The first thousand and 110 chapter seven two X?

Miyazaki Airi went straight to the outside of the hotel angrily, just now she found that Lin Nianwei left the room without making a sound, and did not come back after so long.

At that time, Miyazaki Airi felt that something was wrong, so she came to see if Zhou Han was in the room, but it turned out that she was not there.

Miyazaki Airi was sour, she felt that she had been strolling around for a long time, and if she didn't come back for such a long time, it was probably because of something else.

A man and a woman, what else can they do in the middle of the night?

Miyazaki Airi is not mentally retarded either, so she must have thought of what's going on with her sensitivity.

Miyazaki Airi is a little angry, this is under her nose, right?It's so irritating to exclude yourself like this and start messing around!

How do you think it didn't take long to have a relationship with yourself?

Can I get together with Lin Nianwei soon?

Zhou Han obviously doesn't have himself in his heart!

Miyazaki Airi fell into the vicious circle of girls in love, and all kinds of magic and logic flew up. Anyway, Zhou Han is fickle, and he doesn't want to pay attention to himself before.

No matter how much care she received, she felt that it was not enough, and it was all Zhou Han's fault.

Miyazaki Airi subconsciously felt that she might have been played by Zhou Han, and she felt very sad. She had paid so much, but it seemed that he could get tired of being with anyone.

She was a little unbearable, and felt that she had to discuss this kind of thing with herself, right?

Miyazaki Airi knew that everyone was dating together and shouldn't be jealous, but she still felt uncomfortable.

Aren't you your wife?It's okay to talk to yourself, right?What's going on behind your back?

Miyazaki Airi kept asking herself in her heart, her eyes turned red unconsciously.


Zhou Han and Lin Nianwei are having fun.

The two were passionately lingering, and they were about to get down to business soon.

It was the first time for Zhou Han to think about Lin Nianwei, so he needed to do enough preparations, otherwise it would still be quite painful.

I remember the first time Miyazaki Airi cried out in pain, obviously because she was too impatient and inexperienced.

Lin Nianwei flung herself into Zhou Han's arms, her upper body half exposed, and entered a state of confusion and fascination. She kept kissing Zhou Han passionately, and kept whispering in her mouth——


Zhou Han hugged Lin Nianwei with one hand, and with the other hand, he reached into her chubby legs, constantly stimulating her, making her hot and enchanting, making her look even more charming.


Zhou Han felt that it was almost done. He had already entered the charging state, and now that the atmosphere was at its peak, he should raise his gun and mount his horse.

Lin Nianwei had been teased by her for so long, she probably couldn't bear it anymore.


Zhou Han lifted Lin Nianwei's little buttocks, and pulled down her leggings and panties.

"Wei sauce!!!"

The two distraught people were suddenly startled, isn't this the voice of Miyazaki Airi?And this distance seems to be coming here.

The fiery and constrained atmosphere immediately dissipated, cooling down the agitated hearts of the two. How embarrassing would it be if Miyazaki Airi bumped into this?

Lin Nianwei's flushed face instantly became embarrassing, and she suddenly remembered that she had been out for long enough, Miyazaki Airi should have come out to look for it, but at this time, it was a little too...

Zhou Han's expression was not much better than Lin Nianwei's, even more frightened than her, thinking what the hell!Why did you choose this time to come out!This is too good at picking the time! ?

"Xiao Wei, hurry up and get dressed."

Zhou Han hurriedly urged Lin Nianwei, if caught in this state, it would be really miserable!If you can't explain clearly, you will be attacked by Miyazaki Airi, at least you will roll your eyes one by one, and at worst you will be hit with a kitchen knife!

The two hurriedly separated and straightened their clothes at the speed of light. How embarrassing and embarrassing this look was, it was even more embarrassing than being swept up in a hotel.

Zhou Han was fine, he didn't take off his clothes at first, but Lin Nianwei was a little troubled, not only messy, but also the flush on his face didn't completely subside.

Zhou Han hurriedly helped Lin Nianwei tidy up. After all, there was no mirror around him, so he could help to see what was wrong.

Lin Nianwei suddenly fell silent, seeing Zhou Han help her button the sweater in a panic, she felt a little angry.

"What are you panicking about?"

"Ah?!" Zhou Han was stunned, and forced a smile, "I...I'm not panicking..."

