"Why?" Elizabeth asked.

"Because I don't feel well. Qiqi is also very cute. I have been taking care of her since I was a child, and then I found a boyfriend for her. It's a bit...self-green, do you understand?"

"Ha... Having said so much, you are just accusing your own sister, push it, why not be polite." Elizabeth was not polite, and all unreasonable things can be solved with pajamas.

"Could you be more serious and just push..." Zhou Han grimaced, feeling very uncomfortable, why is it so difficult to be a person who thinks with his head instead of his dick.

"I'm very serious. You are a data body. Human genetics doesn't apply to you. Let's have fun and have sex without any scruples, and prove that I am a crazy girl pusher." , to Kiki.

"Are you sick? I wouldn't do that. It's just insulting me. You really think I'm a sister-pushing monster, and I won't let any sister go?" Zhou Han frowned.

"Well, you are, the step-sister is already high, is there still a sister?" Elizabeth asked back.

"These two concepts are different..." Zhou Han couldn't complain.

"Then what do you want to do?" Elizabeth was impatient.

"I'm just not sure that Qiqi will really come back. What should I do if she does come back?" Zhou Han raised his forehead.

"I have a plan."


"Sleeping clothes."


Zhou Han felt that Elizabeth was hopeless, so he asked her for advice, just like a prostitute.

Faced with this uncertain situation, he decided to ask his mother, but with such a cold person, even sending text messages made people nervous and uneasy.

Han: "Mom, I haven't asked you for a long time, I'm Xiaohan."

Mother: "What's the matter?"

Zhou Han didn't feel very comfortable, it was his cold-blooded attitude that made him feel uncomfortable.

Han: "I heard from Qiqi that you allow her to return to China and live with me."

Mother: "I didn't allow it."

Han: "Is that so, mom, how are you doing recently?"

This text message was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no reply immediately.

Zhou Han felt sincerely frustrated, thinking that his mother really didn't like him, and once he got out of business, he immediately stopped talking.

Although Zhou Han and Zhou Han originally divorced because of emotional discord, the reasons were really general and unconvincing, as if there was something hidden.

Zhou Han sighed and stopped thinking about unhappy things. Since his mother didn't agree, Qiqi would definitely not come back.

He was a little relieved, and began to wait for Su Xiaojin.

There were gradually dense footsteps on the stairs, and it seemed that the third grade had officially ended.

The senior sister came down from the buddies, and now it seems that the brother is relaxed, but it will be miserable in the second half of the year.

Su Xiaojin was chatting and laughing with a few girls, and they seemed to have a very speculative chat.

Maybe she just likes the feeling of being surrounded by girls, she likes it very much, it seems that the senior sister's lily poison is a bit deep, it is still unknown whether she can come straight.

"Senior Su! Here..."

Zhou Han yelled and shook his arms.

Su Xiaojin was stunned, she didn't seem to expect Zhou Han to come again, but some girls next to her teased her, saying that she was still so popular in front of the students.

Su Xiaojin was very embarrassed by this, thinking that my old lady wanted to pick on you, but you actually wanted to push me to my junior?

Su Xiaojin said a few words to several female voices helplessly, then walked towards Zhou Han, and asked, "What are you doing here again?"

"Senior, let's have a meal together, let's talk about where to go next time?" Zhou Han showed a bit of reserve, obviously he used to be cold and dependent on people thousands of miles away, but now he had to be cheeky and beg others to come out with him. Embarrassing.

"Tsk! So that's the case..." Su Xiaojin narrowed her eyes and said clearly——

"Before you were all prudish, right?"

"Sure enough, you still want to have sex with me, senior sister?"


Chapter 91 Monthly Pass Addition

"No...not..." Zhou Han dripped a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, thinking how the hell could he explain this?There are not many good men like myself who ask out girls not for the sake of dating, "I just ask you out for dinner."

"Still the routine from last time?" Su Xiaojin asked with a smile.

"Yes, that's right, it's still the same routine, I just asked you out to play, not for anything else." Zhou Han explained.

"Oh~" Su Xiaojin seems to have seen something, "Do you want to use the routine of perseverance, dripping water and stone to attack me slowly, let us get familiar with each other, and then we can launch the offensive subtly, so you think a lot, junior , the routine is very skilled~"

"No, senior, am I so bored? The last time we had dinner, I either didn't do anything, or I just wanted to ask senior to hang out." Zhou Han explained calmly. To be honest, he himself felt weird.

The purpose of dating girls is definitely for home runs, but I am working as an old man behind the scenes. I always feel that I am ordered to pick up girls, but I have no such intention at all.

Su Xiaojin thought about it, and it seemed to be the case, but it was still very strange, why she was so serious about asking herself out, it was very unscientific.

Although there are many boys who ask Su Xiaojin out, it is easy for her to see through her purpose and want to make love to herself.

But Zhou Han was different, he couldn't see his purpose at all.

"Student, what exactly do you want to do? Let's just say it, it's boring to be secretive."

"It's not interesting, is it strange to come out to play together?" Zhou Han spread his hands.

"Why isn't it strange?" Seeing that there was no one around, Su Xiaojin acted boldly, and slowly approached Zhou Han, stretched out her slender fingers, and drew an arc on his chest, "Shouldn't you ask me out, and then take the opportunity to pick me up?" ?"

Zhou Han felt that Su Xiaojin was a little close, and the faint fragrance stimulated him, which made him a little embarrassed. The situation was a bit ambiguous, although there was no one around, but there was still surveillance. The president blatantly molested the junior, big news!

"Senior sister, I... I really didn't come to pick on you. As friends, it's okay to hang out together? It's not a waste of time." Zhou Han still refused to admit it.

