Just now I wanted to say that Zhou Han was very honest and I believed him, but I was slapped in the face by the speed of light, which was very embarrassing.

Yao Xiaorui had mixed feelings in her heart. I couldn't say what it was like, but it was definitely not very comfortable.

Although Yao Xiaorui's character would not accuse Zhou Han of anything, deep in his heart he still hoped that Zhou Han's ambiguous relationship would be less, three is enough.

Girl with short hair: "Xiaorui? What's wrong?"

"Eh?" Yao Xiaorui recovered from embarrassment.

Curly Girl: "Sick? Absent."

Yao Xiaorui glanced at Zhou Han and Su Xiaojin unwillingly, then shook her head——

"It's okay, let's continue eating."

Zhou Han and Su Xiaojin came in hooking up.

"Senior sister, stop now, don't do this, how bad is it for people to see?"

Zhou Han frowned, very nervous, because there are too many people who know Su Xiaojin, and most of the people who come here to eat are students from Jinteng College, and they stare at him as soon as they come in, which makes him really uncomfortable. Comfortable.

The most important thing is that Yao Xiaorui is also here. If he is seen, he will be embarrassed, but how can he explain it?

Although Yao Xiaorui is not the kind of girl with a particularly narrow mind, if she is misunderstood, she will definitely feel uncomfortable.

Zhou Han also doesn't want to see Yao Xiaorui sad now, it will always hurt his heart, besides, Su Xiaojin is a sister!

The elder sister and brother-in-law hook up, and the younger sister eats a mouthful of jealousy. What kind of bloody family ethics drama is this!

"It's okay, have you forgotten what happened before? You have to be my shield at any time. You have to learn to adapt to this common behavior of couples. Don't act like you're resisting. Let people see that we are fake couples at a glance. .”

Su Xiaojin said with a smile that she never tires of torturing Zhou Han, and she finds it very interesting to see him sitting on pins and needles being pricked by the eyes around him.

"That's not right, senior, you don't need to act in front of so many people, right? And it's not that you don't need to be a shield at ordinary times!" Zhou Han said awkwardly, subconsciously looking around, looking for Yao Xiaorui.

Now Yao Xiaorui lowered her head, eating absent-mindedly, her mind was full of what is the relationship between Su Xiaojin and Zhou Han?

Zhou Han didn't see Yao Xiaorui, thinking that she might be upstairs, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that he had escaped, as long as he didn't get caught flirting with Su Xiaojin.

In fact, he came to McDonald's on purpose today, mainly to introduce Su Xiaojin and Yao Xiaorui to each other, but it is definitely not okay to see this flirting appearance.

Zhou Han decided to go upstairs to see if Yao Xiaorui was there. He probably didn't finish his meal in such a short time, but it's really inconvenient for him now...

"How about junior? Is it comfortable to be pinched by my sister's chest?"

Su Xiaojin straightened her waist, took Zhou Han's arm and placed it between the two jade peaks. With a little force on her arms, she was directly clamped.

Fuck, it's a little... a little cool...

Zhou Han felt extra comfortable, feeling that his whole arm was in the ocean, very touching.

"Don't... don't be like this, senior, you should be more respectful, I am a decent person."

"Ah lah~" Su Xiaojin looked at Zhou Han's blushing reaction, and found it surprisingly interesting, "Is your heart pounding, with a little bit of excitement, like "Sister's breasts are so big, soft, and comfortable, I really want to grab it hard" or something like that? "

"No...no..." Zhou Han looked away, thinking I'm going, is there any mistake, senior sister, you are my fiancée's sister, is it really okay to seduce me like this?

"You are really not good, you must be excited, adolescent boys are like this, they will blush when they are slightly stimulated." Su Xiaojin looked at Zhou Han and asked tentatively, "I won't be with Lin Xuemei for so long. A little virgin?"

Zhou Han cocked his mouth and didn't answer, thinking that he was not a virgin, but he would blush.

"If you don't answer, you will acquiesce?" Su Xiaojin made a look of understanding, nodded her head and said, "That's right, Lin Xuemei is such a reserved girl, even if she is in a relationship, she won't let you easily get her, don't you?" Was... suffocated?"

"No..." Zhou Han felt that it was right for Lin Nianwei to be reserved. Originally, Lin Nianwei regarded love as sacred and would not mess around easily.

How could it be easy for a girl who had a crush on her since she was a child to possess her? As expected, Lin Nianwei still had her own thoughts in her heart.

"Tell me the truth, have you ever thought of cheating..." Su Xiaojin asked curiously.

"No..." Zhou Han didn't mean it, he was already in a state of super cheating, he was on three boats, and outsiders looked like the kind of scum.

