Everyone was speechless, but they didn't refute, because Lilith's snacks were nothing.

Zhou Han carried something on his back and followed behind the large army. In fact, this little thing didn't weigh much to him at all.

Because my body has been strengthened, it is nothing to carry something on my back, even if I carry two wives up, there is no problem at all.

Song Mingyuan was even worse, panting and sweating profusely.

For this dead house, this kind of work is really difficult for him, and he will be ridiculed by Lilith beside him——

"Master, why are you so stupid? Did you masturbate too much last night? Look at senior Zhou, it's okay to deal with two wolf-like seniors every night, and now you don't blush or breathe , you haven’t even sweated, why can’t you cheer up?”

Song Mingyuan rolled his eyes, and had no time to speak at all.

But Lin Nianwei and Miyazaki Airi in the back are not too happy, what is "like a wolf like a tiger"?Not at that age at all, okay? !The two people mentioned seem to be short of love and difficult to be satisfied.

As a result, Alice was severely taught by her two senior sisters, and was chased and beaten all the way.

Zhou Han watched from behind and smiled without saying a word, but he was thinking about how to establish a good relationship. What Song Mingyuan said last night really scared him.

Think about yourself walking a tightrope, and you will be in danger of being hacked.

Now Zhou Han's mind is full of getting a few girls to get along well and cultivate a firm friendship, so that he can be safe and live a comfortable life in the harem.

As for the mat, it is only considered a prototype of a harem, not a real harem. I have to serve as a link between several girls and adjust their relationship.

But the problem is... the girls don't seem to give themselves a chance to express themselves!

Last night Zhou Han was a little worried about Lin Nianwei and Miyazaki Airi, because yesterday the two girls were a little angry because of their own relationship, and there might be an accident when they go back.

So Zhou Han got up early today, ready to have a good chat with them, and adjust the relationship between the two wives, which is more tense than many people.

It turned out that after seeing Lin Nianwei and Miyazaki Airi came out, the two girls were still as good as before, they talked and laughed together as soon as they came out, and their relationship seemed to be better than before.

At that time, Zhou Han couldn't understand it a little bit, and thought it was very unscientific. It was obvious that the two girls came with hostility last night——


Did something happen last night?

It's not really like what Song Mingyuan's crow's mouth said...

My wives, turned into lilies overnight?


The first thousand and 120 chapters and three monthly tickets plus more

Zhou Han kept guessing from behind, but still didn't quite understand the girls' thoughts.

Do you think you are worrying too much?In fact, the two girls were not angry at all.

Zhou Han couldn't help but wonder, it's hard to bring Aili, a dead girl, to finally have the consciousness of being a real wife and become a little more enlightened?

Zhou Han thought about it behind him, but the two girls in front started talking in private.

"It seems that he has a lot of things on his back, do you want to help him?" Lin Nianwei felt sorry for Zhou Han, feeling that he was carrying too much weight, would it be very difficult to climb the mountain?

"It's okay, right? How can a boy complain?" Miyazaki Airi thought there was nothing wrong with it, after all, Zhou Han was a vigorous guy.

"But he's not a superman, he always feels tired, right?" Lin Nianwei said seriously.

"Then let's ask..." Miyazaki Airi was a little shaken, but don't make Zhou Han tired.

Zhou Han originally wanted to marry Feifei, but somehow he was caught between two girls.

Stared at by two pairs of scrutinizing eyes, Zhou Han suddenly became nervous.

What the hell, what's going on?

Is it the rhythm to take me away?

The one on the left and the one on the right want to attack at the same time and kill me, right?

It's over, it's over, the one who should come will still come. Sure enough, they discussed last night, will the dog's life they want to take today be okay?

Zhou Han nervously looked at the two girls beside him, he was in doubt for a while, if he attacked left and right, he felt that the frying pan on his back could save his life.

It's not unreasonable for Zhou Han to think so, because early in the morning, Lin Nianwei and Miyazaki Airi didn't talk to him, they chatted very happily, treating themselves as air, obviously treating themselves as superfluous people.

But now suddenly enthusiastic one left and one right, there must be a demon if things go wrong.

