"Even if you have the courage, if you dare to change your mind, you will die."

Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, did not refute, just nodded in response.

Miyazaki Airi put away the contract she had drawn up, then walked back, picked up the remote control and turned off the TV.

"Aili, what are you doing?" Zhou Han asked strangely.

"I have something to ask you." Miyazaki Airi climbed onto the sofa and rode directly on Zhou Han.

She wrapped her hands around her neck like a water snake, and looked down at Zhou Han with a condescending gaze. This movement and the intimate position were extremely ambiguous, and the blood of the people who watched it spurted out, thinking that the two of them were about to start getting intimate.

"Airi, you..." Zhou Han leaned on the sofa in astonishment. Miyazaki Airi's initiative made him a little excited, and the little brothers began to get excited.

Miyazaki Airi's face was a little red, and her little butt moved a few times uneasily, because she felt something pushing against her.

In fact, Miyazaki Airi was a little worried about the last seductive photo of Lin Nianwei, and now that Zhou Han was still at the same table with her, she felt even more uncomfortable.

Isn't it an active temptation?I can do it myself, I just don’t want to do it casually, I’m sorry.

Miyazaki Airi wanted to prove to Zhou Han that she was no less attractive than Lin Nianwei.

"Aili, now..." Zhou Han looked at the watch next to him, it was only around eight o'clock, so he said awkwardly, "It's not time for intimacy yet, is it at night?"

"Who... who said that I want to make out with you?" Miyazaki Airi retorted with a red face, and the way her small mouth was pouting made people call it cute.

"Still saying no? Which one are you playing?" Zhou Han said helplessly.

"I...I..." Miyazaki Airi hesitated to speak.

"You annoying little fairy, you really can't get enough~"

Zhou Han lifted Miyazaki Airi's little butt with both hands, let her sit on his small tent, then put his nose against her chest, and took a strong sniff!

A faint girlish thought stimulated his nerves, and he called in an instant.

Fuck, I'm so excited...

I didn't expect that girl Aili would be so itchy when she took the initiative?

This is the rhythm that forces me to conquer her, I feel like my nosebleeds are almost uncontrollable...

Zhou Han buried his face in Miyazaki Airi's small chest and couldn't get it out. He sniffed it greedily, feeling that it was fucking great.

Miyazaki Airi was wearing a small vest today, and she didn't wear any bras at all. As a result, her small breasts were stimulated by Zhou Han's hot nose, making her whole body numb, and she unconsciously let out a muffled groan.


Miyazaki Airi felt that she was being held up by a bangbang hard thing under her body, and she was about to fall again, but suddenly remembered that she had a serious business, and it was not the time to do such a thing.

"Oh, don't make trouble, I didn't mean to make out with you, you villain, you are full of H, so annoying~"

Miyazaki Airi pushed Zhou Han's head away angrily, her face was shy and as bright as the sunset.

"Then..." Zhou Han became more honest, and wanted to take his sister into the house to educate him, "What does that mean?"

"I just want to hang you, you are not allowed to touch me, keep it like this, don't you like to pretend to be serious? Now is the opportunity." Miyazaki Airi said seriously.

"What... do you mean?" Zhou Han frowned, and asked suspiciously, "Did I offend you again, baby?"

"I didn't offend me, I just want to exercise your self-control, so that you don't lose control of your belt at all times." Miyazaki Airi said angrily, with a hint of jealousy flashing in her eyes.

"Airi, I swear, I've only done that kind of thing with you so far." Zhou Han hoped that Miyazaki Airi would let him do whatever he wanted.

"Then I have to train you well, this is a very important thing." Miyazaki Airi said very stubbornly, wrapping her hands around Zhou Han's neck, no different from a little wife acting like a baby to her husband.

"Why? Is my willpower not strong enough?" Zhou Han said brazenly.

"Fart, you are the kind of person who vacillates among girls." Miyazaki Airi complained slightly.

"Aili, what's wrong with you today?" Zhou Han asked seriously, feeling that it was not as simple as losing your temper as usual.

