"Can you do something interesting?" Zhou Han said meaningfully.

"What... what's interesting?" Lin Nianwei blushed and asked knowingly.

"It's the kind of game played by two people..." Zhou Han showed a very mysterious expression.

"Where do you want to go? I won't agree. This is a classroom. There are so many people. Be honest with me. If you dare to touch me..." Lin Nianwei patted her shoulder bag and said in a low voice , "The kitchen knife is still in the schoolbag, you can figure it out yourself."

"Uh, this..." Zhou Han dripped a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, wondering if Lin Nianwei had misunderstood, "I mean to play backgammon, I saw others played it before, we can also play together."

"Ah?" Lin Nianwei became expressionless, wondering if she was thinking too much?What should I play backgammon?Such a naive thing, why not... cough cough!

"What... how? Don't be expressionless, I'm so embarrassed..." Zhou Han forced a smile.

"Don't play, I'm close to you now, you study hard for me, I will supervise you, you can't doze off in class, and you can't desert, and I will give you an elite education." Lin Nianwei said bluntly, and she was already going to class During this period, Zhou Han was monitored in all directions.

"No... no way..." Zhou Han widened his eyes, thinking that this is not the tablemate he wanted. He originally wanted to find a playmate, but unexpectedly invited a plague god. How can he play well at ordinary times? Drowsy?

"Why not? You work harder for me. It's a rare opportunity for me to be by your side now. Please stop your lazy thoughts, study hard, and improve your grades." Lin Nianwei said seriously.

Zhou Han's expression was complicated, and he felt 1 unhappy in his heart. He felt very uncomfortable when someone was staring at him every day. Do you still remember the head teacher's death staring at the back door?Who suffers from such stares all day long?

"Did you hear that?" Lin Nianwei touched Zhou Han's waist with her small hand, her tone threatening.

"Yeah." Zhou Han nodded, it's good to sit with Li Yang now, at least he can brag freely, and Lin Nianwei has no freedom at all.

"Do well in the final exam. It's still too late to work hard now, and try to get into the top [-] in the grade. Then you go to my house for dinner." Lin Nianwei said calmly.

Don't listen to what Lin Nianwei said was easy, but Zhou Han's ears were like bursting.

what? !

Are you going to see your parents again?

Senior sister's work is endless, why is there another one!

By the way, Xiaowei's parents don't like me, right?

Last time, he used the fake name "Zhou Hao" to get past him.

Zhou Han was a little nervous because he had no record with Lin Nianwei's parents.

"Really...really going...?"

"What? Not happy? You don't like me anymore? You don't want to marry me in the future?" Lin Nianwei continued to question, wondering if boys are so cowardly when they meet their parents?

"Think about it." Zhou Han nodded frequently, "I will try my best. By the way, do your parents know me?"

"I don't know, you use the fake name "Zhou Hao" first, and I'll confess when they get a good impression of you. " Lin Nianwei said seriously, thinking that if she wanted to break up the marriage contract at home, she could only ask Zhou Han to help.

"Really? Is it because I have a bad impression?" Zhou Han covered his face.

"They almost forgot, don't worry." Lin Nianwei comforted Zhou Han.

"I'm not worried about this, but I'm afraid that you will be in trouble, so I will work hard for you." Zhou Han said seriously.

"It's good that you know..." Lin Nianwei blushed, thinking that she had done so much, wasn't it just for two people?

Class teacher: "Well...Zhou Han has made great progress this time. It is a good opportunity to transfer Lin Nianwei to your side. You should seize the opportunity to learn from Lin Nianwei."

"Well, I will learn from Lin Nianwei (♂♀)." Zhou Han nodded in response.

Class teacher: "At first I thought you copied it, but everyone knew the level of the last test room, and you couldn't copy it. It shows that you have really worked hard recently. I think you have started to listen to the class in normal times. This is a good thing." Omen, keep it up."

"Well, yes." Zhou Han responded, thinking whether to work hard or not, can I just steal all kinds of question banks?

At first, Zhou Han thought that someone would jump up and say that he plagiarized, but no one said it, but there were many people who said shit luck, so Zhou Han just smiled and didn't explain anything.

It seems that I was right for not copying too hard, otherwise something will happen, and if I move forward a little bit, no one will notice anything.

