"Hold on, look at my old Huang NTR Lu Bu, hehehe~" Song Mingyuan controlled Huang Gai, and went to hug Diaochan in a desperate manner.

The difficulty of choosing the two is quite difficult to be honest.

Because Diao Chan was about to be hugged to death by Huang Gai, Lu Bu ran away, Zhou Han's half-blooded Zhao Yun didn't stop him, and was instantly killed. Finally, the old pervert Huang Gai was also hacked to death by Fang Tian's painting halberd.

The ideal is full, but the reality is miserable.

The two fell into silence for a few seconds while looking at the black and white screen...

Song Mingyuan licked his lips, "Old Lu Bu, a wife-protecting madman, is quite powerful, his wife is too hard, not easy to chew on..."

Zhou Han sighed, and said bitterly, "You shouldn't have eaten that bun of mine..."

"Buns are trivial matters, I didn't even shout out this line." Song Mingyuan scratched his head regretfully.

"What line?" Zhou Han asked in surprise.

"The enemy is ashamed, I'll take off her clothes~" Song Mingyuan said with a smile.

"You can find a different kind of fun playing a game of mowing grass, awesome~" Zhou Han bowed down. He didn't think this line was particularly obscene before. "What about killing a male general? Is it a joke?"

"Brother, you have always killed the male general, okay? I have always given you the head of the male general, and you have never shown mercy..." Song Mingyuan patted Zhou Han on the shoulder, "You are also very powerful , took off the clothes of dozens of gentlemen, and made them shy..."

"My uncle." Zhou Han wanted to cry but had no tears.

When the two were arguing with each other, Zhou Han's phone rang and wrote it down. Zhou Han picked it up and saw that it was Lin Nianwei's text message. It was already 10 minutes after nine o'clock——

"Xiaohan, I'm at the door of the hotel, come out."

Zhou Han raised his spirits, put his phone into his pocket, and said to Song Mingyuan, "I'll go out for a while, you can play first."

"Going out so late? Who is it? Is your green plum still a younger sister?" Song Mingyuan smiled strangely.

"Xiaowei, let's go out for a walk." Zhou Han said awkwardly.

"Come back soon, I'm lonely~"

"Go away..."

Zhou Han put on his coat and went downstairs.

I saw Lin Nianwei also wearing a coat, pacing back and forth under the light at the door.

Zhou Han rushed over, and suddenly felt that it would be better to tease Lin Nianwei, deliberately scaring her or something.

So Zhou Han approached Lin Nianwei on tiptoe, came behind her, hugged her tightly, and said in a villainous tone, "Don't move, I want sex!"

Lin Nianwei was startled, and subconsciously reflexively attacked.

Although Lin Nianwei is usually very quiet, she has actually learned a little self-defense from her father.

Lin Nianwei elbowed Zhou Han backhanded, hitting him in the stomach.

"Aiyo!" Zhou Han held his stomach and backed away again and again, looking at Lin Nianwei with a surprised face, thinking it was a bit cruel, although he didn't feel much pain, he was still surprised.

"Eh?" Lin Nianwei turned her head and saw Zhou Han clutching her stomach, regained her senses, and hurriedly went to check worriedly, "Xiao Han, are you alright?"

"No...it's nothing..." Zhou Han said awkwardly, thinking that Lin Nianwei would also hit someone?I thought I was always talking.

"Why are you hugging me from behind all of a sudden?" Lin Nianwei frowned, complaining slightly——

"I almost couldn't help but make up a slack leg just now..."

(,,o . o,,)

The first thousand and 110 chapter four inquiries

Zhou Han's expression became complicated, and he thought it was too hard to flirt.

"When did you learn self-defense? I didn't find out before. I always thought you were a bookworm."

"Isn't it normal for girls to learn self-defense?" Lin Nianwei looked away, "After all, encountering danger is troublesome. When I was in junior high school, my father forced me to practice it."

"Your father also has the foresight, learn to resist, and the probability of safety will be higher in times of crisis." Zhou Han nodded, and then said embarrassingly, "But it's used against me..."

"It's okay to deal with you, right? What do you want to do when you attack from behind?" Lin Nianwei blushed, pretending to be angry.

"I just want to tease you." Zhou Han laughed dryly.

"You're still making jokes like this in the middle of the night." Lin Nianwei gave Zhou Han a reproachful look.

"Aren't you going to bed at this time? Why did you ask me out?" Zhou Han asked in surprise.

