This little four is too thick-skinned, right?

Those who are meddling in other people's feelings will be very low-key, for fear that others will find out.

It's great to take this one, I'm going to come straight to the door!

Are you trying to replace me?How can it be repaired!When I don't exist!

Too much bullying, if the tiger doesn't show its power, do you think I'm a Kitty cat! ?

Miyazaki Airi was eavesdropping outside the door, furious, if it wasn't for hearing more content, I'm afraid I'm going to rush into the battle for [-] rounds now!

But after listening to Zhou Han's answer, she was still very satisfied, and felt relieved that she was not as good to him as usual.

Let Xiao Si lay the floor at the door, it's totally fine!

I still want to pour dirty water at the door, what does Xiaosi say?

Zhou Han: "I've said it ten thousand times, I won't break up with Xiao Wei, stop stirring up discord, it's useless."

Miyazaki Airi was surprised, wondering why Wei-chan was involved?Isn't Xiao Si trying to seduce Zhou Han into submission?

Oh~, I get it, I definitely want Zhou Han to kick Xiaowei away, and then take over by himself!

This little four is so insidious!It's so vicious and xenophobic, no way!This girl can't stay!

I get along well with Wei Jiang and the others, and I can barely accept being together, so what if a guy with a wicked heart comes suddenly?

What if a fight breaks out and the balance of the harem is disrupted?

I can accept Weijiang and Xiaorui because they understand each other, they are good girls, there is nothing bad about them, but other people can't do it, they have to boycott together.

Zhou Han: "Stop making trouble, can you? Was the original relationship bad? Why are you messing around? Can't I have a girl I like?"

Miyazaki Airi felt more and more that Zhou Han was good, and she thought that it was right to refuse, and friends should be good friends, what should I do if I keep thinking about the superior?

Miyazaki Airi's idea is not convincing at all, she knows that she is the fastest in the position.

Zhou Han: "Why are you so annoying? Can you be honest? You are not allowed to go back to China! You are also not allowed to harass Xiaowei. If you are disobedient, I will be rude to you, right?"

Miyazaki Airi was astonished, thinking she was still in love?Still very aggressive to trouble Wei Jiang?This kind of girl is too bad, right?There is no peace at all.

Zhou Han: "I'm living a very good life now. I don't need you to take care of me at all. You can go to school abroad with peace of mind."

Miyazaki Airi nodded in satisfaction, thinking how could life be bad with me at home?They can pinch each other during the day and have sex at night. A capable sister like myself is rare.

(Zhou Qiqi asked herself if she could go back to live?)

Zhou Han: "You can come back in the future. I didn't stop you. I will talk about it after you finish your studies. I'll go and talk to Dad, and you can come back."

Miyazaki Airi's eyes widened, and she felt that the style of painting was a bit wrong. She had been refusing before, but she suddenly accepted, and she wanted Xiao Si to come back and live with her?

no!Absolutely not!I will not agree!

Zhou Han, I really misread you. In the end, I still couldn't resist the temptation and accepted Xiao Si?

Miyazaki Airi was furious, wishing to rush in and vent her anger with Zhou Han, Xiaosi and so on were completely unacceptable, not to mention the other party's character was questionable.

(Zhou Qiqi asked if she could sleep with her brother.)

Zhou Han: "Sleeping together? some cases, it's okay."

Miyazaki Airi's expression instantly became exciting, and she wondered what the hell it was to sleep together!

What else can men and women do when they sleep together?Isn't it just the thing that hurt people a few nights ago?

Sure enough, Zhou Han didn't resist the last line of defense!She actually compromised and wanted to sleep with Xiaosi!

How can it be repaired!The big fool!Why is concentration so poor?If you say sleep together, sleep together!Do you only use your second child to think about problems!Give me enough time!

The little flame in Miyazaki Airi's heart rose up, she wished she could go in and use the little powder fist, ride on Zhou Han's body and hammer him.

(Because Zhou Qiqi was super happy to be able to sleep together and threatened to push back.)

Zhou Han: "It's okay to sleep together, but you should behave better and don't make me angry! Otherwise, I'll kick you out of bed."

Miyazaki Airi's expression suddenly became angry, and she thought that the meaning of being good was to meet Zhou Han's various perverted demands, right?For example, when having sex, put on various embarrassing poses, say some particularly slutty words, and be kicked out of bed if the service is not good.

Why is this bastard so arrogant!Be honest with me, don't ask people to do strange things!

If Xiaosi can do it, so can I!So hurry up and reject them!

Miyazaki Airi didn't expect Zhou Han to be so blatant now, and now he openly discusses his obsession with girls.

(Zhou Qiqi asked her brother, did he really sleep with a vixen? Was he actually a virgin? What are you being arrogant about?)

Zhou Han: "Let me tell you, I'm no longer a virgin. Don't keep making troubles about being a virgin. Brother, I have bought prosthetics and contraceptives."