"You still say you're not panicking?" Lin Nianwei felt that Zhou Han was so worthless, so what did he have to do with making out with her, "Are you so afraid of Aili? Will she eat you?"

"It's not me..." Zhou Han scratched his head, his eyes drifted away, "Isn't it embarrassing to be seen?"

"What's so embarrassing?" Lin Nianwei frowned, and said a little angrily, "You and Aili have both done that kind of thing, can't you make out with me?"

"That's not what I mean, it's just that it's not good to be seen..." Zhou Han said tactfully.

"What do you think of me? Is making out with me count as cheating? Do you think of me as a mistress?" Lin Nianwei said angrily, her eyes turned red, "What are you afraid of now? Why didn't you stop just now and raised your arms to me of……"

Zhou Han's head was a little bigger, and he felt that having too many wives was a very troublesome thing, especially it was really difficult to coax.

"Xiaowei, we are dating together, what kind of mistress? I never thought about it that way, it's just that it's not good to be seen."

"What's the matter? Are you worried about being seen by Airi, and then complaining about you? There are ghosts in your heart?" Lin Nianwei's shoulders twitched a little.

"Xiao Wei, do you like being surrounded by people after we make out?" Zhou Han had no choice but to ask back.

"I..." Lin Nianwei was at a loss for words, and wanted to watch?Are you kidding me? It's not a V filming scene.

"Xiao Wei, don't think too much, I like you."

Zhou Han kissed Lin Nianwei deeply, feeling very regretful tonight.

If it wasn't for Miyazaki Airi's sudden interruption, she really wanted to settle things with Lin Nianwei.

Although the girls agreed to date together, they were all extremely sensitive in their hearts, especially after they had a relationship with Miyazaki Airi, the harem was a little unstable.

It seems that I can't be too impatient, take my time, the girls must accept each other.

After Zhou Han figured it out, he parted his lips, looked at Lin Nianwei's pretty red face, and said helplessly.

"I'll hide first, you go back with Airi first."

"It feels like you came out with your wife behind your back, and then you are afraid of being caught rape." Lin Nianwei said with a very complicated mood.

"How come? Don't bury me at this time." Zhou Han smiled wryly.

"In the first place, it's really a joke to hide and hide." Lin Nianwei pouted, showing a dissatisfied gesture.

"Just treat me as a badass..." Zhou Han laughed at himself.

"Okay, hurry up and hide." Lin Nianwei seemed to have calmed down. After calming down, she felt that being seen was not good, and it would easily make the relationship very rigid.

Zhou Han nodded, plunged headlong into the nearby grove, hid behind, and observed the situation tremblingly, looking rather wretched.

Miyazaki Airi has already appeared in the field of vision, her face full of anxiety——

"Wei sauce! Where are you?"

The first thousand and 110 chapters and eight monthly tickets plus more

Lin Nianwei hesitated for a moment, then calmed down and went up to meet her.

"Ari, I'm here..."

Miyazaki Airi hurriedly walked up to her, examined Lin Nianwei, and saw a few red spots on her neck, obviously someone had kissed her.

Miyazaki Airi knew what was going on in an instant. She knew Zhou Han very well, and sometimes she liked to kiss his neck.

Every time I finish making out with Zhou Han, I can still see the red marks when I look in the mirror in the morning.

Miyazaki Airi took a closer look at Lin Nianwei. There seemed to be nothing wrong with her body. She should have been intimate, but she didn't make it to the last step. Normally, after the first time, it was so painful that it was difficult to move around.

Miyazaki Airi breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that she came in time, otherwise Zhou Han, the villain, really got his way.

But even seeing Lin Nianwei making out with Zhou Han, Miyazaki Airi still felt a little uncomfortable, after all, she was his wife.

"Aili?" Lin Nianwei asked in surprise, feeling that she was distracted.

"Huh?!" Miyazaki Airi came back to her senses, and asked worriedly, "Where did you go, Wei-chan? You're still wandering outside so late, what if there is danger?"

"I... I just came out to relax, what did I do?" Lin Nianwei responded awkwardly, looking away, as if he had a ghost in his heart.

Miyazaki Airi knew that Lin Nianwei was lying, and the red marks on her neck had already explained everything, but she did not expose it.

"What is there to relax? This is not the city, what if the law and order is not good? Even if you are not worried about yourself, I will be worried."

"Sorry, I won't do it next time..." Lin Nianwei was a little embarrassed, feeling a little guilty for no reason.

