Li: "(,,o . o,,) Come back soon..."

Zhou Han was embarrassed and thought that this dead girl, Aili, is really ruthless, it takes an hour to cut it off, and he only has two hours to move around——


Let me see what Xu Zheng is doing?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Zhou Han took a taxi and rushed to No. 704, North Street, which was as good as Sun Qi's.

Since I didn't catch up with the evening rush hour for get off work, the journey was unimpeded.

After Zhou Han got out of the taxi, he looked around and saw Sun Qi smoking a cigarette at the entrance of a building with a very serious expression.

"Sun Qi?"

"Brother Han is here?"

Sun Qi hurriedly threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out, and then led the way without talking nonsense.

"Come on, brother Han, upstairs, that person is not Xu Zheng, but he must have something to do with Xu Zheng, and maybe even a little bit with real estate tycoon Zheng Huayang."

"What's the situation?" Zhou Han felt that the amount of information was too much, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

"In the past few days, the Anxing Gang has been looking for Xu Zheng. They went to various high-end clubs and went to various massage parlors, but someone saw Xu Zheng going in and out of a villa in the villa area in the south of the Yangtze River. That house belonged to a real estate tycoon. Zheng Huayang's family." Sun Qi said slowly, leading the way in a leisurely manner.

Zheng Huayang?

Isn't this Zheng Xuan's father?

I have read the information myself, and I know it well.

Zheng Xuan had a feud with himself, and threatened to take revenge on him, but there has been no movement, and he doesn't know what's going on.

And before that, Zheng Xuan was driving a luxury car and standing at the school gate holding flowers.

But it seems that after seeing himself, he turned around and left. This must be a ghost in his heart?

Now that Xu Zheng is still going in and out of Zheng Xuan's house, is there any connection between them?

Zhou Han analyzed it in his heart, and vaguely felt that he was stabbed, and it had something to do with Zheng Xuan.

With Xu Zheng's ability, it is estimated that it would be difficult for him to survive outside alone, and he must rely on others. Obviously Zheng Xuan is the best choice, because they are like-minded.

"We started to focus on monitoring the villa of Zheng Huayang's family, and we haven't seen Xu Zheng come out since then, but this doctor is always coming and going, a bit suspicious, maybe he knows the inside story." Sun Qi continued.

"Doctor?!" Zhou Han became confused, what the hell is there suddenly an extra doctor?

"He's a plastic surgeon, a Korean guy. We've been staring at him. Today he suddenly went to the airport to buy a one-way ticket to South Korea. It looked like he was leaving Huaxia. We blocked him outside the airport and arrested him. Here we come." Zheng Xuan paused, then continued, "I didn't ask for details, I'll wait for you to come and ask."

"Okay." Zhou Han nodded.

"Brother Han, do you know Korean?" Sun Qi turned around and asked in surprise.

"Korean?" Zhou Han's head grew bigger, thinking that he can't speak English very well, how can he know Bangziyu?

"The plastic surgeon is full of birdsong. I can't understand it, and I don't know where to find an interpreter, but what we are doing... You know, it's not suitable for outsiders to know." Sun Qi said more tactfully.

Zhou Han nodded and understood, isn't this just kidnapping?

But it was only to press for some information, and it wasn't for murder, so Zhou Han was relieved.

"Xiaoyi, can you speak Korean?"

"You can also do it yourself. More than 50% of the data body can bring its own translation thinking if you want. Not only can you hear many languages, but you can also speak them." Elizabeth explained.

"Is... so powerful? Why didn't you tell me before?" Zhou Han was very surprised.

"You didn't ask, and this ability is triggered naturally, so you don't need to deliberately imagine. Haven't you found that you are reciting things faster and faster in English class now? It's as easy as you are reciting Chinese." Elizabeth reminded, thinking Language is also not a particularly important function.

"It seems...that's what happened..."

Zhou Han felt that he was very sensitive to foreign languages ​​these days. He hadn't studied it before, but he could understand what the English teacher was saying.

"Brother Han, what should I do? Do you want me to ask for a Korean translator?" Sun Qi asked tentatively. If he had to, he really didn't want to do this. If he wasn't his own brother, he wouldn't believe it.

"No, I will." Zhou Han said lightly.

"Brother Han, when did you learn Korean?" Sun Qi turned around in astonishment.

"I... am self-taught."

After entering a room.

Zhou Han immediately felt the smoky atmosphere, thinking that the room was on fire, he couldn't help frowning.

A group of new faces nodded and bowed to Sun Qi.

"Brother Qi."

"Puff out the cigarettes, this is Brother Han." Sun Qi introduced casually.

"Brother Han." All the younger brothers responded.

Zhou Han nodded casually, thinking that Sun Qi had swelled up overnight, and everyone under his command was a new face, and it seemed that he had not lost his power.

"Where is the prisoner?" Sun Qi asked.

"It's moved into the house, it's quiet." A younger brother responded.

"Brother Han, come." Sun Qi led the way and led Zhou Han into a hut.

Sitting on a small bench inside was a middle-aged man, wearing a suit and leather shoes, with his hands tied behind his back and a paper bag on his head, yelling "uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"

Sun Qi moved a chair for Zhou Han, sat in front of him, and stood beside him.

"Take off the bag on his head, and untie his hands." Zhou Han said, still quite resistant to this in his heart, and he wouldn't make it look like he would tear up the ticket at any time when he asked something.

"Isn't that good?" Sun Qi asked.

