Miyazaki Airi: "Ton ton ton ton..."

Zhou Qiqi: "Ton ton ton ton ton..."

Zhou Han whispered secretly, a little scared, thinking that it must be because of the quarrel just now that too much saliva was wasted, which made his tongue dry and unable to talk about things normally.

"Ha~" Miyazaki Airi put down the water glass, feeling like she was alive and her throat was about to smoke just now.

"Scared~" Zhou Qiqi put down the water glass, with a satisfied face and a comfortable body.

Zhou Han looked at the two younger sisters quietly, thinking that it would be fine if they live together, right?Of course, if there is no quarrel, if it is like just now, forget it, and I will be in a terrible state.

"Is it all clear now? Qiqi is not Xiaosi, and Aili is not a vixen."

"So that's how it is. My dad remarried and didn't tell me. It seems that I'm not my own. Damn it!" Zhou Qiqi curled her lips in displeasure, thinking that her family was rather special.

"Maybe I'll tell you later." Zhou Han said awkwardly.

"But... why do you have a fake sister and live together!" Zhou Qiqi felt very uncomfortable seeing Miyazaki Airi.

Because they are also younger sisters, and they are far away from their elder brothers, Miyazaki Airi can live together, which is not very scientific.

"What is a fake sister? Is it true that a sister is real? And what happened to cohabitation? Is it strange that brothers and sisters live together?" Miyazaki Airi retorted dissatisfied.

"Don't quarrel over this matter." Zhou Han forcefully smiled, feeling that the matter was very complicated.

"Brother, get her out quickly! I don't allow you to live with this fake sister!" Zhou Qiqi patted the table angrily, she didn't like Miyazaki Airi very much, she felt that she had replaced her, and she was the older brother The only sister in my heart, suddenly came a capable fake sister, what the hell!

"This won't work, you're a bit willful." Zhou Han refused to accept Qiqi's unreasonable troubles.

"I don't care, this vixen No. [-] must leave!" Zhou Qiqi glared at Miyazaki Airi, and said very rhymingly——

"Stay in my room!"

"Sleep in my bed!"

"Now you want to grab my brother!?"


Chapter 76 Monthly Pass Addition

"You fascist bandit! Evil capitalist predator! Get out of my way, the house is mine! The bed is mine! My brother is mine!"

Zhou Qiqi said very domineeringly, in short, it is not like letting Miyazaki Airi stay with Zhou Han.

Zhou Han was very helpless about this. Although Miyazaki Airi is his sister, she is also his future wife, so he didn't take his complaints about Zhou Qiqi to heart at all.

Miyazaki Airi frowned slightly, a little upset. Although Zhou Han had said that Qiqi was a brother-controller, he didn't expect it to be so deep, and it was a bit annoying.

Although she is Zhou Qiqi's older sister, she is also her sister-in-law. A normal wife would be a little disgusted with this sister-in-law who clings to her husband.

It seems that Lin Nianwei had some foresight, and she made clear her hostile stance, and she had long been at odds with each other.

Although Miyazaki Airi doesn't like Zhou Qiqi's bad personality, she still gets along well, but it seems that there are many obstacles.

"You say what's yours is yours, isn't it too overbearing? Now it's all mine, it doesn't matter how you are dissatisfied, hum~!"

Miyazaki Airi is not a master who is willing to be angry, so she has a hard time with Zhou Qiqi.

"Brother, look at this vixen! How dare you anger me on purpose? Help me!" Zhou Qiqi was so angry for the first time in her life, her sister was replaced, and now her brother has a younger sister, her own Wouldn't the status be shaken?

"Qiqi, stop making trouble, Aili is also our family, can't you be more polite? After all, she is also your sister, even if you don't admit it, you should respect her." Zhou Han stood in the palace. Saki Airi is speaking here.

There is no way, since he is caught between his wife and younger sister, he can only judge fairly, otherwise he will definitely be blamed.

What's more, Miyazaki Airi is a sister and wife with double halos, how can she lose?No matter from which point of view, it is a little more important than Kiki.

Miyazaki Airi smiled slightly, very satisfied with Zhou Han's attitude.

