"Uh, this..." Zhou Han blushed, thinking that it was more than just a resemblance, it was the wiretapping mad devil Little Aili.

"Looking at the rabbits, they are also in a hurry to mate. You should find time to deal with it. It's not good to interfere with the rest. Find a male rabbit, or neuter it." Father Zhou said carelessly.

"Sterilization... no way!" Zhou Han wanted to cry but had no tears, he was making fun of Nima, could his wife be sterilized!It's inhumane to take away someone's right to be a mother.

Miyazaki Airiki's chest was heaving up and down, thinking about it!Let the old Zhou's family die!

"Whatever you want, don't let the rabbit make a fuss." Father Zhou nodded without thinking about it, "Although Aili is full of problems, you have to be considerate and don't dislike him."

"I really like Airi, how can I dislike her, girls who can cook and take care of others are rare now." Zhou Han helped Miyazaki Airi to speak, his wife was eavesdropping, and she could still say no good?

"That's fine. I'm relieved when you say that. Aili is actually a very traditional girl. You should respect her more and don't force her to do that kind of thing..." Father Zhou said pointedly.

"No, no, how could I do such a wicked thing?" Zhou Han explained blindly.

"Also pay attention to safety, you are not suitable for having children at your age, and your Aunt Miyazaki and I don't have time to help take care of them, so don't let anything happen to you." Father Zhou said solemnly.

"Yes, yes..." Zhou Han nodded awkwardly, he really didn't want to discuss this topic, as if his father was teaching him how to wear gloves.

Miyazaki Airi's face turned red outside the door, and she regretted that she didn't take the contraceptive pill. If she really had it, wouldn't she be causing trouble to her parents?But now it's too late to eat one, I'm so worried...

"Speaking of which, I heard that you also agreed to your fiancee?" Father Zhou brought the topic to the point.

"Ah?! This..." Zhou Han hesitated, feeling very embarrassed, remembering that he seemed to agree to come.

"You have the same virtue as your grandfather. You have always been hesitant about the partner issue, and then you don't know who you are." Zhou's father talked for a while, feeling that this is a family inheritance problem.

"Huh?" Zhou Han was surprised, and asked depressedly, "Isn't my grandma beside my grandpa?"

"This... It happened a long time ago." Zhou's father then changed the subject, "I just want to ask you what you think? You promised someone's fiancee, and now you are going to date Miyazaki Airi again."

"I...I..." Zhou Han frowned, he couldn't make up his mind for a while, let him abandon Yao Xiaorui, he couldn't do it, but his father put pressure here, how should he answer?

If the three girls agree to date him together, they will probably be beaten. In the eyes of my father, this is undoubtedly a scumbag.

Faced with the pressure from his father, Zhou Han was at a loss.

Miyazaki Airi outside is not feeling well either, do you want to monopolize Zhou Han and become his only wife?

think!Really want to!

But it's extremely unfair to other girls. It seems too selfish to monopolize it all by yourself. We are so familiar with each other, and we are usually friends.

If Zhou Han made up his mind to drive them away, he would feel very sorry.

Miyazaki Airi's heart softened, and she didn't know what to do?

"I mean, I still want Airi to be our daughter-in-law, because I think Airi is very pleasing to the eye, and she must be a virtuous girl who can manage the house. You know the mistress of the house, it is very important to be able to manage the house, and I see you The two hit it off very well." Zhou's father obviously liked Miyazaki Airi more, so he encouraged his son to choose a more realistic girl.

"I...that..." Zhou Han stammered awkwardly, "It's hard for me to decide now."

Miyazaki Airi outside the door breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little rejoiced in her heart, if Zhou Han really chose herself, although she would be very happy for a while, but then she would be very disgusted.

Because he can hurt other girls, and he will hurt himself sooner or later.

"Hey..." Zhou's father sighed, and seemed to know that Zhou Han would say so, "I knew, Dad is not forcing you, but you need to choose in the future, it is not good to delay any girl's youth, you are now a high school student , you can still wait and see to see who is the most suitable for you, this is what I heard from my in-laws, communicate first, and there will be results in the future."

"Well, I understand Dad." Zhou Han breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the result is okay, seek common ground while reserving differences, and let go of the dispute first.

"Actually, Dad didn't force you. It's mainly because of our Zhou family's face. You are called a scumbag, and Dad's face feels uncomfortable. But if you have the ability, let a few girls follow you wholeheartedly. What are you talking about, who thinks that his son has too many wives when he is a father? This is also capable, right?" Father Zhou said the truth.

"Dad, why are you..." Zhou Han's eyes widened, his three views were in jeopardy, and he felt that this was not the serious and serious father since childhood!

