Yao Xiaorui nodded beside her, and didn't think there was anything wrong, although she also wanted Zhou Han to like herself alone, but the situation didn't allow it, and she didn't want to see everyone fighting to the death.

"How is it possible?" Su Xiaojin felt that her thoughts could not turn back, and asked, "Three girls are together, and they like a boy, will they fight?"

"I haven't seen them fight now." Zhou Han said honestly, he really hadn't.

Although there were some minor frictions, fighting was unlikely. It seemed that the three girls were restrained to avoid such things from happening.

Su Xiaojin's expression froze on her face, thinking that this kind of thing is really unbelievable, why don't they fight?They are all rivals in love, can they still get along peacefully after robbing their husbands?Are all three girls...retarded?Maybe Lin Xuemei's IQ is not low, why did she choose to compromise?

"Why fight? I don't understand. Isn't it fun for everyone to be together?" Yao Xiaorui said timidly, thinking it's right to be together.

"Okay." Su Xiaojin took a deep breath to calm down a little, "So, junior, you have opened a harem, right?"

"You can understand it that way." Zhou Han couldn't refute.

"Forgive my gaffe, I just think it's a bit weird, this kind of thing is quite surprising."

Su Xiaojin seems to have regained some of her former composure. She always thought that Zhou Han's feelings were relatively pale, but she never thought that Zhou Han was richer than anyone else. How could someone who can open a harem in the real world have a low EQ?

"I understand, I understand. It's really surprising. I don't even think it's realistic." Zhou Han spread his hands.

"Then this... is Yao Xiaorui, right?" Su Xiaojin looked at Yao Xiaorui.

"Sister, you can just call me Xiaorui..." Yao Xiaorui shrank behind Zhou Han, as if she was still a little scared of Su Xiaojin.

"Student Xiaorui, are you my junior's fiancée?" Su Xiaojin narrowed her eyes and asked.

"Yes, it was decided by my parents, the real fiancée, the one who will marry together in the future." Yao Xiaorui emphasized very seriously, as if deliberately telling Su Xiaojin.

"Then can you bear other girls splitting up your fiancé? Don't you really feel a little disgusted?" Su Xiaojin is very curious about Yao Xiaorui's current state of mind, and wants to know how this kind of girl's brain circuit grows.

"This... Of course, it would be great if Brother Han belonged to me alone..." Yao Xiaorui lowered her head, feeling a little disappointed.

"That's right..." Su Xiaojin smiled, thinking that it is a normal person to think this way, which is weird like before.

"But Brother Han doesn't want to give up, and I don't want to see Aili and Xiaowei being sad and having a fight with Brother Han, so let's accept it. No one ever said that dating can only be one-on-one... "Yao Xiaorui added a sentence.

Zhou Han laughed dryly at the side, scratched his cheeks with his hands, thinking that he was indeed a bit embarrassing for them...

"You..." Su Xiaojin felt that this thinking was very abnormal, it was obviously Zhou Han's scum, why couldn't you see it, but this matter had nothing to do with him, "Your thinking is really special."

"I... I only know that if I like it, we should be together..." Yao Xiaorui also doesn't know why Su Xiaojin's expression is so weird?But feel like you did nothing wrong?

Su Xiaojin smiled far-fetchedly, and didn't say anything more, but thought that Zhou Han's wife seems to be very cute, and she even kissed Aili, so it's not enough to make NTR for her junior?

Thinking about it, I'm quite myself, I don't even know my sister is NTRed by me, poof~

Su Xiaojin was still laughing, but Zhou Han should be laughing secretly, the data skin really works.

"Sister Su, don't spread this matter. It's quite troublesome. I'll tell you alone. We are still like friends at school." Zhou Han said seriously.

"I know, it has nothing to do with me at all, I won't say it out loud." Su Xiaojin promised, thinking that she had nothing to do with herself, but my junior's wives are so cute, I really like them...

"Now you know that I'm not a guy with many boats?" Zhou Han asked tentatively, feeling that he had explained clearly.

"You're still on several boats..." Su Xiaojin said with a smile.

"Ah!? It's not me..."

"But you have the license to operate several boats legally." Su Xiaojin explained lightly.

Zhou Han didn't say anything, thinking that Su Xiaojin's metaphor was quite vivid.

"Although I don't want to say anything, I don't think this is normal." Su Xiaojin picked up the milk tea with a very straightforward hand and sucked it up.

Yao Xiaorui showed a bit of grievance, feeling that senior sister Su is so arrogant, she seems a bit difficult to get along with...