"There must be no next time. There must be perverts around here, and they like to come and go at this time. Maybe they are hiding somewhere and watching us now." Airi Miyazaki said meaningfully, her eyes swept around, although I didn't see Zhou Han, but he must be hiding and spying in the dark. This sentence is also used to satirize him.

Zhou Han in the dark was embarrassed, thinking that this girl, Aili, couldn't find out that she was not in the room, did she imply that she was alluding to herself?

"How come?" Lin Nianwei was a little embarrassed.

"There must be sluts who like to do this, and maybe they like to kiss other people's necks. It's this kind of pervert who likes to fuck around like a male dog in heat in the middle of the night." Miyazaki Airi said Zhou Han Hao paused and cursed, looking very angry.

Zhou Han scratched his head, and realized that Miyazaki Airi was teasing him, obviously already knew that he was not in the room, and was tired of being together with Lin Nianwei.

He was very embarrassed hiding in the dark, and he was very helpless for the male dog who was scolded by Miyazaki Airi as an asshole.

Zhou Han didn't plan to go out, because it would be really embarrassing to go out and be seen by Miyazaki Airi.

"Airi, you look angry?" Lin Nianwei was in a complicated mood, she seemed to know that Miyazaki Airi was scolding Zhou Han, but she didn't say anything.

"I didn't. I was just worried about your safety. It's not safe for a girl to come out in the middle of the night." Miyazaki Airi said with a slightly complaining tone.

"I'll be fine..." Lin Nianwei replied in a low voice.

"You should also pay attention to yourself. I don't know which **** dog is thinking about you. It would be really unfortunate if you were deceived by him." Miyazaki Airi pointed at Sang and scolded Huai.

Zhou Han clutched his chest, thinking that this mouthful of a fucking dog would hurt me so much, it seems that Airi hasn't completely turned his back, and he should be able to get over it this time.

What can I do after that?Could it be that because Miyazaki Airi is unhappy, is he not making out with other girls?

Zhou Han thinks this is not right, it seems that he needs to have a good chat with Miyazaki Airi, otherwise how can this be a real wife?This is the Harem Terminator.

"I..." Lin Nianwei was already embarrassed to speak, it was right to help Zhou Han by herself, or not to help, it was a dilemma.

"Okay, Wei-chan, come back with me, it's cold outside." Miyazaki Airi held Lin Nianwei's little hand, feeling a bit of coolness.

"En." Lin Nianwei nodded, although she was a little bit bitter about Miyazaki Airi's taking away Zhou Han's virginity, but they were still friends after all, and she really didn't want to make the relationship so tense.

"I really hope that the hailstorm will end up killing a peeping pervert!" Miyazaki Airi cursed meaningfully.

Zhou Han sighed, thinking that this dead girl, Aili, is obviously angry, right?

I feel that I am really the most useless one who opened the harem. Others will fuck together at every turn. When it comes to me, it is difficult to hold on to one of them. How can I let Aili let go?

Miyazaki Airi saw that no one responded, so she didn't bother to satirize Zhou Han anymore, so she dragged Lin Nianwei away.

The two girls left slowly and went back to the hotel.

As for Zhou Han, he stood there, sighed, and held his forehead in silence.

"It's so sad, you..." Elizabeth complained.

"I also feel very sad..." Zhou Han agreed.

"These girls verbally agreed to the harem, but in fact they all have a possessive mind. If this continues, they will fall apart." Elizabeth sighed.

"I also know, but it's not easy to handle. Xiaorui is more open-minded, but Xiaowei and Aili are more stubborn." Zhou Han can understand the situation.

"Obviously they're all girls with a strong competitive spirit, and it's really not easy to handle." Elizabeth agreed.

"I can only climb the mountain tomorrow to find an opportunity to coax the little princess at home." Zhou Han said awkwardly.

Miyazaki Airi took Lin Nianwei back to the hotel.

The two of them didn't say anything along the way.

Miyazaki Airi was still a little angry in her heart, she just wanted to bring Lin Nianwei back, but she couldn't satisfy Zhou Han.

Lin Nianwei felt a little disappointed, obviously she was only a little bit talented, so she would have a better relationship with the person she likes, but her luck was still not good.

Just now, she really planned to do it to the end, and she got wet by Zhou Han.

Miyazaki Airi had just entered the door when she suddenly saw a lock on the door.

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