"Really, I don't believe it. You must be thinking about it, otherwise why do you always ask me out?" Su Xiaojin put on a knowing expression.

Zhou Han remained silent, he really didn't want to explain, and he couldn't bring out Senior Su's biological father, how embarrassing.

The two ordered food at the front desk, but it turned out that Zhou Han had a lot of food on his plate, while Su Xiaojin had very little on his plate.

Zhou Han swore that he couldn't eat so much by himself, Su Xiaojin ordered these for him, it was very strange, it made the McDonald's brother look at him in the wrong way, it was very embarrassing.

"Senior sister, what do you mean, I can't eat these, it's my treat, but you don't have to do this, waste food." Zhou Han lowered his voice and asked Su Xiaojin.

"Don't waste it." Su Xiaojin said confidently.

"What do you mean..." Zhou Han seemed to have noticed something?

"I can eat it all, I ordered all of these." Su Xiaojin said seriously, her face not red at all.

"Damn, why put the order for you on my plate?" Zhou Han frowned, and said very dissatisfied, "This makes me so embarrassed, the clerk just now looked at me like an alien."

"He's not an alien, my junior speaks really badly, and my sister is a little sad, crying QAQ..." Su Xiaojin showed a pitiful expression, very similar to Yao Xiaorui when she was pitiful.

"Why are you crying? I'm the one crying, right? QAQ..." Zhou Han wanted to cry, but he was speechless to Su Xiaojin, and his behavior was very bad. "I should put these twenty hamburgers on your plate." , and then you will be a Big Stomach King..."

"Student, how could you do this? You can't do this to me..." Su Xiaojin refused to transfer Xiaoshan's hamburger.

"Why? It's not me who eats." Zhou Han felt distressed.

"She's such a cute and cute girl..." Su Xiaojin shyly said——

"It's shameful to be seen eating so much, it's not beautiful to lose face~"

o (* //// ▽ //// *) q


I'm sorry everyone, my family is hospitalized, so I hurried to take a look. If it's good tonight, there will be 2 updates, and if it's not, 1 update.

I'm sorry everyone, I'm sorry, I feel like the whole world is against me this month, nothing good...

Chapter 93 is back

I go……

Feelings my face is not a face?

It's a city wall that can resist attacks at will?

Still cute?Vomit ~.

Jiao Didi, who can eat like you? !

Zhou Han looked at Su Xiaojin with complicated emotions, feeling that he had been sold out by a black-bellied girl and became a big eater.

"Why do you look at me like that?" Su Xiaojin showed an innocent look on her face, so pitiful that no one could blame her.

"Nothing." Zhou Han shook his head and asked in surprise, "Sister, why are you so good at eating?"

"I've already said that this is my normal appetite, don't be so surprised, okay?" Su Xiaojin said pretending to be angry, thinking that my junior is really a fool, it's impolite to say how much a girl can eat.

"Okay." Zhou Han nodded bluntly, his hand holding the plate trembled silently, "Excuse me, senior sister, where did all your food go? Why aren't you fat? I will complain for all the girls."

"Do you still need to ask? What did I use to hold your arm? Don't I have any idea?" Su Xiaojin deliberately pushed her chest forward, which was so alluring that the people who watched it swallowed their saliva.

This... This is the naked crime of seduction!Don't be like this, senior, I can't attack my fiancée's sister!

Zhou Han glanced at Su Xiaojin's chest, expressing such emotion that the plate in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"Student, your eyeballs are about to fall off, don't look so naked, sister, I'm also very shy." Su Xiaojin said awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable being stared at her breasts.

If it wasn't for Zhou Han's familiarity, Su Xiaojin might just go up and slap her, shouting, "I can flirt, but you can't flirt!"

"Cough, I'm sorry..." Zhou Han coughed lightly, concealing his embarrassment, and changed the subject, "By the way, sister, you know how embarrassing you are by eating so much? I'm a little scared to go out for dinner with you now."

Su Xiaojin narrowed her eyes, and said lightly, "Then it's no appointment, I'm going back, and you actually despise me, stinking junior, huh..."

"Don't, don't, I don't mean to be disgusted..." Zhou Han frowned, thinking that Senior Su was surprisingly sensitive on the issue of eating, which probably scared people a lot, "I just want to know how you usually deal with Senior Su Hunger problem? If you feel ashamed, surely you won’t eat so much?”

"Of course not, how uncomfortable is it to be stared at with strange eyes?" Su Xiaojin thought of the incident of being watched in elementary school, and she felt shadowed in her heart, and she never wanted to eat too much in front of others.

"Then what do you usually do?" Zhou Han asked curiously.

