Seeing Zhou Qiqi's serious appearance, Zhou Han's face darkened instantly, thinking that this is all messed up, it must be a restricted-level picture!will be harmonized.

"Sorry, I can't say it."

"Tch~, brother is really a useless man." Zhou Qiqi curled her lips, feeling particularly dissatisfied with Zhou Han's performance.

Zhou Han frowned, thinking that if he was useful, he would be a ghost, and he would definitely become a real orthopedic surgeon, and his father would break his leg!

"Brother, hurry up and fuck me, I want to see you fuck me, or I will be in a bad mood!" Zhou Qiqi puffed up her mouth angrily, and she was very upset that the expected effect was not achieved.

"Don't force others to be difficult, why should I rape my own sister?" Zhou Han sighed.

"Who else can you fuck other than me? Don't you feel uncomfortable with a backlog of energy? Don't you want to watch mature sister's fuck? Seriously! Hurry up and make yourself hard!" Zhou Qiqi said What started as an inducement has become mandatory.

"Get out, why should I fuck my sister? Isn't it perverted to be so hard on my own sister? You damn girl, give me enough time!" Zhou Han's forehead twitched, thinking about this Is there anything more wonderful than my sister in the world?

"It's too much, my brother actually scolded me, is it because your parents divorced and no one took care of you, your skin is itchy?" Zhou Qiqi pursed her mouth, trying to spit Zhou Han's saliva through the screen.

"Thanks for what you said, you can still move my parents out to suppress me..." Zhou Han twisted his mouth, he is not a child now, so he can't easily threaten himself.

"Brother, do you know that I am different from before?" Zhou Qiqi said mysteriously.

"Ah? Emmmm..." Zhou Han looked at Zhou Qiqi for a while, and said seriously, "The breasts have grown several times."

"This is just one of them. The important change is my attributes. Do you feel different about me now?" Zhou Qiqi seemed to want to remind Zhou Han of something?

"Seeing that you are more yellow than when you were a child, I feel very heartbroken for my brother. It can be seen that you have failed in studying abroad." Zhou Han showed a very sad expression.

"No! We haven't seen each other for several years. After such a long time, we meet again. Don't you think I'm very different?" Zhou Qiqi tried to remind Zhou Han something.

"You girl, don't beat around the bush, what do you mean?" Zhou Han frowned.

"It's been so long since I've cultivated into two super-popular attributes, the Heavenly Attribute and the Sister Attribute. The addition of my body will definitely increase my combat power. In the future, if I dye my hair blond again, it will be invincible. You can't beat me!" Zhou Qiqi finished speaking in one breath without even panting, making people confused.

"Sister, can you pause for a while, you're adding dyslexia to others, understand?" Zhou Han sighed tiredly, but he probably understood.

But the main problem is-

Heavenly Sister Dual Attributes + Blonde Hair = Miyazaki Airi.

(Airi is dyed a flaxen color that is more golden)

So Kiki's idea is very naive, and it's already too late. Miyazaki Airi's various settings are already invincible.

Zhou Han's opinion on Qiqi is that it's too stupid to pile up the winning attributes of ACG culture on yourself, and then push your brother and I can't do it. She is from Japan and has already known this way. See Bar!It was successfully promoted not long ago.

"I just want to express my meaning in one breath, so now brother, do you feel good about me, want to overthrow me, marry me or something, after all we are very familiar, there is no one in this world who loves my brother more than me People, hee hee..." Zhou Qiqi became twitchy again in front of the camera.

"Impossible, don't wishful thinking, I don't want to marry my sister." Zhou Han said seriously.

"Oh~, I haven't seen you for so long. Brother, you have also cultivated the tsundere attribute. It's unexpected. It's ironic that Gangai doesn't want to marry me?" .

"Go away, God damn Tsundere." Zhou Han frowned, thinking that he was influenced by Miyazaki Airi, right?

"Brother, why are you still confused? Do you have the heart to marry my lovely younger sister to someone else? Wouldn't it be nice for us to get married together?" Zhou Qiqi said angrily, wanting to train her elder brother to be Why doesn't the sister control plan work?

In fact, Zhou Qiqi really succeeded, but it was a bit embarrassing. The fruit of victory was stolen by Miyazaki Airi, and the righteous sister succeeded in taking the position.

"No, I don't want to marry my sister!" Zhou Han made a black line on his forehead.