"You're not young anymore. It's useless to speak the truth. Just tell the truth. I don't care if you have the ability. If you don't, just be honest with me." Zhou's father made it clear that he disagreed with Zhou Han. boat, but not against it either.

Zhou Han pondered for a while, and realized that this is not a typical heavenly thinking that favors boys over girls?

After a boy and a girl have sex, the male parents are generally very happy and feel very profitable, and the female parents are generally as uncomfortable as swallowing a kilogram of shit.

Zhou Han understood what Dad meant, so he nodded.

"I know Dad, I won't cause trouble casually."

Miyazaki Airi frowned outside, thinking that Uncle Zhou is really unscrupulous, to let Zhou Han go laissez-faire?No, I have to control him, otherwise I will always mess with flowers and troubles. Does my wife still have dignity!

"It's good not to cause trouble. There was nothing wrong with the hospital last time, right? What about sequelae?" Father Zhou asked suddenly.

"No." Zhou Han shook his head.

"Really? For example, hearing hallucinations, seeing female ghosts and so on..." Father Zhou asked a little inexplicably.

"Dad, what are you talking about? How is it possible?" Zhou Han felt confused, female ghost?Xiao Yi?impossible.

"That's good..." Father Zhou nodded.

After the father-son conversation.

Zhou Han opened the door to Miyazaki Airi, and asked jokingly, "Stop eavesdropping, fucking Miss Rabbit."

"You are the rabbit!" Miyazaki Airi said with a blushing face.

"Well, I'm a male rabbit, just what you need." Zhou Han said solemnly.

"Oh! You villain!" Miyazaki Airi raised her small powder fist and chased and beat Zhou Han, "I'll kill you! I'll kill you!"

Zhou Han refused to block, and said awkwardly, "Don't hit, don't hit..."

Miyazaki Airi stopped her hands, and sat beside her angrily, "You men don't have any good things, they are all goofy, Uncle Zhou actually wants to ignore you."

"Don't say that, Dad knows I'm in trouble." Zhou Han scratched his cheek.

"Let me ask you, who is the most suitable to marry you?" Miyazaki Airi asked with a small mouth.

"Of course it's you, our little Airi is the most suitable for marriage." Zhou Han took Miyazaki Airi into his arms.

"Hmph, you have a sweet mouth at this time." Miyazaki Airi blushed, resisted a little, and said angrily——

"Let me tell you, even if Uncle Zhou doesn't care about you, I will let you mess around. Please restrain me, or I will ignore you!"


Chapter 88 Monthly Pass Addition

"I can't mess around, and the ones outside are not as good as those at home."

Zhou Han was grinning on the surface, but in his heart he was a mother, so he really shouldn't mess around, the tutoring is super strict.

"Hmph, don't let me find out that there are other people outside of you besides the three of us, I just... just..." Airi Miyazaki paused, and said angrily, "The kitchen knife is in the kitchen, you can figure it out, yes It is up to you to commit seppuku or practice the Sunflower Canon."

"Uh..." Zhou Han became embarrassed, deleted Su Xiaojin's figure in his mind, and quickly said, "No, I am already satisfied with the three of you, and I am satisfied with just you, Aili."

"Really? I feel that what you say at this time is not convincing at all." Miyazaki Airi felt that Zhou Han was getting more and more slick, and what he said was completely unbelievable.

"Then how do I prove that I don't have a mistress outside?" Zhou Han asked.

"This..." Miyazaki Airi thought for a while, and said half-truth, "You swear, if you have Xiaosi outside, let me turn you into a girl with a kitchen knife."

"Girl?" Zhou Han frowned, puzzled.

"It's just... Kacha, it's a clean cut." Miyazaki Airi compared it with her hands.

"This..." Zhou Han broke out in cold sweat immediately, feeling his lower body feel cold, he quickly hugged Miyazaki Airi's delicate body tightly, "I understand, I understand, I swear it's okay? Don't say such scary things."

"Hmph! I don't think I'll give you a wink. I don't know how good I am." Miyazaki Airi pouted and said indignantly.

Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, thinking that this dead girl, Aili, is a little tigress, and he can't help it.

"You... will treat me well in the future, right? Don't make me angry, and don't bully me." Miyazaki Airi hugged Zhou Han like a baby.

"Of course, I will pamper you." Zhou Han lowered his head and said.

Looking at Miyazaki Airi in her arms, there was a trace of uneasiness in her eyes, as if she was a little worried about the future.

Biting his lower lip, his lovely temperament is obvious, and he looks shy and timid.

Zhou Han's male hormones surged up instantly, showing a tendency to be captured.

