Miyazaki Airi: "You are not good either! One day you will stuff your chest with silicone, and the next day you will stuff it with silicone. If a baby takes a sip, it will be directly poisoned to death."

Zhou Qiqi: "What's so arrogant about you washboard? Don't you touch your shabby chest and secretly wipe your tears!"

Miyazaki Airi: "You're talking nonsense, I never cared about this! But you stuffed the breast pads, you must have compromised with the mocking forces! No ambition! I look down on you like this! Shame on the sect of poor breasts!"

Zhou Qiqi: "Hey! I'm so mad! You vixen, I'm going to beat you to death!"

Miyazaki Airi: "You little four still want to turn the world upside down? I'll make it impossible for you to hit me."

Zhou Qiqi: "If you have the guts to come to Melbourne, Australia, I swear I won't beat you to death!"


Zhou Han outside the door froze all over, his expression froze on his face instantly, and his whole heart went cold.

He is too familiar with these two voices, aren't they his two baby sisters?

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, let the two of them bump into each other!

Fuck!Do you want to be so bloody, Mars will hit the earth!My daily life is ruined!

Zhou Han felt that he was really unlucky, he was afraid of what would happen, he was so embarrassing to death.

He really wanted to know what was going on inside. Although the picture in his mind was two younger sisters wearing gladiator armor, fighting each other mercilessly, stabbing each other's heart with a small dagger, but now separated by the network cable of the continent, it is obvious that Impossible.

Zhou Han slightly opened the door, and saw Miyazaki Airi and Zhou Qiqi spraying each other with their necks stretched, and clutching their own nipples, ah!He was clutching his heart, and his heart was pierced visually.

Oh my god~

Why do these two girls have the potential to be keyboard warriors?

The scene of spraying each other is exactly the same as old women cursing!

You two are enough!Hurry up and stop!The image of a lady has been completely ruined!Originally, there were not many fans, but now they are all gone!

Zhou Han didn't know what expression to use to look at his sisters, he definitely couldn't laugh.

Now Zhou Han didn't dare to enter the house anymore, he just wanted to hide. If he went in by himself, he might become the target of bombardment. As the elder brother of the two of them, he was the one who was the most cowardly?Although it's a bit embarrassing, it's better than being flanked by younger sisters.

God, it feels like the quarrel is endless, when will it be a head...

Zhou Han didn't understand the situation at this time, so he decided to take a peek outside for a while, and if there was a suitable entry point, he would definitely stop this family war.

Miyazaki Airi: "Why should I go to you? Won't you come over?"

Zhou Qiqi: "If you are afraid, just say it! Don't make excuses for yourself!"

Miyazaki Airi: "Who will be afraid of you, a breast-padded heretic!"

Zhou Qiqi: "Stop talking nonsense! Come here, you vixen!"

Miyazaki Airi: "A low-stakes aggressive method! I won't be fooled! Rubbish little four, come here if you have the guts!"

Zhou Han's forehead was already covered with black lines, and he thought to himself what a fucking dog, what did I miss?As soon as I came here, I have already entered the stage of offline appointment!By the way...the two of you have nothing to do, so stop swearing!

Zhou Qiqi: "Do you think I dare not? I have learned Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu from my father, and I will break your neck with the invincible scissors every minute!"

Miyazaki Airi: "What is this!? I am a black belt in karate! I can break your radish leg with a hand knife, will you be afraid of you?"

Zhou Han rolled his eyes, thinking that now it's time to blow up the mouth, blow as much as he can, and show off his muscles.

Zhou Qiqi: "Who are the radish legs! I have legs from the waist down! And what kind of garbage is karate! I can subdue the dragon with eighteen palms! I will slap you, a vixen, on the ground!"

Miyazaki Airi: "It's ridiculous! I'll tell you if I know the Pegasus Meteor Fist? N punches in one second can easily turn you into a pig's head!"

Zhou Qiqi: "Look, you don't cry when you see the coffin. As soon as I use the Great Teleportation of the Universe, I will dissolve your rubbish boxing technique that specializes in treating bronchitis!"

