"Aren't you also a younger sister? You just said that the orthopedics department is disgusting, why do you guard yourself!?" Zhou Qiqi asked angrily.

"I'm sorry, I'm a fake sister, so I can really do whatever I want~" Miyazaki Airi has not concealed it, probably because of Zhou Qiqi's fox spirit.

"What did you say?!" Zhou Qiqi really wanted to rush over and pull the two of them away, but she didn't have superpowers.

"Oh, by the way, don't call me a vixen in the future, and you don't need to call me Ou Nei..." Miyazaki Airi looked at Zhou Qiqi, as if she was swearing——

"Just change your name and call me sister-in-law~"


The first thousand and seventy-eighth chapter cough cough cough cough

I go? !

No way!

What will Ai Li say, a dead girl? !

Could it be that he wanted to tell Kiki about the relationship?

No!It will explode!Qiqi is crazy, killing people is not against the law!

Zhou Han was sweating coldly, his eyes wandered from Miyazaki Airi and Zhou Qiqi, and he couldn't make up his mind for a while.

"What..." Zhou Qiqi's mood became a little unstable, "What do you mean? What kind of sister-in-law!"

"To be honest, Zhou Han and I have been dating, and for a while." Miyazaki Airi said unceremoniously, and her tone was very frivolous, obviously really angry with Zhou Qiqi.

"What?! How is it possible! Didn't you just say that brothers and sisters are not allowed?!" Zhou Qiqi bared her little tiger teeth, as if she was about to fly up and bite Miyazaki Airi at any time.

"Sorry, I'm different from you. I'm a fake sister. Not only can I date, but I can also get married." Miyazaki Airi hugged Zhou Han's arm tightly. Angry rhythm.

"No, no, don't get me wrong, Airi, she... hiss~"

Before Zhou Han could finish speaking, Miyazaki Airi suddenly pinched his waist hard, and he grinned in pain.

Zhou Han glanced at Miyazaki Airi suspiciously, and found that she was winking at him.

What Miyazaki Airi actually expressed: "Don't talk too much, so you can sleep by yourself at night, don't even try to touch me!"

Zhou Han understood the meaning: "If you dare to push me one more word, I will let you die, be honest with me!"

"Brother, is it true? You really dated this vixen?!" Zhou Qiqi looked at Zhou Han and questioned.

"..." Zhou Han hesitated again and again, covered his face and stopped talking.

"No ah ah ah!"

Zhou Qiqi clutched her head in pain, making an unacceptable appearance, feeling like the whole world was collapsing!

My brother is dating a real girl!And the object is my sister!

He obviously has a real sister like himself, why would he date a fake sister! ?

How can fake orthopedics stimulate real orthopedics!Isn't this inevitable! ?

Could it be that brother is using his fake sister as a substitute and leaving his real sister aside?

"Qiqi, calm down, I think I can still be saved..." Zhou Han said awkwardly, feeling that it would be dangerous to go on like this, and it was embarrassing to see Zhou Qiqi behaving wildly now.

"I don't listen, I don't listen! Brother, are you blind! Why are you dating this fake sister! Isn't it good to associate with my real sister?!" Zhou Qiqi questioned one after another, her angry face He looked obviously confused by anger.

"This..." Zhou Han felt that Miyazaki Airi's eyes were approaching, and the result was obvious. A hatchet that is close in front of you, and a hatchet that is far away across the ocean, don't you have any clues in your mind, "I I think... my legs are more important."

"I'm so stupid, why don't you call me sister-in-law quickly? I hope you can sincerely bless us..." Miyazaki Airi leaned on Zhou Han, mocking further.

"Ahhhhhh!" Zhou Qiqi probably couldn't bear it anymore——

"You vixen, I can't finish with you!"

"It's hard for me to train my brother to become a sister-in-law!"

"Cheng Yaojin unexpectedly came out halfway and stole the fruits of my labor!"

"I won't agree with you two getting married! My brother belongs to me! It's not your fake sister!"

"I'm sorry, we really love each other. We don't mean to grab or not. Anyway, thank you for helping us. Sister, you want to come to our wedding, Keke~" Miyazaki Airi imitated Zhou Qiqi's laughter, mockingly Can drive people to death.

