Zhou Han was tossing and tossing again, having a lot of fun like Taobao, and suddenly took out a pornographic book, it was about SM, all kinds of scantily clad women, holding a whip, there was shameful content in the back——


"Unique taste..."

Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Song Mingyuan was taken aback, he didn't expect Zhou Han to take out the most embarrassing thing when he took a step to pay attention!

That's my little secret, and it must not be easily discovered by others. Zhou Han is a boy, so he can accept it reluctantly, but he must not reveal it in front of girls!

Song Mingyuan flashed behind Zhou Han and pulled him aside furtively.

"I told you, don't rummage around, it's super embarrassing."

"Senior, you have a unique taste. You usually dress like a person. I didn't expect you to look like this in private? Is it nice to be whipped? I can do it for you." Zhou Han said with a complicated expression.

"NoNoNo! You don't understand the true meaning of SM. It's a completely different feeling to be hit by a girl. Do you know the pleasure of a girl hitting you while looking at trash?" Song Mingyuan raised his black-rimmed eyes.

"Sorry, I don't understand, and I don't have any interest at all." Zhou Han put on a gesture of rejection, rejecting such an embarrassing preaching, rubbish.

"You will understand slowly." Song Mingyuan raised his eyebrows.

"What are you doing with this thing? We are in a tent at night, don't tell me you want a tent, I won't allow it, you can go outside to face the little cold wind in autumn." Zhou Han said tactfully.

"Hey, hey, keep your voice down, we'll spend a long night relying on it." Song Mingyuan said softly.

"Isn't it?" Zhou Han asked awkwardly.

"Do you understand, reading pornographic books while camping is something that everyone must experience, otherwise it will be incomplete." Song Mingyuan urged.

"Really? You're not making excuses for reading pornographic books, are you?" Zhou Han narrowed his eyes.

"Am I that kind of person? This kind of thing is a boy's dream. Isn't it a very atmospheric thing for us to read little pornographic books at night when the wind is howling outside?" Song Mingyuan drew a large Cake, trying to make Zhou Han interested.

Zhou Han made up his mind and felt a little interesting, so he nodded, "Okay, I haven't done this before, just to see what it feels like to read pornographic books together?"

"Then don't tell others, this book is our secret, the little chrysanthemum at night depends entirely on it." Song Mingyuan said seriously.

"OKOK, everyone is a man, I understand you." Zhou Han raised his eyebrows, "This kind of thing must be done secretly~"

The two chatted furtively behind Miyazaki Airi's back, and agreed to have a small tea party at night.

"What are you two doing?" Miyazaki Airi asked dissatisfied.

"It's nothing, we are wondering why the others haven't arrived yet?" Zhou Han then explained.

"It's probably coming soon, maybe on the way." Miyazaki Airi speculated.

Zhou Han looked at his watch, there was still a period of time before the car would come, so he asked Commissioner Li of the black gold card to get a car specially, emphasizing the low-key point, a small bread is enough.

A taxi stopped, and Lin Nianwei came down with her bag on her back. Seeing her companions waiting here, she quickly walked over.

"Sorry, it's a little late."

"It's okay, we just arrived." Zhou Han comforted.

"Congratulations, you are not the last one, Lilith is the one." Song Mingyuan said awkwardly beside him, thinking that it was the first time the club went out to play, what was Lilith dawdling about?

"Wei sauce~" Miyazaki Airi hugged Lin Nianwei and began to rub against her.

"The weight is all over it." Lin Nianwei felt a little strenuous, and felt that Miyazaki Airi was carrying a lot of things.

"Let me get it for you." Zhou Han suggested.

"No need, I can do this myself." Lin Nianwei said lightly.

Zhou Han didn't doubt it, thinking that it really doesn't matter?Lin Nianwei's physical strength is so poor, don't faint when climbing a mountain...

"That's right, you don't need to show your diligence, go and play..." Miyazaki Airi put on a disgusted look, and ruthlessly pushed Zhou Han aside.

Zhou Han scratched his head, thinking that Ai Li, a dead girl, really likes to turn her face. When she was alone with herself, she wanted to hang on to herself, but now... well, I don't understand girls...

"We'll rest overnight at the place today, and we'll start climbing tomorrow, Xuemei Lin, you have to work hard." Song Mingyuan said seriously, seeming to know that Lin Nianwei's physical strength is weak.

"Xiaowei, if it doesn't work, I'll carry you on my back?" Zhou Han asked tentatively, he was still more concerned about Lin Nianwei.

