"Listen well, male supporting roles generally have the following points..." Song Mingyuan coughed lightly, and said seriously——

"The behavior is funny."

"My brain is not working."

"The family background is generally better than that of the male lead."

"Saddle up for the hero."

"I will definitely help the male lead get the knife."

"Give your girlfriend both hands unconditionally."

"I am willing to give up my interests to the hero unconditionally."

"Inexplicably got involved in the male protagonist's dispute, and then got beaten."

"No one can solve my troubles except the male lead."

"It's hard to have a girlfriend, she's definitely not a virgin!"

"The most important thing is..."

"Except for the protagonist, all supporting male characters have no right to mate! They are all impotent!"

Chapter 98 Monthly Pass Addition

Been doing it for half a day...

The last one without mating rights is the worst.

Zhou Han was in a complicated mood, wondering what happened to Song Mingyuan today?

"Brother Song, what do you mean?"

"What I mean is, for my safety..." Song Mingyuan looked at Zhou Han and said very seriously, "I want to stay away from you."

"Eh?! What's the matter? I haven't provoked you, have I?" Zhou Han was surprised.

"Don't you think that you are the protagonist's standard equipment? You have a car, a house, and busy parents, so I decided to stay away from you. Although the protagonist's aura is good, he is very poisonous to the people around him. This is the truth evolved from countless plots. "Song Mingyuan seemed to see through something.

"Don't use the things you randomly picked up from the book on me, okay?" Zhou Han sighed.

"It's a fact. People around the protagonist have never had good things, and they are always unlucky. It seems that they can't live without the protagonist, so I decided to avoid all flags." Song Mingyuan said very firmly.

"Why are you so persistent..." A drop of cold sweat fell on Zhou Han's forehead.

"Because I have a virgin complex, a girlfriend like a supporting role is definitely not in this kind of thing, and I can't accept it anyway." Song Mingyuan said very annoyed.

"Aren't you straight male cancer? The first time is so important?" Miyazaki Airi couldn't help but retort, saying it wasn't important, but in her heart she still felt it was important.

"It's important, I think it's all important, it involves the issue of dignity." Song Mingyuan seemed very persistent.

"Senior, you won't find a girlfriend like this." Zhou Han said awkwardly.

"I choose to be single, and I would rather miss it than make it up. Besides, Two-dimensional's wife is also good. Some inflatable styles are pretty good, and I can introduce them to you." Song Mingyuan said with a smile on his face.

"This..." Zhou Han was about to answer, but he felt Miyazaki Airi's dissatisfied gaze shot over, "No...no need..."

For this kind of embarrassing sales promotion, Zhou Han thought in his heart that he has a girlfriend, so what's the use of inflating it?

"I, I, I..." Lilith raised her hand and said seriously, "Master, that's nothing, the female supporting role is much worse than the male supporting role!"

"Have you come up with any theory?" Zhou Han asked helplessly, wondering what the master and apprentice were researching in private?

"The fate of a supporting actress is [-]% to be raped (beep) and then given to someone?" Lilith spread her hands, expressing her helplessness.

"I... can't refute..." Zhou Han blushed, feeling that this was wrong, right? Xiao Longnu is the main character?What did Dragon Knight Yin Zhiping say?So the heroine is not safe either.

"So for my own safety, I have to stay away from Zhou Xuechang, otherwise I, a loli, will be raped (beep), and then trafficked to the deep mountains and old forests to pass on to the bachelors." Lilith and Song Mingyuan are exactly the same .

"No, who can abduct you? It's useless, for the safety of your own little (beep), no one will do anything to you!" Zhou Han frowned and said awkwardly.

"It may be that Lolicon is everywhere, and Lilith is not safe anywhere, puff puff~" Lilith took the opportunity to boast, and the dumb hair on her head swayed from side to side.

"But what does this have to do with me? I'm not the protagonist of the lone star of Tiansha, you two, master and apprentice, don't do this..." Zhou Han said awkwardly, feeling that he had provoked someone.