"Don't pay attention to gossip, those people can't be reasonable." Lin Nianwei reminded.

"I know, I didn't take it to heart at all." Zhou Han nodded.

"Actually, when you were in the examination room, you really did look at the photo I gave you, right?" Lin Nianwei asked in a low voice.

"No...no..." Zhou Han hurriedly explained.

"How can you play super long without it?" Lin Nianwei felt that Zhou Han must have watched it.

"I swear to God, I really haven't seen it, it all depends on my strength." Zhou Han said brazenly, he didn't want to put on the hat of thinking like a second child at all.

"Are you sure? Didn't you lie?" Lin Nianwei narrowed her eyes and looked at Zhou Han.

"I swear to Xiaowei, believe me, I just haven't learned, but I still have hard core skills." Zhou Han said confidently.

"Well, I'm still thinking about buying a bunny girl's clothes next time, it seems that I don't need it anymore." Lin Nianwei said lightly.

"Rabbit...rabbit rabbit...rabbit..."

Zhou Han couldn't speak anymore, so he wanted to flirt with Lin Nianwei's appearance in bunny girl clothes.

Black silk long legs, breasts that are ready to come out, and cute rabbits, plus Lin Nianwei's sexy figure, this is a foul!Definitely at the level of sexy lingerie!

Zhou Han secretly swallowed his saliva, then changed the subject and said——

"Xiaowei, I just swore it was fake."

"Actually, I took a peek at it in the examination room."

"Without your photo as a spiritual support, I couldn't do so well in the exam."

"So that photo of the bunny girl, please give me one."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lin Nianwei narrowed her eyes, and immediately said in a superior tone.

"Didn't you say you don't need it? Even if you swear, you often lie..."

"It's not like this, but..." Zhou Han paused, unwilling to admit that he really wanted to see the bunny version of Lin Nianwei, "Your photos really stimulate me..."

In fact, Zhou Han still had great fantasies about Lin Nianwei. After all, Lin Nianwei usually dressed very formally, which made people curious about the feeling of wearing colorful clothes.

"Oh?" Seeing that Zhou Han was so interested, Lin Nianwei couldn't help being reserved, "Then tell me, what good stimulating effect is there?"

"Every time I look at it, I will be refreshed and recharged instantly. I can pass everything. What's the point of mere exams?" Zhou Han said seriously.

"Didn't you say this kind of photo before, isn't it okay to ask for Aili? Why are you so obsessed with me?" Lin Nianwei was making comparisons in her heart.

"Aili...she is not suitable for sexy clothes, but for cute ones, such as little nurses, cat girls, and sailor clothes. They are all good. Xiaowei, you are more suitable for bunny girls, policewomen, and queen clothes..." Zhou Han usually wears clothes Personally, I didn't expect his thinking to be quite avant-garde, and he speaks in a different way.

"You know how to play? How many times have you masturbated in private? Why are you so proficient?" Lin Nianwei seemed to have discovered a new world, and felt that Zhou Han was not as honest as he appeared on the surface.

"Just... just once or twice..." Zhou Han blushed and scratched his head. Everyone has done this kind of thing, Chunmeng also had it, right?

"Did you ask Aili to pass through?" Lin Nianwei's eyes sharpened, as if she was not very comfortable in her heart, if Aili passed through, then how much fun are these two living together?

"Heaven and earth conscience, no, I'm also embarrassed..." Zhou Han said awkwardly, he guessed that if he asked Miyazaki Airi to change into a sexy little nurse, he would definitely be scolded, knowing that there are landmines ahead, why not Want to go up and step on it?

"Then why do you have the nerve to let me wear it?" Lin Nianwei's tone was a little aggrieved.

"It's not...the one you wanted to wear just now, I just...wanted a photo." Zhou Han raised a finger awkwardly, "To tell you the truth, the last one has been confiscated by Aili... "

"Ah?" Lin Nianwei was stunned, her face turned red, "Why was it confiscated?"

"I didn't hide it well. Aili suddenly rushed into my room, and then... there was no more..." Zhou Han covered his face, thinking that this was really embarrassing. The photo was a bit sexual, and Lin Nianwei in peace Quite different, it must be embarrassing to be discovered by Miyazaki Airi, right?

"Why are you so careless?"

