After all, I'm also a smart person, I won't copy such indecent moves, I can't afford to lose that person!

Zhou Han's mood was very complicated, he didn't expect Lin Nianwei to be so worried.

In fact, Lin Nianwei had nothing to do, she was anxious to introduce Zhou Han to her parents, otherwise she always felt uneasy.

"Did you hear it? Just copy it at this time, you're welcome."

"Okay, I will." Zhou Han agreed verbally.

"You take this..." Lin Nianwei looked around and stuffed it into Zhou Han's hands mysteriously.

Zhou Han felt that something hard was stuffed into it, it felt like a cardboard shell, and when he picked it up, he said, "Damn it!"

This is a photo of Lin Nianwei's selfie, which seems to be taken with a camera.

Lin Nianwei was wearing white underwear, holding up the camera with one hand, and dragging her breasts with the other, revealing her imaginative breasts. The straps on the corsage drooped on both sides, as if they would fall off at any time.

Lin Nianwei's expression was very far-fetched, and she squeezed out a smile, the blush on her face was obvious.

Zhou Han felt that the photo was a bit tempting, and almost got a nosebleed, but he managed to hold it back.

Zhou Han was very confused by what Lin Nianwei did, he didn't know what kind of medicine she was selling in her gourd?

Didn't he keep it for himself as a dish, did he?

"Xiao...cough!" Zhou Han coughed lightly, and asked awkwardly, "Xiaowei, what do you mean? It's so exciting in the early morning, isn't it good? Is it because your parents are not at home at night, implying me emmmmm ..."

"You're right, where are you thinking? How could I do such a thing?" Lin Nianwei blushed and said awkwardly, "Put the photo away, don't hold it so ostentatiously, for fear that others won't see it? "

"Uh, sorry..."

With a dark face, Zhou Han silently put Lin Nianwei's seductive photo in his pocket, decided not to exchange it with Lin Nianwei, and secretly hid it by himself, taking it out to stimulate him if he has nothing to do, wouldn't it be beautiful?

"Xiaowei, it's not that kind of hint, what does that mean?"

"This is a secret magic weapon for you. Don't use it until you get stuck in the exam, do you hear me?" Lin Nianwei said seriously.

"???" Zhou Han's mind was full of greetings, and he couldn't understand Lin Nianwei today.

Lin Nianwei sighed, and said solemnly, "Don't you need motivation? Once you get sexual stimulation, your potential will explode, so here is this photo for you. If you feel that your brain is blank during the exam and you need motivation, you can secretly take it out and look at it." Take a few glances and stimulate yourself."

"Xiaowei, what do you mean..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak.

"That's right." Lin Nianwei nodded, and said solemnly——

"That's what I mean..."

"If you think you can't do well in the exam with your brain, then choose to think with your second child."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

I go……

It's too contemptuous of people!

Actually let me use...use...

By the way, isn't Xiao Wei ashamed to say "second child"?

Zhou Han's mood is very complicated, do you know what it's like to be looked down upon by your wife?Actually very humiliating.

"Xiaowei, don't do this, I will make great progress."

"That's not sure, you have to find a way to do well in the exam, and then work harder next time to get into the top [-] in the grade." Lin Nianwei said seriously.

She also knew that this was embarrassing, but there was no good way, because it was still unknown whether Zhou Han could play stably.

That's why Lin Nianwei came up with this bad plan. After all, during tutoring, giving Zhou Han some pornographic temptation is like giving him chicken blood. His IQ has risen in a straight line. It's not a bad idea to take a seductive photo and show it to him during the exam.

Lin Nianwei still remembered the shameful appearance last night. She took many photos and was not satisfied. Finally, she chose one that she thought looked good. She could also check how many models posed.

Top [-] years old! ?

Wow!Xiaowei has very high demands on me!

Why are you so obsessed with my grades!

Sure enough, it is because I am worried that I will not study well, which will lead to not having a good job, and will not be able to support my family in the future, and will not be able to afford milk powder and raise a baby! ?

Zhou Han's eyes widened, and he felt that Lin Nianwei was really thinking too far, and had already thought about the time of having a child in the future, but he didn't know that there was too much money to spend now.

The truth is not what Zhou Han thought at all, Lin Nianwei just thinks that he has poor grades and is easy to be looked down upon by his parents.

How can a bastard who is extremely poor in his studies be worthy of being the jewel in the palm of the Lin family?

"Okay, I won't let you down, I will take responsibility."

A drop of cold sweat fell on Lin Nianwei's forehead. She thought about her responsibility and felt that she had misunderstood something, but the result was always positive.

"Know...just work hard if you know, don't disappoint my expectations."

"It's not a last resort, don't take out my photo to look at it, I feel... I feel ashamed."

"I see..." Zhou Han gave a dry laugh, thinking why would I look after my wife's temptation in public? Isn't this courting death?When I look at others, I feel that I am at a loss.

"There is one more thing that must be paid attention to. Don't let the invigilator confiscate it, or reputation will be ruined." This is what Lin Nianwei is most worried about. Girls are more concerned about their own reputation. If this matter is discovered, I will probably be pointed out.