Zhou Han's face was very dark, thinking that Miyazaki Airi also held a grudge, didn't she just call a little vixen?Actually started the rhythm of falling in love and killing each other.

"I don't admit it! I don't admit it!" Zhou Qiqi covered her ears and put on an attitude of non-stop chanting——

"Brother! Just wait for me! I won't let you go!"

"If I don't disturb you two, my surname will not be Zhou!"

"I'm going to buy a plane ticket to go back to China tomorrow!"

"Brother! Wash your neck obediently and wait for me!"

Zhou Qiqi slammed down a harsh word and turned off the video directly.

Miyazaki Airi and Zhou Han are messed up in the wind...

Zhou Han's expression became weird, and he thought to himself, Qiqi really wants to come back and tear down the harem I finally formed?I feel a little bad!

He showed a somewhat anxious expression, he and Miyazaki Airi haven't lived enough shameless lives every day, and suddenly adding a bad-tempered sister, the peaceful life will definitely disappear.

This is how to do?Do you want to buy a villa, avoid Qiqi, and protect your harem?

Sure enough, forget it, what's the matter with hiding from my own sister?

Mom, she... probably won't let Qiqi leave...

Probably not, my mother always said one thing.

And Qiqi is so young, my mother will not agree to let her come and live with her.

It seems that I don't have to worry about it for the time being, Qiqi should not come back.

Miyazaki Airi was a little surprised by the sudden mid-section of the video, and said to Zhou Han, "Your sister has a really bad temper, I don't like it very much."

"Your temper is not much better than her..." Zhou Han said awkwardly, wondering where Miyazaki Airi's sense of superiority came from.

"Tsk! What are you talking about?" Miyazaki Airi gave Zhou Han a dissatisfied look.

"No...it's nothing..." Zhou Han scratched his head in embarrassment.

"By the way, why didn't I tell you that I wanted to meet my own sister? I thought you were messing around again outside." Miyazaki Airi said angrily.

"I can't help it. You have also seen that Qiqi is a brother-in-law. Can you still be calm after seeing you? If you return to the country in a rage, you will definitely come to make trouble. We will not be able to have a quiet life then." Zhou Han sighed.

"Then..." Miyazaki Airi thought the same, and felt that it was a mistake to meet. The world between myself and Zhou Han is so good, and it is really embarrassing to have one more person suddenly, "Then you wouldn't have said it earlier, I knew the pros and cons of it earlier I won’t disturb you anymore! Baga!”

"Would you believe me when I told you? Isn't Qiqi a very quiet girl in your eyes? Last time I told you that you were eager to see each other, can I stop you?" Zhou Han said bitterly , He said that he would not take the blame for the discount.

"I..." Airi Miyazaki blushed and froze, "Oh, it's all your fault anyway!"

"Don't worry too much, I guess even if Qiqi wants to go back to China, mom won't let her go." Zhou Han comforted Miyazaki Airi.

"Really?" Miyazaki Airi asked suspiciously.

"Basically, I'm not sure." Zhou Han didn't say anything, and continued, "Actually, you didn't say that it's okay for us to date."

"Who made her always call me a vixen! Who is a vixen! Do you think I am a vixen and have seduced you?" Miyazaki Airi said angrily, refusing to admit certain facts.

"No, no, we are in love with each other." Zhou Han said against his will, and touched Miyazaki Airi's little hand to comfort her.

"It's so annoying, I'm going back..." Miyazaki Airi stood up.

"Don't..." Zhou Han directly hugged Miyazaki Airi, stretched his hand under her skirt dishonestly, and said teasingly——

"It's all here, don't leave tonight, huh?"

(づ ̄ ^3 ̄)づ

Chapter 79 Thinking

"Oh~" Miyazaki Airi blushed, Zhou Han's warmth made him feel very comfortable, as for the salty pig's hand touching the bottom of the thigh under the skirt, she reacted even more strangely, "What are you doing? Really Bad! Don't touch my weird place..."

"Airi, don't be shy, the shy you are, the cuter you are..."

