Miyazaki Airi thinks that even if she is in the harem, she can be considered a regular wife, right?

It seems that it shouldn't be like this. According to my experience of watching Gongdou drama, it seems that Zhenggong is considerate.

But this is reality after all, so you will be jealous!

Miyazaki Airi decided to have a good talk with Lin Nianwei, otherwise this matter would be endless.

"Wei sauce, are you asleep?"

After hearing the voice, Lin Nianwei opened her eyes silently. She didn't know how to answer, but it was better to respond, because she also wanted to chat with Miyazaki Airi.


"I have something to tell you." Miyazaki Airi whispered, trying not to wake up Lilith in the middle.

Lin Nianwei was startled, she didn't expect that Miyazaki Airi would take the initiative to find her, "Tell me, I can hear you."

"Can you go outside?" Miyazaki Airi said straight to the point.

"Eh?" Lin Nianwei was a little bit taken aback, the current situation went out to chat, it felt... like an offline appointment.

"What I want to say is a little private. It's better to go out and talk alone. Lilith is still sleeping, so don't wake up this little guy." Miyazaki Airi has no good reason and can only use Lilith as an excuse. In fact, Lilith This state is obviously unshakable.

"Okay, let's go outside." Lin Nianwei nodded.

late at night.

The hotel was still brightly lit.

Two girls were sitting in the hall on the first floor.

Lin Nianwei felt a little nervous, wondering what Miyazaki Airi was doing when she asked herself out so late?

"Let's drink something..."

Miyazaki Airi handed Lin Nianwei a glass of juice. It's not good to drink coffee late at night, so she brought it from her backpack.

Lin Nianwei took the juice and remained silent, not in the mood to drink.

"Airi, it's so late, what can you tell me?"

"I want to confess some things. I always feel sorry for hiding them in my heart. Besides, aren't we good friends? So I can't hide this matter, I have to tell it." Miyazaki Airi lowered her head, unable to see To her expression at this time.

"Well, let's talk." Lin Nianwei nodded, already having an omen in her heart.

"After I recovered from my illness not long ago, I did that kind of thing with Zhou Han that night." Miyazaki Airi said very calmly, without any hesitation, a complete showdown.

Lin Nianwei didn't speak, nor was she shocked, because she knew it a long time ago, but just said it from Miyazaki Airi's mouth, the effect was different, more real.

"It's not that he forced me or seduced me, I took the initiative..." Miyazaki Airi paused, not intending to blame Zhou Han in front of Lin Nianwei——

"I went to sleep with him in the middle of the night, and then kept hinting to seduce him. As a result, we had a normal relationship."

"There is no obstacle, everything is going well..."

The first thousand and 120 chapters talk about the night

Lin Nianwei fell silent for a moment, not knowing what to say?

She felt that a big stone was pressing on her heart, making it difficult to breathe.

Miyazaki Airi confided all the things and attributed all the responsibility to herself.

This put Lin Nianwei in a dilemma. Although she was deeply concerned about this matter, she couldn't say a word of blame.

What if Miyazaki Airi doesn't ask to sleep together?

What if Zhou Han could resist pushing Miyazaki Airi?

Lin Nianwei knew that everything had happened, what else could she do?It's too late to say anything.

"This matter has nothing to do with him, he just followed his own instinct, so Wei-chan, don't blame him, just scold me if you want to." Miyazaki Airi said frankly, and she didn't evade responsibility, thinking Thinking that she asked to sleep together, she bluntly said that she wanted to do that kind of thing with Zhou Han.

Lin Nianwei didn't have the slightest expression on her face, but asked lightly, "Why did you take the initiative to ask to sleep together and make such a request?"

"When a girl is sick and helpless, she will always rely on others, right? The only person I can rely on is Zhou Han. You can understand that my brain has been burned out..." Miyazaki Airi forced a smile .

"Is this explanation too far-fetched? Aili, I want to hear the truth." Lin Nianwei didn't quite believe it.

"Actually, I have no sense of security. Zhou Han can just calm down my restless heart. Since I was a child, no one has cared about me like him. Although we have only lived together for half a year, Zhou Han has brought me more happiness than anyone else. "

"When I lose my temper or feel unhappy, he will always come to coax me, and he can endure my unreasonable troubles. He can chat with me every day. Unknowingly, scolding him has become something that must be done every day."

"It was only later that I found out, ah, so I fell in love with this guy, but it was too late to get away. Once he doesn't go home, he will think too much about whether he is shopping with a girl or something... "

"I hardly have a few birthdays, and they are all with the help of relatives. I remember the last time was a few years ago. My mother came back occasionally, but this fake brother suddenly prepared a birthday gift for me secretly. At that time, I was thinking, this guy It would be nice to be with me forever."