Miyazaki Airi: "It's useless, I'll be a stand-in messenger, once you call Ola Ola Ola, you're dead! It's not easy to rub you on the ground!"

Zhou Qiqi: "Fart! You can brag, my toad skills are unmatched in martial arts!"

Miyazaki Airi: "It's ridiculous, I'm a woman with seven scars on my body, don't you know how powerful I am!?"

What the hell!

What's the situation now?

Anime VS Martial Arts Smash Bros.?

Noisy's IQ has dropped, and he doesn't talk about routines at all.

By the way, Kiki, don’t you feel ashamed when you say you know how to do toad kung fu?

And Airi, the seven scars are Fist of the Hokuto, right?Do you want to become a muscular King Kong Barbie?

My two younger sisters are playing self-deception...

Zhou Han had a strange expression, feeling that the battle situation had reached a fever pitch and it was hard to tell.

Zhou Qiqi: "What are seven scars? I'm not afraid of you having seven ****. Nine Yin White Bone Claws will send you back to the west, thank you if you don't!"

Miyazaki Airi: "Hmph! How dare you look down on me? Even if you hurt me, I will turn into a giant and kill you with one punch!"

Zhou Qiqi: "It's useless. When I fly up, I will cut off your neck with one stroke of Dugu Nine Swords! Make you arrogant?"

Miyazaki Airi: "You're still too weak, my backhand is a Starburst Abandoned Healing Slash, and I'll send you home directly!"

Zhou Qiqi: "I went home and brought out a dragon-slaying sword, which cut off your right hand!"

Miyazaki Airi: "You are still too young, I turned around and awakened the power of the king! Drive a Gundam and kill you!"

Zhou Qiqi: "My Tathagata God Palm can dismantle Gundams with bare hands!"

Miyazaki Airi: "I destroy everything with a flick!"

Zhou Qiqi: "I'm invincible in the world when I spray salt soda!"


Zhou Han was in a complicated mood, thinking that there seemed to be something strange mixed in, no matter Star Wars, he would come up and walk around, right?

He felt that the IQs of the two younger sisters were dropping like crazy, and it was time to enter the arena.

Zhou Han suddenly pushed the door open and loudly stopped the two sisters from arguing.

"Stop arguing, you two! I've been watching outside the door for a long time, and it's almost over. There must be a misunderstanding!"

The two younger sisters looked at Zhou Han and remained silent. The scene at that time was very embarrassing.

The timing of Zhou Han's entry is not right, because the battle has reached a fierce stage, it doesn't matter who the brother belongs to, but who wins the fight is more important.

"Baga! What are you doing standing outside the door!? I'm almost crying because of this little four, come and scold her for me!" Miyazaki Airi's eyes were red, and tears glistened.


Zhou Han's face darkened, and the two younger sisters wanted to help him, making it difficult for him to get off——


Painful baby!


Chapter 75

Zhou Han originally wanted to explain, but the two younger sisters no longer cared about him, and cared more about the outcome of the quarrel.


Zhou Han said that he was very worried. Obviously, is it more fun to quarrel?

Miyazaki Airi: "Hurry up and fight him with me, he's obviously a junior, it's a little too arrogant."

Zhou Qiqi: "Beat her! Beat her! This is the first time I've seen such a brazen vixen!"

Miyazaki Airi: "Who is a vixen! You are obviously poaching my corner!"

Zhou Qiqi: "What are you talking about!? I still need to poach the wall?!"

Zhou Han finally understood——

Miyazaki Airi misunderstood that Zhou Qiqi was having an affair with her, and that she was a mistress.

Zhou Qiqi misunderstood that Miyazaki Airi also had an affair with her and was a vixen.

As a result, the two misunderstood each other, and they spat at each other, fighting until the sky was dark.

In the end, I was still worried about messing around, so this kind of thing happened.