"You are at the same table with Wei-chan today, aren't you very happy?" Miyazaki Airi's face was not very good-looking.

"I... I'm not particularly happy." Zhou Han smiled wryly, thinking that he was jealous, and this little jealous jar really couldn't be coaxed.

But is it true to feel stressed, happy?Where to start?Xiaowei didn't let herself be presumptuous either.

"Wow, you lied to me again. I turned around several times today, and every time you both laughed happily." Airi Miyazaki paused, and said sourly, "Congratulations, you are finally at the same table with Wei-chan. Now, the distance from the next [-]th parallel can no longer stop you, you can communicate in depth at any time, right?"

"Look at what you said, we were just chatting, and we happened to talk about something happy, don't be jealous, everyone says that she is a regular wife, it's outrageous to be jealous all the time." Zhou Han teased Miyazaki Airi.

"Liar! I won't be fooled by you. You and Wei Jiang are getting closer and closer now. If you can't stand the temptation, you will forget me sooner or later." Miyazaki Airi rode on Zhou Han, Seriously——

"See if I don't punish you well."

"I'm going to torture you and suffocate you to death."


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Suffocate? !

This way of dying...


Zhou Han's expression was rather complicated. Although he could feel that Miyazaki Airi was taking the initiative to seduce himself, what the hell could it be?

"Aili, let's have a good talk. Is it really strange for you to be jealous of Xiaowei? Besides, we really didn't do anything in class, she was just urging me to study."

"I'm not jealous of Wei-chan, but I can't stand you always ignoring my existence and flirting with other girls directly." Miyazaki Airi's expression was not very good.

Zhou Han twisted his mouth, thinking to himself, isn't he jealous?

"As... as your first girl, don't you like me a little more?" Miyazaki Airi said as it should. Anyway, to herself, Zhou Han is everything to her, the first one she likes My boy is also my favourite.

"You're right, I like you more, so don't be jealous, okay?" Zhou Han said awkwardly.

"No, I think you are becoming more and more dishonest. You must not be able to withstand Wei-chan's temptation. During class, you secretly engage in some tricks." Miyazaki Airi frowned and said seriously.

"No, am I too courageous?" Zhou Han blushed, what was going on in Miyazaki Airi's little head?Would it make me a show day on campus?Don't get me wrong, it's literally.

"We've started to accept seductive photos, isn't it a matter of time before nude photos are collected?" Miyazaki Airi asked.

"This..." Zhou Han was at a loss for words, if Lin Nianwei was willing to give it to him, he would definitely accept it.

"You like Wei Jiang's seductive appearance, but you don't like mine?"

Miyazaki Airi said tentatively, her face turned rosy.

"I like it too." Zhou Han hugged Miyazaki Airi's slender waist.

"You can hug me to sleep like this tonight, but don't do strange things to me, or your family heirloom...you understand what I mean?" Miyazaki Airi said meaningfully.

"Uh..." Zhou Han's expression became complicated, thinking——


Airi, this dead girl... is she black?

late at night.

Zhou Han held Miyazaki Airi in his arms.

Do you know how bad this girl is?

In order to torture Zhou Han, he specially changed into a very sexy lace underwear, the kind with a very large size.

Then let Zhou Han hold her, and he was not allowed to react, let alone do anything embarrassing to her.

It is said that a hero is sad about a beauty, and Zhou Han is also very uncomfortable. A beauty is in his arms, but he can't do anything. Is this what people do?

Zhou Han could only silently feel his sister's soft and delicate body, as well as the faint smell of shampoo on her hair.

Miyazaki Airi always hugged Zhou Han deliberately, as if she was courting her.

The slender fingers always draw circles on Zhou Han's chest intentionally or unintentionally, which makes people's heart itchy.

After all, Zhou Han is a normal man, right?

Unknowingly, it becomes bang bang hard.

"You're dishonest again, why is your self-control so poor? Be honest!"

Miyazaki Airi flicked Zhou Han's Ou Jinjin hard with her hand.

