In half an hour.

Aspect of Miyazaki Airi.

The video is already on.

Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi sat in front of the computer together.

Aunt Miyazaki and Father Zhou were also facing each other, and they had different expressions.

Father Zhou looked serious and kept silent, while Aunt Miyazaki smiled kindly.

Zhou Han: "Dad."

Miyazaki Airi: "Mom."

Zhou's father remained silent, and looked at Zhou Han with a cold face, seeming to be a little angry.

A black line ran down Zhou Han's forehead, what did he want to see?Are you trying to touch the network cable and break my leg?

Seeing this, Aunt Miyazaki pinched Father Zhou secretly, making him look weird, and then jokingly said, "You two are becoming more and more like a couple, leaning together is like taking a wedding photo."

Both of their faces turned red, and the atmosphere became awkward.

Zhou Han's face is already considered thick, but it is still very shameful to be teased by the elders, as if he has been molested.

"Mom, what are you talking about? Don't make fun of us..." Miyazaki Airi said with a blushing face, very ashamed.

"Where did you get canceled? Isn't that the truth? You didn't even tell us about the relationship. Tell me, how long has it been?" Aunt Miyazaki asked straightforwardly.

"Just... just half a month..." Miyazaki Airi replied awkwardly, feeling a little interrogated.

"Half a month, it's not too short, how do you feel?" Aunt Miyazaki asked tentatively.

" does it feel?" Miyazaki Airi asked knowingly.

"It's the feeling of falling in love with my brother." Aunt Miyazaki reminded Miyazaki Airi.

"Not...not bad..." Miyazaki Airi replied with a blushing face.

"How about you, Mr. Han, how do you feel?" Aunt Miyazaki turned to ask Zhou Han.

"Very...very good." Zhou Han nodded and replied nervously.

Miyazaki Airi poked Zhou Han secretly, indicating that this answer is not good.

"'s very good, Airi and I get along very well." Zhou Han put it in an extreme way.

"Really, that's good, it's the best thing you can do together." Aunt Miyazaki seemed relieved.

"That..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak, and suddenly felt that the situation was a little delicate, and he didn't strongly oppose, curse and scold him as he imagined.

"After all... Ai Li has a weird temper, a bad personality, and always likes to make trouble for no reason. The most important thing is that he is a washboard, not sexy at all. I didn't expect Han Jun to like Ai Li despite this. It makes me feel more or less Very surprised." Aunt Miyazaki showed a very puzzled expression.

Zhou Han's expression became weird, thinking that Ai Li, a dead girl, was so unbearable in the eyes of Aunt Miyazaki, it was really shocking.

"Mom, what are you talking about? I'm excellent, okay? You said it as if you can't get married..." Miyazaki Airi said angrily, looking very dissatisfied. Although she also knew that she would be unruly and willful occasionally, she also It's not that unbearable.

"Mom, I always thought that you would not be able to join. How can anyone want to marry and go home? Mom has always been worried about your future." Aunt Miyazaki showed a bit of sadness, and seemed really worried.

"Mom!" Miyazaki Airi was a little angry. Although they are all family members, they are too shameless.

"But it's good that Mr. Han likes you. This is a gratifying thing. Mom is relieved to have someone as reliable as Mr. Han take care of you..." Aunt Miyazaki changed the subject, making people puzzled .

"It's right for me to take care of him! Mom, you are wrong!" Miyazaki Airi emphasized.

"It doesn't matter anymore, you all go together and start dating, it doesn't matter who takes care of who, the important thing is to take care of each other before waking up." Aunt Miyazaki emphasized.

When Miyazaki Airi heard that the atmosphere was not right, it was completely different from what she imagined, shouldn't she be very nervous?for example--

"Brothers and sisters cannot be together!"

"You brothers and sisters! Separate as soon as possible!"

"Airi, tomorrow you will go back to live in Japan by yourself!"


But these tense scenes did not appear at all, and it seemed to be very harmonious.

"Mom, aren't you angry that I'm dating Nissan?"

"It was a bit disgusting at first, but I chatted with my dear for a long time, and I think there is no problem if there is love?" Aunt Miyazaki said with a smile, she seemed to be happy to see Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi's relationship.

"Is it real dad? You really won't object?" Zhou Han asked in surprise.

