"Thank you for your cooperation, everything is fine."

Doctor: "Thank you, then... can I go then?"

Zhou Han: "I hope you keep this matter secret and pretend it never happened, otherwise you know what we will do? The air ticket to Seoul is not expensive."

Doctor: "That's nature, that's nature, I'm not going to talk about how I got caught here."

Zhou Han nodded, switched back to Chinese and said, "Sun Qi, send him back to the airport."

"Is it over?" Sun Qi asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Zhou Han nodded.

Sun Qi called someone to take the plastic surgeon back to the airport, pretending that nothing happened. This kind of outsider is also afraid of local snakes, so he probably won't cause any trouble.

After the room was quiet, Sun Qi asked about the situation, and Zhou Han gave a concise explanation.

"Damn it, it's really high to be able to clean up like this. You just changed your identity and started your life from the beginning." Sun Qi was stunned, feeling a little unbelievable, feeling like he had to rewrite his previous life history.

"Sun Qi, is Huayang Real Estate very good?" Zhou Han asked abruptly.

"Not weak, Huayang Real Estate is a giant, Zhongqing is the emperor of the real estate industry, and real estate, Brother Han, you know, who doesn't have a little black material under his hands, and raises a group of idlers, those forced demolition and so on, don't rely on These people work?" Sun Qi said it more euphemistically, that Huayang Real Estate's buttocks are very dirty.

Zhou Han fell into silence, wanting to hear what Sun Qi meant, that ordinary people in Huayang Real Estate couldn't afford it.

"Brother Han, do you want to mess with them?" Sun Qi asked.

"A little bit." Zhou Han nodded.

"Brother Han, I didn't hit you, not to mention the current Anxing Gang, even some big bosses can't eat it. Huayang Real Estate is much bigger than the Anxing Gang, and the people under them are no better than Anxing Gang. Help less." Sun Qi tried to calm Zhou Han down.

"I see, I'll think about it..." Zhou Han nodded.

"Then what should Xu Zheng do?" Sun Qi paused, and continued to ask, "Should I find a chance to arrest him?"

"No, just leave it for now, I'll decide what to do after I think about it."

Zhou Han checked the time, it was almost seven o'clock, and he needed to go home, otherwise Aili, a dead girl, would lose her temper again.

on the taxi.

Zhou Han was silent.

Instead, think about how to deal with potential threats.

It's not that he doesn't want to take revenge on Xu Zheng directly.

It's because Xu Zheng is just a pawn, getting rid of it is of little use, and it will scare the snake.

The one who really wants to get rid of is Zheng Xuan, this is the real guy, the mastermind behind the scenes.

It's just that their family is powerful, and the current self can't afford it, so it's hard to have a chance.

For a guy like Zheng Xuan, if his family does not fall, he will basically jump down.

Zhou Han sighed, although he knew that Xu Zheng had changed his face, but he still had to wait for a while before getting rid of Zheng Xuan, his backstage, before he could rest assured.

"Xiaoyi, can't you buy Zheng Xuan's company?"

"I bought it, but they refused and didn't even want any money. However, this Huayang Real Estate is not as rich as our Zhou's consortium, but they have status and power. Now you know the gap? You are still too weak." Elizabeth was embarrassed. said.

"I see. Maybe the status and power can't be achieved overnight. Now I want to bring down Zheng Xuan's family. Is there no other way?" Zhou Han asked with a sigh.

"Yes, although Huayang Real Estate looks very bright, there are black materials." Elizabeth said.

"Black material?"

"Well, black material, although their finances are doing well, they still have flaws in my opinion. It can be seen that the amount of tax evasion is not small. As long as they report it, Huayang Real Estate will go bankrupt, and Zheng Xuan's father will also If they have been sentenced for many years, their family will probably collapse directly," Elizabeth explained.

"Then why don't you report it? I don't feel at ease if they exist for a day." Zhou Han urged.

"Do you think I'm a god? It takes time for me to collect evidence, and I'll fight for a wave so that they can't turn around." Elizabeth said confidently.

Zhou Han sighed, watching the scenery outside the window gradually dim——

Need time?

It seems that I still need to continue to play with them.

Then let me see what moves Zheng Xuan and the others play?

