Wow!I will keep this photo forever.

Looking at the photo given by Lin Nianwei, Zhou Han fell into deep satisfaction.

As for the exam, with Elizabeth's help, it will be a matter of course.

Zhou Han didn't intentionally make too much noise, probably already passed the passing line.

If you copy too much, you will inevitably run into trouble.

"I vowed not to copy it before, but it turned out to be very happy?" Elizabeth joked.

"What can I do about it? Exams are different from ordinary exams. When I get nervous, I forget everything I studied." Zhou Han said awkwardly.

"Aren't you full of three wives trying to make a show, just remembering that they squeezed you to sleep?" Elizabeth asked knowingly.

"Don't say it so bluntly, it's so embarrassing." A drop of cold sweat dripped from Zhou Han's forehead.

"How can unscrupulous tutoring be effective?" Elizabeth said helplessly.

Zhou Han covered his face in silence, not wanting to explain, all the ancient poems with formulas and words were washed away by **...

"What are you doing?" Miyazaki Airi entered the door suddenly, her eyes were sharper, and she saw the things in Zhou Han's hand at a glance.

"Eh?!" Zhou Han was startled, and quickly hid Lin Nianwei's photo, "'s nothing..."

Miyazaki Airi sighed, walked up to Zhou Han and held out her hand, "Give me..."

"What... what?" Zhou Han was calm on the surface, but he was in a panic in his heart. He couldn't bear to get Lin Nianwei's seductive photos. It must be uncomfortable to call out, and he didn't look at them a few times.

"Stop pretending, give it to me quickly..." Miyazaki Airi's expression turned ugly, as if she wanted to rob her.

Seeing that there was no other way, Zhou Han had no choice but to obediently hand over Lin Nianwei's photo, feeling a sense of loss in his heart, as he was about to confiscate it before he warmed it up.

Miyazaki Airi took it over and looked at it carefully, her face turned red immediately, then turned livid, her expression became serious, her sharp eyes seemed to be looking at a pervert.



Zhou Han felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, it would be bad if he dared to pick up the whole person, and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

How does it feel to be despised by your sister?

It's like life suddenly lost its dream and turned into a garbage salted fish.

Zhou Han was naturally not reconciled, so he hurriedly explained.

"Aili, listen to my explanation, isn't it what you think?"

"What kind of thing is that? If I come back later, are you planning to look at Wei Jiang's photo?" Miyazaki Airi said seriously, feeling that Zhou Han is really capable.

"You speak so ugly, am I that kind of person?" Zhou Han's face darkened, and Miyazaki Airi pierced his heart severely.

"You are that kind of person, you are so disgusting, where did this photo come from?" Miyazaki Airi asked dissatisfiedly, although she knew that everyone was dating together, this kind of thing is fine, but seeing Zhou Han's face like a pig brother Looking at the photos, I am still very upset!

I live with Zhou Han, and there are many opportunities to watch such a seductive scene.

It made Miyazaki Airi seem inferior to Lin Nianwei, no one was beautiful, and her attraction to Zhou Han was limited.

"This..." Zhou Han hesitated for a moment, and answered truthfully, "Xiaowei gave it to me."

"Whoa! You're lying to me again! How could Xiaowei do such a thing? It's so strange!" Miyazaki Airi thought it was impossible, Lin Nianwei is usually arrogant, how could she put down her posture and take such a seductive photo for Zhou Look, it's a bit... shameless...

"Really! Airi trust me..." Zhou Han became embarrassed, completely in a very passive state, his trust in his sister was so low, obviously he loved her so much.

"I won't believe you! You tell me the truth, otherwise you will not only have nothing to eat tonight, but you will also kneel on the washboard for me!" Miyazaki Airi's little tigress exploded, like a family member The appearance of a violent wife.

"It was Xiaowei who gave it to me. Airi believes in me. I am your brother and husband. Shouldn't family members have the most basic trust?" Zhou Han was very depressed, feeling that he was facing a double crisis of family and love.

