"Xiaowei, are you okay?" Zhou Han looked at Lin Nianwei sadly, giving off a very wronged feeling.

"It's okay, it's normal for you to like Airi more. After all, that kind of thing happened. If you say you like me more, I will look down on you. After all, I don't want you to be a fickle person." Lin Nianwei said lightly. The negative emotions of stocks accepting their fate, but they can barely accept the reality.

"I'm also sorry for this kind of thing, but I like you very much, and I can't help being alone... huh!?"

Before Zhou Han finished speaking, Lin Nianwei blocked her with her small mouth and kissed her forcibly.

Zhou Han was extremely surprised. After all, Lin Nianwei took the initiative very few times, so she must be a little bit aggrieved and wants to possess the person she likes.

Two blushes appeared on Lin Nianwei's face, her heart was beating fast, her mind was full of thoughts of why did Zhou Han and Aili do it first?Why not yourself?

The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt, and the kiss became more serious, wanting to engrave her name on Zhou Han's body.

Lin Nianwei held Zhou Han's face in her hands, kissed while crying, tears fell from both sides of her cheeks, her heart was still very sad, how can she heal the wound and make up for what she didn't get?

In the dead of night, the autumn moon is at the head.

The two were kissing on the bench, Lin Nianwei looked very strong, obviously spreading her resentment on Zhou Han.

Lin Nianwei kissed for a while, feeling that Zhou Han was not very enthusiastic, so she let go, put her hands on his shoulders and bowed her head in silence, her eyes were red, obviously sad.

The reason why Zhou Han was not very enthusiastic was because this kind of kiss was meaningless, and Lin Nianwei's sad appearance made him feel very sorry, so naturally he didn't have any lustful mood.

Lin Nianwei's crying expression, Zhou Han has never seen it a few times since he was a child, he always showed his strength, with a paralyzed face that makes people unable to see through his mind, it always makes people feel——

"Ah, this girl is amazing..."

But in the end, Zhou Han was a little helpless, Lin Nianwei's heart was softer than anyone else, and she was easily hurt, which could make her cry and let go of her disguise.

"Don't cry, Xiaowei, don't be sad, I still like you, and I will never waver, you will always be the girl I have liked since childhood..."

Zhou Han hugged Lin Nianwei tightly, feeling her delicate body trembling and sobbing non-stop.

Lin Nianwei put her arms around Zhou Han's neck and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Why not me..."

Zhou Han couldn't answer either, probably if Lin Nianwei hadn't had her period that night, then Aili might be the one crying in her arms tonight.

Some people will definitely feel uncomfortable about this kind of thing, I don't know what Xiaorui will think?But certainly not very pleasant.

"I'm sorry Xiaowei, don't be sad, I'm under a lot of pressure..."

"You bastard, the guy who can't control his belt..."

Lin Nianwei slapped Zhou Han violently twice, and now her stomach is full of resentment.

The black line on Zhou Han's forehead flowed down. He thought it was a bit too much not to control his belt, and he had never flirted with other girls, it was all three of them...

"Okay, Xiaowei, you are right, my fault."

Zhou Han patted Lin Nianwei's back lightly, when he made her happy, and when he finished.

The two embraced tightly, and after a while, Lin Nianwei finally calmed down a little.

"Are you and Airi... that... comfortable?"

"Ah?" Zhou Han was stunned, his head was dazed, thinking how to answer this? !Super embarrassing, okay?What is the feeling?It's indescribable!Please don't ask this kind of question, it's really hard to answer.

"I read in the book that it's very comfortable. Couples will indulge in doting, and then lose themselves." Lin Nianwei said in a small voice, still burying her face on Zhou Han's shoulder, not letting him see.

Zhou Han broke out in a cold sweat, thinking to himself what kind of critical books, the words are really euphemistic, what is the situation of so many cheating?

"I... I don't know how to say it?"

"Do you like it with Airi?" Lin Nianwei asked.

"Forget it... I like it..." Zhou Han said nervously.

"Sure enough, boys are more lustful. It's instinct to spread the ancestral chromosome..." Lin Nianwei said very coldly.

"I...I can't refute..." Zhou Han said helplessly, thinking about what Lin Nianwei said also made sense, it was instinctive.

Lin Nianwei was silent for a long time, her delicate body was not twitching, and she suddenly said——

"Xiaohan, we..."

"Let's try to do it too, shall we?"

The first thousand and 110 chapters six


Zhou Han was startled, his mind went blank for a while.

If he understands correctly, this is a courtship signal, right?

"Xiaowei, are you serious?"

"Well, let's try it together..." Lin Nianwei lowered her red face, and her appearance became a little awkward.

Zhou Han fell into hesitation, thinking that this place is outside. Although the location is very secret, it is also very dangerous. What is it really here... Isn't it just a field battle?

Zhou Han would definitely not refuse this kind of thing, on the contrary, it was a bit vigorous.

"But it's outside here, isn't it a bit cold?"

"No...it's okay..." Lin Nianwei nodded, and spoke in a low voice with her arms around Zhou Han's neck.

"This..." Zhou Han scratched his head, thinking about fighting in the field?I have no experience myself, "Should we go back and open another room?"

"I'm thinking about that now, and I won't be in the mood when I go back..." Lin Nianwei deliberately pressed her delicate body close to Zhou Han's chest, as if deliberately seducing him.

Zhou Han looked at Lin Nianwei's outfit, the small skirt and black thermal leggings, and felt that it was not too difficult.

"Xiaowei, then...then I'm serious?"

Lin Nianwei didn't speak, but raised her head in Zhou Han's arms, and silently closed her eyes.

Zhou Han is not a fool, how can he not understand this meaning, this is a signal that the girl allows to attack!