Makeover?I am not reconciled to this group of defeated dogs, they will still come to approach me...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Zhou Han put aside his troubles first, tried not to let Miyazaki Airi see his troubles, but accompanied her to watch TV with peace of mind.

Anyway, Xu Zheng and Zheng Xuan couldn't be dealt with immediately, so they had to put it aside for the time being.

Zhou Han thought that if he acted particularly aggressively, the other party would fight back violently, it wasn't worth it.

It's better to pretend that you don't know anything and let the other party move slowly.

After Elizabeth finishes collecting the evidence, she will do something about it.

Zhou Han made a secret decision in his heart, not to let anyone know, especially the girls around him, let them think that the world is peaceful.

There are some things that are not suitable to be told to them, so Zhou Han can only hide them silently so as not to worry them.

To be honest, the program is a bit boring, but the point is obviously not watching TV, I am tenderness before going to bed.

Miyazaki Airi leaned in Zhou Han's arms, and Zhou Han put his arms around her slender waist.

The brother and sister are already used to tenderness, and they no longer feel shy, and the ordinary intimacy has become very natural, obviously very skilled.

"I asked you to come back at seven today, but you were 5 minutes late, you are dishonest..." Miyazaki Airi said without reason, with a hint of dissatisfaction on her expression.

"It's only 5 minutes late, isn't it?" Zhou Han said awkwardly.

"Isn't 5 minutes too late?" Miyazaki Airi raised her head, pouted and said, "If you dare to be 5 minutes late today, you will be [-] hours late tomorrow..."

"How is it possible? Isn't this too exaggerated?" Zhou Han felt that Miyazaki Airi was losing her temper, and she must have accidentally made the little princess angry again.

"How is it impossible? You are the kind of person who pushes forward and gradually disobeys me." Miyazaki Airi said angrily.

"Airi, what's wrong with you?" Zhou Han hugged Miyazaki Airi a little tighter, pinched her little nose, "What did I dissatisfy you with, tell me what our little princess said, I will Definitely will listen."

"I'm just dissatisfied. We agreed on seven o'clock. You must be 5 minutes in the evening. You obviously didn't take my words to heart. You must be thinking that it doesn't matter if you are 5 minutes late." Miyazaki Airi said lightly Said, looking angry.

"5 minutes is not long. I was on my way home, and I was full of you." Zhou Han felt that Miyazaki Airi was a little sensitive, and she was worried about 5 minutes.

"Look, it's just this kind of casual attitude, it may become more and more serious in the future, and eventually you don't like me casually." Miyazaki Airi frowned and said seriously.


Zhou Han's expression became weird, thinking about my brain?My brain can't think anymore?

What do girls think about when they are in a relationship?It's completely incomprehensible!

When I came back 5 minutes late, I could think that I didn't love her anymore. Is there any logic in this statement?

Zhou Han felt that Miyazaki Airi's associative ability is really super strong, and she can make troubles without reason in a serious manner with a little matter.

"Airi, don't think about it, how could I not like you?"

"But you came back 5 minutes late..." Miyazaki Airi said seriously.

"Tell me, what is the necessary connection between coming back 5 minutes late and not liking you?" Zhou Han frowned.

"You come back 5 minutes late, and you will come back later later, meet other girls outside, gradually lose interest in me, leave me alone at home, then forget about me, and finally slowly Don't like me anymore..." Miyazaki Airi simply spoke out her reflexes.


my brain?

My brain is not working!

What kind of brain hole can you think of these things?

Zhou Han felt inexplicable, his whole brain was burnt out by divine logic.

"How could it be? Where are you thinking, Airi? I'll be back 5 minutes late, how can you think so much?"

"I think it's well-founded, and the more I look at you, the more you seem to be cheating. These are signs of a broken marriage." Miyazaki Airi seemed a little anxious, always thinking of strange things.

"I didn't cheat, and we weren't married, so where's the breakup? We're still in love now, and we'll still be in love in the future." Zhou Han put his arms around Miyazaki Airi's slender waist, brushed back the hair on her forehead, Kissed lightly, "Don't think of strange things."

"I..." Miyazaki Airi blushed, and said hesitantly, "I just feel very disturbed, you don't listen to me, think about what we have done, I am afraid that you will treat me I don't like it as much as before, after all, there seem to be quite a lot of such things, which makes me very uneasy..."