"No need, I'm not a sick patient, I don't need special care, I said I can do it, and I won't be tired halfway." Lin Nianwei said seriously, seemingly not wanting to be worried.

"In that case... I have nothing to say, but I'm too tired to say it, don't hold it in my heart, it's not too difficult for me to recite you." Zhou Han said with concern.

"I know." Lin Nianwei blushed a little. In front of Miyazaki Airi, Zhou Han showed such concern, which made her a little embarrassed, "Have you brought any clothes? It's still quite cold on the mountain at night."

"Of course he will bring it, otherwise he will hug Senior Song to sleep at night, and make a base together to keep warm." Miyazaki Airi interjected from the side.

"Is...is that so..." Lin Nianwei's expression became strange.

Zhou Han frowned, thinking that this dead girl, Aili, actually slandered me in front of Xiaowei. After all the girls unite, is the boy the enemy?

"What?! You actually want to use my body to keep warm?" Song Mingyuan took an exaggerated step back and put his hands on his chest, "Even if you get my body, you will never get my heart~"

"Fuck you, disgusting, I won't do this, I'm a straight man straighter than steel." Zhou Han couldn't help but smile.

"You will discover Xintiandi occasionally." Song Mingyuan patted Zhou Han on the shoulder.

Zhou Han sighed, thinking of sharing a tent with Song Mingyuan, he felt a little uneasy.

"Tootoo~!" Alice got out of the car and came with a big package on her back, "Lilith, the leader of the snack team, came to report! Even if I'm late, I won't admit it, boo, boo, boo!"

Zhou Han twisted his mouth, thinking, "Hey, did this dumbass take advantage of someone else's oral addiction just now?"

"Since you're late, don't be so condescending..." Song Mingyuan couldn't help but complain.

"Being late is a glorious tradition of human beings. In order to maintain the great spirit of laziness, I think it is necessary for me to lead by example and pass on this habit! That's right! That's it..." The golden hair on Lilith's head stretched like a pole straight.

"Don't just start talking nonsense when you first arrive..." Zhou Han frowned, thinking that it's fine to be late, and it would be bad if he continued to speak forcefully here.

"Lilith won't admit that she only wore one sock when she went out, so she turned back and put on two before going out." Lilith said, baring her canine teeth.

Zhou Han's expression became complicated, and he complained in his heart——

Is that why you are late! ?

Who are you?You are not Lilith!

This reckless setting is definitely not yours!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"If you're late, you're late, and you don't have to wear a sock. This reason is really sober and refined." Song Mingyuan sighed.

"Actually, I'm wearing the wrong socks, one is for a white male cat, the other is for a white female cat, boo boo boo~" Lilith covered her mouth and kept laughing.

"No one will notice! It's all white, who cares whether the cartoon cat on it is male or female!?" Zhou Han felt that Lilith had too many flaws, and she lied casually to cover up the fact that she was late.

"I just have obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I need a pair of socks." Lilith stopped explaining, and ran to tease the senior sister, "Sisters, I miss you to death, hurry up and hug me!"

"We can't hold you as a giant baby..." Lin Nianwei said expressionlessly.

"Uh..." Lilith's expression froze, and she was stabbed in the heart, "Senior Lin is too good. Fortunately, I stayed up all night to prepare snacks for you, which are the kind you often eat."

"Report~" Lin Nianwei hugged Lilith, her breasts were pressed against her head, and the dull hair was in the middle of her breasts, appearing extremely active.

"Hey hey~" Li Lisi poked Lin Nianwei's **** on her head, showing an evil smile, her face turned red.

Zhou Han's expression became embarrassing, and he wondered if he had made a mistake, he was about to bleed out, I don't believe he hasn't been weaned at the age of 12!

"Snacks are a compromise? Morality, morality..." Miyazaki Airi said with a sigh.

"I also prepared Miyazaki-senpai's. There are potato chips on the back of the schoolbag, the precious kind~" Lilith showed a playful smile.

"Really... I really can't do anything about you, so let's hug you." Miyazaki Airi blushed a little, and her attitude took a 180-degree turn.

"Don't come here! Don't come here! I think it's too hard, and I don't want to be hugged at all." Lilith refused with a serious face.

Miyazaki Airi touched her non-existent nipple subconsciously, feeling her heart was pierced severely.

"It's not a very comfortable thing to be hugged by Miyazaki-senpai. I'm worried that my face will be crushed..." Lilith said with seriousness.