Zhou Han hugged Miyazaki Airi's delicate body, sniffing the smell of shampoo on her hair, feeling refreshing, probably just after taking a shower.

As for the soft and delicate body, and that shy and cute expression, Zhou Han couldn't put it down even more.

Although I have done everything, I just like this dead girl very much.

"Oh, don't make trouble, why are you so mean?" Miyazaki Airi nudged Zhou Han with a blushing face.

"I've been so mean to you~" Zhou Han pressed his forehead against Miyazaki Airi's, very affectionate Mo Yang.

"Ya Butterfly!" Miyazaki Airi angrily pulled Zhou Han's hands away, then stood up and looked at him dissatisfied.

"What... what's wrong?" Zhou Han dripped a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, thinking that he didn't offend his wife, right?Why don't you let yourself touch it?

"I'm so mad at you, I'm not in the mood today, go to sleep by yourself, hum~!"

Miyazaki Airi turned and left the room, seemingly really annoyed by what happened today.

Zhou Han rested his forehead and sighed in embarrassment, thinking that he would be alone again tonight.

"Ha, don't be so arrogant and disgusted?"

Elizabeth suddenly appeared with a smile on her face.

"I can't help it, Qiqi's temper, anyone who sees it will be angry." Zhou Han said helplessly.

"You should be happier. Isn't it a very happy thing to be caught in the Shura field of the twin sisters?" Elizabeth asked.

"You don't understand, you are not happy at all, you are walking on thin ice, neither sister can be offended, and you can't be coaxed." Zhou Han said helplessly.

"Then... let's push it together, those who are not convinced will wear sleepwear, and don't make any sense." Elizabeth urged.

Zhou Han rolled his eyes and said embarrassingly——

"No, my right leg is starting to hurt..."

School starts the next day.

The school holds midterm exams.

Since he was not in the examination room of his class, he brought a black pen out of the classroom, and ran into Lin Nianwei directly.

"Morning, Xiaowei." Zhou Han greeted with a smile.

Lin Nianwei sized him up and asked, "Have you brought everything?"

"En!" Zhou Han raised a lonely pen.

Lin Nianwei sighed, feeling that Zhou Han was too coping, "Where's the paint pen, ruler, and eraser?"

"Uh...I'll go back and get it." Zhou Han pointed at the classroom awkwardly.

"Are you really taking the exam seriously? I always feel that you are not motivated and want to deal with it casually." Lin Nianwei frowned, her tone tinged with dissatisfaction.

"No...no..." Zhou Han scratched his head and said seriously, "I really take it seriously, at least I have to pass all of them, to prove that I am not the material to stay in the last exam room!"

"How can you just have momentum? Exams don't depend on words. Do you remember yesterday's formulas, stories, and words? If you don't have the foundation, hurry up and take a look. Do you understand the reason why you can't be quick if you grind your guns in battle?"

"I understand, I understand..." Zhou Han secretly swallowed nervously, thinking that Lin Nianwei is now like a mother, afraid that I will fail the exam, worrying about this and that, but it's not very annoying.

"Don't just promise, you must work hard." Lin Nianwei complained, feeling uncomfortable.

She has always wanted to introduce Zhou Han to her parents, but Zhou Han's grades are unjustifiable and ugly now.

Normal parents will be very concerned about this. When they are young, they look at their academic performance, and when they grow up, they look at their wealth. There will always be a standard of measurement.

Lin Nianwei needs to train Zhou Han well and let him take the initiative, otherwise, his parents will not be able to justify it.

"I will work hard, for Xiaowei." Zhou Han said seriously.

"Hmm..." Lin Nianwei blushed, feeling a little embarrassed that her thoughts had been seen, "Don't just move your mouth."

Zhou Han nodded like a chicken pecking rice, thinking that he should be fine.

Lin Nianwei approached Zhou Han mysteriously, lowered her voice and said secretly, "If you can't do it, just copy it, bring a bottle of mineral water in, write the answer on the label, it shouldn't be seen, that's what I saw Wang Qianqian do last time Come on, don't be too honest."

What the hell!

It's a fake Xiaowei in front of me!

You actually encouraged me to plagiarize!

Do you just look down on me like that?

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