"You don't have to take it seriously. Lilith and I were just idle and bored. After summarizing the endings of the passers-by in the book, we suddenly found that you meet the characteristics of the protagonist. We were worried about our future from the beginning..." Song Mingyuan showed a bit of sadness expression.

"Don't reject me all of a sudden, it hurts..." Zhou Han clutched his chest, thinking that if he was the protagonist's life, then why do the supporting characters seem to have a better life than himself?

"Don't take it to heart, it's just a joke." Song Mingyuan shrugged and said with a smile.

"Senior Zhou thinks he's hurting himself, maybe subconsciously he still thinks he's the main character, puff puff~" Lilith pinched her waist, her little canine teeth showing in her smile.

There was a drop of cold sweat streaming down Zhou Han's forehead. Thinking about it, he seemed to be the protagonist of the ** thread's counterattack, with golden fingers on his body, hugging left and right...

"Okay, I found that the recent commissions have decreased a lot, and our club has gradually become idle. Isn't it coming to October [-] soon? So I thought, let's organize the club to go out and have fun together." Song Mingyuan suddenly Make a suggestion to hang out and have fun together.

"Isn't this good?" Miyazaki Airi said suddenly, of course it's fine to play together.

Zhou Han was stunned for a while, and the matter of going to Nanshan Park with Sister Su needs to be delayed, "What are you playing?"

"It's a total of seven days off, how about we take three out to climb Donglin Mountain?" Song Mingyuan spread his hands and said.

"Mountain climbing?" Lilith frowned, she really didn't like physical labor, "Walking all the way to the top of the mountain, just to be messed up by the wind, what's the fun?"

"There will be a meteor shower on October [-]st, and it's very cool to watch from the top of the mountain..." Song Mingyuan explained, feeling like a thief, "Besides, I, a dead house, have gone out. Why don't you go?"

"Just us?" Zhou Han asked.

"It's just the five of us. It feels weird to bring other people along. It doesn't look like a game organized by our club." Song Mingyuan said seriously.

Zhou Han silently dismissed the idea of ​​taking Yao Xiaorui, thinking about going out to play in the club, taking other people is not good.

"Looking at the meteor shower, it looks really good, Wei-chan, what do you think?" Miyazaki Airi poked Lin Nianwei.

"Should... be pretty good, right?" Lin Nianwei said hesitantly, thinking that she was not very good at sports, and physical work like mountain climbing was really not suitable for her.

"Since you have invited us sincerely, we reluctantly agreed, don't get me wrong that we want to watch the meteor shower, hum~!" Lilith said imitating Miyazaki Airi's tone.

"You bastard, don't imitate me." Miyazaki Airi cut the watermelon with a knife in dissatisfaction, and hit Lilith hard on the head.

"Oh~!" Lilith covered her head, feeling very aggrieved.

"Well, we set off in the morning on October [-]st, arrived at the foot of the mountain in the east in the afternoon, rested at the hotel at the foot of the mountain for one night, then climbed the mountain the next day, set up a tent on the top of the mountain for one night to watch the meteor shower, and went back home during the day on the third day. How?" Song Mingyuan already had a complete plan in his heart.

The other four seemed to have no objections, and felt that the time arrangement was reasonable.

"However, where can I get a car? Donglin Mountain is not a big scenic spot, it is very remote, there is no car to go there, and generally no one wants to go there with a chartered car..." Song Mingyuan couldn't help but feel a little worried, thinking about where to get a car Cars running back and forth.

Zhou Han hesitated for a long time, and suddenly came out to end, "Leave this to me, my dad has friends who can help..."

"Can there really be a round-trip car?" Song Mingyuan asked in surprise.

"Yes." Zhou Han nodded.

"Can I trouble Uncle Zhou with this kind of thing?" Airi Miyazaki asked worriedly.

"It's okay, Dad won't have any objections..." Zhou Han smiled, thinking——

I have the privilege of using the black gold card.