Fuck, my sister is really cute.

No, don't ravage it, I feel uncomfortable all over...

Zhou Han touched Miyazaki Airi's little butt, and hugged her tightly.

"Airi, I love you..."

Miyazaki Airi blushed, feeling that the atmosphere suddenly became subtle. Although she had a premonition of what would happen next, it was hard to resist.

"What are you doing? You suddenly said such shameless words."

The atmosphere became rigid, driving the two of them to do something ambiguous.

Zhou Han gently kissed Miyazaki Airi's lips, dragged her little butt with one hand, and reached into the thin nightgown with the other hand to kiss her small breasts.

After a few back and forth, Miyazaki Airi couldn't help but had a slight feeling and a weird reaction.

"Um... huh..."

Although Miyazaki Airi put her hand on Zhou Han's chest, as if she was protecting herself, she didn't resist at all. After being intimate so many times, she seemed to have gained experience, so she took the initiative to cater to her, and her little tongue was played hard by Zhou Han with.


Sister's small boobs!

Little sister's ass!

Little sister's lilac uvula!

My sister's soft body!

It seems... I'm getting more and more addicted...

This feeling of unscrupulously transcending ethics is awesome...

Zhou Han stopped kissing Miyazaki Airi, but looked at her affectionately, the more he looked at her, the more he liked her, and he really wanted to cherish her as a treasure.

"What are you doing, you suddenly kissed me, and I was shocked..."

Miyazaki Airi rode on Zhou Han's body, holding his clothes with both hands, her blushing face was charming, her eyes were evasive, as if she was expecting something but was embarrassed to say it.

She has learned how to kiss subtly, and she will no longer feel suffocated casually, let alone be limp and let Zhou Han do whatever he wants.

At this time, Miyazaki Airi is like a budding flower, cute and girly, and people can't help picking it in the previous issue.

"Airi, you seem to be getting cuter and more feminine~" Zhou Han hugged Miyazaki Airi tightly, and said teasingly into her ear, thinking that he was lucky to be able to push this dead girl, and he could have no scruples If you tease her, in the past, she would definitely be beaten.

"What are you... talking about?" Miyazaki Airi didn't dare to look Zhou Han in the eyes at this time. Although her appearance was thin and angry, her tone was clearly coquettish, and there might be more, "I was originally It's very...very cute, so I don't need you to say, hum~!"

"I'm serious, you are very attractive to me now." Zhou Han said affectionately.

"Hmph, you always say nice things at this time, do you have plans for me?" Miyazaki Airi said angrily, her two red cheeks turned into little buns.

"What's the plan? Tell me~" Zhou Han teased Miyazaki Airi.

"You...you..." Miyazaki Airi lowered her head shyly, and raised two small pink fists to punch Zhou Han's chest, "You big villain! Don't you know what you want to do to me? Are you still here?" This pretends to be serious, I ignore you, hum~!"

Seeing Miyazaki Airi's arrogant appearance, Zhou Han wanted to laugh, and thought that this girl's duplicity was the cutest.

"If I'm not serious, do you want me to be a little loose? Huh?"

"Nor...no, just tease me honestly, what's wrong with me? It's all dirty thinking." Miyazaki Airi pouted her mouth and said dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, then I'll show you how dirty it is."

Zhou Han hugged his younger sister, and slid his hands down her thighs into the bottom of the skirt, but stayed at the base of her thighs without moving.

"Oh, what are you doing? Don't touch me!" Miyazaki Airi pushed Zhou Han and grabbed his arm, but she didn't use any force at all. It was obvious that she was superficial, and she didn't think about it.

"Airi, what kind of clothes are you wearing today?" Zhou Han's bad taste broke out, and he wanted to train Miyazaki Airi.

"Be...perverted! Why do you ask this? How...how shameful..." Miyazaki Airi lowered her head and said reproachfully, "It's so disgusting..."

"Tell me, after all, you are so charming today~" Zhou Han said in Miyazaki Airi's ear, almost making her pregnant.

"I..." Miyazaki Airi blushed and muttered shyly, "The black one, the lace one..."

"I just like this kind, full of temptation." Zhou Han said half-truthfully.

"Oh~, what are you talking about? It's disgusting, you are not allowed to say such things..." Miyazaki Airi felt very ashamed, and her delicate body began to become restless.

Zhou Han smiled, kissed Miyazaki Airi's lips, and blocked her mouth so that she could not protest.


Miyazaki Airi felt that Zhou Han was becoming more enthusiastic, and she also reached into her cunt, constantly stimulating the sensitive points.

The brothers and sisters were entangled with each other, recalling the restless night again.

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