"That being said..." Miyazaki Airi felt that she should trust Zhou Han, but he had too many previous convictions for lying, and his credit was already overdrawn, "But you must be lying to me, right? Covering up my dirty habit, and reaching out to Wei-chan, it's really disgusting, Baga!"

Zhou Han has no expression on his face, and his mood is extremely complicated. Why is he a villain in the eyes of a dead girl like Aili?Returning the devil's claws, I am a great red dragon, do I want to snatch these princesses as Mrs. Yazhai?

"Speak! Are you coercing Wei-chan to take pictures of this kind of thing, and then secretly satisfying your dirty desires!" Miyazaki Airi raised the photo and asked, of course, looking Zhou Han from the back. After all, Lin Nianwei's posture is enchanting, don't take serious The atmosphere is broken.

"I swear I didn't. Why is it coercion? Am I that kind of person?" Zhou Han felt very depressed. In Airi's eyes, did he even use coercion?

"I think it is, you don't feel ashamed to coerce Wei-chan to shoot this kind of thing! What a pervert! Idiot! Big villain! Sasadocine!" Miyazaki Airi yelled, feeling very upset, and she didn't want to let it go. When Zhou Han touched him, why did he become more and more volatile? Could it be that his charm couldn't compare to Lin Nianwei?

Or maybe Zhou Han is a heartbreaker at heart, and after playing with himself, he shifted his target to other people?

All kinds of conjectures flooded Miyazaki Airi's mind, making her very angry.


Zhou Han was in a complicated mood, and he really didn't want to say it out.

How embarrassing it was for Lin Nianwei to let her second child take the exam.

But looking at Miyazaki Airi's angry appearance, without explaining herself, the visual guess is that she is about to burp.

Zhou Han gritted his teeth, endured the feeling of heartache and explained.

"This is...Xiaowei's encouragement for me in the examination room..."

"What do you mean?" Miyazaki Airi frowned, thinking to herself, why do you need to send seductive photos for the exam?What kind of bloody story is this!

Zhou Han told what happened this morning, looking very embarrassed.

After Miyazaki Airi listened, she understood Lin Nianwei a little bit. It turned out that it was to stimulate Zhou Han's hidden attributes.

Thinking about Zhou Han's performance when he was tempted yesterday, it's not a bad idea to let him do better in the exam.

Miyazaki Airi hated herself for not thinking of such a method?It's fine to give Zhou Han one, I have a lot of sexy underwear, okay?

"Did you really show it in the examination room? Use your second child to think?"

"How is it possible! Am I that kind of person?" Zhou Han frowned, as embarrassing as he could be.

"Then... that's good, otherwise I will look down on you in the future, you pervert!" Miyazaki Airi said dissatisfiedly, frowning.

"I wouldn't do that, haha..." Zhou Han laughed dryly, wondering if this girl, Aili, is jealous?

"Hmph~!" Miyazaki Airi snorted coldly, turned around and wanted to leave, "The photo is confiscated, you are not allowed to see it."

"do not……"

"Any opinion?" Miyazaki Airi asked back with a cold face.

"No, no..." Zhou Han shook his head violently, feeling distressed. He managed to get a photo of Lin Nianwei, but it was confiscated by his sister. In fact, he wanted to keep it...

"Huh~! If you dare to have an opinion, you will die." Miyazaki Airi opened the door of the room, and suddenly something sounded, she turned her head and said nervously——

"Ah yes!"

"The thing about our relationship..."

"Uncle Zhou and my mother both know!"

(,,o . o,,)

Chapter 82 Facing

Zhou Han's expression froze on his face, thinking that he had heard wrong.

"Ari, what did you just say?"

Miyazaki Airi frowned, put on a look of impatience, and said angrily, "I said that Uncle Zhou and my mother both know that you are dating me. We were just on the way from school and asked us to make a video call tonight." , talk about it."