Combined with Song Mingyuan's nonsense last night, Zhou Han felt that it was time to do something now, to kill himself here, and then live a happy lily life together.

Zhou Han lowered his head and didn't speak, his mind was full of wives trying to murder their husbands!

"Xiaohan, are you tired?" Lin Nianwei saw that Zhou Han was sweating profusely and thought he was tired, but she didn't realize that it was the cold sweat from her own fright, so she tugged at the corner of her clothes, "If you are tired, I will help you get some."

"Yeah, if you're tired, just say it, don't hold on, we'll help you get some." Miyazaki Airi said beside her, she thought Zhou Han was fine just now, why did she sweat when she came here?I guess it's almost unbearable...

Unload the mill and kill the donkey!

right? !This is the trick!

Seeing that I am useless, you plan to get rid of me, right?

Zhou Han felt bad, he couldn't share the burden with the girls, otherwise he would be worthless.

"No, no, I can do it, please don't help."

Zhou Han shook his head like a rattle, and seriously rejected the girls.

"You don't have to hold on, give it to us quickly! Hachi!" Miyazaki Airi said angrily beside her.

"Xiaohan, give us some, we are not vases for display." Lin Nianwei echoed beside her.

Did you see it?

They are in a hurry!

Seeing that the soft ones are not enough, I started to use the strong ones.

Zhou Han felt that he had seen through everything.

"No, I'm fine. This is nothing? This is my value withdrawal, and I will never give it to you."

"What value expression?" Lin Nianwei frowned.

"What should come will come, I understand, I can only wish you two happiness..." Zhou Han said embarrassingly, in fact, he was so sad that he was not the wife's favorite person.

Although Zhou Han said it very euphemistically, the two girls still understood what it meant.

"Baga! What nonsense are you talking about!?" Miyazaki Airi kicked Zhou Han's knee once, almost causing him to fall, "Wei-chan and I didn't have that kind of thing! Please put your mind on it for me! !"

"What did we do? Why do we always misunderstand the two girls? Please explain to me..." Lin Nianwei said dissatisfiedly, do you think it is so difficult to distinguish between friendship and love?

"You guys... the relationship became really good overnight..." Zhou Han looked away and said helplessly, "I can't get in between the two of you anymore, and it turns out that the two of you have already, oh, forget it, I wish you all the best!" happiness……"

"Be normal for me..." Miyazaki Airi pinched Zhou Han's waist angrily.

"What's on your mind, hurry up and memorize the periodic table to calm me down..." Lin Nianwei pinched her.

"Hey, don't do it." Zhou Han frowned in embarrassment, being pinched from left to right and very passive.

"What's the problem with our good relationship? Do you have an opinion?" Miyazaki Airi asked angrily, thinking what's the problem with being tired of girls, is it strange to be with boys?

"No, I feel fine." Zhou Han shook his head.

"Xiaohan, you won't even be jealous of girls?" Lin Nianwei asked tentatively.

"This... a little bit..." Zhou Han scratched his cheek.

"Huh!?" Miyazaki Airi was stunned, a little dumbfounded, "Did you make a mistake..."

"It's not jealous, I...I also want to chat with you two, leaving me outside, a little... a little sad..." Zhou Han also wants to chat with girls, but the current situation is, The two girls chatted quite well.

"I quarrel with you every day at home. I prefer to be with Wei-chan, so I don't care about you? Hmph~!" Miyazaki Airi snorted with a small nose.

"It's so ruthless..." Zhou Han frowned, he really loved this dead girl for nothing.

"We... It's not that we don't want to, it's just... It's just that being tired of being together will affect other people." Lin Nianwei said very euphemistically, but she was actually shy. The scene of the three of them getting bored together feels very lewd...

"Xiaowei..." Zhou Han was deeply moved, as expected, he was still a childhood sweetheart.

"I..." Miyazaki Airi said with a blushing face not to be outdone, "I think so too, it's not for other reasons!"

Zhou Han understood a little bit, but felt a slight sense of disharmony.

yes?Shouldn't the two of them be jealous of each other?Such a peaceful feeling... No way!

