After several hours of travelling.

Everyone finally arrived at Donglin Mountain.

It's quite far from the city center.

Because there are not many famous mountains and rivers, on October [-]st, there are not many people here, and there are not many tourists.

A few people got out of the car and saw that it was not too early, so they took their luggage and went to a hotel and asked for two rooms.

The girls lived together, and Zhou Han lived with Senior Song.

After the basic arrangements were made, Song Mingyuan said loudly——

"Let's take a rest first and gather here tomorrow morning, is it okay?"

"Oh! Let's move freely!" Lilith raised her small fist, and the dull hair on her head shook wildly.

"Don't go too far, this is not the city center, I don't care if you go too far and get trafficked." Song Mingyuan reminded.

"Obey!" Lilith gave a military salute.

Seeing that no one else had any objections, Song Mingyuan clapped his hands, "Disband!"

"Aili, Aili." Zhou Han tried to explain what happened to him in the car, and now he still has a red mobile phone mark on his face.

"Hmph~!" Miyazaki Airi entered the room arrogantly, not listening to Zhou Han at all.

"Puff puff puff~" Lilith gloated beside her, jokingly said, "Senior Miyazaki is jealous, because her ass doesn't have the upturn in the game in her hand, and she was hit hard, and now she is so jealous~"

"Ulusai! You bastard, come in for me, sister, I want to tell you how to behave!"

"Yeah! Miyazaki-senpai, don't pull my stupid hair!"

Lilith was forcibly pulled into the room, and she was about to be severely punished.

Lin Nianwei sighed silently, and planned to go back to her room to rest.

"Xiaowei, Xiaowei, listen to me..." Zhou Han wanted to convey it through Lin Nianwei.

"Why do you want to play that kind of game? Are we still there?" Lin Nianwei asked blankly.

"Curiosity... Curiosity killed the cat..." Zhou Han said tactfully.

"If you want to see it, you can tell me..." Lin Nianwei muttered in a mosquito sound.

"What?" Zhou Han was full of question marks and couldn't hear clearly.

"It's nothing, anyway..." Lin Nianwei thought for a while, and pinned her hair behind her ears with her hand, "Take a good rest, Airi is just losing her temper, she's not really angry."

"Xiaowei, please help me coax that girl." Zhou Han begged.

"En." Lin Nianwei nodded, suddenly remembered something, and secretly whispered in Zhou Han's ear——

"At 09:30 tonight, wait for my text message."

The first thousand and 110 chapter two monthly pass plus more

After Lin Nianwei left, Zhou Han was still in place.

09:30 in the evening?

What does it mean?

Could it be a late-night private meeting...

Zhou Han thought about it, he hadn't gotten close to Lin Nianwei for a long time, could it be that tonight... This is a question worth pondering.

"What are you doing in a daze? I'm going back..." Song Mingyuan patted Zhou Han on the shoulder, "A real man never explains, it's just a game, and the girl is so fat, she can go to the underwear store to see enough, Miyazaki is a little fussy. "

"Isn't it your fault? Damn you, you always hook up with me." Zhou Hanmai complained angrily.

"Don't take it seriously. When you go to the beach, you don't need to blow your skirt. It's all fat. I still don't understand the difference between a three-point underwear and a bikini? Why is there a difference in the word, and the girls react differently? In my opinion, these are all underwear." Song Mingyuan said solemnly.

"Heretics, you..." Zhou Han responded awkwardly.

Room for three girls.

Miyazaki Airi was lying on the bed reading a magazine, and Lin Nianwei was beside her.

As for Lilith?Rolling around on the bed.

Although it is a hotel in the suburbs, the environment is not bad. The main reason is that the bed is big enough for a brat like Lilith to go wild.

Miyazaki Airi was a little absent-minded, her mind was full of what happened to Zhou Han just now, she wondered why this guy picked a black silk skirt to see?Do you like it that much?

In fact, Miyazaki Airi was not too angry, the little pornographic books were found from Zhou Han's room, so what's a game of blowing skirts?

However, Miyazaki Airi seems to understand Zhou Han's hobby, why does a pair of socks make him so excited, does he like to see himself wearing black stockings?

Miyazaki Airi thought it was very possible, and wondered if she should wear it for him to see enough.

Although Miyazaki Airi wasn't angry with Zhou Han, Lilith who was rolling beside her made her completely angry.

In the car, Lilith said heartlessly, "Senior Miyazaki, your butt is underdeveloped, and you don't have the aunt in your phone, give up, even if you lift up your skirt, it doesn't feel right. "

Ah ~

What is butt lack of development?

