"Did Uncle Zhou go to rob a bank!?" Miyazaki Airi couldn't hold back her imagination, and she already thought of robbing a bank.

Thinking about meeting Uncle Zhou in Japan, he is a very genuine man who looks like a father.

"Oh, where are you thinking? No..." Zhou Han was ashamed and forced to explain——

"Don't look at my dad as a mediocre guy, but his old classmates are all so good!"

( ° °)

Chapter 110 Skirt

Alas, it blows like this...

How can I end up in the future?

Zhou Han thought in embarrassment, feeling a lot of pressure.

"Really? Uncle Zhou's friends are so powerful? I've never heard him mention it." Miyazaki Airi felt very surprised.

"My dad is... relatively low-key." Zhou Han said nonsense.

"We won't cause trouble for your father, will we?" Lin Nianwei asked worriedly.

"No, don't worry." Zhou Han forced a smile.

"In this case, let's not be polite, let's enjoy the trip!" Song Mingyuan patted Zhou Han's shoulder unceremoniously.

"Yeah, the cars are all here, so don't think too much about it." Zhou Han said with a smile, thinking that Commissioner Li was all to blame, and he was not low-key at all.

In this case, several people began to move normally.

It took several hours to get to Donglin Mountain. During this period of time.

Except for the five members of the club, the driver and flight attendant are all below, and they will not come up casually, basically this place has become their territory.

The three girls were chatting in front, so Zhou Han had no choice but to chat with Song Mingyuan.

"Have you ever lived in a tent?" Song Mingyuan asked.

"No." Zhou Han shook his head.

"Then you earned it. It feels good to live in a tent. It feels like a nest of love." Song Mingyuan said meaningfully.

"Can you stop being so disgusting, obviously we live together? Did you do it on purpose..." Zhou Han's expression became complicated.

"Really, it's great, the small space gives people a sense of security, we can do it, hehehe~" Song Mingyuan adjusted his black-rimmed glasses.

"Damn it, stay away from me..." Zhou Han retreated, deliberately keeping the distance.

"I'm just giving you an example. Don't take it seriously." Song Mingyuan deliberately lowered his voice to prevent the girls in front of him from hearing. "Many campers are couples now. They like to be in the wild and return to the original feeling."

"I like the feeling of returning to the original? Then why don't you go streaking, how nice..." Zhou Han had a complicated expression, thinking that being in a tent is different from playing field battles.

"It's different. Just imagine, the wind is howling outside, and you are hehehe in the tent, isn't it very exciting..." Song Mingyuan asked.

"This..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak, he was too embarrassed to express his opinion.

"At this moment, a black bear opened the tent, isn't it very exciting?" Song Mingyuan smiled smirk.

"It's so fucking exciting, it's starting to turn into a thriller..." Zhou Han's expression turned ugly.

"What thriller? At first glance, you are the kind of person who lacks imagination." Song Mingyuan narrowed his eyes and said abnormally, "After that, Xiong and the people in it had sex~"

"Fucking pervert, is that okay?" Zhou Han's three views were refreshed.

"What did you do so well?" Miyazaki Airi looked back warily.

"No...it's nothing..." Zhou Han responded nervously, "Senior Song said... I had a great time playing the game of mowing the lawn."

"Yes, yes, yes, it's really cool~" Song Mingyuan responded with a twitch.

"Master, isn't the true Three Kingdoms the little pornographic book in your collection? Basically it's all NTR..." Lilith turned her head inappropriately.

"Tsk!" Song Mingyuan patted his forehead, "It's true Dynasty Warriors, it's really cool to see female generals selling meat and mowing grass."

"That's right, that's right, we're talking about games, it's not a hot topic." Zhou Han helped Song Mingyuan speak, and the two of them were like grasshoppers on a rope who were going to die together.

"Be honest, don't talk about things that are not suitable for children, won't it be embarrassing if we hear it?" Lin Nianwei reminded.