"Yes, don't worry." Zhou Han nodded, he didn't want to use any tricks that the second child was thinking, and decided to hide Lin Nianwei's photos privately, "But it's hard to see you, if I really need photos like this Things, you can take care of what Airi wants..."

"No, you can only look at mine..." Lin Nianwei's face darkened immediately, and she was surprisingly persistent in this kind of thing.

"OK, OK..." Zhou Han said awkwardly, thinking that he shouldn't mention other girls at such a time.

"Wei sauce?"

Miyazaki Airi also came out of the classroom and saw Lin Nianwei and Zhou Han chatting here.

"It's about to start, what are you doing here?"

"I... I'm here to encourage Xiaohan a few words." Lin Nianwei's tone was slightly flustered.

Zhou Han showed a smile that was not a smile, thinking that he really encouraged me, it was really a very special encouragement that made my dick hard.

"Search~" Miyazaki Airi stared at Zhou Han, pretending to threaten and said, "If you fail the exam, you will have nothing to eat in the future, so be more serious."

"I understand." Zhou Han replied depressingly, thinking how he wanted the poor guy who was left alone to be surrounded and beaten by the enemy.

"Let's go, Wei-chan."


The two girls got bored together and went to a very high-ranking examination room.

Zhou Han looked at the two of them, thinking——

She is obviously my wife, but she is so strict, life will be difficult in the future...


The last examination room.

Zhou Han recalled the tutoring content in his heart, and the people around him were having a great time.

After all, it was the last examination room, and the problem children from the whole school gathered here.

Zhou Han got a lot of familiar people here, for example, the "girl" next to him was very familiar to him, but he couldn't remember the name.

From the very beginning, the girl stared at her as she ate potato chips, never leaving her eyes.

Damn, is it because I am so handsome that I have reached the point where I can be delicious?

This girl won't fall in love with me, An Sheng's affection, right?

No, no, I have three wives, how can I mess around?

Zhou Han sat in his seat, thinking seriously.

A boy came over and said awkwardly, "Student, this is my place."

"Here, isn't this the first grade... the first exam room... No. [-]?" Duan Nan said timidly.

"This is the last exam room in the second grade..." the boy replied.

"Yes... I'm sorry, I... I went wrong..." Duan Nan hurriedly got up and slipped out in a panic.

A drop of cold sweat dripped down on Zhou Han's forehead, and he thought to himself, who the hell is this? The first grade is on the first floor, and the floor can be mistaken.

"Han... Young Master Han, you're here too..." The second assistant from the left came over obsequiously, saw Zhou Han from a distance, and felt that he wanted to come over to say hello.

After all, in the last examination room, it is not surprising to see the second assistant from the left.

"Don't call me Han Shao, be normal." Zhou Han frowned, not helping the second left.

"Good morning, Brother Han." The second assistant from the left scratched his head and said.

"Is there something wrong? If you have nothing to do, go there!" Zhou Han gave the order to evict the guest.

"Yes, yes, Brother Han, you are busy, you are busy~" The second assistant from the left quickly slipped away.

Zhou Han continued to think about the tutoring content, but it didn't take long for him to bother himself.

"Yo brother, are you here too?"

Nima, this familiar feeling...

Zhou Han opened his eyes, and he saw Fang Yong from the basketball team.

"Why are you in this examination room?"

Zhou Han finds it incredible that Fang Yong has always been a good student, but he never expected to be in the most trashy examination room.

"I'm a physical education student, it's not normal to be trash in culture class." Fang Yong laughed.

"Your posture has lowered the overall performance of the basketball team." Zhou Han couldn't help but tease.

"That's almost what it means..." Fang Yong nodded, and then said mysteriously, "I have some good things, do you need them?"

"What?" Zhou Han asked curiously.

"Mathematical answer." Fang Yong showed Zhou Han the small note and said mysteriously.

"Fuck, where did you get it?" Zhou Han asked in surprise.

"My younger generation's mother is the teacher of our school who made the questions, and she got it with just one look." Fang Yong raised his eyebrows and said boldly, "If you want it, you can copy it secretly."

"No, I'm not that kind of person." Zhou Han shook his head.

"Brother, don't give up on yourself." Fang Yong said awkwardly.

"Whoever gives up on himself, I don't bother to make useless things. I'm completely fine on my own." Zhou Han said righteously.

Fang Yong was stunned and nodded, "Okay, awesome!"

There is half an hour left in the exam.

Zhou Han was sweating profusely as he looked at the math paper, already in a state of blank mind and complete bewilderment.

What did you study for yourself?have no idea!

My head is full of the desires of three wives.

Zhou Han had wanted to take out Lin Nianwei's seductive photos more than once, and switch his second thinking mode, but he finally endured it.

I don't want to insult my IQ with my second child, this is the bottom line.

Zhou Han looked up at the time, there was not much left, and he had completely forgotten the formula.

After thinking about it, Zhou Han shouted that he was pretending to be a wolf with a big tail, let's open the cheat——

"God help me!"

"Aren't you not copying?"

"Copy! If you don't copy, you are not human!"


wedding of three

Chapter 81 Monthly Pass Addition

Xiaowei, really.

There is such a sexy side.

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