Zhou Han trembled like an electric shock, wanting to cry without tears——

I go……

Really playing?

Do you want to be so cruel?

This miserable day lasted for several days.

It didn't end until October [-]st.

Today, it is better for everyone to go to Donglin Mountain to watch the meteor shower.

Five people made an appointment to gather at an intersection.

Zhou Han took Miyazaki Airi's little hand and walked to the agreed place.

"Spending the night on the mountain, do you need to bring more clothes? Will it be cold at night? After all, it is autumn now." Miyazaki Airi asked.

"No need, we will live in a tent at night, there won't be any big problems." Zhou Han paused, then said with a smile, "If you find it cold at night, come and borrow clothes from me."

"No, I'm worried that you're cold at night. You've hugged me so tightly these past few nights. You probably feel cold." Airi Miyazaki pursed her mouth.

"I don't have to worry, I can still hug Senior Song at night." Zhou Han raised his eyebrows.

"You gay..." Miyazaki Airi remained expressionless.

"I'm just kidding, I won't be cold, I brought a down jacket." Zhou Han said confidently, "If it's too cold at night, you can borrow it from me, if not, you can sleep with me."

"Damn you, there are so many people, how can I be ashamed?" Miyazaki Airi said dissatisfied, disgusted with Zhou Han's random jokes.

Zhou Han smiled, embarrassed in his heart, it seems that he can only make do with gay guy Song for one night.

"Really, just kidding, it's not cold, why are you hugging me so tightly at night?" Airi Miyazaki pretended to be angry.

"You silly girl, am I afraid that you will be cold? Hold on tight, won't you be warmer?" Zhou Han said helplessly.

"I... I don't need it! Hmph~!" Miyazaki Airi turned her head and put on a proud face, feeling happy in her heart.

"Heh, then you still hug me so hard at night?" Zhou Han looked back at Miyazaki Airi.

"I... I was training your ability to stay calm~" Miyazaki Airi said forcefully.

"Yes, you are right anyway." Zhou Han shook his head.

When the brothers and sisters came to the agreed place, they found that Song Mingyuan had arrived very early, and there were large and small bags next to them, which were probably tents and other daily necessities.

"Senior Song, why are you here so early?" Zhou Han walked closer.

"There are a lot of things. If you are too rushed, there will be no time." Song Mingyuan spread his hands, expressing his helplessness, "I told you to bring more clothes and take them all? Even though you live in a tent, the night on the top of the mountain is still quite cold."

"What's wrong, what do you need to say? We don't know that the altitude is high and the temperature is low." Miyazaki Airi said angrily.

"You bastard, you are so angry early in the morning..." Song Mingyuan complained in embarrassment.

"Hmph~! Who told you to set the meeting time so early? The first day of the holiday should be time for sleeping in!" Miyazaki Airi said unreasonably.

"Hey, hey, Zhou Han, hurry up and take care of your sister, it's unreasonable. Let's leave early, just in the afternoon, we can go to the hotel at the foot of the mountain to rest for a night, and we will be full of energy for climbing the next day." Song Mingyuan tried to explain clearly that he didn't intend to torture other people.

"Senior, Airi is just complaining." Zhou Han said awkwardly, then glanced down at Song Mingyuan's things, "What did you bring? So many things?"

"Two tents, BBQ equipment, fireworks, some small toys..." Song Mingyuan shrugged his shoulders.

"So many things..."

Zhou Han frowned, thinking that when he climbed the mountain tomorrow, he would have to help carry it. He definitely couldn't let these girls do it, but fortunately, Donglin Mountain is not too high.

Zhou Han found a cylinder and looked at it repeatedly.

"Senior, what is this?"

"Astronomical telescope." Song Mingyuan replied.

"Oh! This..." Miyazaki Airi snatched it over, showing a very nostalgic expression, "I played this with my friends before, and it really is a must-have tool for watching the stars."

"It seems that you are quite knowledgeable." Song Mingyuan helped his black-rimmed glasses.

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