"Yes, I will. Don't worry, Xiaowei. If the senior dares to say nasty words, I will stop him." Zhou Han sold Song Mingyuan ruthlessly.

Several girls looked at each other and continued to turn to chat.

"Alas..." Song Mingyuan sighed, looked at Zhou Han and said, "You are so inhuman, you actually pushed it on me, obviously you are the best listener."

"You were the one who chatted first, right?" Zhou Han said lightly.

"Hey, Li Zi, lack and strategy." Song Mingyuan silently took out his mobile phone, "I'm playing games by myself, so I won't take you with me."

"What game?" Zhou Han was curious.

"Blow the skirt~" Song Mingyuan said coquettishly.

Zhou Han suddenly grabbed Song Mingyuan's arm, as if he had something to say.

"what are you doing?"

"I have a lot of lung capacity, please take one with me, don't overwhelm them, they are not human..."

A few girls were chatting in the front.

"Are all boys like this?" Miyazaki Airi frowned, "Always get together to talk about such embarrassing topics."

"It's normal, girls will also talk about which boy is handsome..." Lin Nianwei was relatively calm.

"But we're here, won't it be embarrassing?" Miyazaki Airi was a little disgusted, although Zhou Han often said some embarrassing things to herself, it was only when there were only two of them in private.

"Aili, don't you live with Xiaohan? Do you often see..." Lin Nianwei hesitated to speak.

Lilith is rather eccentric and understands what Lin Nianwei means, so she said, "Senior Lin, what you mean is that Miyazaki-senpai and Zhou Xuechang live together, does it often happen that blushing and heart-beating things happen, such as falling pears, facial cleanser, and riding on the face?" , or because of the frequent oolong and frank meetings, anyway, it is a very vulgar kind of coquettish operation."

"No...no, how could you be so careless?" Miyazaki Airi laughed a few times, thinking more than just being honest?We have all communicated deeply.

"Really, I'm quite envious of you living together." Lin Nianwei said softly.

"Cohabitation is not a very happy thing, every day we quarrel over small things." Miyazaki Airi said awkwardly.

"It feels like living together as a couple, which is quite exciting." Lin Nianwei said seriously, in fact, she herself also wants to live with Zhou Han.

"If possible, you can live here." Miyazaki Airi suggested.

"It's not good for me to spend the night outside all the time." Lin Nianwei was still facing family problems.

Miyazaki Airi smiled awkwardly, thinking it was true, even if she knew she was staying at a female classmate's house, the family wouldn't be at ease.

"Puff puff puff~" Lilith covered her mouth and smiled, "Sister Lin wants to live with Senior Zhou all the time, she is so greedy..."

"I didn't say that..." Lin Nianwei looked away.

Miyazaki Airi was a little hesitant, she was not in a happy mood, she and Zhou Han lived together at home every day, it felt pretty good, if there was one more person, it seemed very subtle...

Later, Zhou Han and Song Mingyuan were enjoying blowing their skirts.


Song Mingyuan suffocated and blew fiercely at the phone.

The girl inside seemed to be swept by a hurricane, her skirt flew out and covered her face.

The little chubby at the bottom of the skirt was revealed for the first time, with black and white spots, and a panicked look on his face.

Song Mingyuan: "Hey, I'm just asking if you are 6 or not?"

Zhou Han: "666, brother smokes, imported from the United States, it's very powerful..."

o(*≧▽≦)ツ ~

The first thousand and 110 chapters add monthly tickets

There are several girls in this game of blowing skirts. They go to the black silk OL in the workplace, scare Lolita, everything.

Song Mingyuan blew for a long time, his face turned red, he felt dizzy, and he was a little hypoxic. This drama may be poisonous.

"Drink it?"

Song Mingyuan had to show Zhou Han every time he played it.

"Diao Diao Diao, this game is simply...indescribably wonderful~" Zhou Han thought it was quite interesting, not because of the fatness of the girls in it, but to satisfy the curious feeling in his heart.

Who doesn't want to go out every day when the wind blows and rolls up the girls' skirts?