Lin Nianwei showed a somewhat depressed expression, her previous image was completely ruined, and Miyazaki Airi probably believed that she was a girl with a very sexual nature.

I said that when I was eating yesterday, Airi looked at me in the wrong way?So that's what happened...

Lin Nianwei had a fever on her face, and it was an indescribable shame to be discovered by a good friend.

"Don't panic Xiaowei, Aili didn't say anything after reading it." Zhou Han comforted Lin Nianwei.

"If you don't say anything, doesn't it mean you won't think about anything?" Lin Nianwei sighed, and said helplessly, "Forget it, I will never take photos for you to see again, and I don't know how to cherish them at all."

"Farewell, Xiaowei, I like it very much." Zhou Han couldn't help touching Lin Nianwei's thigh, the touch on that white thigh was really amazing.

"Oh, what are you doing? You're still in the classroom..." Lin Nianwei blushed, and her tone became a little reproachful.

As soon as the two of them moved, Miyazaki Airi on the other side suddenly sensed something was wrong, and shot a death stare viciously, as if to say——

"Be honest, He thought you could mess around if you were at the same table, or you'd be dead at home..."

Zhou Han hurriedly sat up straight, feeling that Miyazaki Airi's eyes were as hot as the sun, and she was sweating coldly when she shot herself.


Do you think Airi is getting more and more sensitive?

It seems that there is no good day when I go home by myself...

A tense day hastily passed by.

In fact, after being at the same table with Lin Nianwei, Zhou Han's life is not easy.

The frequency of Miyazaki Airi staring back at herself has obviously doubled, making herself unable to breathe.

Zhou Han once wondered whether Miyazaki Airi's eyes were on the back of her head?If I chat with Lin Nianwei about happy things, I will eat a death ray and receive a million tons of mental attack.

This made him dare not act rashly, and could only discuss and study in a serious manner.

And Lin Nianwei is really strict, she doesn't let Zhou Han play, let alone doze off, it seems that he is really giving him an elite education.

What can Zhou Han do?I can only admit it, and look at the world with unlovely eyes.

What about doing shameful things at the same table as your girlfriend?

Shit, can't do anything at all...

Faced with the double pressure of Miyazaki Airi and Lin Nianwei, Zhou Han spent today in a daze.

When school was over, Zhou Han received a call from Sun Qi——

Qi: "Brother Han, that guy Xu Zheng has a clue."

Han: "So fast? It's only been a few days."

Qi: "The Anxing gang is a coward. These people are really fucking fast. They can do many things that the scouts can't."

Han: "Really..."

Zhou Han was a little surprised, and lamented that the efficiency of this group of people was almost astonishing.

Qi: "Brother Han, come here."

Han: "Okay, I'll go now."

Sun Qi told Zhou Han where to meet and hung up the phone.

Zhou Han's mood is a bit complicated, thinking that the enemy should be extremely jealous when they meet each other, right?

But Zhou Han's mood is relatively calm now, the revenge of this knife must be avenged, but he always has to chat with this guy Xu Zheng, to see how narrow-minded a person can be, and then he will be ruthless and only hurt himself. deadly.

Zhou Han didn't know if he caught Xu Zheng, but it was better to have clues than to be a headless fly.

But before leaving, I have to tell Miyazaki Airi to save her worry.

Zhou Han stood where he was and started sending text messages to Miyazaki Airi——

Han: "Aili, I have something to do, I'll be home later."

Li: "What are you doing? Explain clearly."

Han: "It's still the same friend from the hospital who said he would like to thank me and let me have a meal."

Li: "Why is it him again? Are you two having sex?"

Han: "No, no, conscience of heaven and earth, I'm not gay."

Li: "Well, even if you're not gay, you've been in too much contact with this friend, right? I think it's Xiaosi."

Zhou Han raised his forehead, thinking that it would be a little troublesome to talk about a girlfriend, and he would not be free.

Han: "Aili, if you believe that my little four doesn't exist, it must be a serious matter. Wouldn't it be good for me to go back to accompany you before eight o'clock?"

Li: "Seven o'clock, if you come back one minute late, I'll make you kneel on the remote control!"

Han: "Okay, you are a wife and you have the final say."

Li: "(..o^o..) Huh~!"

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