"What!?" Zhou Han covered his head in shock, with an unbelievable expression, "How did they suddenly know?"

"I don't know, but your sister must have done it. I guess she called Uncle Zhou overnight and told her the secret!" Miyazaki Airi said seriously, thinking that her parents knew about it, so she must have something to do with Zhou Qiqi , otherwise it cannot be explained.

Miyazaki Airi speculated that it must be Zhou Qiqi who became angry last night and called Uncle Zhou. , put pressure on that side, talked about the brother-sister relationship with embellishments, and encouraged Uncle Zhou to separate himself and Zhou Han, so the parents couldn't sit still today, and asked for an urgent meeting overnight.

"Qiqi! What a guy who specializes in cheating..." Zhou Han covered his face, thinking that most of the time it was Zhou Qiqi who did it, and he knew the virtues of his sister best, "My God! I'm going to die..."

"What's your reaction!? Isn't it just to meet your parents? Why are you so afraid?" Miyazaki Airi asked angrily.

"Can I not be afraid? Damn it! My leg! It's starting to hurt a little, and it won't be long before my father will interrupt it!" Zhou Han said in horror, thinking that although his father is a history professor, But it's weird to have a body that looks like a special soldier.

When he was a child, Zhou Han asked his father more than once if he was a soldier, but he accepted it with a smile and denied it.

"Look how cowardly you are! You're not promising at all, I'm going to look down on you!" Miyazaki Airi waited for Zhou Han, the more she saw Zhou Han was afraid of seeing her parents, the angrier she became, as if having sex with her was a big trouble of.

"Aili, aren't you afraid? Our brother and sister love to see their parents. Normally, normal people would think this is treason. Have you ever thought that it might not be as simple as casual criticism when we meet?" Zhou Han said awkwardly, look Looking at Miyazaki Airi's fearless appearance in the face of danger, I am amazed in my heart.

"Hurry... what are you panicking about? Can you still beat the mandarin ducks?" Miyazaki Airi replied guilty, but she was also very nervous in her heart. My mother said on the phone that she wanted to meet, and she didn't say anything else, which made Miyazaki Saki Airi was very confused, thinking that her mother was angry or something.

She is like Zhou Han, she definitely doesn't want to be separated, she decides to take responsibility with Zhou Han no matter what tonight, and then live happily together.

"The matter of beating mandarin ducks with sticks is really uncertain..." Zhou Han said with an ugly face, feeling that his father had already rolled up his sleeves and was about to beat him up.

"What are you afraid of, we don't agree to separate, can we still be beaten to death?" Miyazaki Airi smashed the jar, with a rhythm of hard regret, "Oh~, look at your dead appearance, I am not afraid, What are you afraid of? Is it a man!"

"I'm not afraid, I'm just a little worried." Zhou Han said with an ugly face.

"What are you worried about?" Miyazaki Airi asked suspiciously.

"My leg is about to break, Airi quickly buy me a plane ticket to Germany..." Zhou Han said with a bitter face.

"Zhou Han, what do you mean? You just don't want to take responsibility?" Miyazaki Airi frowned and looked at Zhou Han.

"No, no..." Zhou Han walked over and stretched out his hand, trying to hold her shoulder, "Aili, don't get me wrong, I just want to express my feelings..."

"Don't touch me!" Miyazaki Airi slapped Zhou Han's hand away, and said angrily, "If I had known today, why did you farm so hard that night? It's fine when you're done having fun, and when something goes wrong, just be a coward and don't want to take responsibility?"

There were tears in Miyazaki Airi's eyes, and she was very sad and angry. She had the awareness to take responsibility and face it together, but Zhou Han seemed weak, which really made her a little sad.

"It's not like Airi, how can I not be responsible? Even if my dad doesn't agree, I will like you. Of course, I have the consciousness to face it with you. If it doesn't work, I will take you to elope, okay?" ?" Zhou Han said seriously, actually he really had a thought in his heart, if it doesn't work, he will take Miyazaki Airi to live in a place that no one knows, and his father can't find him.

