"Yes, Aunt Miyazaki, we...we are in a very pure love..." Zhou Han also has a guilty conscience, is it pure?Shit!Dry firewood meets fire, super crazy, okay?

"Look at you, I didn't say anything? It's like a cat that stepped on its tail, it's interesting~" Aunt Miyazaki acted like a person, knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, which made the two of them feel pressured.

Of course Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi knew about contraception, but for the first time, they walked a tightrope by mistake without wearing safety bubble gum.

So far, whether Miyazaki Airi will be pregnant is still a mystery, but Zhou Han still has the possibility of becoming a father.

Miyazaki Airi lowered her head and said nothing with her blushing face, feeling that she was getting darker and darker, she might as well pretend she didn't hear it.

Seeing this, Zhou Han had no choice but to speak for Miyazaki Airi, and said with a guilty conscience, "We really haven't, Aunt Miyazaki, don't get me wrong."

"I believe, I believe..." Aunt Miyazaki's expression was very playful, and it didn't match what she said.

As Miyazaki Airi's mother, it would be strange if she couldn't see this.

Look at Miyazaki Airi's femininity in her gestures, she always subconsciously protects Zhou Han, it's obviously through a relationship between a man and a woman.

Aunt Miyazaki just kept teasing and didn't say much. Considering her daughter's age, it's not surprising that this happened. Many girls of her age in Japan have started compensatory dating.

Zhou Han's expression was embarrassing, and his mood was extremely complicated. It was probably useless to cover up, and Aunt Miyazaki didn't believe it at all.

"Hey..." Zhou's father sighed, with a look of resignation, "You pay attention to me, don't make troubles, and then you can stay at home and be a full-time baby daddy, don't delay others from enjoying their youth."

When Miyazaki Airi heard this, she became even more shy, she covered her face and remained silent, thinking what's going on?Why did it become like this?Do you think you are going to be a mom?

"Dad..." Zhou Han hesitated for a moment, thinking that he was still trying to cover up the fluff, and honestly admitted, "I know, I will be careful, I don't want Airi to be a mother at such a young age."

"Eh?!" Miyazaki Airi raised her head and stared at Zhou Han with wide eyes in surprise. She didn't expect him to admit it suddenly!This is so embarrassing...

"Tsk! You have such a thick skin, I really have nothing to do with you." Zhou's father was a little speechless, since Zhou Han confessed, it seems that he has nothing to say.

"I'll be nice to Airi, and I won't leave her alone. I just wanted to get married from the beginning!"

Zhou Han directly put his arms around Miyazaki Airi's waist, and with a little force, he hugged him, thinking that it was a fart to cover up, anyway, the thing had already happened, so he just admitted it openly, and it wasn't an affair, afraid of a rape?

Miyazaki Airi's face turned red, her eyes panicked, she touched Zhou Han's chest with her hand, and stammered, "What are you doing... What are you talking about? Ba... Baga!"

"It's really bold~, but if this is the case, I can feel relieved, and finally I don't have to worry about Airi not being able to marry in the future..." Aunt Miyazaki made a gesture of letting go of the burden.

"Ogasan! I'm not a burden!" Miyazaki Airi retorted with a blushing face.

"But Han-jun, Airi will need you to take care of her from now on..." Aunt Miyazaki said seriously, showing some seriousness.

"Well, I will. I will definitely not let her suffer any grievances, and love her like a younger sister." Zhou Han responded seriously, more like making an oath.

Miyazaki Airi blushed, did not speak, and felt sweet in her heart. Sure enough, the love recognized by her parents still feels very secure. She is also considered a fiancée, right?

I'm so happy……

The two were given a good meal by their parents.

Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi just nodded.

I thought this large-scale criticism meeting was coming to an end, but Zhou's father suddenly said that he had something to say to his son alone.

Aunt Miyazaki and Airi left, and only father and son were left talking in front of the computer video in the room.

"Father, just speak up if you have anything to say." Zhou Han chose to cut to the chase without dragging his feet.

"Well, in fact, when Qiqi told me that you and Aili were dating, I was taken aback. The relationship between siblings is a bit rebellious. Do you know what I wanted to do at that time?" Zhou's father asked, his expression was still quite serious. majesty.

"Reprimand me severely..." Zhou Han replied seriously, no matter how I thought about it, my father would not agree casually with a smile on his face.

"You don't have spirituality at first glance. I want to go back by plane and break your leg, and then let Airi go back to Japan." Father Zhou said bluntly, without hiding anything. This decisiveness alone is not a What a history professor should have.

Zhou Han looked shocked, and rubbed his aching golden calf, it turned out to be true, this aching feeling must be some kind of omen.