I have already lacked chest development, and now I don’t even let my butt go, isn’t it too unfair...

Miyazaki Airi thought in her heart, and her resentment towards the little guy Lilith deepened.

For example, Lilith is rolling around now, which makes Miyazaki Airi restless.

As a result, this poor golden retriever loli was crushed by Miyazaki Airi.

"Miyazaki-senpai, what are you... doing... doing... what are you doing?"

Lilith panicked, no matter how hard she struggled, Miyazaki Airi pinned her hands and feet under her body, and she looked like she was about to be let by her senior sister.

Now Lilith is completely under the tension of being violated by her senior sister, which makes her very nervous. After all, it is common to have a homosexual abroad, especially in the UK. What about the famous Juanfu and Huasheng?

Miyazaki Airi pressed the little Lolita under her body, without feeling guilty at all, and even felt a little joy in her heart. This little golden retriever has endured her for a long time.

"Senior sister, I'm still a child, don't do this, if you feel lonely, you can find senior Zhou, he is happy to help..." Lilith's hair stood up like a telegraph pole, feeling that Miyazaki Airi was lonely when she lacked love, so even if she was a little lolita, she would not let her go at all.

Day, haven't Miyazaki-senpai and Zhou-senpai been intimate recently?How did you hold back like this?Looking at this ****'s lonely and unbearable appearance, she really wants to do something to herself, right?

That... three years of blood earning, and the law that the death penalty does not lose any money has any effect on girls?It seems that Miyazaki-senpai can no longer be stopped!

Damn Senior Zhou, did you not pay the public rations at home recently?Look at Miyazaki-senpai's grievance, even I can't let it go!

Lilith's face was pale, she didn't have eccentricities, and she didn't want to be crushed by girls, especially the hungry senior sister, oh my god, it's too scary...

"You... what are you talking about!? Who is lonely? My thoughts are dirty at such a young age..." Miyazaki Airi blushed, thinking what it means to be lonely and go to Zhou Han, is she a person who is addicted to nightlife? ?

But recently, even if I slept with him, I didn't do anything. It's very honest. I feel... I'm looking forward to something...

Now that Lin Nianwei is still by her side, Miyazaki Airi is very shy when she mentions this kind of thing all of a sudden. I don't know if she saw something?

"I don't have a dirty mind. Senior sister, it's strange that you put me under you now, right? I know you're lonely, but I'm still a child, and my fragile body can't bear the flames of senior sister you." Lilith trembled said.

"What's so strange? Did I not do anything well?" Miyazaki Airi frowned, and continued awkwardly, "What else are you thinking? At such a young age, thinking is very dangerous, I just don't want to let You're just moving around."

"I understand, it's inconvenient to move around. It's convenient for me to let senior sister do whatever she wants!" Lilith struggled nervously, as if senior Han Zhou came over and took senior sister Miyazaki away.

"Be serious, I'm not gay." Miyazaki Airi was anxious, saying that she was not gay, but she was really skilled in this riding position.

"Okay, I understand..." Lilith put on a look of being bullied, "Come and face me, just have a good time, okay? Seeing that you are an acquaintance, I will give you a membership price, one time 800, 1000 without a set, free for more than ten hours, don't hurt me..."

Lin Nianwei's face darkened instantly when she was beside her, she was so embarrassed that she probably died of embarrassment. It was probably Lilith's lines when she was reading pornographic books, it was very embarrassing.

"What nonsense are you talking about..." Miyazaki Airi's expression froze on her face.

"Unsatisfied with the front side? The reverse side is fine too..." Lilith turned over and lifted up her skirt skillfully, revealing her buttocks in strawberry chubby clothes. She shook her head and said, "Come on, come on ..."

"Lilith, be honest, I want to say that the bed belongs to everyone, don't make trouble, and let us rest." Miyazaki Airi said with a frosty face.

"Then just say it straight, what are you pushing me down for? Jump me down." Lilith silently shook her little butt, and said provocatively, "It made me so excited for nothing, puff puff~"

"Enough..." Miyazaki Airi got off Lilith, showing a helpless expression.

Lilith put down her skirt, sat up on the bed, and showed a very meaningful expression, "By the way, Miyazaki-senpai, you are very proficient in pushing down the riding seat. poof~"

"You...what are you talking about!?" Miyazaki Airi blushed and retorted, "What did you practice?"

"Miyazaki-senpai is serious, don't be shy, I understand~" Lilith said old-fashioned.

"You little villain, I want to deal with you." Miyazaki Airi pushed Lilith down like a hungry tiger.

"Senior Zhou! Come and save me! Miyazaki-senpai is going to vent on me!" Lilith kept calling for help.