Zhou Han feels that if he refuses now, he is too ignorant of sentimentality. Compared with other places, this place is still quite secretive.

That being the case, don't be shy——

Zhou Han kissed Lin Nianwei's lips, broke her jaw, and played with her lilac uvula recklessly.

Encircling Lin Nianwei's slender waist with both hands, he hugged her tightly, letting her naturally delicate body cling to him.

"Ha... um... Xiaohan, Xiaohan..."

Lin Nianwei cooperated with Zhou Han jerky, humming out the name of the person she likes, her whole delicate body twisted.

Zhou Han felt that the person sitting in his arms was not the icy Lin Nianwei, but the passionate beauty Snake, whose soft waist and limbs made it hard for anyone to watch.

Lin Nianwei was still a little unfamiliar with kissing, and felt a little dizzy after a while.

Zhou Han's hands slowly invaded Lin Nianwei's body, stretched in through the clothes, lifted her breast underwear to the top with one hand, and then grabbed the soft and springy Yufeng, playing with her penis repeatedly.

Fuck, it's really big and soft!

Reminds me of the beauty of **...

Zhou Han sighed in his heart, he really wanted to take a breath.

"Oh...Xiaohan, lighten up...um..."

Lin Nianwei blushed, feeling that Zhou Han was using too much force, scratching herself in pain.

"Sorry..." Zhou Han stopped, with an embarrassed expression on his face, that girl, Aili, had poor breasts and couldn't catch her. Now that Lin Nianwei was caught, he got excited after a while.

"No...it's okay, what are you so anxious about? Really..."

Lin Nianwei's pretty face turned red, and she was a little angry, feeling that Zhou Han was too enthusiastic.

"I... I'm a little nervous..." Zhou Han told the truth, thinking that this damn thing is outside, it's super dangerous to do this kind of thing.

What's more, it's Lin Nianwei's first time, which is a bit troublesome. After all, it's not easy to play with such a high difficulty for the first time without experience. They are not familiar with each other, so it's not easy to cooperate.

"Why are you nervous?" Lin Nianwei pretended to be calm, feeling that Zhou Han's big hands were still rubbing her chest, "I...I'm not nervous..."

Zhou Han smiled helplessly, thinking that this is not nervous?Almost broke my neck...

"Then I continue?"

Lin Nianwei hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Yes."

Zhou Han kissed Lin Nianwei, and touched her Yufeng through the clothes. He felt that Xiaowei's figure was really hot, and he couldn't see it normally. After getting close to her a few times, he felt like a natural beauty.

It is still in the budding age, what if it waits later?Eighty percent of them will call it a disaster for the country and the people.

In the future, I must marry Xiaowei home, so that I can love her every day...

Zhou Han thought in his heart, becoming more and more obsessed with Lin Nianwei, although Miyazaki Airi is also good, but it feels different.

"Uh...ha...it hurts..."

Lin Nianwei still felt that Zhou Han was pulling grapes through her clothes, which made her tremble like an electric shock, and she had a certain reaction.

His clothes were lifted by Zhou Han, and his snow-white belly was facing him, feeling extremely ashamed, and even a little cold wind was blowing.

Lin Nianwei could clearly feel the fever on her face, and the restlessness in her heart was faster than after strenuous exercise.

"Xiaowei, is it cold?" Zhou Han stopped.

"It's...not bad..." Lin Nianwei was too embarrassed to speak.

"You... don't you feel very scared?" Zhou Han asked tentatively, remembering that when Miyazaki Airi was very scared for the first time, she scratched her back.

"A little bit..." Lin Nianwei nodded and said, "But it doesn't matter if the object is Xiaohan..."

Zhou Han's face turned red, he was embarrassed by what Lin Nianwei said, he felt a little sorry for her, it was a bit informal outside like this.

"Go ahead..." Lin Nianwei whispered, not daring to look at Zhou Han at all.

"Can I get into your clothes?" Zhou Han asked tentatively.

"What do you mean..." Lin Nianwei asked awkwardly.

"It's literally..." Zhou Han said after thinking about it.

"But... yes..." Lin Nianwei showed a submissive expression.

Zhou Han lifted off the clothes on Lin Nianwei's upper body, and hid inside, his head completely buried in Lin Nianwei's upper body.

The action at this time was a bit embarrassing, as if it was a joke.

Zhou Han hugged Lin Nianwei and sat on him, his head was covered by her sweater, and Yufeng covered his face.

Although Lin Nianwei couldn't see clearly inside, the hot and soft breasts were squeezed on Zhou Han's face, which seemed to be in a cool rhythm.

Lin Nianwei's face turned red, and she felt that Zhou Han's breath was very hot, puffing on her skin, itching.

Sure enough, the most embarrassing thing was this posture, her belly was bulging, like she was pregnant with a baby.

Lin Nianwei subconsciously touched Zhou Han's head through the sweater, and smiled sweetly.

Zhou Han inside took a deep breath, feeling that it was Lin Nianwei's breath, which was amazing.

Zhou Han hesitated for a moment, then stuck out his tongue silently, thinking of attacking the cherries on the towering jade peak.

Lin Nianwei trembled all over, a strange feeling spread all over her body——


boys room.

Song Mingyuan was playing "Devil May Cry 5". The handsome Dante held a big sword and slashed at the ferocious demon in the air.

"dong dong dong"

"Please come in!"

Miyazaki Airi pushed the door open, scanned the room, and found that Zhou Han was not here, "Senior, where did Zhou Han go?"

"He...he said to go out with Lin Nianwei." Song Mingyuan adjusted his glasses.

Miyazaki Airi's face was cloudy and uncertain, a flash of anger flashed in her eyes, and she closed the door with a bang.

Song Mingyuan stayed where he was, and drank a cup of cappuccino calmly——


"Don't fight outside."


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