"Dad, you won't be so cruel, Airi and I are not siblings, why can't we be together?"

"Aren't brothers and sisters brothers and sisters? Isn't there a big difference between brothers and sisters in name and real brothers and sisters?" Father Zhou asked with a stern face.

"We're not related by blood, so there's no problem with dating, right? And Aili and I have been together for half a year, and they're not the kind of righteous sisters who played with each other since childhood. Love is better than family affection." Zhou Han explained, thinking that it was from childhood to play Daye sister, that's basically no different from her own sister.

"No matter how you argue, ethics and morality are dead, and they will always be there." Zhou's father said seriously, seemingly quite rigid.

"It's not our fault, is it? If you and Aunt Miyazaki don't get married, wouldn't Airi and I be together normally? It doesn't have much to do with us." Zhou Han held his breath a little, feeling that this matter had nothing to do with himself and Ai It doesn't matter to Li, "Boss, you mean that you don't agree with me being with Airi, and you lied to us just now?"

"No, I disagreed at first, but your Aunt Miyazaki said it's okay." Father Zhou moved out his current wife.

"Aunt Miyazaki?" Zhou Han was surprised.

"She said that they are not brothers and sisters, and they are no different from ordinary cohabiting men and women. Wouldn't it be cruel to separate you because of traditional ethics?" Father Zhou repeated what his current wife said, and then said, "I thought about it carefully, and it makes sense. Apart from your brother-sister relationship, isn't it a good couple? Anyway, I think Airi is very pleasing to the eye, and it is especially suitable for you. Being a daughter-in-law is not bad at all."

Zhou Han twisted his mouth, smiled awkwardly, and thought to himself——

In the end, it was Aunt Miyazaki who saw it clearly.

After all, isn’t dad born a little fearful of guilt?

and many more!

Did I inherit something really fucking bad?

Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

Something went wrong in Chapter 86, the update was late, sorry!

Miyazaki Airi outside the door paced back and forth, wondering what happened to Zhou Han inside?

For this kind of private chat between father and son, she is still very enlightened.

In the past, in the film and television distance, what fathers entrusted to their sons who were going to get married——

"Son, Airi, the beautiful girl of the universe, will be entrusted to you from now on, let's create a child who can protect the peace of the earth together!"

"Look at your virtues!? It is your blessing to marry Airi in eight lifetimes. Follow me back to the old Zhou's ancestral grave tomorrow!"

"My son! Today's Yizhou is exhausted. It's the fall of my Zhou family's life and death. Now I need a son to inherit the orthodoxy of the world. Heck, I see that the girl Aili in the village is dignified and generous. Are you interested in marrying her back home? "

"In the future, when you marry Miss Aili, Smecta, you must know how to cherish Smecta. It is rare for such a girl to meet Smecta in ten thousand years. You must not let her Smecta down."


The more Miyazaki Airi thought about it, the sweeter she became, she showed a bit of a little daughter's shyness, and she shyly answered outside the door, feeling that she is now a real wife, and other girls can't compare to her.

With the approval of his parents, there is nothing to worry about, and he will definitely become Zhou Han's wife in the future, a super orthodox wife.

Miyazaki Airi is a little swollen, and she can't help but feel happy. She will be the main palace in the future, and she needs to be more mature, take care of other girls' affairs, and become a super good helper.

I will be Zhou Han's wife in the future, how will I get along with her in the future?

During the day it’s okay, at night it’s slapping, the living room is slapping, the kitchen is slapping, all day long, waking up cute.

Ah~, I'm so ashamed, so ashamed!

How can I be so unorthodox?It's not good to think about sex all the time, and there are so many sweeter things.

Miyazaki Airi held her burning face with both hands, looking forward to the future.

Now she is very curious about what Zhou's father said to Zhou Han. She remembers that she turned on the stereo so she could hear it.

So Miyazaki Airi tiptoed to the door, put her ear on the door——

Your friend, eavesdropping madman Xiao Aili is online...

inside the house.

Zhou Han and his father are still talking.

"In short, you must take good care of Aili. She is not only your sister, but also your future wife. If you dare to treat her badly, I will definitely break your leg." Father Zhou paused and continued to add One sentence, "After all, Airi is also my daughter, if something goes wrong, your Aunt Miyazaki will be unhappy."

"Dad, I know, I won't treat Airi badly." Zhou Han nodded, what was he thinking, wasn't he afraid of guilt?

Miyazaki Airi outside the door thought to herself, let's see, as expected, she is telling this guy not to bully me.

"You know, Aili is a child with a bad temper and a bad personality. She always likes to make trouble for no reason. The most important thing is that she is an airport. She may not grow up in the future. I feel that it is hard for you to let her go. " Father Zhou said solemnly.