Lin Nianwei next to her remained silent. Judging from Miyazaki Airi's reaction just now, she seemed to have discovered something——

Xiaohan and Aili... Have they become adults?

The first thousand and 110 chapter three of the enemy shame

"Senior, is someone calling me?"

Zhou Han asked in surprise, feeling that someone was calling for help.

"How? Are you thinking too much? No one will call you." Song Mingyuan patted Zhou Han on the shoulder.

"Maybe." Zhou Han smiled, but didn't care.

The two continued to play the game cracklingly, pressing the handle very intensely.

Song Mingyuan was like a little jingle bell tonight, he got what he wanted, even brought the PS game console at home.

As a result, as soon as the two entered the house, they started to play very hotly. It was still a lawn-mowing game "Dynasty Warriors 5" that was suitable for all ages.

Zhao Yun, chosen by Zhou Han, rode a white horse and slashed all the way. After bumping back and forth a few times, the leeks were harvested, and the thief was handsome with a spear in his hand.

Then Song Mingyuan played more wretchedly, and chose the uglier tycoon Huang Gai.

Zhou Han didn't understand, whether he is strong or not is a matter of a patch, handsome or not is a matter of a lifetime, normally it is right to choose a handsome man, Zhou Yu is very good, but Song Mingyuan chose not to choose, insisting on playing Huang Gai.

Even if Song Mingyuan plays with scantily clad female generals, Zhou Han can understand that the screen is full of big white legs, which is also very eye-catching.

Zhou Han couldn't figure it out, so he asked Song Mingyuan what kind of unique taste it was.

Song Mingyuan adjusted his glasses, smiled and didn't answer, looking very mysterious.

Until Zhou Han saw the battle of Chibi with his own eyes, Song Mingyuan used a yellow cover to capture Zhou Yu's wife, Xiao Qiao, to death...

Zhou Han understood everything, the relationship is to play this out, face-to-face NTR Zhou Yu, put a cuckold on the head of the governor.

Poor little Qiao, just like this, was molested to death by Song Mingyuan, an old man, with a yellow cover.

And Zhou Han also manipulated Zhao Yun to prevent Zhou Yu from rescuing his wife. It can be said that the division of labor is clear and he is a coquettish horse.

After the beating was over, Song Mingyuan even said coquettishly, "Did I hit Huang Gai casually? If I beat him, I'll NTR him. It's not that I won't report it. It's not time yet, hehehe~"

Zhou Han was powerless to complain, and Zhou Yu finally completed the counterattack in the game after playing Huang Gai's memes for so long.

Emotion himself became Song Mingyuan's accomplice, letting him go to NTR to hug his wife in front of his face.

Afterwards, Song Mingyuan had a good time playing, specially picking the map where the female general appeared to play, and he was so fucking happy.

Zhou Han used Zhao Yun to clear the blame, Song Mingyuan used Huang Gai to hug the wives of the male generals excitedly, none of them with slender waists and long legs escaped, and they were murdered one after another.

And now, the two are fighting the battle of Hulao Pass!

Needless to say, the target must be Lu Bu's wife Diaochan, one of the four beauties, Song Laogou's Huang Gai has been coveted for a long time, those black silk thighs and bare belly are wonderful~

It’s not the first time Zhou Han has played. He has also played in previous generations. Now, male generals are getting more and more handsome, and female generals are wearing less and less clothes. Diao Chan dressed like this on the battlefield must be the rhythm of comfort women. ah……

The two rushed to Hulao, preparing to NTR Lu Bu.

Zhou Han's Zhao Yun still had half a tube of blood left, just in time to smash the big vat with steamed stuffed buns.

But Song Mingyuan's Huang Gai ate the buns.

"Brother Song, are you sick? I'm going to fight Lu Bu. Blood won't work for me. It's a fierce battle on my side..." Zhou Han said helplessly. In the fifth generation of Dynasty Warriors, Diao Chan's blood volume is too low, and Lu Bu will go berserk. Yes, it was so fierce that Zhao Yun's little Shou's body might not be able to hold it back.

"My side... is also fighting fiercely..." Song Mingyuan said cheekily.

"It's easier for you to fight Diao Chan than it is for me to fight Lu Bu?" Zhou Han frowned.

"What is it easy to fight? I am facing a man who can satisfy both Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo. It is really difficult. How can I fight (♂♀) if I don't replenish my physical strength?" Song Mingyuan said confidently.

"I... have nothing to say, you just keep fighting, come on..." Zhou Han, who was armed with half a tube of blood, shot at Lu Bu.

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