"Brother, are you suffering from a demon? Or did you take the wrong medicine?!" Zhou Qiqi became angry immediately, and Zhou Han actually spoke for outsiders, which made Qiqi, who is a younger sister, very angry.

"You speak so badly? What's wrong with me?" Zhou Han said awkwardly, thinking that Qiqi was not right in the first place, how could it become her fault in the end.

"You actually help outsiders and not me! You were not like this before! My heart hurts so much!" Zhou Qiqi exaggeratedly clutched her fake breasts.

"Aili is not an outsider, what you said is ambiguous." Zhou Han emphasized.

"Brother! You have been brainwashed by this vixen No. [-]. She must be an emotional liar! Sooner or later, she will dump you. How pitiful you will be then! So choose me for comparison!" Zhou Qiqi said solemnly, and by the way Sell ​​it yourself.

"What does Fox No. [-] mean?" Miyazaki Airi asked Zhou Han.

"Number one is Xiaowei, number two is you, and Xiaorui is probably number three." Zhou Han replied in a low voice.

"What kind of strange nickname is this..." Miyazaki Airi frowned, feeling uncomfortable, mainly because she was dissatisfied with being called a vixen. She and Zhou Han were in love with each other, what the hell is a vixen?

"According to what you mean, except you are all vixen, I can't choose anyone else, I can only choose you, if I choose someone else, I will definitely be deceived?" Zhou Han asked awkwardly.

"Yes! My brother can only marry me!" Zhou Qiqi said confidently. She was already ready to be her brother's bride.

"Look, I said that my sister is a brother-controller, have you seen it?" Zhou Han secretly said to Miyazaki Airi, wanting to prove his innocence.

"Yeah." Miyazaki Airi nodded, but she wasn't very angry because she had been vaccinated.

"Brother, what are you two talking about secretly behind my back? Is there any secret that is not visible to others, and if you are not convinced, you can put it on the table." Zhou Qiqi always feels that she has missed some shocking secret.

"It's nothing..." Zhou Han shook his head, "I just want to say, you are more mature, how old are you, I have no objection to your brother's accusation, but don't always talk about marrying your brother and pushing your brother instead, think about me Do you feel good?"

Zhou Han spoke very decently in front of Miyazaki Airi, like a decent person, who would dare to mess around with his wife?

"You don't have human rights, so you don't need to think about it." Zhou Qiqi said bluntly.

"You girl..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak, not knowing what to say.

Maybe many people think that Zhou Han is weird. Isn't it a happy thing to have a clingy sister? Actually, it's not the case. It's not a very happy thing to have a clingy sister for more than ten years.

"I don't care! Brother, you can't let this vixen No. [-] stay by your side. My sister can only have me! One more is not enough!" Zhou Qiqi is now very worried about her position in Zhou Han's heart, because Miyazaki Airi seems to be with Zhou Han. She looks very good, and as a younger sister, she can't tolerate this kind of thing.

"Starting to be self-willed again, Aili is very nice, can't you get along well with her?" Zhou Han showed a very distressed expression to me, and the worst thing is for sisters to get along.

"No! Haven't you heard the saying that the first brother won't allow the second younger sister?" Zhou Qiqi said solemnly.

"I've never heard of it, did you make it up yourself?" Zhou Han frowned.

"Don't care about these details, I just don't want to see my brother have two younger sisters." Zhou Qiqi said very stubbornly.

"You give me a little bit of moderation, I have tolerated you for a long time, don't be a vixen." Miyazaki Airi frowned, feeling that Zhou Qiqi's aggressive thinking was very strong. Did she provoke her, but she always wanted to drive herself away Walk.

"Hmph! What are you talking about with your fake sister! I'm talking to my brother!" Zhou Qiqi confronted each other without giving in.

"That... don't be noisy, let's talk calmly." Zhou Han really didn't want to see the relationship between the two younger sisters getting more and more tense. It seemed that Zhou Qiqi didn't have a good relationship with anyone, which made Lin Nianwei angry, and now Miyazaki Airi is not slow. But he is also very helpless, my sister, what can I do with her?