"Brother, you are so stubborn. What's wrong with marrying me? It's rare to have such a lovely sister like me. You can't follow the example of the brother who went to the British court. He is your role model. You should learn from it." .” Zhou Qiqi encouraged her persistently.

"Learn what? That's a foreign country. The domestic brother's leg has already been broken by his parents." Zhou Han covered his face, a little unable to bear to look directly at him.

"What are you afraid of? Let's do it secretly, we really can't..." Zhou Qiqi blushed and became shy, as if she had planned for a long time and said——

"I can elope with you, brother."

"To a place where parents don't know."

"And then you can have a very sweet sibling life."


Chapter 69 Monthly Pass Addition

"Come on, don't get married easily, it's embarrassing for a brother."

Zhou Han's expression was very strange, he thought that he pushed his step-sister away, and he didn't know what to do next, but in the end he was entangled by his own sister, absolutely nothing good.

He felt that there was something wrong with himself and Miyazaki Airi, and if his father disagreed, he could ask Aunt Miyazaki.

After all, Aunt Miyazaki is very talkative, so she and Airi plead together, maybe they will agree to be together.

Zhou Han is sincere to Miyazaki Airi, and he forgot without saying sex, and he will definitely get married in the future.

Although I am a high school student now, I will soon be able to live in two or three years, and then I can get married.

Despite the constant friction in daily life, Zhou Han still likes Miyazaki Airi very much, so getting married and becoming a wife is naturally not a problem.

"Brother, why are you still the same bird as before?"

Zhou Qiqi was a little angry. After so many years of instilling her thoughts, how come Zhou Han still hasn't become a sister-in-law?

In fact, Zhou Han has become a younger sister, but unfortunately, he controlled his righteous sister, not his real sister.

There is no way, the nature of the heavenly descendant is a shit-stirring stick, even if you are capable, you will still be poached by the heavenly descendant girl.

"Have you read the comics I bought for you?"

"Look... I've seen it..." Zhou Han replied awkwardly, probably he wouldn't believe it if he replied that he had never seen Qiqi.

"Then you don't have any thoughts about me? Sister, what a lovely and beautiful creature." Zhou Qiqi boasted.

Good shit!

I don't have good memories of creatures like my sister.

Childhood has been living in the shadow of being dominated by my sister.

Zhou Han thought about it in his mind, but he didn't have the nerve to say it out.

"No, because I picked the theme of righteous sisters to read. It's a fresh stream of those real sister comics you gave me."

"What's so good about a righteous sister? Fake sister control, fake orthopedics, it becomes boring when you hear that it's not a real sister. A righteous sister is trash, and a real sister like me is justice!" Zhou Qiqi said righteously.

"Don't be so serious! Bastard! Anyway, give me a little shame! I won't marry you, I'm too old to make such jokes, give up!" Zhou Han couldn't bear Qiqi's brother's control The plot, simply don't be too perverted.

"But brother, if you don't marry me, I will marry someone else in the future, will you be happy? I'm having sex with someone else, don't you feel that your head is full of green power?"

"This shit..." Zhou Han frowned, feeling very complicated.

My sister is having sex with others, are you happy?

Happy fart!Almost no brother would be happy to see his sister get married!

How could it be possible to entrust my sister to someone else to protect her? If she is a bad person or lacks ability, my sister will suffer.

There should be no one more suitable to protect Kiki than myself! ?

So... Qiqi is of course protected by me, I don't worry about others.

But... let's forget about getting married, it's too much, I guess I can't keep my golden right leg.

Zhou Han thought carefully about Qiqi's words, which seemed to make sense. If the younger sister married someone else, the cuckold feeling would be very serious.

I have been guarding my sister for nearly 20 years. I have been taking care of her since I was a child, protecting her, caring for her with all my heart, and finally turned into a juicy girl.

As a result, a wild boar was killed halfway, and the cabbage that he cared for carefully was crushed. What a shame.

Zhou Han felt that the matter was very serious, and his face could not help but gloomy——

The green hat made me go crazy, my sister can't be courted by anyone, and whoever thinks about Qiqi, I'll chop off the pig's head with a knife!

Why should the things I take good care of be allowed to be arched by others? What's the reason?

Regarding the matter of his younger sister getting married, Zhou Han was really in conflict physically and mentally.

Qiqi is so cute, she always likes to cling to herself, she can be coquettish and cute.

Zhou Han didn't want to discuss this issue at all, and decided that it would be better to put it on hold for the time being. The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt, and he felt that the green hat of Damocles on his head was already crumbling.