"Really, I have sighed for a long time with your Aunt Miyazaki. After all, we are not biological brothers and sisters, nor have we lived together since we were young, or we have been in love for a long time after living together. Sure enough, this is a matter of mutual affection, and it is not an ethical issue. So I won't object to your association." Father Zhou, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

Miyazaki Airi was overjoyed when she heard it, and she breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that her worries were unnecessary. If her parents did not object at all, then there would be no problem. The love between her and her elder brother had already been nodded by the elders, so it was considered very formal. feelings.

"Thank you, Dad." Zhou Han was also very happy, as long as Dad agrees, there seems to be no obstacle.

"But I still have to ask, you didn't use some tricks to deceive, seduce, or threaten to get Airi to associate with you, did you?" Father Zhou questioned Zhou Han.

"No, why do you ask that!?" Zhou Han frowned, wondering if he looked like a bad guy?

"No Uncle Zhou, we are together because we like each other." Miyazaki Airi helped Zhou Han speak.

"Really? My kid is useless, always fights, ignorant every day, not the name of the rich second generation, but has the disease of the rich second generation. I have never seen any advantages in him. In fact, I have always planned to put He was sent to Mount Wutai to become a monk, with his virtue, Aili, is there really no problem for you to like him?" Father Zhou asked with his brows furrowed, Zhou Han looked like he was destined to die alone.

Zhou Han's expression became tangled, and he thought in an extremely complicated mood——

Excuse me……

Am I really my mother's own?


Chapter 84 Monthly Pass Addition

"No, we came together because we were attracted to each other. There are not so many strange things. This guy..." Miyazaki Airi looked at Zhou Han and said a little coyly, "Although he usually adds a lot to me. Trouble, and there will always be a lot of problems, but it really helps me a lot in many cases, in a word... it is the critical time, it must be a reliable existence, so I fell in love with Nissan without knowing it..."

Zhou Han's face turned red, his little heart was pounding, he was a little embarrassed, very embarrassed, he felt that he was not as good as Miyazaki Airi said, right?

"That's it..." Father Zhou crossed his hands, seemingly helpless, "Since Airi said it's okay, if I say something inappropriate, it will look very ugly."

Miyazaki Airi blushed, lowered her head and stopped talking, feeling ashamed to be heard by Zhou Han just now.

Zhou Han secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Dad has passed this test, right?Then it's not the time for me and Aili to get the marriage certificate together in the future, it's already unimpeded.

"Han Jun, can Auntie ask you a question?" Aunt Miyazaki asked.

"Sure." Zhou Han nodded, thinking he finally came to ask me.

"Does Mr. Han really like Airi? Are you willing to marry her and protect her for the rest of your life?" Aunt Miyazaki asked seriously.

Zhou Han felt baffled, thinking what kind of rhythm this is, it feels like the oaths at the wedding!

"Mom, don't ask him some strange questions. We are in a serious relationship and don't need my mother to ask things."

"You child, you are still doing well, and you are helping Mr. Han to talk, and your mother didn't ask any strange questions. It really is the water thrown by your married daughter. Don't you need your mother anymore?" Aunt Miyazaki said With a very sad expression, "It's enough for Airi to have Mr. Han now, so loving..."

"Mom, I didn't mean that, don't think too much." Miyazaki Airi was embarrassed to speak when her mother blushed.

"Of course I really like Airi. I will marry her and protect her. I will do what I say." Zhou Han replied seriously, but he didn't tell any lies. He wanted to marry Miyazaki. When Aili gets married, after all, it is the first time for someone else, and she always has to bear some responsibilities.

Although this idea is relatively traditional, it is also a true portrayal of many Chinese boys.

"Is that so, I'm relieved that Mr. Han can say that, but if you let Airi hurt you, Auntie will kill you~" Aunt Miyazaki said with a half-smile.

"I'm ugly too. You're a love li, but you're a bit responsible. If I know you're bullying my sister, I'll definitely fly in an airplane and break your leg." Zhou's father also added on the side. last sentence.

Miyazaki Airi chuckled beside her, seemingly very happy about Zhou Han's predicament.

I go! ?

Did you make a mistake!

This rhythm doesn't seem right!

Why did I suddenly become the target of public criticism?

Dad and Aunt Miyazaki teamed up to beat me?

It can't be negotiated...