"It's just that I haven't been alone for a long time, and I want to chat with you." Lin Nianwei whispered, seemingly a little embarrassed, "What's wrong? Do you think I'm annoying?"

"How could it be?" Zhou Han took Lin Nianwei's little hand, feeling cold, as expected, the autumn night is not warm, "I like you before it's too late, how can I despise you?"

"Is it from your heart?" Lin Nianwei asked suspiciously.

"Why not?" Zhou Han smiled, took Lin Nianwei's hand, "Go and sit over there."

Zhou Han felt that it was strange to always stand at the door, so let's find a place to sit.

The two came to the bench opposite, Zhou Han felt that it was very cold and would hurt his stomach if he sat for a long time, so he sat down first and patted his leg, "Xiaowei, the chair is quite cold, can you use it on my lap? "

"This is so bad, it makes people feel embarrassed..." Lin Nianwei was a little reserved, as if she was sitting in Zhou Han's arms, she felt ashamed to be seen.

"It's okay, there's no one else here, just sit and sit, don't be shy..." Zhou Han opened his arms.

"Just...just this time..." Lin Nianwei hesitated for a moment, then turned sideways and sat in Zhou Han's arms.

Zhou Han supported Lin Nianwei's waist, and then dragged his hips to hug her tightly, "Have you become heavy recently?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Lin Nianwei beat Zhou Han twice, and said angrily, "Who has become heavy, I have always been like this, but I wear too many clothes."

"Uh... Maybe it's my illusion." Zhou Han said with shame.

"So what if I get heavier? You don't like me anymore?" Lin Nianwei asked tentatively.

"No, I like it too. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Zhou Han hugged Lin Nianwei silently.

"You are getting more and more slippery with your mouth." Lin Nianwei said pretending to be dissatisfied.

"Where is it? Don't you think I like you?" Zhou Han hugged Lin Nianwei and let him lean on himself.

"I think you care more about Airi." Lin Nianwei said angrily.

"This...indistinguishable..." Zhou Han's answer was ambiguous, "But now that you are in my arms, I must like you even more."

"Slick tongue." Lin Nianwei said with a blushing face.

Zhou Han kissed Lin Nianwei's lips, originally wanted to have a deep affection, but Lin Nianwei avoided in panic.

"Come on, I have something to ask you..."

"What's the matter?" Zhou Han tilted his head.

"You..." Lin Nianwei paused, but Zhou Han's eyes asked, "Have you already done that with Aili?"

"Xiaowei, what do you mean?" Zhou Han hesitated.

"That's it... that's the kind of thing, the thing about men and women climbing the adult ladder..." Lin Nianwei asked with a blushing face, hesitating to speak.

"Why do you ask this suddenly? No..." Zhou Han didn't want to admit it.

"You don't have to pretend, I can see it, obviously you care more about Airi's feelings now, and now Airi is like a little wife everywhere, always mentioning you from time to time, just now you asked me, your favorite home-cooked food What is it?" Lin Nianwei mentioned.

"This one……"

Zhou Han hesitated, thinking that it would be impossible not to admit it.

After having a relationship with Miyazaki Airi, this girl has become more and more like a wife, and she has restrained too much for her violent temper, and has become more and more gentle.

Even if you don't tell the truth, people will still see the difference.

Zhou Han thought for a long time, and decided to tell Lin Nianwei, since she asked her twice in a row, she must have seen something?I guess I can't hide it.

"Yeah, Airi and I already have that or something..."

Lin Nianwei was startled, then froze for a moment. If I remember correctly, when I was with Zhou Han in the hospital, I was still a virgin, but now I am not?The efficiency of this please virginity is so fast that it is amazing...

Lin Nianwei thought about how bad it was for her. Because of her period, Miyazaki Airi took away Zhou Han's virginity first. She waited for so long, so she lost a lot of blood.

She is a little uncomfortable now, feeling that Zhou Han's virginity should be accepted by herself, how nice it is to step into the palace of adults together, why was it taken away in advance?

Lin Nianwei's heart began to feel unbalanced. She felt that Miyazaki Airi and Zhou Han had taken a big step forward. They both entered the palace of marriage with one foot, and she was left behind.

Usually Xiao Aili can't see anything, but she sneaks up on a rocket, faster than anyone else!

Lin Nianwei was a little hard to accept, and felt very blocked. Although she had already noticed the clues, she was still very disappointed when she was told the truth.

"Xiao...Xiaowei?" Zhou Han asked tentatively, feeling that Lin Nianwei's numb look was a bit scary, and everyone said that it was calm before the storm, so it was unreasonable not to know her well.