Zhou Han was stunned, and suddenly realized that this girl was thinking about such a thing?It's no wonder that she suddenly loses her temper and makes trouble for no reason. It's all uneasy. Is it because I don't have enough time with her?

"No, why do you think so much? I won't abandon you, you are such a good girl, I can't even find you with a lantern."

"You just talk nicely, how do I know what's on your mind? I'm not the only girl beside you." Miyazaki Airi said angrily.

"But..." Zhou Han rolled his eyes, and suddenly thought of what was going on. Miyazaki Airi was thinking so much because she was worried, and was full of confusion about the future, "But I still like you the most, you But my wife!"

That's right!

Anyway, don't worry about it.

First let this dead girl, Aili, have a bottom line.

Just admit that she is the main wife, the irreplaceable one.

Only in this way can she feel at ease and not think too much about inexplicable things.

"Real wife?" Miyazaki Airi showed some doubts.

"It's the eldest wife, the one I love the most, a good wife, the mistress of the family." Zhou Han is also a good person, and he will take the big hat off whenever he gets a word.

"Just... the most irreplaceable one?" Miyazaki Airi narrowed her eyes, seemingly interested.

"Yeah, that's right, Airi, you are the most irreplaceable one for me." Zhou Han nodded sharply, wondering what age it is, what kind of regular wife is not, but Airi likes it, I admit it doesn't matter.

Miyazaki Airi blushed, obviously interested, she is the first wife, the irreplaceable one, it's really good to think about it this way, but...

"Words are unsubstantiated. When we draw up a contract, we need to sign and draw handprints."

"Uh..." Zhou Han became embarrassed, thinking what the hell is going on!Still using a contract to maintain it, it always feels like selling a contract, "Okay..."

Miyazaki Airi ran into the house wearing slippers, seemingly enjoying the matter, and came over with white paper and ink pads after a while.

"I've signed and fingerprinted, and you have followed suit. I will keep this thing. If you dare to treat me badly or don't like me anymore, we will work according to the contract."

Zhou Han really can't laugh or cry, and he's still playing for real, but Miyazaki Airi just needs to be happy.

"Okay, I'll sign."

Zhou Han nodded, picked up the contract and looked at it helplessly, his face darkened immediately, and his expression gradually became frightened——

"I, Zhou Han, admit that Miyazaki Airi is the eldest wife, and no one can replace her, and I swear to love her forever. If there is any violation of the agreement, I am willing to commit seppuku..."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Holding the contract drawn up by Miyazaki Airi, Zhou Han felt embarrassed.

"You... this... isn't it a bit too ruthless?"

"Where's the ruthlessness? Isn't it very common?" Miyazaki Airi said as a matter of course, committing seppuku?Very common thing~

"You asked me to commit seppuku? You're going to die..." Zhou Han's eyes widened, and he felt that Miyazaki Airi was usually like a little angel. Seeing this, his heart was quite dark...

"Are you scared?" Miyazaki Airi pouted her small mouth and said indignantly.

"I don't have one..." Zhou Han forced a smile, thinking who the hell wouldn't be afraid?My sister opened everything and it was black inside.

"Then do you have a ghost in your heart? Is it because you don't dare to sign because you might not like me?" Miyazaki Airi's face suddenly turned ugly, and that look was as scary as it could be.

"No, it's impossible. If you can feel at ease like this, what's the point of committing seppuku?" Zhou Han laughed uglier than crying.

"Let's sign it. When you change your mind, I want to watch you perform live~" Miyazaki Airi put on a high-ranking attitude.

"Okay..." Zhou Han nodded awkwardly, thinking he would change his mind?Are you sick?Who thinks he has too many wives?Airi is her darling, but this "principal wife" is really dazzling, and I don't know if there will be any troubles in the future...

Although he was a little apprehensive, Zhou Han obediently signed his name and pressed his fingerprints.

Do not know why?Zhou Han always has the illusion that if he sells himself to the landlord's family to sign a long-term job, he has to plow the land every night, what a miserable (pleasant) miserable life.

"All right."

Zhou Han obediently handed over the contract to Miyazaki Airi with a very complicated expression.

Miyazaki Airi looked at it and nodded, thinking there was nothing wrong with it.

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