Zhou Han calmed down a little and asked tentatively.

"That... the relationship between the two of you seems to have suddenly improved a lot, a little..."

"What's wrong?" Miyazaki Airi asked angrily.

"Isn't it a bit too much?" Zhou Han still asked, thinking that when he was with him, there would always be some small disputes, and somehow let himself fall into the Shura field, but today...it's weird~

"Aili and I are on good terms, what's your expression?" Lin Nianwei puffed up her cheeks in dissatisfaction.

"Shouldn't there be some hostility?" Zhou Han asked in surprise.

"Huh!?" Miyazaki Airi slapped Zhou Han's chest angrily, "Why should I be hostile to Wei-chan? Baga!"

"Emmmm..." Zhou Han pondered for a while, "Did something happen to you last night?"

"That's a secret between us two girls, you are not allowed to inquire about it." Lin Nianwei covered Zhou Han's mouth with her finger.

"Huh?" Zhou Han felt something was wrong, thinking——

What the hell happened last night?

Is it the rhythm of mutual understanding and joy together?


One Thousand 120 Chapter Four Eve

Several people finally climbed to the top of the mountain, hesitating that the altitude is not very high and the weather is better, so there is no strong wind that can eat people's faces.

Standing on the peak and looking around, I feel unexpectedly comfortable.

The wind is light and the clouds are calm in the distance, and the leaves of the autumn plants are colorful and colorful, which is gorgeous at first glance.

"It's really not in vain. I finally came out once, and it's worth it." Song Ming pinched his waist and sighed.

"Master's one small step out of the house is one giant leap for mankind, boo boo boo~" Lilith applauded inappropriately.

"It's so beautiful. During the normal National Day holidays, other places are crowded to death. As expected, choosing a place by yourself is the right choice." Zhou Han sighed.

Although Lin Nianwei didn't speak, she was obviously happier.

Miyazaki Airi took out her mobile phone and took pictures everywhere, unable to stop at all.

"Aili, what are you doing?" Zhou Han was puzzled, thinking that this is not a well-known scenic spot, and it is not enough to take pictures.

"Send it to Xiaorui." Miyazaki Airi replied.

"That's it..." Zhou Han smiled, thinking that he was not as careful as Miyazaki Airi.

Yao Xiaorui went to a better scenic spot with his friends on National Day, but Zhou Han wasn't very worried.

Originally, Yao Xiaorui was a bit sorry for going out to play without Yao Xiaorui, but he had already made an appointment with his friends.

"Okay! Let's start working. The male lead is outside, and the female lead is inside. Zhou Han and I set up a tent and light a fire. You girls can prepare dinner." Song Mingyuan gave instructions.

"Me, me, me!" Lilith raised her little hand and said excitedly, "Lilith is still a child, can she stop working? Anyway, I can't help much, puff puff~"

"This..." Song Mingyuan was in a difficult situation. Everyone came out to play together. Of course, they had to work together. How could there be only one person to enjoy it?

"Who said you can't help?" Miyazaki Airi lifted Lilith up, "Is it difficult for you to wash the potatoes? If it's not possible, I can give you a child's kitchen knife. You can cut onions? "

"Cut... cut onions?!" Lilith's face turned green at that time, and she began to cry, "Miss Miyazaki-senpai is mean, blah..."

Everyone started to get busy.

Zhou Han and Song Mingyuan started to set up a tent, which was relatively simple and not very difficult.

Depending on the size, it is not a problem to sleep two people in each tent. Hesitation Lilith is petite, and the girls will not be crowded.

"Student, we're going to sleep together tonight, are you looking forward to it?" Song Mingyuan twitched his eyebrows coquettishly.

"Tsk!" Zhou Han was speechless with dissatisfaction, and said depressedly, "Don't play games at night, if you want to play, just play in front of me, I was shocked to death last night..."

"No, no, let's play wrestling tonight. Think about how exciting the wind is howling outside and we are fighting in the tent?" Song Mingyuan seemed to have been looking forward to it for a long time.

"Get lost..." Zhou Han wished he could hammer a big nail into Song Mingyuan's eye.

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