"Shut up!" The two younger sisters said in unison, like a war between younger sisters, without elder brother's participation.

"Okay...Okay, you guys continue..." Zhou Han said awkwardly, thinking what the hell!No!The rhythm of the second contest of the sister war?

Miyazaki Airi: "I want to emphasize one point, I'm not a vixen, don't say it so harshly, I know I'm a righteous sister, but the family relationship is not limited to blood, you are willing to call me Ou Nei-chan , and I will be very happy."

Zhou Qiqi: "You're daydreaming, you won't call me if you beat me to death, my real sister is definitely better than my adopted sister, my brother and I are closer!"

Miyazaki Airi: "I'm not bad either, I'm also his sister, you're a guy who's been away from home for so long, you might not be much better than me!"

Zhou Qiqi: "Nonsense! I'm better than your fake sister! My brother loves my real sister even more! Don't shame your fake sister. How can you understand the mystery of blood relationship? Get out of here!" "

Miyazaki Airi: "What's so good about my sister? My sister is not married to my brother, hmph~!"

Zhou Qiqi was silent, her face was very ugly, she felt that her heart had been stabbed by a knife, and she spewed out blood, she was really pierced in the heart——

It hurts!

This vixen is really insidious!

Actually use the weak point break on me invisibly!

( o ﹏ o )

Chapter 77 Monthly Pass Addition

Zhou Han looked at Miyazaki Airi, thinking I'll go, Airi is not a fuel-efficient lamp, ironically, she is not weaker than others, but more ruthless.

"My younger sister can't marry my brother!"

This sentence is a lethal blow to orthopedic personnel, similar to wishing lovers in the world to become brothers and sisters.

But Miyazaki Airi's words mean... her step sister can marry her brother?

what to do?My heart seems to be beating faster, and Airi's cuteness level has skyrocketed.

Miyazaki Airi seemed to have noticed Zhou Han's gaze, so she blushed and glared at him, "What do you think I am doing?! There is something wrong with what I said!"

"No...no..." Zhou Han looked away, feeling a little embarrassed.

"So what if you can't get married? It's fine if you can have sex!" Zhou Qiqi said unconvinced.

"You..." Miyazaki Airi was taken aback, and said with a weird expression, "Are you crazy?"

"Papapapa, what's the matter? What's wrong with solving each other's physical needs? It's totally fine to do what you like and what I want!" Zhou Qiqi said confidently.

Zhou Han frowned, feeling extremely complicated. He felt that he was being trampled back and forth by hundreds of thousands of grass and mud horses, and his three views were completely shattered.

"What is it? Can you be more normal in your thinking? Brothers and sisters have no future, so it's better to be a righteous sister." Miyazaki Airi said to herself.

"Nonsense! A real sister is better. My brother is a sister-in-law, so he must like me more. Real orthopedics are much more exciting than fake orthopedics!" Zhou Qiqi was not polite, and really regarded Zhou Han as a crazy girl pusher, "Yes Not brother?"

"I... um!!!"

Before Zhou Han could speak, Miyazaki Airi covered her mouth.

"If he doesn't want to be a disabled person, he definitely won't do that. Be your sister honestly, don't always think about such perverted things!"

"It's not abnormal at all, ethics! It's a super sacred thing! Especially the orthopedics department, it's a ritual to turn decay into magic!" Zhou Qiqi looked serious.

"What are you talking nonsense in a serious manner?" Miyazaki Airi frowned, and was speechless to Zhou Qiqi, feeling that she was a psychopath.

"Orthopedics is the key driving force for the development of civilization. We have precedents since ancient times." Zhou Qiqi seemed to start citing classics, "Fuxi and Nuwa are brothers and sisters, and they continued civilization. Isn't it amazing?"

"Not at all..." Miyazaki Airi remained expressionless, feeling a little complicated.

"Your Japan is also a virtue. Izanagi and Izanami are siblings, right? Papapa was the birth of Japan, and all the gods in the sky are the products of brother and sister papapa. Isn't it amazing? So..." Zhou Qiqi After a pause, he said very seriously, "Orthopedics is a sacred thing! It is an excellent and glorious tradition! It must be continued, so there is no problem for me and my brother to marry."

