information, the whole truth would be revealed.

But Miyazaki Airi didn't want to do this, subjectively she was still willing to trust Zhou Han.

But Zhou Han is too weird, Miyazaki Airi always feels that he has secrets outside, such as Xiaosi really exists——

It's suspicious...


Chapter 67 video

Had dinner.

Zhou Han returned to the room in a vigorous manner. He was about to see his sister whom he hadn't seen for many years. He felt very hopeful.

The time is 07:30 at this time, 10:30 pm in Australia, so it is time to go to bed.

Zhou Han doesn't want his sister to stay up all night, it's better to end it quickly.

He opened QQ that he hadn't used for N years, and found his sister's profile picture.

When it comes to my sister's profile picture, I have to say how embarrassing it is. It is a pink heart with the word "brother" on it.

Such naked hints can be understood by a fool.

Zhou Han was embarrassed once, but it was useless. He thought to himself that Qiqi should be controlled by the brother, as long as he knows it, he made it as if he was afraid that others would not know.

Zhou Han was too lazy to complain about Qiqi's profile picture, so he clicked on the chat box and sent a video request.

He didn't dress up either, he usually looked like a bird, but now he looks like a bird.

Brothers and sisters, they are familiar with each other, how to dress up?nonexistent.

There are a few hairs on the body, and both sides are very embarrassed, why are you pretending to be a wolf with a big tail?

Zhou Han put on headphones and isolated himself from the outside world, in case Qiqi's voice was heard by Miyazaki Airi, otherwise it would be difficult to explain.


Zhou Qiqi rejected Zhou Han's video request.

"Tsk!" Zhou Han gasped, talking to himself in surprise, "What is this girl doing?"

Zhou Han sent the video request for the second time.

Then respond to urge Zhou Qiqi.

Han: "Come on, what are you doing?"


Zhou Qiqi rejected Zhou Han's video request for the second time.

I rub?

Is this girl sick?

Your favorite elder brother has contacted you.

Why don't you come out and see me soon?

It's not necessary to give a big gift, but it's okay to be cute.

Zhou Han frowned, and hurriedly typed to ask about the situation, to see what Qiqi was playing.

Han: "Qiqi, what are you doing? Taking the video?"

Han: "What? Are you dressing up? No need, who doesn't know who?"

Han: "It's okay if it's inconvenient, I just happened to watch a movie."

Zhou Han sent three replies in a row, but Zhou Qiqi who was opposite couldn't sit still.

Qi: "Oh! Brother, you can't be patient in chasing girls. Zhuge Liang still visits the thatched cottage three times, and you're wilted after only two times? What a short man without perseverance."

A drop of cold sweat fell on Zhou Han's forehead, and his mood was a bit complicated, feeling that Qiqi was really messing around on purpose.

Han: "You are sick, who is chasing you, you are my sister."

Qi: "I don't care, you have to make another video, three times to show your eagerness to see your lovely sister, hee hee~"

"Tsk!" Zhou Han twisted his mouth in shock, feeling a little annoyed.

Han: "I'm going to watch a movie, no video, it's boring."

Qi: "Brother, are you stupid? How can watching a movie be more interesting than watching a cute sister?"

Zhou Qiqi had no choice but to send Zhou Han a video request.

Han: "Now it shows your fanciful feelings of desperately wanting to see my brother and me."

Qi: "Hey! My brother is so mean!"

Zhou Han smiled without saying a word, silently clicked accept, and then turned on the video mode.

Zhou Qiqi appeared on the opposite side, as if she had deliberately dressed up, and if she didn't look carefully, she thought it was a cute and sweet anchor.

The black-headed rope raised two ponytails, and her little face was a little red. It seemed that she was very excited to see her brother.

That little speckled skirt added a lot to Zhou Qiqi's cuteness, she looked a little half-baked lolita, very attractive.

Sure enough, Zhou Qiqi looks like her mother, and she still wants to be cute and beautiful.

If you don't understand the situation, it's really easy to be deceived by Zhou Qiqi, thinking that she is a pure, cute and sweet little princess, but in fact she is a neurotic and severe brother-controlling old driver with a dark belly, who acts like a clown girl when she becomes crazy.

Zhou Qiqi's face was a little red, and she answered shyly in front of the screen, looking extremely reserved and shy, like a weak and cute girl, who easily aroused others' desire to protect.


Of course this is all an illusion!

How could my sister be weak and shy?

She is a super powerful little queen, and an old driver who doesn't blush even watching porn.

Zhou Han smiled with his mouth twisted, and said to Zhou Qiqi unceremoniously.