Miyazaki Airi blushed suddenly, thinking what's going on?After having sex with yourself not long ago, did you start showing off mode?

The bastard!Do you have any shame?What are you showing off!Do you start to be complacent when you have experience with me?What am I, a starter pack?

By the way, is the relationship between Zhou Han and Xiaosi so good? They are still intimately called brother and sister!

(Zhou Qiqi asked, is sex with a vixen more comfortable than sex with her sister?)

Zhou Han: "Comfortable, it must be more comfortable than you, so don't think too much, I will not marry you."

Miyazaki Airi completely collapsed, thinking she is more comfortable than you?Could it be that Zhou Han has already had sex with Xiao Si?It's so stinking and shameless!What a hot topic they were talking about!

Even if it is said that having sex with yourself is very comfortable, it is not something to be happy about!Super shameful okay.

Miyazaki Airi was lying outside the door, her face was red, she was ashamed and angry.

(Zhou Qiqi said that she doesn't believe it, she knows more poses, do you want to try it with yourself?)

Zhou Han: "Get out! Be honest, don't say things that embarrass me anymore, you will not be able to satisfy me with ten thousand postures"

Outside, Miyazaki Airi's expression became quite exciting, thinking that Zhou Han has a big appetite!There are still ten thousand postures that can't satisfy him?How erotic this guy is!This is the reason for cheating on Xiao Si?

Zhou Han: "I want to vent my anger and go to the bathroom, just wait."

Miyazaki Airi hurriedly tiptoed back to the house, then opened the door and stared outside.

Zhou Han came out of his room, went to the bathroom, and closed the door.

Miyazaki Airi saw the opportunity came, and the video over there should not be interrupted, so she decided to meet who is this Xiao Si?Have a good chat (tear force) chat.

Then he used his arrogant attitude and his incomparable halo of being a wife to make Xiaosi retreat and drive her away, so that no one could destroy the current stability and balance.

The main thing is not to allow your life to be destroyed, this little four, you can't stay!

Taking advantage of Zhou Han's time in the bathroom, Miyazaki Airi slipped into his room, and then saw Zhou Qiqi in the video——

The two sisters finally come to a historic meeting.

It is estimated that an epic war between the real sister and the righteous sister will break out!

Chapter 73 Monthly Pass Addition

How would you describe the scene at that time?

It's actually very simple. They looked at each other through the network cable.

It was not as expected, they started attacking each other as soon as they came up, appearing extremely calm.

But everyone knows that this is the calm before the storm.

Miyazaki Airi just felt that Zhou Qiqi looked familiar, and she always felt like she had seen it before?

She seems to have forgotten to see Kiki's childhood photos in the photo album. After such a long time, facing the 15-year-old girl, she couldn't recognize her for a while.

Zhou Qiqi looked at Miyazaki Airi, but her mind was full of question marks, wondering who is this girl?Isn't it opposite my brother's room?Why is there a strange girl?what happened!

"who are you!?"

The two sisters questioned each other in unison, the scene was somewhat similar to the true and false Monkey King.

Miyazaki Airi: "You speak first!"

Zhou Qiqi: "You tell me first!"

The atmosphere became awkward. It seemed that the two sisters were thinking the same way, trying to figure out who the other was and what was their relationship with Zhou Han?

The two younger sisters looked at each other in surprise, and in the end it was Miyazaki Airi who had a hot temper and asked a question.

"Who are you? What's your relationship with Zhou Han? You can't be Xiaosi, right?"

"What a mess, Little Four, who are you? Why are you in his room? It can't be Fox No. [-]!" Zhou Qiqi retorted as soon as she came up.

"What vixen? Be more polite. You are clearly a mistress, so don't be too arrogant. You have a sense of shame!" Miyazaki Airi was very resistant to the title of this vixen, expressing that she was very unwilling to listen to it.

"Who is Xiaosi! Who are you! You are so arrogant and uneducated!" Zhou Qiqi said angrily, her expression gradually becoming annoyed.

"You pretend to be a little four, is it interesting? I heard it outside! Talk about any topic, how shameless!" Miyazaki Airi was also angry, thinking that the other party was a villain who destroyed feelings, but her attitude was not ordinary. , makes people very angry, it's the first time I heard that being a junior can still be justified.

"Get out of here, that's my house, you vixen! Why are you in my house! Get out!" Zhou Qiqi slammed the table twice, thinking that a vixen who seduced her brother is still so arrogant, it's really against her !By the way, who is this girl?Could it be Fox No. [-]?Except for the one surnamed Lin, there is another one, I'm afraid my brother has stabbed the fox's nest!


Miyazaki Airi was stunned, feeling that the other party was getting more and more disgusting, and even told her to get out?What do you mean?Too arrogant?

Is it because I want to push my original partner into a higher position, right? Even a junior can be so strong, with a face like a city wall.

"This is my home! Why should I get out! Where did you get the right to! You are obviously a junior, so don't be too arrogant!"