"I'm not talking about that today, I'm mainly introducing the two of you." Zhou Han felt awkward, so he hurried out to defuse it.

"Well, I know you, classmate Yao Xiaorui~"

Su Xiaojin smiled at Yao Xiaorui, and never refused girls who wanted to know her.

Yao Xiaorui blushed and was a little cautious. She felt that senior sister Su was very beautiful, and she was very nice to everyone, completely different from herself.

Su Xiaojin seemed to see Yao Xiaorui's restraint, so she said, "Sister, don't be nervous, I don't know how to eat people..."

"I... I've always been looking forward to you, senior. I feel... very happy to be able to talk today..." Yao Xiaorui said seriously.

"I'm not on a special mission away from the masses. If you want to chat with me, you can come to the president's office to find me at any time." Su Xiaojin sipped milk tea with a smile on her face.

Zhou Han frowned a little, wondering if Senior Sister Su, this lesbian, was trying to trick Yao Xiaorui, in case something happened?It's a bit bad, is it considered orthopedics when the elder sister pushes the younger sister down?

Just in case, Zhou Han still wanted to say a few words, in case Su Xiaojin really played Lala with her own sister in a frenzy.

"Sister, Xiaorui is my girlfriend, don't make up your mind?"

"Huh!?" Yao Xiaorui was a little puzzled, looked at Zhou Han and asked, "Brother Han, senior sister is a girl, so she won't do anything to me? What can girls and girls do? It's touching the butt."

"**!?" Since Zhou Han knew about Lala, he felt that girls and girls were not very reassuring.

"Yeah, Airi also touched mine that night." Yao Xiaorui said sincerely.

Fuck!Could it be that Airi is also a little lily inclined?

But this is not the point, but Su Xiaojin...

"It's not this kind of joke, senior sister Su... oh!"

Under the table, Su Xiaojin stomped on Zhou Han hard, telling him not to say anything unnecessary.

"Oh!?" Yao Xiaorui asked strangely.

"Uh, oh, Miss Su Xue is very nice, you can get along well with her." Zhou Han rounded up the words.

"Yes...is it..." Yao Xiaorui blushed and poked with two fingers.

"Yeah, sister Xiaorui, I'm not a lesbian, and I won't do anything strange to you. If you want to come and play with me, you can do it anytime, even at night~" Su Xiaojin encouraged Yao Xiaorui.

Zhou Han swallowed his saliva nervously, and thought depressedly——

I'm so fucking tired!

On the one hand, he wanted to protect the reputation of Xiaorui's wife.

On the other hand, it is necessary to prevent senior sister Su from attacking her own sister frantically.

Why is it all on me...

( o ﹏ o )

Chapter 97 Monthly Pass Addition

"Evening...even at night, I usually don't go out at night..."

Yao Xiaorui has always been well-behaved, because her father said it is not safe to go out at night, so she has always abided by the rules.

"That's a pity..." Su Xiaojin really likes to chat with girls, especially Yao Xiaorui, who looks very cute and has an easy-to-handle personality.

"Brother Han, were you jealous just now?" Yao Xiaorui asked curiously.

"Ah?! How could it be..." Zhou Han was otherwise, but he was still a little resistant just now. Although normal people should think that Lala is nothing, it still feels very subtle.

What's more, it's not because Zhou Han is jealous, but because Su Xiaojin and Yao Xiaorui are sisters, what happened will end badly, especially Uncle Su, what would he think?

"Then you were taken aback just now, you looked like you were jealous, as if you were worried about what would happen to me and Senior Sister Su..." Yao Xiaorui said hesitantly.

"No...no, I'm just worried about Senior Su..." Zhou Han saw that Su Xiaojin was looking at him with a smile, so he changed the subject, "I always tease you and make you uncomfortable, Senior Su likes to joke the most."

"I don't care about joking..." Yao Xiaorui smiled and waved her hands.

"Don't worry about my junior, just to say, I like a cute junior like you the most..." Su Xiaojin couldn't help reaching out and touching Yao Xiaorui's little face.

Yao Xiaorui blushed, avoided shyly, and shrank behind Zhou Han, feeling a little strange. Sister Su was too enthusiastic, as if she had been molested.

"Tsk!" Zhou Han gasped in dissatisfaction, and shouted in his heart, stop it, senior sister, this is your own sister, do you want to have her leg broken?This is a person who has just made acquaintances and made a fuss, how can he pay back in the future?

"Ah~" Su Xiaojin liked Yao Xiaorui more and more, her timid and shy appearance was very cute, "she is still a shy girl."