"Come on Kiki, it's still too early to talk about marriage, let's talk about serious business, we haven't seen you for so many years, you have changed a lot."

"Really? What's changed? Tell me..." Zhou Qiqi became interested, straightened her back on purpose, and put her well-developed breasts on the table to cover the camera.

From Zhou Han's perspective, he could no longer see his younger sister's face, only his two big buttocks dangling around.

What the hell!


Is this Nima trying to make me praise her for being a big ****?

Zhou Han covered his face, feeling extremely embarrassed.

"Everywhere has changed, mainly because it has become more beautiful. Speaking of which, why do you wear double ponytails? Didn't you despise this childish hairstyle when you were young?"

"This is also the attribute of Bisheng's cuteness, the secret magic weapon to attack my brother, my sister has double ponytails!" Zhou Qiqi played with the ponytails in her hand, "Many younger sisters have double ponytails, and it is true that using this hairstyle will make me the role of a real sister." Added to the charm."

"Please don't be so obvious that you sell people! Isn't it strange?" Zhou Han dripped a drop of cold sweat on his forehead.

"Brother, I am so cute and full of vitality now. Do you like such a sister? Do you already have the urge to marry me?" Zhou Qiqi faced the camera, posing with scissors hands and blinking star eyes. POSS, "Hey~"


Oh huh~.

My sister is so cute, so cute, I have blood all over my face...

Shit!Maybe Two-dimensional is cute, but it's weird in three dimensions!

Hey hey hey you big headed ghost!It's a little disgusting!

Can't it be normal after a sibling talk?

Why is Qiqi so proficient at acting cute to the camera? How many times has she practiced secretly? !

Zhou Han secretly sighed, showing a tired expression on his face.

"I won't have any urge to get married, don't just spread out your delusions."

"If you don't marry me, who will you marry?" Zhou Qiqi asked back.

"This..." Zhou Han's eyes were evasive, thinking that I am a successful man who is going to marry three girls, Qiqi can understand, hurry up and obediently send me blessings!

"Sure enough, a girlfriend?" Zhou Qiqi's expression suddenly became ugly, "It was still captured by that vixen surnamed Lin."

"This is...a misunderstanding..." Zhou Han said nonsense in embarrassment, thinking that he really came to Xingshi today to inquire about his crimes, right? !

"How could I easily believe your nonsense, brother?" Zhou Qiqi showed a look of disgust and hatred, "In the end, I was seduced by that vixen, and I have no future at all. You are so anxious to spread your deoxygenation. Ribose? I kept telling you to take care of your waistband, but in the end you still didn’t, sister, I’m very disappointed in you..."

Zhou Han's expression became complicated, and he started to preach mode for no reason, I'm the elder brother, right?Please do me a favor.

"Sure enough, I can't do without me, brother, you idiot, you can easily be seduced by a group of coquettish bastards..." Zhou Qiqi looked at Zhou Han with a very unhappy expression, and ordered——

"Hurry up and break up with that vixen."

"Don't you feel pitiful for being deceived and still keeping your feelings in the dark?"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhou Qiqi showed a very ironic expression, as if she was very disappointed with her brother, and in the end it was Lin Nianwei, that vixen who got involved, which really made her very angry.

What is the purpose of practicing the heavenly descending magic skill for so many years?

Finally, when he finally came out of the mountain and wanted to push his brother back, he found that his own grapes had been eaten by a vixen?

Who can understand Zhou Qiqi's feeling of a hundred thousand grass and mud horses galloping past?Dog blood to the point of tears streaming down his face.

Zhou Qiqi saw her brother's bewildered look, and urged her to say——

"Break up with the vixen. Even if I get a cuckold, I can forgive you. After all, I am the oldest and have a big heart."

At times like this, Zhou Qiqi never forgets to brag about her first wave, and feels that breaking up is acceptable, but she doesn't know that it is not a green hat at all, but DuangDuangDuang~ three consecutive power hats.

If she knew the truth, Zhou Qiqi would definitely explode on the spot and cut off her brother's Ou Jinjin with the magic power from heaven to vent her hatred.

I rely on!

Come up and tell me to break up?

Is there any mistake, we finally got together!

Zhou Han frowned, making him 1 unhappy about breaking up with Lin Nianwei.

Years of unrequited love and long-distance running for love, finally achieved a positive result, the hard work and pain in it can actually be understood by my sister?

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