Su Xiaojin felt that it made sense, so she nodded and said——

"Alright, but after this time..."

"You have to find a time and come to my house."


Chapter 94 Monthly Pass Addition

The main purpose of Su Xiaojin's coming out was to let Zhou Han go to her home once.

Because I said that I have a boyfriend relationship, my parents are always urging to meet, and I can't refuse.

Otherwise, your parents will suspect that you have made a fake boyfriend and are still engaging in homosexuality.

Besides, it is also necessary to cultivate proficiency, which is better than being particularly blunt and showing off.

Su Xiaojin agreed to Zhou Han's invitation, but still couldn't help asking.

"Did you not tell Xuemei Lin about these things?"

"Is it hard for me to tell you? You just tore me apart..."

Zhou Han showed a terrified expression. Thinking about it, this is not a joke. Lin Nianwei and Miyazaki Airi would definitely be willing to be the pioneers who hacked him to death, and Yao Xiaorui must have cried and apologized.

To be honest, Zhou Han felt like he was walking a tightrope, which was extremely dangerous.

If possible, he didn't want to get involved with Su Xiaojin, but his father-in-law!Can't let it go, it's hard for Zhou Han, so he can only help his father-in-law's dream come true secretly.

In fact, Zhou Han thought about helping Su Youqiang solve the family problems. If everyone confessed together, it would be fine, but he felt that it was not good for him to meddle in other people's affairs.

"Isn't it obvious that you have ghosts in your heart?" Su Xiaojin said with a smile.

"I didn't, I be a good shield for my senior sister, and then help you get rid of homosexual troubles." Zhou Han said solemnly.

"You don't dare to tell Lin Xuemei because you are afraid of misunderstanding? Subconsciously, you still think that going out with me is a date, and then you want to pick me up, right?" Su Xiaojin said very straightforwardly, not at all pretentious.

"No, senior sister, you know that I'm a dull person, I can't get used to it, I really can't play your boyfriend well." Zhou Han thought to himself, don't be silly, it's so vulgar, it's called love acting.

"It's free, but in order to prevent things from happening, I think it's better for you to tell Xuemei Lin, so that you can be upright, and Xuemei Lin won't think too much." Su Xiaojin suggested that it would be better to let Lin Nianwei know that she borrowed her boyfriend. Okay, so the relationship is clear and nothing will happen.

"No, please don't, senior sister, you don't know Lin Nianwei." Zhou Han quickly refused, and said awkwardly, "Xiaowei is suspicious by nature, if you tell her, she will become more suspicious and have trouble sleeping and eating. There is no need to cultivate a tacit understanding, just let Xiaowei sit by the side and monitor me, and start chatting awkwardly."

Who is Lin Nianwei?People who smell clues and will follow the clues, and then draw a knife and put it on their own necks, asking, "Say! What's going on? You are going to die today if you dare to lie!"

Thinking about Zhou Han, I think it's scary, it's better to keep it a secret, Xiaowei is very quiet on the surface, but when she moves, she is really irritable.

"Well then, don't rely on me if something goes wrong, I'll remind you." Su Xiaojin shirked the responsibility completely so that she could feel at ease, "What about the time?"

"I'll tell you when I think about it."

Zhou Han thought about asking Uncle Su, but don't try so hard to ask Su Xiaojin out, but Uncle Su doesn't have time, then it would be embarrassing, what are you trying to do?

When Su Xiaojin heard this, she thought that the matter of letting Zhou Han go to her home had to be postponed, and she needed to act like a couple with her junior.

It's okay to act by myself, but my junior is a bit blunt and unable to take the role of boyfriend, I'm afraid it will show his feet.

At that time, I can't explain it to my parents, which is bad...

After eating, Yao Xiaorui came out of McDonald's with her friends.

As a result, I was very concerned about Zhou Han and Su Xiaojin.

Deciding to go back and have a look, she used the excuse of going shopping to send two friends away, and then returned to McDonald's by herself.

This time Yao Xiaorui did not hesitate, but walked directly to Zhou Han and Su Xiaojin's position.

"Brother Han..."

Originally, Yao Xiaorui had a good idea, and planned to come over angrily to question her, but when the words came to her lips, her momentum turned into a grievance.

"Eh!?" Zhou Han was stunned, and looked back to see Yao Xiaorui startled, "Xiaorui? I was looking for you, where did you go?"

"Looking for me?" Yao Xiaorui was surprised, thinking, is she trying to show her affection in front of me?

"Didn't you want to meet Senior Su? I came here for lunch, just to let you meet, but I looked around and didn't see anyone. Are you eating upstairs?" Zhou Han asked curiously.

Yao Xiaorui is relatively weak, but she is ashamed to say that she came here to catch a traitor.

But hearing Zhou Han say it was to introduce Senior Su to himself, I felt a little better.

But Yao Xiaorui is not a fool, she is still very wary of Su Xiaojin, after all, the intimacy just now is not fake.