"I'm the hostess! If I tell you to get out, I will get out! You vixen are not allowed to stay in my house!" Zhou Qiqi became more and more angry. If it weren't for the distance between two continents, she could go up to Miyazaki in minutes Three hundred rounds of Airi's battle.

"Isn't it too arrogant for you to be a little four? Restrain your attitude, okay?! I'm the mistress of the house, respect me! And don't call me a vixen, I'm the original match! Do you understand the original match? And you are a relationship destroyer! You should be condemned, do you know? Such an arrogant attitude is disgusting!" Miyazaki Airi said a while, deliberately emphasizing each other's identities, and wanted the other party to clarify their position and talk to themselves.

"Nonsense! I'm the original partner, okay! You're a vixen who destroys people's feelings, get the hell out!" Gritting her teeth angrily.

"I'm a vixen? You are a vixen! Your whole family is a vixen! Shameless! Destroying other people's families, I advise you to stay away from Zhou Han, he is mine!" Miyazaki Airi swore that the sovereign territory is inviolable.

"Nonsense that he is mine! Don't take other people's things casually! Seeing that you are quite beautiful, if you do something wrong, you know how to poach other people's corners. It's disgusting!" Zhou Qiqi felt that she was the one who was just. Zhou Han already had an affair with Lin Nianwei, why suddenly there was another one, he was very upset.

"Who poached the wall! It was you who poached my wall! Stay away from me, don't you feel ashamed to destroy others!" Miyazaki Airi felt that the other party had no shame, so she couldn't help stealing her husband and even taking herself as her own. Instead! ?She's too good at doing things, even a mere junior wants to be in the top position?It just doesn't make sense.

She felt that at a young age, she encountered a family crisis of her husband cheating before she was in love, and she was very uncomfortable.

Although Zhou Han was also responsible, Miyazaki Airi felt that as a regular wife, she had to be more magnanimous, forgiving her husband on the surface, so that Zhou Qiqi, a junior, had no chance to take advantage of her, and finally punished Zhou Han who cheated hard in private.

Miyazaki Airi originally planned to blast Zhou Qiqi away, revealing her tough side, and let the other party retreat, but the reality is that Zhou Qiqi is a bit tougher than Miyazaki Airi, and a family destroyer is not worth it. who.

"Why do I feel ashamed? He is mine in the first place. You should know that you, the vixen, are the one who is ashamed. Get out of here! Otherwise, I will tell him to beat you!" Zhou Qiqi decided to encourage Zhou Han to use domestic violence to drive the vixen away. .

"Scream! How dare he try to touch me? Who do you think you are! A mere little four wants to teach me a lesson?" Miyazaki Airi felt that Zhou Qiqi was really arrogant, and couldn't help but want to replace herself and beat herself?The original partner has always been playing the mistress, and today they are rebelling!Little San wants to play the original match?

"What are you? A mere vixen wants me to leave him. What right do you have? I'll tell you not to be too arrogant!" Zhou Qiqi's face was flushed with anger. She was usually petite and willful, but today she met her opponent. .

"Who's being arrogant! It's clear that you came up to bite a vixen!" Miyazaki Airi slapped the table angrily, thinking that Zhou Qiqi's unreasonableness was really annoying.

In fact, Miyazaki Airi is usually unreasonable and willful, but she doesn't seem to be conscious.

"It's your bad attitude! One mouthful and one mistress! Does that mean that I am inferior to the mistress?!" Zhou Qiqi gnashed her teeth and shouted.

"That's right, the mistress knows shame when she is caught! What about you? You don't admit it! You hurry up and go away! Don't destroy our relationship!" Miyazaki Airi almost jumped up on the spot in anger.

"Hey! How angry! It's the first time I've seen a vixen as shameless as you!" Zhou Qiqi fought back vigorously and stabbed first, "Don't be too arrogant, you washboard!"

Miyazaki Airi's expression was uncomfortable, she clutched her breasts, thinking that it was so painful, so painful...


"You're not much better! The chest is so unsuitable, it must be stuffed with a cushion! Shameless!"

Zhou Qiqi's expression became weird, and she clutched her breasts, thinking that she was so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable...


"There is no milk on the washboard!"

"Cushion smells shameless!"

Two younger sisters, one knife at a time——

They actually hurt each other! ?

Chapter 74 Suffering

After Zhou Han solved his physical needs in the bathroom, he came out directly, ready to go back to the house and continue chatting with his sister, so that she could stabilize and never go back to the country.

Because my life is very good, the harem is running smoothly, and I can still have a shameless love with Miyazaki Airi.

But if Zhou Qiqi came, all of this would be reduced to ashes. She would declare hegemonic rule in a bloody and brutal dictatorship, and stand on the corpses of three harem girls, telling Zhou Han that this was the end of resisting her.

Zhou Han came to the door of the room, just about to open the door to go in, when he heard two younger sisters quarreling and hurting each other unceremoniously.

Zhou Qiqi: "The washboard is hard, and there will be no milk after giving birth, and you will starve to death!"

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