"Su...Sister Su, please don't make fun of me." Yao Xiaorui said with a red face, her tone awkward.

"That..." Zhou Han interrupted, wanting to prevent Su Xiaojin from attacking her own sister, "Sister Su, I have something to ask?"

"What?" Su Xiaojin asked suspiciously.

"Is there a vacancy for the vice president of the student union?" Zhou Han said the most important thing.

"It's temporarily vacant, what's the matter? Suddenly asking this..." Su Xiaojin became curious.

"Xiaorui, she wants to try. To be honest, I want to go through the back door." Zhou Han opened the door and said sharply.

Yao Xiaorui felt a little nervous when she heard that she was talking about herself.

"To be honest, this door cannot be opened." Su Xiaojin responded.

"Don't be like this, Sister Su, we are familiar with each other, right? It's just a back door~" Zhou Han said it lightly, thick-skinned.

"The vice president is a cadre of the student union, who needs to be elected, or be elected through elections." Su Xiaojin explained.

"Is it so troublesome? I heard that the new minister, Huo Qinghu, wasn't the one who mentioned it in one word?" Zhou Han thought of that brainless brat.

"I've been in the student union for more than a year, okay? I'm in the student union in the first grade." Su Xiaojin said helplessly.

"It still needs to be like this..." Zhou Han scratched his head, not knowing the rules of the student union very well.

Yao Xiaorui lowered her head, seemingly feeling a little disappointed.

"However, there will be elections in a short time. The school board is fair. Before, I could let Xiaorui join the student union and be my secretary. Isn't that good? You can also participate in the elections." Su Xiaojin still opened the door for her. The door of convenience, it is estimated that it is false to want a secretary, and it is true to have other intentions. Isn't it her dream to be in love with a cute girl?

"Sister Su...you are so enthusiastic, aren't you..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak.

"What is it? Do you want to die?" Su Xiaojin threatened by putting her foot on Zhou Han's under the table.

"Aren't you taking good care of your juniors and sisters? You're really a good senior, I admire you so much." Zhou Han turned into flattery as soon as the topic changed.

"You still need to say?" Su Xiaojin let go of Zhou Han, and turned to Yao Xiaorui, "Sister Xiaorui, how are you? Can you be my secretary for now?"

Yao Xiaorui thought for a while, nodded and said, "Thank you, sister Su, don't... just don't think I'm clumsy..."

"No, as long as you act coquettish and cute to me..." Su Xiaojin really didn't have any good intentions, she clearly wanted to take Yao Xiaorui back and treat her as a vase.

The face of Zhou Han next to him turned dark, thinking that the senior is not looking for a secretary, she is clearly looking for a concubine, so she immediately pulls her back after seeing her.

"But...but no..." Yao Xiaorui became nervous, cute?Is pouting okay?

"You just keep the original appearance~" Su Xiaojin said with a smile, no matter how you look at Yao Xiaorui, she is pleasing to the eye.

"Yes...is it..." Yao Xiaorui blushed and started poking her fingers again.

Although Zhou Han knew that Su Xiaojin was a lesbian, he felt that Yao Xiaorui was free and proper, so nothing would happen, so he said, "Then I will thank senior sister for Xiaorui."

"Go away, it has nothing to do with you." Su Xiaojin said bluntly.

"Eh?!" Zhou Han was startled, thinking——

As long as it is a cute girl, all comers are welcome.

That's what it means, right?


Youth Office.

All five are here.

"Shit! I feel like I haven't played in 1 years..."

A golden hair dangling in front of the camera, who else is it not Lilith?

"What a coincidence, I feel the same way. I have no choice but to become familiar..." Song Mingyuan echoed Lilith.

The master and apprentice talked to themselves in the mirror, what are they doing?

"What are you doing?" Miyazaki Airi couldn't help asking.

"It's nothing, I just feel like I haven't shown my face for a long time, are you lonely?" Song Mingyuan turned around and pushed his black-rimmed eyes.

"Yeah, the heroine's character design, the life of passers-by, probably refers to me like this. It's really a terrible feeling." Lilith turned around with a very helpless expression.

"What are you two talking about? It's not clear." Zhou Han said awkwardly.

"Lilith and I are discussing the tragic fate of being a supporting role." Song Mingyuan said solemnly, as if he had found a new proposition.

"That's right, the fate of the supporting characters is particularly tragic and needs extra attention." Lilith followed in Master's footsteps and echoed, "Master and I have read a lot of novels recently, summed up the bad fates of the supporting characters, and found that we can write a full story. This million-word tragic novel..."

"What the hell?" Zhou Han smiled.

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