"Hey?" Su Xiaojin smiled and turned around with her hands behind her back, "If it didn't mean that, it's okay if I refuse, right? Ordinary games, I don't have to go, right?"

"This..." Zhou Han hesitated for a moment, thinking that it was all for the sake of his future father-in-law, nothing else, he still had to get Senior Su out, "Well, I just wanted to pick you up, why senior sister? ,give me a chance."

"Okay, I'll give you a chance to pick me up." Su Xiaojin replied with a smile, completely unable to see what was going on in her heart, and she didn't know what the hell she was planning.

In fact, Su Xiaojin also came to Zhou Han for something, and last time she agreed to use it as a shield for herself at any time.

The family is still urging me to take someone back, and Zhou Han happens to be needed, so I can talk about it at the dinner table, how can I pretend to be my boyfriend and go to my house?


Zhou Han's expression was complicated, thinking it's so simple?Senior sister won't be the kind of special nonsense person, right?But why was it so easy for me to get an appointment? Did I upgrade my flirting skills again? Even my senior sister can't resist my charm!

"This...so easy to agree?"

"Yes, sister, I'm actually not a difficult person to date. As long as I look pleasing to the eye, I will agree, but most of them are girls." Su Xiaojin replied with a smile.

Hey hey hey, I showed my interest, senior.

But that being said, senior sister looks at me very pleasing to the eye, could it be that she likes me?

Zhou Han couldn't help but fell into the thinking of the three major illusions in life, wondering if his charm value had risen too fast recently.

"What are you thinking about?" Su Xiaojin suddenly flicked Zhou Han's forehead. This gesture was very intimate, just like the big sister next door playing with the younger brother.

"It hurts..." Zhou Han rubbed his forehead.

"Are you wondering, senior sister, do I like you very much..." Su Xiaojin asked with interest.

"No...no..." Zhou Han categorically denied it.

"Stop pretending, I can tell from your expression, just now I was thinking "does my sister like me?" "Su Xiaojin smiled, and said clearly, "I know. "

"Why are you so sure?" Zhou Han felt guilty and couldn't help asking.

"Because it's not the first time you have shown such an expression, I can feel it as soon as you touch it. Maybe I'm too kind to people and always misunderstand others." Su Xiaojin replied with a smile.

"Is that so..." Zhou Han became embarrassed, feeling that it was possible, after all, Su Xiaojin seemed to be very close to everyone, it was normal to be misunderstood, and he had been misunderstood too, but he still had some self-knowledge.

"Let's go, don't you want to eat? Your treat."

"Don't say I'm like a long-term meal ticket."

"What to eat?"

"How about a McDonald's off campus?"

"Oh~ Golden Arches, hehe..."

"Don't be so stupid, okay?"



Yao Xiaorui had dinner with her friends.

Short-haired girl: "Good McDonald's turned into golden arches."

Curly-haired girl: "Yeah, it's hard to lower the international brand to the country flavor."

"What... what do you mean?" Yao Xiaorui didn't quite understand, thinking that it was just a name change, so there wouldn't be such a big difference.

Girl with short hair: "I just feel that McDonald's used to be very foreign. Although it is fast food, it is also very face-saving, but now..."

Curly-haired girl: "Now I feel that the hamburger in my hand is like... like the biscuits on the floor in the morning, and it doesn't seem to have any foreign flavor."

Yao Xiaorui was ashamed, and said awkwardly, "Maybe it's a business strategy."

Girl with short hair: "I used to think of McDonald's as a relatively clean public bathroom, but now it seems a bit crowded."

Yao Xiaorui didn't know whether to laugh or cry, thinking it was too much, this is a place to eat, right?What the hell is a public restroom?

Curly-haired girl: "That's right, I also used this place as a bathroom, but now I'm always in line."

Yao Xiaorui was even more embarrassed, thinking that it would be okay to stand in a line, but after becoming the Golden Arches, there would be more problems, and without the McDonald's B, it seemed that everyone could point them out.

Girl with short hair: "By the way, Xiaorui, how are you and your boyfriend?"

Yao Xiaorui felt a little sweetness in her heart, "It's very good, I went to live with them a few days ago."


The two girls were surprised, quite surprised.

Curly-haired girl: "Live together? Sleep together?"

"Yeah." Yao Xiaorui nodded with a smile.

Short-haired girl: "Well... did you do something embarrassing?"

"No, how is it possible? We slept soundly." Yao Xiaorui said with a blushing face, it was embarrassing to be misunderstood.

Girl with short hair: "You can't do this, you have to tie him up and seduce him."

Curly-haired girl: "Yes, boys are very dishonest nowadays. If you are too reserved, they will lose interest in you, and then some vixen will take advantage of you."

"No, he's very honest and won't do anything to be sorry to me." Yao Xiaorui shook her head, thinking that there would definitely not be any more three girls. Although there was a little friction, it was barely acceptable.

Curly-haired girl: "Is it really all right?"

"Really, I believe..."

Yao Xiaorui's voice stopped abruptly, and his complexion suddenly became ugly, because he saw Zhou Han and Su Xiaojin walking in together, holding hands like lovers——

Eh! ?

what happened?

Why is Brother Han so close to Senior Sister Su?

Isn't it just a simple understanding relationship, but...

( o _ o )

Chapter 92 Monthly Pass Addition

Yao Xiaorui stared blankly at Su Xiaojin and Zhou Han, they walked in like lovers, arm in arm.

Although I knew that Zhou Han and Su Xiaojin were familiar with each other before, I still want to introduce myself.

But Yao Xiaorui would never believe that they were just ordinary friends when they came to dinner together, holding arms. Such an affectionate gesture.

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