Zhou Han's brows curled up, thinking that black people can't be like this, it's too cruel, what is Airi's chest?A slab of hard walnut?

Miyazaki Airi grabbed Lilith Daimao angrily, and pulled her out of Lin Nianwei's chest.

"Ahhh! Miyazaki-senpai is starting to be mean-spirited again!" Lilith yelled in panic.

"You won't let me hug you today, but I want to hug you. Come here."

Miyazaki Airi hugged Lilith forcefully, and buried her face in her washboard.

"Okay... so hard, I feel like my nose is about to bleed..."

Lilith wanted to cry but had no tears, as if she had lost her life, her hands drooped at her sides.

Both Zhou Han and Song Mingyuan had black faces, thinking that this was a very inhumane act. In ancient times, there was a boulder on the chest, but now there is Miyazaki Airi, the washboard smashed the loli, what a pity~

"What kind of eyes do you have? I'm caring for the younger generation!" Miyazaki Airi blushed and scolded the stunned Zhou Han and Song Mingyuan.

"Yes, no reminder." Zhou Han nodded.

"You continue to love, don't be polite." Song Mingyuan made a gesture of your invitation.

The two turned their backs and began to complain in a low voice.

Song Mingyuan: "Damn it, it's so fucking ruthless, I think Lilith almost bleeds from her nose."

Zhou Han: "This is the fate of offending my sister. It's too cruel. If you muster more strength, your skull will crack."

Song Mingyuan: "I think Miyazaki has his own body armor, so he can go to the battlefield in armor, and he can smash walnuts at home when he retreats."

Zhou Han: "You are a bit too dark, she is my sister."

Song Mingyuan: "I was just joking."

Zhou Han sighed, Ai Li is still a pretty good girl, she has that kind of cuteness that no other girl has, and he still likes it very much.

"By the way..." Song Mingyuan paused, and asked in surprise, "Why hasn't the car you prepared come yet?"

"Should be coming soon?" Zhou Han looked at the time.

"It can't be an old broken car. It often loses the chain and runs out of gas in the middle, right? It's still quite dangerous if it stops in the wilderness." Song Mingyuan felt a little worried.

"No way? Although it's an ordinary car..."

Before Zhou Han finished speaking, a luxury bus stopped in front of them.

That’s right, it’s not a bun, it’s a car with a grand appearance and elegant interior, with almost everything in it, the enjoyment of a super VIP.

The door of the luxury bus opened slowly, and the horn honked.

Zhou Han was dumbfounded, and thought in astonishment, Damn, Commissioner Li, did you not understand what I mean?I mean just plain, is that what you mean by "normal"?

A flight attendant got off the luxury bus, dressed like a flight attendant——

"You are the people Mr. Zhou ordered to pick you up, right? Please get in the car."

After a commotion, everyone got into the car.

In fact, Zhou Han was still extremely nervous, but later everyone thought that Mr. Zhou was his father, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

If you let your friends know that you are a black card boss, it will be difficult to explain.

Everyone was a little cautious in the car at first, and the flight attendant brought everyone a cup of coffee.

Zhou Han looked around, it was indeed better than ordinary buses, it was made like a caravan, and all kinds of facilities were particularly complete.

"Emmmm, it's worse than my Lincoln, but it's already pretty good." Lilith looked at it for a long time and said.

"Don't say that, not everyone is like you, little local tyrant." Song Mingyuan said awkwardly. He thought it was a very ordinary van, but he didn't expect it to be so good. It won't be tiring no matter how many times he goes back and forth.

"However, Senior Zhou's family is very rich, so he must be considered a local rich man who can hire this kind of car?" Lilith asked Zhou Han, shaking her hair dumbfounded.

Lin Nianwei was a little strange, wondering if Zhou Han's father wasn't a university history professor?How can you get such a luxury car?

"Did Uncle Zhou really get it?" Miyazaki Airi asked instead of everyone.

"This... yes, that's right..." Zhou Han replied awkwardly.

"But isn't Uncle Zhou a professor in the history department? Where did you get it?" Miyazaki Airi still felt that it didn't make sense.

"Old classmate, my dad's old classmate is amazing, and the principal of our school is also my dad's old classmate." Zhou Han can only brag like this, I have a classmate, I have a friend, so I must be talking about myself up.

"Really?" Lin Nianwei frowned, recalling meeting Zhou Han's father when she was a child, she felt like an ordinary person with a kind smile, not like a person of high authority.

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