Black gold card, there is no money that cannot be spent.

How much does it cost to rent a car with a professional driver?

Yes, I seem to be a little swollen...


Chapter 99 Mom doesn't understand


inside the room.

Zhou Han decided to schedule Su Xiaojin's affairs after October [-]rd, because he was quite tired after climbing the mountain, so it's better to rest more.

Zhou Han hesitated for a long time, so let's ask Su Xiaojin out to go boating on October [-]th, the last day of the holiday.

Han: "Going to Nanshan Park, October [-]th, is that okay, senior?"

After a while, Su Xiaojin replied to Zhou Han.

Wu: "Okay, but what have you been doing for the past six days?"

Han: "Our club is going to climb a mountain, so we need to rest for a while when we come back."

Wu: "Well, there is no one around you now, right?"

Han: "No, what's wrong?"

Wei: "Then you contacted me secretly, do you have the desire to have an affair?"

Zhou Han's face darkened, and he slapped his forehead hard with his hand.

Han: "Steal your sister!"

Wu: "My sister is only six years old, are you interested?"

Zhou Han was stunned, for a moment he thought it was Yao Xiaorui, but then he turned his head around the corner, and it must be Su Xiaojin's mother remarried.

Han: "Eh? So senior has a younger sister?"

Wei: "Yes, it's not too small, it's barely enough to reach my knees, and sometimes I accidentally step on her."

Zhou Han grinned, wondering what the hell he stepped on?Do you think your sister is an ant?How short is it.

Han: "Sister, you have a younger sister, will you..."

Zhou Han's intentional reply is thought-provoking, meaning that senior sister Su is Lily, who is attacking her own sister.

Wei: "Who do you think I am? As far as I am concerned, your thinking is probably what my sister often calls "weird millet."

Zhou Han frowned, thinking what a joke he was, since he is not a lolicon, and he is even less interested in six-year-old pussies.

Han: "You misunderstood me, I'm just asking, in case senior sister, you go crazy, pull your sister into the room, and do something speechless with your fingers, it's not impossible."

Wu: "Student, you are so disgusting, what am I doing with my fingers? Do you pinch my sister's nostrils?"

Han: "You're too pure, Senior Su, don't pretend, old wet machine."

Wei: "Do you think I'm like you? A dead sister, a guy who won't even let his sister go."

Zhou Han was at a loss for words, his heart was hurt by the poke, and he thought that accusing his sister-in-law would be fine, he could barely accept it.

Han: "I can't refute what I said, but I also feel ashamed to be a sister-in-law, but Airi is more like a girl next door to me."

Wei: "That's why you fell in love with your sister?"

Han: "I like a girl who happens to be my sister."

Su Xiaojin was silent for a while before replying to Zhou Han.

Wei: "I have nothing to say, I don't want your parents to agree to this?"

Han: "Yes, I agree."

Wei: "Your Majesty, I will call my junior your Emperor from now on."

Han: "Sister, what do you mean?"

Yao: "Open the harem, whoever you like can be included in the harem, even the younger sister can't escape, this privilege, only the emperor can be so unscrupulous."

Han: "This sarcasm is too much, senior sister, save me some face."

Wei: "I just think you have refreshed my three views. I'm different from you. I don't think about my sister. After all, I'm only six years old, such a small and cute girl."

Han: "What if it's bigger?"

Wu: "Let her call me my husband when I'm older, not sister."

Zhou Han covered his face, thinking that even if he is a younger sister, he still has to tease her?I am very worried about Xiaorui's safety.

Su Xiaojin and Zhou Han finished chatting, and silently put down the phone.

It feels like chatting is quite happy, although she knows it's not good, but she doesn't have many friends to chat with.

Sister: "My sister doesn't know how to chat with people."

Brother: "Chat chat."

Sister: "Look, brother, my sister still has a smirk on her face."

Brother: "Smile and laugh."

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