Yao Xiaorui sat silently next to Zhou Han, looking a little reserved, and subconsciously treated Su Xiaojin as a senior and needed to be respected.

"Study... Hello, sister..."

"Hello~" Su Xiaojin smiled, and her tone was very frivolous. She obviously liked girls and was full of interest in Yao Xiaorui. A weak girl like this aroused her animal sister's desire even more, and wanted to bully her.

Zhou Han's expression was awkward, could he not see what Su Xiaojin was thinking?Obviously interested in Yao Xiaorui.

But Zhou Han, who knows the inside story, has to complain in his heart, senior sister!Give up your dirty thoughts!Xiaorui is your own sister!Do you want to do orthopedics too?

Zhou Han felt that Su Xiaojin had a strong interest in the girls in her harem, like a fox thinking about its own grapes.

If Su Xiaojin was a boy, Zhou Han would definitely not like it, but the senior in question is a girl, which is very embarrassing.

Zhou Han's feelings about this are very complicated, because the girls attracted by his own wives, will he be included in the harem, or will he reject them angrily?

He felt that all male compatriots would hesitate about this question, but most of them would choose to pull them over to play together, very happy.

However, Su Xiaojin is Yao Xiaorui's older sister, which made Zhou Han very conflicted, unwilling to make the relationship ambiguous.

"This is Miss Su." Zhou Han introduced.

"Well, I... I know." Yao Xiaorui nodded, seeming very scared of Su Xiaojin.

"This is Yao Xiaorui, the second grader, and it's my...Xiaorui!?"

Zhou Han wanted to say they were friends, but Yao Xiaorui hugged Zhou Han regardless, and now he couldn't hide it.

Although he has opened a harem now, he still needs to be restrained and not be too public, otherwise it will definitely cause big news.

Yao Xiaorui was very bold, holding Zhou Han's arm with a blushing face, and kept silent, showing the ambiguous relationship between the two of them, deliberately showing it to Su Xiaojin.

"Oh shit~" Su Xiaojin's eyes lit up, and she said to Zhou Han with a smile, "I see, she is your backup, in order to prevent being dumped by Lin Xuemei, you should leave yourself a way out, right?"

"No... no, I'm not a spare tire." Yao Xiaorui seemed to be swearing sovereignty. Although she looked shy, her eyes were full of hostility towards Su Xiaojin——

"Brother Han is my fiance, boyfriend, husband..."

(,,o . o,,)

Chapter 95 resumes updating, sorry sorry!

Zhou Han's expression froze on his face, thinking what happened to Xiaorui today?Suddenly became very aggressive, usually so obedient and obedient, but this is not the point...

The point is that the senior will definitely think that I am cheating!Then treat me like a scumbag.

But such an unrealistic thing as opening a harem, no one will believe it when you tell it?

Yao Xiaorui held Zhou Han's arm, with a hint of first in his eyes, emphasizing his relationship with Zhou Han, as if he was afraid of being snatched away.

Because Zhou Han's heart is divided by the three girls, there can't be more, if there is more, won't there be less time to accompany him?

So Yao Xiaorui was uncharacteristically, she was a timid girl towards strangers, but she turned out to be very tough.

Su Xiaojin was surprised at first, but after thinking about it, she felt that Zhou Han was cheating, stepping on two boats, dating two girls at the same time behind his back.

It seems that my guess is correct, Zhou Han has a face that opens the harem, and he will never hang himself on a girl.

"So that's how it is. Junior, you are not very obedient. You actually surprised me by doing such a thing."

While Su Xiaojin was talking, she kicked Zhou Han under the table inexplicably.

In fact, Su Xiaojin was still a little angry in her heart. She was already in two boats, and she always asked her what she meant, because she thought that two were not enough, so she wanted another one?Who do you think you are?

Zhou Han quickly shrank his legs, feeling the need to explain a bit, "That... no..."

"Isn't it Brother Han? Don't you admit that I'm your fiancée or girlfriend?" Yao Xiaorui was a little sad, wondering what Zhou Han was hiding at this time?

"No, you are my girlfriend, don't be nervous Xiaorui." Zhou Han comforted Yao Xiaorui, after all, she is more ugly and sentimental, easy to think too much.

Yao Xiaorui was finally relieved when she heard that, she leaned on Zhou Han's shoulder, thinking that he didn't want her anymore, but after thinking about it carefully, Brother Han is not that kind of person either.

"You're pretty good, junior. You're honest on the surface, but you actually have a lot of guts in your stomach?" Su Xiaojin narrowed her eyes, and her sarcastic tone was a bit hurtful.

"It's not my senior, don't get me wrong. Our relationship is delicate and difficult to explain." Zhou Han said awkwardly, trying to avoid Yao Xiaorui.

"Yeah, how do you explain this kind of thing? Does this guy know you have a girlfriend?" Su Xiaojin asked.