But Zhou Han had to complain about one thing. Miyazaki Airi said before that she wanted to be a good sister in front of Zhou Qiqi, but they started fighting as soon as they met. Sure enough, there is no such thing as a good sister.

Zhou Han was afraid that the two younger sisters would quarrel endlessly and there would be no results at all, so he rushed out to stop it.

"Stop arguing, please, it's all aunts!"

Miyazaki Airi: "You are sick! Who will be your grandma!"

Zhou Han's face darkened, thinking that quarreling really lowered IQ, and he didn't mean it that way.

Miyazaki Airi: "Hurry up and help me kill this shameless little four!"

Zhou Han looked at Miyazaki Airi and said seriously, "Airi, calm down, she is not Xiaosi, but my own sister, Qiqi."

"Na... Nani?!"

Miyazaki Airi's eyes widened in disbelief.

This fart-faced, bad-tempered, vicious-mouthed girl is actually Zhou Han's own sister?

It turned out that it wasn't a little four, I just thought too much!

Since it's not a little four, what are you arguing with her about?

Logically speaking, she is also my sister, and I am her Ernie-chan!


I don't want this kind of sister who has a bad temper and likes to talk back!

Although I said before that I want to be a good sister, but this kind of thing is definitely impossible!I can't stand my sister with such a bad personality!

Miyazaki Airiki's little face was flushed, and her eyes were uncertain. She looked at the smug Zhou Qiqi in the video, and suppressed her annoyance.

Thinking that she is her elder sister, putting Zhou Qiqi on the head, Miyazaki Airi's mood suddenly improved, and she put on a sense of superiority of an elder.

"Kekeke~" Zhou Qiqi felt that she had won, and deliberately mocked, "My brother and I are very close, how can I be disturbed by you, a vixen? I am a bit self-conscious as a defeated dog, get out!"

"Huh~!" Miyazaki Airi didn't bother to talk to Zhou Qiqi, and suddenly became generous.

"Huh!?" Zhou Qiqi felt that Miyazaki Airi's composure was weird, so she urged Zhou Han, "Brother, what are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and drive this vixen out! Otherwise, I will be in a bad mood! What an eyesore!" ?”

"Qiqi, this is Aili, and also my sister. If you have to say it, she is your sister." Zhou Han explained with a deadpan expression, and said everything.

"Hee hee, be good~" Miyazaki Airi felt uncomfortable, and said to Kiki, "Call me Ohne-chan, and I'll give you candy~"

"Emmmm..." Zhou Qiqi had a weird expression and didn't speak, as if she had lost her soul, and then exploded on the spot, "Impossible!!!"

Zhou Han's reaction to Qiqi was also expected, and he was not surprised. Hearing that when his father remarried, he didn't tell his mother at all, and it was even more impossible for Qiqi to know.

As a result, I had an airborne sister, Qiqi had an airborne sister, and a brother and sister raped someone.

"Qiqi, it's true, Airi is your sister, and also my sister, you are not dreaming, hurry up and accept the reality!"

"OH! NO!!!" Zhou Qiqi covered her head, as if using the Overlord, "This is impossible! How could there suddenly be a... blond-haired sister from the sky, full of winning attributes! What the hell! I Has the clever plan that came to mind been stolen?!"

Zhou Han frowned, thinking for a long time, does Qiqi still care about attributes?

"Brother! What's going on! Why is there an extra sister! Obviously, I'm enough!" Zhou Qiqi shouted angrily.

"This... Dad remarried, and Aili is the stepmother's daughter." Zhou Han scratched his cheeks and explained awkwardly.

"Hurry up and call me Ou Nei-chan~" Miyazaki Airi pinched her small waist, very proud, her sister's posture was very good.

Zhou Qiqi was stunned for three seconds, and then she felt bad all over——

"What the hell is going on!"

"Is it because I haven't been home for a long time?"

"Why is there a fake sister beside my brother..."

After almost three 10 minutes.

Zhou Han finally explained clearly about his father's remarriage and cohabitation with Miyazaki Airi.

The two younger sisters didn't express their views, but began to drink water vigorously.

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