This game fully satisfies the curiosity-seeking mentality of men, peeking at girls' fat times to their heart's content, and flying up in cosplay.

"No, I'm out of oxygen, you can play, I'll take a break." Song Mingyuan took a breath, dizzy from blowing.

Zhou Han couldn't wait a long time ago, took Song Mingyuan's mobile phone, and chose a girl with black silk. As soon as the skirt blew up, it must be the kind that Xiaopang once hid under the black silk, very attractive, and Gong Gong What Saki Airi often wears has the same effect.

As for Heisi, Zhou Han also understands the beauty, so she decided to be this one.

Zhou Han took a deep breath, held his breath, and was about to blow it over in one breath——


Miyazaki Airi coughed abruptly, interrupting Zhou Han, causing him to choke on his own saliva.

"Cough cough cough..."

Zhou Han's expression was painful, he hammered his chest again and again, he was so uncomfortable that he was going to die, he thought in astonishment, what the hell, why did he turn around again?We played very quietly...

"What are you two playing? I could hear your panting from the very beginning, and I thought you were playing some kind of aerobic exercise?" Miyazaki Airi's face was ugly, and her disgusted expression caused mental damage.

"No, no..." Song Mingyuan explained in a panic.

"What is this?" Miyazaki Airi pointed to Zhou Han's cell phone, and when she saw a woman in it, she felt that something was wrong, and she became suspicious.

"This is... this is Senior Song's sister..." Zhou Han said nonsense.

"Heh, take a photo that looks like an AV cover, give me your phone!" Miyazaki Airi said in an unquestionable tone.

"No need?" Zhou Han shrank back guiltily.

"Bring it!" Miyazaki Airi's tone was a little threatening, as if her patience was about to run out.

Zhou Han reluctantly handed it over to Miyazaki Airi, glanced at Song Mingyuan with complicated eyes, and asked quietly, "What should I do?"

"Don't panic, I guess Miyazaki doesn't know how to play, and she doesn't know how to play our nerd games." Song Mingyuan remained calm.

"Also..." Zhou Han was a little relieved.

Miyazaki Airi took it and poked it for a long time, but there was no response when she kept poking the phone screen with her hand, thinking that she didn't go to the right place.

"Aili, what are you doing?" Lin Nianwei asked curiously.

"They were playing this in the back. I don't know what it is? It always feels like it's not a good thing." Miyazaki Airi showed a clear look.

"Huh?" Lin Nianwei also tried to mark it down, but there was no response, "Maybe it's just a wallpaper?"

"Really? Just one wallpaper makes the two of them wheeze in the back." Miyazaki Airi didn't quite believe it, and felt that the girl in the phone was not very beautiful, so she couldn't look like this.

"Huhu, huchihuchi? Puff puff puff~" Lilith probably knew what was going on after taking a look.

"You know?" Airi Miyazaki asked Lilith.

"Simple." Lilith blew into the phone, and the skirt of the girl above jumped, "Got it?"

"Huh?" Miyazaki Airi was startled, and blew hard, and the girl's skirt on the phone flew up.

Lin Nianwei looked at it and said awkwardly, "It's really a boring game."

"Naughty." Miyazaki Airi said angrily, stood up and said to Zhou Han behind, "Isn't it fun?"

"What do you mean? Hahaha..." Zhou Han pretended to be crazy.

Miyazaki Airi demonstrated it to Zhou Han face to face, blowing up the skirt of the woman on the phone in one breath, "Do you like watching it?"

Zhou Han and Song Mingyuan's faces turned black, this damn is so embarrassing.

Lilith turned around and showed Song Mingyuan the blown skirt on her mobile phone, "Master, I also play this game. I like big sisters like No. 8, because fat times are more sexy."

Song Mingyuan rolled his eyes and cursed in his heart, shut up and rebel!Is that why you play the edge game?

"Go to hell you!"


Miyazaki Airi directly took a picture of Zhou Han's face with the phone.

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