"This feeling is especially strong when I am sick. I don't want him to leave me for a moment, even if I hold hands and sleep together. Speaking of which, this guy usually doesn't know anything, but he will do something for me when I am sick. .”

"After recovering from the illness, I thought a lot. I like him very much. I want to be with him. I want to get more love no matter what. I must get married in the future, so it doesn't matter to do some intimate things..."

Miyazaki Airi choked up as she spoke, and her delicate body twitched from time to time on the chair.

She put the juice on her knees, covered her face with her hands, she was obviously in tears, but she didn't want Lin Nianwei to see such a weak side at all.

"I like him, I really like him..."

Lin Nianwei's heart was suddenly pinched, and she was stung for no reason, feeling very uncomfortable.

She suddenly felt that she shouldn't worry about it. In the face of love, everyone is equal. How can there be any difference in priority?

There is nothing wrong with Miyazaki Airi, she is just pursuing her own love.

Lin Nianwei remembered that Miyazaki Airi was a very insecure girl, she was always clinging to herself, maybe it was loneliness that made her like this, and both herself and Zhou Han would make her quiet.

Thinking about it carefully, not only Zhou Han, but also Miyazaki Airi is deeply dependent on him, is it really necessary for him to worry about that matter?

Miyazaki Airi is really a girl who can't survive alone, she always needs other people's care, Zhou Han just fulfilled her duty as an older brother, and let this silly kid fall in love with her.

Although this love sounds cheap, the emotion is real, not to mention that I can see that Zhou Han is interested in Miyazaki Airi.

Lin Nianwei didn't know how to comfort Miyazaki Airi, and asked herself: Could it be that she was pushing too hard?

Although I also want to be the first girl in Zhou Han's vitality, this issue is not very important. We may get married together in the future, and it seems that it is just a formality.

Lin Nianwei thought for a while, sat close to Miyazaki Airi, hugged her, let her hide in his arms and cry, and gently stroked her back.

"Don't cry, Airi, I know, don't cry anymore..."

Miyazaki Airi reached out to Lin Nianwei's armpits, just hugged her back, and buried her small face in her chest.

Miyazaki Airi felt that she was not very good, she was unfair to Lin Nianwei, and robbed the boy she had liked for ten years.

They clearly knew that Lin Nianwei and Zhou Han were childhood sweethearts, childhood sweethearts, and they still liked each other, but they still couldn't resist interfering and robbing the boy their good friend liked.

Miyazaki Airi could also feel a sense of guilt, she was sorry for Lin Nianwei, but it was difficult for her to control her feelings.

She likes Zhou Han and Lin Nianwei, no matter which one she doesn't want to lose, these two people are very important to her, like a safe haven for her soul.

"I'm sorry Wei sauce, I know... I know I'm selfish, I didn't consider your feelings, I'm really sorry..."

Miyazaki Airi was crying quite hard, presumably this knot has been pressed in her heart for a long time, and speaking out today directly touched the most sensitive part of her heart.

"Don't cry, it's okay, things have happened, so don't blame yourself..."

Lin Nianwei also felt very uncomfortable, after all, she usually played with Miyazaki Airi, and seeing that energetic girl, crying pear blossoms with rain, was really uncomfortable.

"If Wei-chan is angry, just scold me and hit me. As long as you are not angry with me, don't stop being friends with me, hey..." Miyazaki Airi hugged Lin Nianwei very close, for fear that she would turn around and run away drop the same.

"No Airi, I'm not angry, I won't leave you suddenly, don't cry, okay?" Lin Nianwei gently patted Miyazaki Airi on the back, hoping that she could calm down.

"Are you really not angry? I said it so selfishly..." Miyazaki Airi asked with a choked voice, her voice sounded like a child's aggrieved.

"There's no need to be angry. It's normal to like someone like this, right? If I lived with Zhou Han, I might do the same." Lin Nianwei said bluntly, feeling that Miyazaki Airi was too close to Zhou Han, and it was not wrong for such a thing to happen. very strange.

Think about the lonely man and widow, or the kind of couple who like each other, living together for so long, is it strange that nothing happens?

"Arigado..." Miyazaki Airi blushed, and her mood improved a lot. Sure enough, some things were not spoken out, and it was difficult to understand each other.

"Actually, Zhou Han told me all these things just now." Lin Nianwei replied helplessly.