"It's okay, let's untie it." Zhou Han nodded.

Sun Qi hesitated for a moment, but had no choice but to do so, untying the doctor's bag and rope.


The Korean plastic surgeon was so frightened that he was covered in cold sweat and looked embarrassed. It was probably the first time he had encountered such a thing.

Don't look at Zhou Han and Sun Qi on the opposite side looking young, but the younger you are, the more ruthless you are.


(The translator is online: the first sentence means who are you? Why did you kidnap me, and I will give you the money, and the second sentence means, save me, who will save me.)

Sun Qi's forehead was full of black lines, and he obviously didn't understand Bangziyu, but he guessed that it was probably calling for help, which is the reaction of normal people.

Zhou Han's expression became unnatural, because he really understood what it meant, like an instinct, and he understood it instantly. It seems that Elizabeth was right, and he really has his own translation thinking.

But how do you speak foreign languages?Is it also natural.

Zhou Han calmed down, relaxed a little, and then brewed for a while, full of meat, la la la Smecta.

"Sir, calm down."

The doctor on the opposite side suddenly widened his eyes and looked at Zhou Han in surprise.

Even Sun Qi next to him had a weird face.

Because Zhou Han really spoke Korean just now, the suddenness made people very surprised.

Fuck, that's okay, it actually works?

Zhou Han became excited and felt that he had gained a new skill, so he communicated in Korean the whole time based on his feeling.

"Are you Korean?" The doctor seemed to be grasping at straws.

"No, I just speak Korean." Zhou Han replied.

"Why did you kidnap me?! What did I do wrong?" The doctor was a little agitated and didn't dare to move, because he knew there was a group of people outside and he couldn't escape.

"First of all, I want to declare that this is not kidnapping. I just want to ask you something. As long as you answer truthfully, we will not hurt you. Do you understand?" Zhou Han made it clear.

"Understood, understood, you feel free to ask, as long as it doesn't hurt me, I will answer honestly." The doctor nodded frequently.

"First of all, what's your name?" Zhou Han asked.

"My name is Park Jung-hwan, a plastic surgeon, and I live in Seoul." The Korean doctor answered simply.

Zhou Han tried his best to keep a serious face, but he still held back his smile——


What the hell is prostitution?

There really is such a name of 6...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Zhou Han coughed lightly, trying not to think of any embarrassing names.

Zhou Han: "Mr. Park, what are you doing in China?"

Doctor: "I'm here for a private plastic surgery."

Zhou Han: "How long have you been here?"

Doctor: "It's been almost a month."

Zhou Han: "Are you planning to go back to Seoul first?"

Doctor: "Yes, yes, the private operation is over, and it will be fine after a while of recuperation."

Zhou Han: "Who told you to come?"

Doctor: "Mr. Zheng's son."

Zhou Han: "Zheng Xuan?"

Doctor: "Yes, yes, so you know each other?"

Zhou Han: "Who is the operation for? Does Zheng Xuan need plastic surgery? He's not bad looking."

Doctor: "It's not Young Master Zheng, but a friend of his who needs plastic surgery."

Zhou Han: "Who? What does it look like? Do you know the name?"

Doctor: "This is the client's privacy, I can't say it."

Zhou Han: "Hehe, it seems that you haven't figured out your situation yet?"

Zhou Han lowered his voice and said to Sun Qi next to him, "Scare him."

"Yeah." Sun Qi nodded, rolled up his sleeves, pulled out the switchblade on his waist, nailed it hard to the table, and stared at the plastic surgeon fiercely, "You bastard, be more honest! "

The cold sweat on the plastic surgeon's head was like a faucet turned on, and it poured down.

Zhou Han: "I hope Mr. Park can cooperate with us, otherwise my friend's temper is not very good."

Doctor: "Yes, yes, I... I have detailed information here, you can read it yourself."

The plastic surgeon took out his briefcase and took out a folder, which was probably used for plastic surgery.

Zhou Han took it over, opened it and looked, isn't he doing plastic surgery for Xu Zheng?I want to remove the stain on his life that has committed crimes.

Continue to look at the second page. It is a simulated picture. It is estimated to be the effect of plastic surgery. The thick eyebrows and big eyes are much more handsome than before, and even the identity and name have changed.

Xu Zheng → Xu Zheng

The appearance and name have changed, but Zhou Han already knows everything.

Perhaps Zheng Xuan and Xu Zheng didn't know that their long-planned plan had been discovered by Zhou Han, and they didn't realize that Zhou Han already had his own power, and he was no longer in the weak state he was in before.

Zhou Han felt that he had obtained the evidence now, and as long as he handed it over to the law enforcement department, it seemed that Xu Zheng, who had changed his appearance, could be arrested, but he would not do this, but had to solve it himself, in his own way.

But the problem is, this jerk, Zheng Xuan, is obviously taking care of Xu Zheng secretly, like raising a dog.

Zhou Han still doesn't know what Zheng Xuan will do after helping Xu Zheng get plastic surgery?Is it just for whitewashing, maybe not, there is no need to waste so much effort.

Zheng Xuan definitely felt that Xu Zheng was still useful, and definitely not an abandoned son.

Zhou Han calmed down a bit, and after thinking for a while, he decided to keep his memory alive. Since he already knew that Xu Zheng had changed his face, the rest is not difficult to deal with. The main problem is Zheng Xuan behind him. How can we get rid of him together?

Zhou Han returned the information to the plastic surgeon, and said calmly.

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