"I know." Zhou Han nodded, feeling that Su Xiaojin is not a rambunctious person, and it doesn't matter if he confesses the harem relationship.

Yao Xiaorui remained silent and chose to acquiesce. The fact that the three girls dated together was indeed discussed.

"Eh?" Su Xiaojin was a little surprised, and couldn't help wondering, since this girl knew that Zhou Han had a girlfriend, why did she still want to be together?It can't be a silly girl, "Does Junior Lin know about her existence?"

"I know." Zhou Han replied embarrassingly, he knew it was unbelievable, but it happened for real.

"What!?" Su Xiaojin was stunned. According to Zhou Han's intention, he dated two girls at the same time, and they knew each other. Isn't this just a harem openly!She picked up the milk tea and said awkwardly, "I need to be quiet..."

Seeing Su Xiaojin's puzzled look, Zhou Han said seriously, "Actually, I have three girlfriends..."

"Pfft!" Su Xiaojin sprayed Zhou Han all over as soon as she took a sip of milk tea, she was startled by this sentence, she has three girlfriends, what's going on?I may live in Daqing.

"I..." Zhou Han was at a loss for words, feeling embarrassed, his whole body smelled like strawberry milk tea.

"Brother Han!?" Yao Xiaorui jumped, quickly took out a tissue, and quickly wiped Zhou Han clean.

"It's all right..." Zhou Han took the facial tissue in Yao Xiaorui's hand and wiped it off by himself, "As for it? Senior sister, what was your reaction?"

"It's okay, I... I'm a little surprised..." Su Xiaojin took out a tissue, wiped her mouth, and calmed down a little, "Are you serious? You have three girlfriends?"

"Well, that's right, I have three girlfriends." Zhou Han looked at Yao Xiaorui the same way, "He is my fiancée and now my girlfriend. Lin Nianwei is my childhood sweetheart and also my girlfriend."

Yao Xiaorui became shy beside her, her heart was sweet, but she didn't even have a trace of disgust? !

"Then... who is the third one?" Su Xiaojin asked in surprise, wondering who are such silly girls?

"My younger sister, Miyazaki Airi, is also my girlfriend..." Zhou Han said frankly, seeing Su Xiaojin's astonished look was also expected, everyone would find it incredible, but don't think that the love saint is not existing.

"What?! Oh my god..." Su Xiaojin covered her mouth in shock, feeling very unbelievable, "Young brother... are you so beastly? Even your sister...wouldn't let you go?"

"It's the righteous sister, the righteous sister, the righteous sister who lived together for half a year." Zhou Han explained awkwardly, almost becoming famous after the German orthopedics department and the British court.

" it okay? Isn't Yimei a younger sister?" Su Xiaojin was very surprised now, and she didn't have the calm feeling in the past at all.

"There is no blood relationship, right? In reality, stepbrothers and sisters also get married, right? Don't be so surprised, I'm so embarrassed..." Zhou Han felt deeply pressured by Su Xiaojin's animal-like eyes.

I and Miyazaki Airi must have to withstand a lot of public opinion when we are together, but there is no way, love has already arisen, and we have to face it together.

Zhou Han felt that he couldn't be blamed for this matter, he just simply liked someone, and this person happened to be his younger sister, so he would be scolded as a beast, it was too unfair.

Su Xiaojin looked at Zhou Han, and thought to herself, can she accept it reluctantly, and live together for half a year?There is no brother and sister relationship at all, right?

She couldn't help but start to re-examine Zhou Han, why did this guy get three girlfriends?Is there any special skill in it?

Looking at Zhou Han's usual virtues, he can't be a lover!Why are the three girls so determined to associate with him?It's so puzzling!

Should this kind of thing happen today in the 21st century?Is feminist thought not liberated, and I am still living in the Qing Dynasty, the daughter of a member of a certain family?

Su Xiaojin felt that she was so smart that she couldn't figure it out, and she suspected that she had been put on a halo of wisdom by the gods.

"Okay, I understand roughly, can you tell me...why do you always pick people close to you? Fiancee, childhood sweetheart, younger sister...righteous sister, you want to hook up with everyone close to you, right?"

"No, our situation is very special, and it doesn't matter to me if you are far away..." Zhou Han smiled wryly, thinking that girls who are far away can also hook up with themselves, that would be awesome.

"What special circumstances? Can you explain why the three girls agreed to date you on the condition of accepting each other?" Su Xiaojin frowned.

"Because of love..." Zhou Han replied seriously.

Su Xiaojin straightened her waist, leaned on the chair with a very blank expression, then covered her face——


I want to see the emperor!

Who allowed this person to travel to the 21st century? !


Chapter 96 Lala

Zhou Han knew what was going on as soon as he saw Senior Su's appearance, and he definitely didn't believe it.

"Is it true Senior Su, or because of love, because we like each other and don't want to give up, so we are together."

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