Zhou Han was very suspicious in his heart, but felt that this was pressure on himself, Hu let himself bully Miyazaki Airi casually, after all, girls seemed to be relatively weak.

"No, how dare I bully Airi casually."

"I'm sorry you don't dare, but I want to tell you, boy, treat people better in the future. If there are no problems, Aili will be the daughter-in-law of our old Zhou family. You must go to get a certificate when you become an adult." Father Zhou warned.

Miyazaki Airi blushed, and when she heard that the daughter-in-law of the old Zhou family would go to get a marriage certificate in the future, she suddenly felt very shy, thinking that she was appointed by imperial court, right?Zhou Han's prospective wife.

"Fine, if Airi doesn't object, I have no objection." Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, with a drop of cold sweat streaming down his forehead, wondering if he was forced to marry by his father?

"Since the two of you have made up your mind, I can only wish you to get together in the end, and we can't stop you from falling in love. I just hope that you can take care of each other and live a happy life together." Aunt Miyazaki said a very serious sentence .

"Mom, stop nagging, we all know..." Miyazaki Airi said angrily, feeling that these are commonplace questions.

"Okay, then I'll stop nagging and ask something very real..." Aunt Miyazaki coughed lightly, and then asked, "Have you two done it before?"

Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi both gasped for breath, and their faces turned red strangely.

Neither of them expected to ask such a question, and it was embarrassing to be so straightforward.

"Mom! What are you asking?!" Miyazaki Airi said blushing.

"Isn't this a very common question? You just have to answer it, isn't it difficult?" Aunt Miyazaki's expression was very innocent, and she was quite worried about this kind of thing. After all, the first time is quite sacred.

"I don't understand? What do you mean by not doing it?" Miyazaki Airi pretended not to understand, and she didn't want to answer such an embarrassing question from the bottom of her heart.

"It's ML, Airi, don't you understand?" Aunt Miyazaki said more bluntly.

Even Zhou's father next to him had an unnatural expression, as if he hadn't heard anything with a straight face.

Although I knew my wife would ask this question, it was really embarrassing to ask directly and frankly.

In fact, the couple just want to know how far Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi have progressed. Because they are both high school students, they don't want them to develop too fast. If they do, they still need to be restrained.

"I don't know what ML is." Miyazaki Airi had a tough attitude and didn't want to answer at all.

"Really, Airi is a prudish person. She must know what ML means. It's obvious that high school students nowadays are very precocious." Aunt Miyazaki followed the trend closely and seemed to know everything.

"I don't understand, I don't understand! Don't ask me, I'm not that dishonest!" Miyazaki Airi turned her head away angrily, and put on a high posture, refusing all questions.

"Then let me ask Mr. Han..." Aunt Miyazaki pointed her finger at Zhou Han, and asked patiently, "Mr. Han, tell the truth, have He and Airi become adults?"

"This..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak, thinking to himself, "Oh shit!"Why did the question suddenly come to my head?Why is this happening!How should I answer?Did it or didn't it?


"We haven't done anything, and we're still pure!"

Zhou Han didn't even have a word, but Miyazaki Airi intervened first.

Miyazaki Airi's small face was serious, and what she said was serious, and she couldn't tell the truth.

Zhou Han silently kept the truth in his stomach, not talking too much.

"Really? But I don't think you two reacted right?" Aunt Miyazaki said pointedly.

"Illusion! It's all an illusion! Don't slander our innocence!" Miyazaki Airi kept emphasizing.

"Well, it's my delusion, but I still want to say..." Although Miyazaki Airi has repeatedly concealed it, can the daughter hide it from her mother?The smart mother has already seen through everything——

"Be careful with that kind of thing."

"Also have safety bubble gum ready."

"Next time we meet, don't become a family of three~"


Chapter 85 Monthly Pass Addition


Can this be said casually?

I suspect that I met a fake stepmother!

Zhou Han's eyes widened in disbelief. Of course he knew about wearing a condom, but it made people feel at a loss when he said it.

What do you mean next time we meet we will become a family of three, has the killer plan been discovered long ago?

"What... what? We really haven't done anything! Mom, don't talk nonsense, Nissan and I are... still in a very pure relationship!" Miyazaki Airi is a little guilty, pure?Shit, I've been crazy for a long time, and I went to buy contraceptives together.

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