"Usually..." Su Xiaojin hesitated for a moment, pretending to be casual and said, "When I go out with my friends, I will eat less and pretend that I am not very hungry."

"Isn't it uncomfortable to be hungry?" Zhou Han frowned.

"Won't you bear it? You underestimate girls' endurance." Su Xiaojin put on a very serious expression.

Zhou Han looked at the pile of hamburgers, hold back?Are you kidding me?

"You can't help it, right? Don't hold back, eat as much as you want, don't go hungry."

"I eat. I put chocolate in my schoolbag every day to replenish my strength at any time. As the president, I don't need to go to gym. When you are raising the flag below, I will eat in the classroom. I am happy~" Su Xiaojin said I feel confident and confident, and I feel great.

"It turns out that your abuse of power is all used in this place..." Zhou Han twisted his mouth, and said seriously, "Don't torture yourself like this, since eating doesn't bother anyone, why do you care about other people's eyes?"

"You don't understand, it's embarrassing for a girl to eat so much." Su Xiaojin whispered, still very concerned about her image in front of others.

"Then don't you feel ashamed in front of me?" Zhou Han frowned and asked in surprise.

"I think you are more pleasing to the eye, so you don't need to hide it." Su Xiaojin said with a smile

Zhou Han didn't speak, feeling a little complicated.

"You don't know, if everyone knows that I am a big eater, I might not be able to marry." Su Xiaojin showed a little helplessness.


"Stop, stop, stop, don't say anything like marrying me, it's unrealistic, calm down and think about Xuemei Lin."

Before Zhou Han could finish speaking, Su Xiaojin quickly interrupted Zhou Han, worried that the matter would be complicated.

Zhou Han swallowed his saliva nervously, and gradually calmed down. Just now he really wanted to blurt out "I marry", thanks to Su Xiaojin who stopped him. Thinking about it, he was a little scared, was he hooking up with his fiancée's sister?Outrageous!

"Sorry, senior, I'm a little restless."

"We are fake, don't act fake." Su Xiaojin reminded.

"I know, I don't want to either." Zhou Han nodded.

Yao Xiaorui in the distance looked like a bright mirror, feeling very uncomfortable and a little jealous, but he couldn't leave his friends behind for questioning, worrying about being seen as a joke.

I just praised Zhou Han for being honest, how embarrassing is he being slapped in the face at the speed of light?

So Yao Xiaorui chose to wait and see, let's see the situation.

Zhou Han and Su Xiaojin found a table to sit down, because they wanted to take care of Senior Su's feelings, so the location was relatively remote.

"Hold the burger closer to me so I can grab it."

Before Su Xiaojin finished eating, she began to think about what was on Zhou Han's plate.

Zhou Han honestly pushed the plate closer, feeling very helpless.

Seeing that Su Xiaojin eats very reservedly, she is no different from ordinary girls, why does she eat so much?Did it really contribute to **, Zhou Han didn't believe it.

After Su Xiaojin finished eating the hamburger, she threw the wrapping paper on the table facing me in front of Zhou Han, and then pretended that nothing happened.

"Sister Su, what do you mean?" Zhou Han frowned.

"Let it go, it will appear that you ate it, and I will be safe." Su Xiaojin said with a smile.

"I'm...so cunning..." Zhou Han was smiling, and his mother was criticizing in his heart, Su Xiaojin really thought too comprehensively, and wiped out all his black spots.

It may be that Su Xiaojin ate too fast, which caused her to cough a few times, looking very uncomfortable, and quickly took a sip of milk tea to feel better.

"Eat slowly, no one will grab you." Zhou Han had a complicated expression.

"Well, it's all mine, so don't move." Su Xiaojin said bluntly.

Zhou Han covered his face, thinking that Su Xiaojin is not a girl who can be raised casually, she belongs to the type of panacea.

"Let's talk about serious business. What do you mean by asking me out? Just say it." Su Xiaojin asked while eating, her cheeks puffed up, and she didn't look like her sister at all.

"Let's go boating in the park next time. I remember there is one in Nanshan Park." Zhou Han suggested.

"Why do you keep asking me to go to this kind of dating place? Are you sure it's not to pick on me, or just want to hang out with me?" Su Xiaojin became more and more puzzled, feeling that this kind of men and women go out alone, and they go on dates everywhere.

"Then let's play games in the Internet cafe, would you like to come?" Zhou Han asked.

"I won't go, it's a mess." Su Xiaojin firmly refused.

"That's enough, so it's most suitable to go boating in the park." Zhou Han said seriously.

"Last time you said it was to thank me, the matchmaker, what is the reason this time?" Su Xiaojin asked with interest.

"This... don't I need some tacit understanding to pretend to be your boyfriend?" Zhou Han spread his hands.

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