"This..." Miyazaki Airi was a little speechless, but still felt disgusted, "Don't take the story seriously!"

"No! You, a mortal, won't understand. My brother and I also shoulder the responsibility of continuing civilization. We must unite together, otherwise the world will be destroyed..." Zhou Qiqi said that it was serious.

Responsibility ass!

A brother-sister sex is about the survival of the world?

What the hell kind of setting is this shit!It is definitely to satisfy the strange and perverted product!

Zhou Han's forehead was covered with black lines, and the way he looked at Zhou Qiqi changed.

"You're enough! Brothers and sisters can't get married, so give up! Don't always say nonsense and disgusting people! Don't you feel ashamed?!" Miyazaki Airi slapped the table angrily. As a little wife, she must be unable to bear anything Brothers and sisters, being a righteous sister is different from Zhou Qiqi.

"No shame at all! You fake sister, vixen, don't make irresponsible remarks to me! I can tell from your eyes that you really want to seduce my brother! You evil capitalist predator!" Zhou Qiqi shouted angrily, not caring about other people's eyes at all.

"I..." Miyazaki Airi hesitated to speak, did she seduce Zhou Han?no?right!Nothing!

It seems that Miyazaki Airi completely forgot about the fact that she took the initiative to find Zhou Han in the middle of the night in a blink of an eye. In her eyes, Zhou Han coveted her for a long time.

Zhou Han looked at Miyazaki Airi, thinking to fight back quickly, if I can't, I'll do it, what's the matter with this hesitant appearance?You won't really be caught by Qiqi, have you thought about seducing me...

"What are you looking at? If you look at me again, I'll dig out your eyeballs!" Miyazaki Airi said with a blushing face, shy from being stared at by Zhou Han.

"I can't afford it, I can't afford it..." Zhou Han withdrew his gaze.

"I never seduced him! Don't talk nonsense!" Miyazaki Airi frowned and retorted, refusing to admit it.

"Then you hurry up and stay away from my brother, don't continue to exude strong female hormones next to her, it's really disgusting!" Zhou Qiqi said disgustedly, now seeing Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi sitting down in front of the screen is very disgusting accurate.

how to say?Leaning together is like a couple photo, which makes Zhou Qiqi, a brother, a bad person and very conflicted.

"What nonsense? Do you think I'm the same as you?! My mouth is full of rebellion... push him..." Miyazaki Airi is a little guilty, and she seems to have thought of pushing back, but the result is still good, everyone No one is forced, just cooperate with each other and ascend to the palace of adults.

At first, Miyazaki Airi was looking forward to having a younger sister, but now she has no expectations at all, and she doesn't want such a bad-tempered younger sister at all.

"I don't care! Get away, you vixen! Also... don't come within ten centimeters of my brother, what are you doing side by side in front of me? Are you taking wedding photos? Or are you deliberately torturing me with flash bombs? I have endured you for a long time!" Zhou Qiqi was like a little tigress, about to go mad.

"Eh?!" Zhou Han suddenly realized, thinking that he could not stimulate Qiqi further, so he moved to the side, but just as he lifted his buttocks, Miyazaki Airi grabbed his arm and prevented him from moving, "Airi, you?"

"You don't move, your sister told you to stay away from me, so stay away from me? Stay! Let's continue to be together and show her!" Miyazaki Airi held Zhou Han's arm, her body clinging to her Together, the little bird leaned against him.

"What are you talking about, you vixen!? How dare you ignore my existence? Brother, push this vixen away! What are you doing standing there!?" Zhou Qiqi was furious, watching the other two guys show their affection, and she was so angry that she felt angry. The vinegar jar exploded on the spot.

"That..." Zhou Han scratched his cheeks, thinking in shame, he pushed Aili away, maybe tonight will not be easy, but Qiqi should have nothing to do with her in Australia, so let's face Aili.

"Bastard! You vixen are so brave, you dare to openly NTR me! You even put a green hat on my head in front of me! It's unreasonable! You shameless woman!" Zhou Qiqi's chest rose and fell in anger.

"So what?" Miyazaki Airi was also very tough.

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