"Who wants to elope with you, Hachi!" Miyazaki Airi said angrily, feeling a little better.

"It's okay if I kidnap you, as long as you are willing." Zhou Han coaxed Miyazaki Airi, and now he still couldn't see the dead girl crying, and felt very uncomfortable.

"I wouldn't want to! A guy like you sees one and loves the other, which makes people feel uneasy..." Miyazaki Airi said angrily, thinking that it would be nice if Zhou Han was more dedicated, but that's the end of the matter, it's just extravagant hope.

Zhou Han was embarrassed. He knew that Miyazaki Airi was dissatisfied with his three girls, but he had no choice but to drive them away. won't change."

"It's just nice to say, hum~!" Miyazaki Airi put on a ungrateful look.

"Don't cry, Airi..." Zhou Han raised Miyazaki Airi's little face, looked at the beautiful red eyes, "I feel very uncomfortable when you cry, I swear that I will be with you, even if Dad It doesn’t matter if you disagree, we can live our own lives, shall we?”

Miyazaki Airi did not resist, but asked, "Then what did you mean just now? So you are afraid of seeing your parents, isn't it because you don't want to take responsibility with me?"

"I'm just a little apprehensive. I didn't say to throw the mess to you. How could I do such a thing?" Seeing that Miyazaki Airi was in a stable mood, Zhou Han was a little relieved.

"What are you worried about? We really love each other, and my mother and Uncle Zhou will understand." Miyazaki Airi frowned.

"I'm just afraid that their attitude is not very kind. If you can't bear the pressure, you will leave me..." Zhou Han said awkwardly.

"Baga! What are you thinking about? Why did you leave you!" Miyazaki Airi threw herself into Zhou Han's arms and hugged him, "Why did I leave you, Baga, Baga, Baga..."

"Sorry, I was thinking too much, don't be angry, you will see my dad soon, your eyes are red, they will think I bullied you." Zhou Han wrapped his arms around Miyazaki Airi's waist , hugged her, and gently stroked her flaxen hair, thinking that if the dead girl acted like a baby every day, he would definitely not be able to resist.

"It's you, it's you, it's you who bullied me!" Miyazaki Airi raised her small powder fist and hammered Zhou Han's chest fiercely, as if to kill him.

"Haha, don't worry anyway, no matter what my father's attitude is, I will face it with you." Zhou Han patted Miyazaki Airi's head.

"I'm the one who said that. I've already made up my mind. If my parents object to us..." Airi Miyazaki paused, then said ruthlessly——

"Let's say I'm pregnant and we have our own baby."

( o _ o )

Chapter 83 False Alarm


Zhou Han was stunned, wondering what this damn girl Aili was talking about?Why is this routine so familiar? It’s not a strategy of cooking cooked rice with raw rice to force parents to submit. It is usually mixed with the elopement routine, and the effect is amazing.

"I think if I'm pregnant, Uncle Zhou and Mom won't say anything, so they won't compete with their grandson, right?" Miyazaki Airi said seriously, having made up her mind.

She doesn't know whether she is pregnant or not now, and the pregnancy test stick will take about half a month to use, and now it will take more than ten days.

If I'm not pregnant and Uncle Zhou and mother still don't believe it, then I can only work harder at night with Zhou Han these days.

"This...that's true..." Zhou Han responded awkwardly, feeling a little complicated in his heart, and really didn't want things to come to this point.

"So don't worry, we won't be separated, we will always be together." Miyazaki Airi hugged Zhou Han silently.

"Well, I won't let you go either." Zhou Han also hugged Miyazaki Airi tightly.

He felt that he couldn't leave this dead girl anymore, and if he separated, he could only elope with Aili.

As for the other girls, they could only take them away together and leave the city.

Anyway, with my current financial resources, I can go anywhere...

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