Miyazaki Airi outside the door was stunned, thinking something was wrong!This style of painting is wrong!It's so different from what I imagined, shouldn't I be praised! ?Am I going to marry Zhou Han or am I taking advantage?

Miyazaki Airi was very upset, and annoyed, she slammed the door hard. She is not someone who is willing to accept anger, and her dissatisfaction will definitely be expressed.


The sound of knocking echoed in the room, which was very clearly heard.

Zhou Han's eyes widened, his expression became frightened, and he thought, isn't it?Ai Li, a dead girl, was eavesdropping outside the door, did you hear what Dad said just now?It's over, I smell a family war and I have to stop it.

"What happened?" Father Zhou asked in surprise.

Miyazaki Airi outside was startled, thinking that she was a little irrational, and the title of eavesdropping madman would not be guaranteed.

"Ah!? That... the rabbit at home, yes, the rabbit..." Zhou Han quickly helped Miyazaki Airi cover, otherwise Dad would be very embarrassed, after all, this dead girl hates me when I say she is an airport up.

"Rabbit? You have raised rabbits, are they hygienic?" Father Zhou frowned, not liking cats and dogs very much.

"It's...very clean..." Zhou Han said with a twitch, "Aili bathes it every day."

"Do rabbits basically not take a bath?" Father Zhou asked suspiciously, wondering what Zhou Han was panicking about?

"Ah? It's...really?" Zhou Han suddenly revealed the embarrassment of his lack of knowledge, "I remember wrongly, that...that is to wear perfume, yes, that's right, to wear perfume."

Miyazaki Airi rolled her eyes, thinking helplessly, your family will spray perfume on the rabbit?If you look at the animal world more, it won't be like this!

"Spray perfume... that's okay..." Father Zhou didn't doubt it, and he didn't have any experience in raising rabbits, "but the sound is a bit loud? How big is the rabbit, won't it affect Airi's sleep at night?"

"It's just... that big..." Zhou Han compared it, a bit exaggerated, as big as a golden retriever.

"Are you raising rabbits? Is this a big or small kangaroo?" Zhou's father frowned, feeling that it was impossible, "If you really have a fake one, let me have a look?"

Zhou Han got up in embarrassment, and had no choice but to let Miyazaki Airi imitate her cry.

"Xiao... Xiaoli, call out."

Zhou Han deliberately used the name Xiaoli, as if to remind Miyazaki Airi to cooperate with him.

"Xiao Li? This name is a bit..." Father Zhou hesitated to speak, he didn't really like to name pets similar to their owners.

"This is raised by Airi, and I usually call it that." Zhou Han dripped a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, thinking that this dead girl should cooperate with him quickly?Do you have to make the family relationship stalemate to be reconciled?

"That's it..." Father Zhou nodded.

"Xiao Li, call out, or I'll beat you?" Zhou Han pretended to threaten, but actually urged Miyazaki Airi.

Miyazaki Airi frowned, thinking, you're so crazy, you dare to hit me?

Although Miyazaki Airi thought so, she also understood that Zhou Han didn't want Uncle Zhou to be embarrassed, so she cried out in shame.

"Gee chi... chi chi chi..."

Miyazaki Airi's imitation was lifelike, but she didn't expect to have a bit of ventriloquist talent.

"Yo? Or a female rabbit?" Father Zhou grinned, thinking it was quite interesting.

"Mother's mother's, absolutely mother's." Zhou Han nodded desperately, feeling that the word "mother" is everywhere.

"Look at the cry, isn't Airi raising a rabbit that hasn't been bred?" Father Zhou said with a smile, seemingly suddenly interested.

Miyazaki Airi frowned, what the hell was she thinking about breeding?What do you think of yourself?

"What breeding?" Zhou Han was confused.

"Don't you feel that Airi's raised rabbit sounds wrong?" Father Zhou asked in surprise.

"No, it's...very normal..." Zhou Han scratched his head.

"This rabbit barks like it's gone, so it's thinking about spring. It wants to mate with a male rabbit and needs to be bred." Father Zhou said solemnly.

"This..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak, thinking that it was over, Aili was slandered by her father so badly.

Miyazaki Airi was furious, knocked on the door hard, and locked her brows tightly——

How can it be repaired! ?

I'm not a fucking bitch!

I didn't even think about having sex with a male rabbit!

( o ﹏ o )

Chapter 87 Letting Go

The sound of Miyazaki Airi's knock on the door reached Father Zhou's ears again.

"Hehe? This female rabbit has a very bad temper, isn't it a little bit of Heairi?"

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