Sister: "In this case, I guess there is a boyfriend outside, ah, no! It must be because there is a girlfriend outside..."

Brother: "Is it a boyfriend or a girlfriend?"

Younger sister: "My older sister is a monster who can take all men and women."

The two older children were peeping at their elder sister Su Xiaojin at the door, and commenting on their longing elder sister.

"You two, continue to spread rumors behind my sister's back, and my sister will hang you on the electric fan and turn on the fifth gear." Su Xiaojin looked at the door with a smile.

Sister: "Wow, brother, take a look, the evil spirit on my sister has risen."

Brother: "Yes, the next step is the rhythm of cannibalism."

The two children were talking nonsense, as if they felt that their sister was possessed by something.

"Go back to your room and play, don't let your sister study."

Su's mother drove away the two ignorant little guys, and then went into the eldest daughter's room by herself.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Su Xiaojin said in embarrassment. Since she was caught hiding the Lily magazine last time, she is now very reluctant for her parents to enter her room.

"Oh, you girl, did you hit me before I sat down for a while?" Su's mother said helplessly.

"I don't have one." Su Xiaojin pouted, embarrassed to say if she felt dissatisfied in her heart.

"What's wrong with your room mom coming in? Don't bother mom." Su's mother sat next to Su Xiaojin.

"I'm not bothered." Su Xiaojin said helplessly, "Mom, what's the matter?"

"I just want to know how you and the one outside are doing?" Su's mother began to ask around, wanting to ask.

"It''s okay..." Su Xiaojin said indiscriminately, her eyes twitched several times.

"How good is it? Just listening to you and not seeing anyone?" Su's mother pressed from the side, wanting Su Xiaojin to lead someone to have a look.

"We...we're getting along, it's pretty good, the better we can go boating during the October [-]st holiday." Su Xiaojin said seriously, and wanted to tell her mother about the progress to dispel her doubts.

"Really, that's pretty good. It's good to make some progress. Don't keep poking around at home. Go out with boys." Su's mother is a little happy, as long as her daughter is not gay, it's easy to say, "Then you Think of a way to bring home to have a look?"

"Yes, yes, when the time is right, I will bring it over." Su Xiaojin nodded, thinking that it should be almost the same after the boat skating this time.

"You have to bring it here, or Mom is worried that you will get some useless things." Su's mother repeatedly urged, and then changed the subject, "If you have any photos, show Mom."

"Ah!? This..." Su Xiaojin hesitated, thinking that there is a photo, but it's just a photo of women's clothing, so I can't show it...

"Don't say you're dating, you don't even have a picture, mom won't believe it." Su's mother showed a meaningful expression to me.

", I haven't photographed it before." Su Xiaojin said awkwardly.

"Is it this?" Su's mother shook the phone, and Zhou Han's photo of women's clothing was placed on it.

"Ah! Mom, did you touch my USB drive?!" Su Xiaojin turned pale with shock.

"Let me see. Do you think this is the one outside you?" Su's mother asked.

"This... this..." Su Xiaojin was speechless looking at Zhou Han's women's clothing photo.

"Oh, it's probably done..." Su's mother looked at the protruding breasts under Zhou Han's skirt, shook her head and said——

"Mom doesn't understand the fashion of your young people..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

Su's mother looked at Zhou Han in women's clothing on the phone, and shook her head in shock.

"Look, this posture is quite enchanting, but Mom doesn't understand the mentality of your young people now. Does it feel exciting to wear women's clothing?"

"I... I'm a girl..." Su Xiaojin was a little wronged, why was Zhou Han's photo discovered?How embarrassing it would be to come home at that time, my mother's eyes must not be quite right.

"According to my mother's understanding, men wearing women's clothing is a retrogression of civilization, like returning to the Stone Age, and everyone wears animal skins." Su's mother expressed her opinion, not very agreeing with women's clothing.

"That's not it. Mom, why are you secretly looking at my USB flash drive? I don't have any privacy at all, right? You're violating my right to privacy." Su Xiaojin said unwillingly, a little annoyed.

"Can looking at your daughter's stuff be called an invasion of privacy? That's called supervision." Su's mother retorted unceremoniously, "Besides, I don't want to see what you do in private? Can I know that you are gay? First add another one." , you also like pseudo-girls, in short your sexual orientation and hobbies are very abnormal, mom is very worried."

"I'm not gay, and I don't like fake girls, so don't frame me." Su Xiaojin said angrily.

"Now you say that you are not a gay mother, but you can't like fake mothers?" Su's mother said very melancholy, very worried about her daughter's state.

"I don't like it!" Su Xiaojin kept shaking her head, almost being pissed off by her own mother.

"Then how does your boyfriend explain it?" Su's mother pointed to the women's dress Zhou Han on the phone, "Huh?"

"He..." Su Xiaojin hesitated to speak, thinking that he was hiding a photo of Zhou Han in women's clothing, so he just likes fake mothers, "He is not my boyfriend, such a shameful guy is not!"

"Really?" Su's mother narrowed her eyes, exactly like her daughter.

"Really, I... how could I find a pervert who dresses as a boyfriend?" Su Xiaojin said firmly, ruthlessly separating the relationship.

"Well, remember to bring your boyfriend over to have a look." Su's mother reminded.

Su Xiaojin's expression was unnatural, and she thought something bad——

What to do now?

Besides Zhou Han, who else can be my shield?

I was almost kissed to death...

the next day.

Last night Zhou Han had already told Uncle Su about the arrangement for October [-]th.

Commissioner Hei Jinka Li was also notified to hire an exclusive bus.

Everything is proceeding step by step...