Lin Nianwei raised her eyebrows, stretched out her hand and slapped Zhou Han, her shoulders trembling.

She knew that everyone was dating together, but she was still very angry when she heard this kind of thing!

"How could you be like Airi? Didn't you consider my feelings?"

"This..." Zhou Han covered his face in embarrassment, "It's a bit force majeure..."

"Excuse!" Lin Nianwei frowned tightly, obviously very angry.

"Xiaowei, don't be angry, I know this is a bit embarrassing, I apologize." Zhou Han hugged Lin Nianwei tightly, trying to calm her down.

"Is it enough to apologize? Isn't it too simple?" Lin Nianwei bit her lower lip, but she didn't wear a knife on her body, otherwise she would have to put it on Zhou Han's neck.

"Then what do you want me to do? I'll make it up, I'm really sorry..." Zhou Han raised his hand, as if letting Lin Nianwei beat and scold her until she calmed down.

When he thought about it carefully, it was indeed a bit bad, it was too unfair to Lin Nianwei.

This probably represents the bitter tears of all the childhood sweethearts. No matter how long they have been in the early stage, they will always be taken away by the girl from the Tianxiang department, and then run away with the long-awaited object.

Lin Nianwei felt that this was a curse, and all those injured were childhood sweethearts like herself.

Obviously he was the one who bid farewell to virginity with Xiaohan, so why did Miyazaki Airi take the lead?This holiday comes at an inopportune time!

"What are you making up for?! I'm not interested at all, I'm going to ask you today..." Lin Nianwei grabbed Zhou Han's collar and asked angrily——

"When you and Airi did that kind of thing, did you ever think about me?"


The first thousand 110 chapter five monthly pass plus more

"I have thought about it, I must have thought about it." Zhou Han nodded, he must have thought about it at that time.

"What are you thinking? Let me listen..." Lin Nianwei questioned Zhou Han.

"I think... think..." Zhou Han paused, and tentatively said, "It's good that Xiaowei wants to come together..."

Lin Nianwei's face was expressionless, and her complexion suddenly became ugly. What she wanted to hear was Zhou Han's confession, not a wild fantasy.

"Xiaowei? I... am I satisfied with my answer?" Zhou Han silently hugged Lin Nianwei tightly, thinking that he should try his best to coax this little queen, who made him like her.

"I..." Lin Nianwei was anxious, and raised her hand, as if she was going to use the palm of the Tathagata. It seemed that she was really angry.

"Don't, don't, don't." Zhou Han pressed Lin Nianwei's hand, swallowed nervously and said, "I thought about it, is it really okay for me to do this? Even if you do this kind of thing, you should be with Xiaowei, really Feeling a little sorry or something like that.”

"Why did you think of me and did it with Aili..." Lin Nianwei questioned, feeling that Zhou Han didn't care enough about him, if he reached a certain level, he should refuse.

"I can't help it. I like Airi very much. I couldn't hold it back for a while, so I did that kind of thing..." Zhou Han sighed, feeling that he was helpless too. Even Airi showed it clearly, and he was still indifferent ?Isn't this mentally handicapped?

The one who hangs the girls all the time and pretends to be a gentleman is the most disgusting, okay?Either push back and accept it, or break up decisively. If you are hesitant, don't you just treat him as a spare tire and delay his youth?

"Compared to me, do you like Airi more?" Lin Nianwei asked again.

"This... I like them all, I like Aili, and I like you, and so does Xiaorui." Zhou Han replied awkwardly, thinking that please don't ask this kind of question, and I will fall into the Shura field, and I am really uncomfortable in it ah.

"I don't like this kind of answer. You must have the one you like the most right now?" Lin Nianwei was persistent, and wanted to know who Zhou Han liked the most?


Zhou Han hesitated to speak, knowing that at such a time, even if he was lying, he had to answer Lin Nianwei.

But he wanted Miyazaki Airi's body, so why did he say that Lin Nianwei was his favorite?It's just so unfair and kind of hurtful.

Now ask Zhou Han who he likes the most?Definitely can only answer Miyazaki Airi.

"Now...of course I like Airi a little more..."

Lin Nianwei calmed down. Although she was unwilling, she could only accept the reality. She could have done it, but the time of her period was really too timely, and she let herself miss the opportunity.

Since it is doomed that he cannot be the first girl in Zhou Han's life, what's the point of complaining?

Lin Nianwei just feels a little wronged now, obviously she came first, why was she suddenly snatched away?Very uncomfortable.

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