"Sure enough, you went out for a private meeting with him just now, right?" Miyazaki Airi murmured.

"Hmm..." Lin Nianwei blushed and said awkwardly, "So you found out?"

"It's easy to find..." Miyazaki Airi didn't hide anything, and said helplessly——

"The guy likes to kiss the neck of his subjects as soon as he gets to bed."

"The red mark on Wei Jiang's neck has not faded until now..."

The first thousand and 120 chapter two monthly pass plus more

"Is...really?" Lin Nianwei blushed, and touched her neck subconsciously, "So he still has this habit, I never noticed it..."

Miyazaki Airi doesn't care about this now, but stands up slowly, blinking her red eyes.

"Wei sauce, if you want to go out with him privately in the future, you don't need to hide it from me, just tell me directly, I won't be angry, after all, I like him too, and I understand how you want to be alone with him for a while."

Lin Nianwei remained silent, but felt a little strange.

"If you want to...want to do that kind of thing with Zhou Han, that's fine. I won't object. If it's you and Xiaorui, I can accept it, but keeping it from me...will make me feel cheated , I feel very uncomfortable..." Miyazaki Airi did not hide her secrets, but expressed her thoughts very bluntly.

"But... Airi, don't you feel it's unfair? Or is it not in your heart?" Lin Nianwei asked tactfully, she could feel the resistance, not to mention the extremely sensitive Miyazaki Airi.

"I will feel a little..." Miyazaki Airi showed a bit of sadness, "But if you wave Xiao Rui, I can barely accept it."

"Really...is it okay?" Lin Nianwei hesitated, originally her attitude was pretty tough, but Miyazaki Airi could slip her shoes for everyone, so she...

"Well, it doesn't matter." Miyazaki Airi nodded heavily, "After all, we are dating together, and we agreed to be fair. Since I am like that, if you think about it, I don't think there is a problem, otherwise it will be unfair. right?"

"This..." Lin Nianwei became embarrassed, why did this topic suddenly come up?

"Besides..." Miyazaki Airi lowered her head and said in a mosquito-like voice, "We all like him, right? There will always be a moment when our relationship needs to be sublimated, right? If it's because of my relationship, let you give up, it's very bad Right? I don't want to be a hindrance to your feelings."

Lin Nianwei fell into hesitation, feeling that the current relationship has reached the next stage. Indeed, after the relationship gets deeper, that kind of thing will happen naturally.

"Will this look weird? Our relationship is different from many people's..."

"But we all like him, some are friends, no one wants to quit, right?" Miyazaki Airi said with a touch of helplessness, "If we go on like this, we can only get married together in the future..."

Lin Nianwei didn't speak, but felt that her attitude couldn't be tough, and she was restricting herself everywhere.

Besides, Aili is already with Xiaohan, what else can she do if she doesn't get married?

If you want to quit by yourself, you don't want to...

It is estimated that Xiaohan will not abandon Aili either, just by looking at her usual eyes, she knows that she will probably be together forever.

Lin Nianwei sighed, feeling a little bit of pressure, is this also the case when other people fall in love?

"Okay, Airi, I won't hide it from you in the future, I just haven't chatted with Xiaohan alone for a long time, so..."

"I know, I haven't made out with him for a long time, maybe I want him to hug me..."

Lin Nianwei blushed, she didn't expect that Miyazaki Airi's words were too straightforward, so couldn't she be more tactful?

"Hey, I will understand the matter between you and Xiaohan, so don't blame yourself."

"Really?" Miyazaki Airi was still a little worried.

"Well, since everything happened, there's no need to worry about it." Lin Nianwei tried her best to be open-minded, not to put pressure on Miyazaki Airi, "I'm still your good friend..."

the next day.

Climbing begins.

Although the height of Donglin Mountain is average, everyone brought a lot of things.

What tents, pots and pans, meat skewers, and astronomical telescopes are all brought.

The main force this time is of course Song Mingyuan and Zhou Han. As boys, they must bear most of the weight. Letting girls carry too many things, the two of them feel that their faces are not justified.

Song Mingyuan has dark circles on his face. This guy played the game all night last night. After clearing the entire "Assassin's Creed", he went to play "Monster Hunter" for a long time

Zhou Han put up with Song Mingyuan all night, and the white TV fluorescent light illuminated him all night, making him physically and mentally exhausted.

Lin Nianwei and Miyazaki Airi didn't have much to bring, so they both packed lightly.

As for Lilith, she didn't take anything!

Her reason is also very helpless——

"I'm still a child, why do I have to carry such a heavy thing? Shouldn't you take care of me?"

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