Jinteng College's examination efficiency is quite high.

The results of the mid-term exam came out in the morning, and everyone had a copy of the grade list.

Zhou Han looked at it, he just passed the pass line, and his grades were in the middle of the whole grade.

Copy a little more next time and you can move on.

"Thank you for stealing the answer for you?"

Elizabeth began to claim credit, feeling that she had done a lot.

"Yishen is awesome, Yishen is awesome."

Zhou Han hurriedly flattered her to make Elizabeth feel better.

Li Yang in front turned around and said, "God, are you on drugs? Why are you running so fast?"

"After all..." Zhou Han said shyly with a cheeky face, "Have I studied hard?"

"Damn, is it real or not?" Li Yang's expression was very puzzled, and he probably couldn't believe it.

"Really, I stayed up late to study." Zhou Han explained.

"How do you mend it? You teach me." Li Yang asked curiously.

"This..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak, thinking to himself, how could he casually tell others about H's tutoring?

Miyazaki Airi also took a special look at it, Zhou Han's grades seemed to be improving by leaps and bounds.

Could it be that... Lin Nianwei's temptation had an effect?

He also said that he didn't read it, so he must have taken it out in the examination room to see it. It's not serious, it really is thinking with the second child, that's why the grades are so good.

Miyazaki Airi frowned, constantly thinking about it in her heart.

Lin Nianwei also deliberately checked Zhou Han's grades, and the result also surprised her, wondering if it was really her own temptation that worked?

She decided to continue to use this trick for the next exam, and shoot something more attractive, maybe Zhou Han can continue to improve.

It's just that this method is a bit too embarrassing, but the result is good.

Lin Nianwei has already drifted away on the wrong path, but in order to shape Zhou Han into a more successful boy, she thinks it's okay to use some special means.

According to the usual practice, the seat will be adjusted every time after the test, and this time is of course no exception.

Class teacher: "Next, I will adjust the seats for everyone."

The students below started to commotion, and many of them wanted to sit with the person they liked.

For example, Wang Qianqian looked at Gu Bai with hunger in her eyes, and Feng Jiarui's expression on the other side became ugly.

The female classmates who were indifferently thinking about Gu Bai didn't know that Wang Qianqian was the only one, and many people were thinking about it.

As for Miyazaki Airi and Lin Nianwei, they are also the number one targets of the male students in the class.

There is only one exception, and that is Li Yang, "Same deskmate? A real king doesn't need it!"

Zhou Han wanted to share a seat with Lin Nianwei or Miyazaki Airi in his heart, but Li Yang absolutely couldn't do it, fearing that his middle school temperament would be infected.

Class teacher: "We are like other classes, good students lead bad students."

There was another commotion in the audience. The boys who didn't study well were all howling, feeling that they had a chance to get close to the goddess.

Wang Qianqian was even happier, because her academic performance was about the same as Zhou Han's now, and she belonged to the type that was not good, and was more than enough than the bottom.

Class teacher: "Then let's start..."

While looking at the report card in his hand, the head teacher pointed out the situation in the classroom with gestures, saying that whoever is asked to go must go, this time there is no need to draw lots, and no opinions are allowed.

Because the seats are divided according to the grades, the grades are generally complementary.

After rearranging the seats, the result is obvious——

Feng Jiarui sat at the same table with the hot-tempered Liu Yue. They didn't see eye to eye, and stared at each other coldly, as if they were about to fight at any time.

In fact, Feng Jiarui's grades are much better than Liu Yue's, so he despises this rude woman, and the relationship is usually stiff, so it will be very worrying in the future.

Wang Qianqian was very lucky to be at the same table with Gu Bai, and she was looking at her Prince Charming with starry eyes, wishing she could swallow him alive.

Gu Bai was calm on the surface, but there was a drop of cold sweat streaming down his forehead, obviously he couldn't stand it.

Seeing Wang Qianqian and Gu Bai having sex together, Feng Jiarui over there turned an eggplant color and felt extremely uncomfortable.

Miyazaki Airi was at the same table as Li Yang, because she was not at the same table with Zhou Han, she was in a bad mood and had a bad complexion.

When Li Yang learned that the tablemate was Miyazaki Airi, she was terrified when she sat on the ground, her face was pale and her whole body was shaking, she still believed that there was an army of ninjas behind her, and if she was not careful, she would kill herself.

Miyazaki Airi: "What are you shaking? It's inexplicable..."

Li Yang: "Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

As for Zhou Han, his new tablemate is——

"Xiaowei, I will be your new tablemate from now on, sit down quickly..."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lin Nianwei walked up to Zhou Han, feeling a little strange.

This was the first time the two sat at the same table. They had never sat together before when they were in elementary school.

Suddenly, they are at the same table now, and it feels a little unreal.

Lin Nianwei still felt super happy. She wanted to be at the same table with Zhou Han for a long time, but she didn't expect her dream to come true today.

But now that the two are lovers, it always feels like many subtle things will happen, after all, they are so close.

"What are you doing in a daze? Sit down quickly..." Zhou Han pulled out the chair for her.

Lin Nianwei sat down silently, and was silent beside her.

At this moment, I don't know how many boys secretly wailed.

"Same table?" Lin Nianwei murmured.

"Yeah, it feels a bit unreal." Zhou Han said awkwardly.

"I also feel very unreal, like dreaming." Lin Nianwei said lightly.

It was obviously a very happy thing, but the two of them fell into confusion.

"However, this is also very good, and the communication will be more convenient." Zhou Han said with a smile.

"It's true..." Lin Nianwei nodded, thinking that this is indeed more convenient.

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