"My sister, stop pretending, you're not like this, I'm going to laugh when you're pretending, you don't meet the standard of a sweet girl in anything except the outside, change back to the one who commented on porn Old driver."

"Brother, what are you talking about? I've always looked like this. Haven't I changed a lot? I've become a lot more ladylike." Zhou Qiqi said coyly.

"Oh." Zhou Han remained expressionless, silently tapped on the keyboard, and sent a vomiting emoji ""

"Tsk!" Zhou Qiqi was speechless, the lady-like temperament just now was gone, replaced by a contemptuous and cold attitude.

"Well, that's right. It would be better if the eyes were colder and the expression more distasteful~" Zhou Han nodded, feeling very much like his neurotic younger sister who also has the attributes of a movie star.

"Is my brother sick? I haven't seen it like this. Is it because my taste has become heavier? I like to shake M. The more people despise and dislike me, the better." Zhou Qiqi showed a dissatisfied expression. Thanks to her preparation for so long, she was disgusted in the end. up.

"No, I'm tired of watching you act. Isn't it normal to meet my brother?" Zhou Han sighed, seemingly feeling helpless towards his younger sister.

"Brother, you are too moody. Didn't I show you the show? Otherwise, why bother? I don't know how long I've been brewing? Don't you feel excited!?" Zhou Qiqi was a little unconvinced, and preparing things by herself didn't work.

"Sorry, not at all..." Zhou Han spread his hands, knowing Qiqi too well, no matter how she acted, she would never forget her nature.

"Brother, you've changed..." Zhou Qiqi showed a very depressed expression, and her little mouth was pouted.

"What's wrong with me?" Zhou Han asked in surprise, not knowing what Qiqi meant.

"You've become bloated. It's obviously not like this before?" Zhou Qiqi put her hands on her chest and said sadly, "Is it because my sister is not coquettish enough, or is it because you have too high a view?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? What was I like before?" Zhou Han asked hello with his mind full. Did something in the past cause a misunderstanding?

"Didn't you just like sweet girls before? That vixen surnamed Lin took advantage of her baby fat to turn herself into a sweet girl, but with my iron-walled defense, that vixen wouldn't have a chance , Keke~" Zhou Qiqi covered her chest with her hands, her expression was very arrogant and proud.

"Emmmm..." Zhou Han had a complicated expression and didn't say much, thinking that letting his brother be single for so long, isn't it something to be proud of?

"I'm dressed in this sweet look now, very cute and charming, isn't it the type you like? The first time you see me, your heart should be beating wildly, right?" Zhou Qiqi blinked at the camera, radiantly said--

"Oni-chan! Admit it~"

"Don't suppress yourself, now quickly take off your clothes and start sex mode, and masturbate to your younger sister on the screen!"

"If I can shoot white laser light, I can also play naked chat with you brother, Kekeke~"


Chapter 68 Monthly Pass Addition

Zhou Han's face was expressionless, as if he was disconnected halfway, and he didn't express any opinions at all?


What jerk off?

What naked chat?

what are these?

Why do I feel like my sister is dirtier than before?

As the elder brother, should he pretend he didn't see it, or reprimand her?

Zhou Han watched Zhou Qiqi for a long time, and decided to play dead, because Qiqi would definitely not accept the reprimand, she was spoiled by the whole family, she could only be pampered, and she couldn't suffer a little grievance.

"Brother, tell me something, am I cute now? Are you a little bit obsessed with me? Hurry up, don't pretend to be serious." Zhou Qiqi was a little tired, trying to arouse Zhou Han's madness Attributes.

"Not at all, it's just a feeling..." Zhou Han paused, and added, "You prefer to drive a small train, dirty~"

Seeing that Zhou Han didn't respond at all, Zhou Qiqi immediately looked like a deflated ball, and said dissatisfiedly, "Brother, are you impotent? I'm so cute so I can't give you some reaction? It's rare that I dressed up for a long time, so respect my hard-working performance Okay? Really, I'm going to be sad..."

Who is impotence! ?

Kiki, this girl is sick!

I'm not surprised that my own sister **!

Zhou Han rolled his eyes and had no choice but to deal with it casually.

"Ah~, Kiki is so cute, are you satisfied?"

"Too perfunctory, unqualified." Zhou Qiqi said angrily.

"What exactly do you want?" Zhou Han frowned.

"You should say that..." Zhou Qiqi lowered her voice and began to touch the scene——

"Qiqi, you are so sexy, you look so hard, I really want to take out Ou Jinjin, rub your penis, and then stab it into your mouth."

"Then I'll say..."

"Dayao dayao, we are brothers and sisters, don't be like this, but brother can't bear it, so please be gentle."

"Is this considered qualified?!"

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