The girls' side is more lively, because if you want to cook barbecue here, you need to prepare well.

Several girls wash the vegetables together, and then use bamboo sticks to wear various foods.

Lilith was dissatisfied, she was a little childish, and she washed the vegetables indiscriminately.

"Lilith, can't you be more serious?" Miyazaki Airi asked helplessly, thinking that this guy is just playing, rolling all over the floor as soon as he works.

"I don't want to work, I want to sue my seniors for hiring child labor, it's against the law..." Lilith talked nonsensically.

"We don't pay, so we can't talk about employment." Lin Nianwei poured cold water on Lilith.

"That's forced work, treating me as a slave, and the crime will be worse!" Lilith said angrily, baring her canine teeth, as if she was about to jump up and hit the knees of the seniors.

"Oh..." Miyazaki Airi sighed, feeling like a senior, but worried about being a mother, "Do you still want to eat? Beef, mutton, pork belly..."

"Think about it..." Lilith nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, the hair on her head trembling up and down.

"Work hard if you want to, otherwise you can only eat this..." Miyazaki Airi picked up a bunch of big green peppers!

"Uh!" Lilith's face was ugly, and her expression became terrified, "Green pepper! Devil's food! I don't want to eat a bite! I just want to eat meat!"

"You... at least give me some vegetables..." Airi Miyazaki looked complicated.

time flies.

In the evening, the sky was full of stars.

After everyone finished their meal, they were ready to watch the meteor shower.

At the dinner table, Lilith really didn't eat any vegetables, but Miyazaki Airi forced her to eat a green pepper. She burst into tears and called Miyazaki-senpai bad-hearted.

Miyazaki Airi felt very tired at the time. It was true that she let the children eat vegetables. It is really hard to be a good person.

However, Lilith's mood basically changed for a while, and she rubbed against Miyazaki Airi again in a blink of an eye.

According to the news, you can see it around nine o'clock in the evening.

Lilith went back to the tent to look for fireworks, and sure enough, children were more interested in this.

Miyazaki Airi and Lin Nianwei were sitting on a rock not far away, chatting and laughing.

Song Mingyuan kept watching with an astronomical telescope, like a professional.

"Senior, did you dream of becoming an astronomer before?" Zhou Han became interested beside him.

"This..." Song Mingyuan hesitated for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Of course not. In fact, when I was a child, my dream was to be an Ultraman. How awesome it is to guard the earth."

"Then why are you buying binoculars? You don't need them at all, you should buy an Ultraman tights..." Zhou Han felt puzzled.

"This astronomical telescope is a birthday present from my parents." Song Mingyuan replied flatly.

"Eh?!" Zhou Han was stunned.

"When I was young, I wanted to be an Ultraman, but people would laugh at me if I said it, and even my parents would feel ashamed, so I said I wanted to be an astronomer, and then I got this gift..." Song Mingyuan touched Touching the astronomical telescope, "I'm ashamed to say, this is the first time I use it."

"So embarrassing? I thought you were really interested in Tianwen..." Zhou Han smiled.

"What do you know? I can't even find the Big Dipper, haha..." Song Mingyuan laughed dryly, and looked at the stars in the sky, "We have been lying since we were young, and we chose to compromise in order to survive, and we always forget something in the end? From innocence to adulthood, childhood dreams will be completely forgotten, and those who can persevere are their own heroes, and fools in the eyes of others."

"Don't suddenly talk about some heavy topics..." Zhou Han smiled awkwardly with his mouth twisted.

"I just want to suddenly feel emotional." Song Mingyuan said lightly.

"You still want to be an Ultraman?" Zhou Han asked tentatively.

"Should I fuck? Hahaha..." Song Mingyuan smiled wryly. He looked down at the time, raised his thumbs up and urged Zhou Han to say——

"The meteor shower is about to start. Go and accompany them quickly. This is a good opportunity to deepen the relationship. I will be responsible for dragging Lilith to prevent her from making trouble."

The first thousand and 120 chapters five

It's almost time for the meteor shower forecast.

The two girls chatted, seemingly quite happy.

"I heard that making a wish on a meteor is very effective. One meteor counts as one wish. It seems that when the meteor shower comes, you can make a lot of wishes." Miyazaki Airi said seriously.

"What doesn't work is just a comfort in the heart. In idol dramas, how many people wish to become rich with bad plots, but when they should have no money, they still have no money." Lin Nianwei said truthfully.

"Don't say such hurtful things, okay?" Miyazaki Airi said awkwardly.

"Just to not be disappointed in the future, it's better to recognize the reality." Lin Nianwei said lightly.

"Wei-chan, can't you be more romantic..." Miyazaki Airi's expression suddenly became complicated.

Zhou Han really wanted to be in the middle of the two girls, watching the meteor shower together felt really good.

But the problem is... how to get away with it, the pressure is so great!

The two of them chatted happily even without me, so I'd better not bother.

not good!I accidentally came up with this idea...

Zhou Han stood not far away, with a serious expression on his face, full of wild thoughts, planning a natural way to join them without embarrassment——

① "Wife, I'm here, let's watch together?"

There was a big slap in the face, we were chatting happily, what are you doing here! ?

②"Beauties, I feel lonely late at night, you need a man."

Papapa is another big slap in the face, need a fart, ** works better than you!

③ "Mom Cao Nen, I think you guys want to rebel! Be honest!"

Swipe, two kitchen knives were immediately placed on Zhou Han's neck, causing him to shut his mouth in embarrassment.

It's easy for Zhou Han to think this way. It seems that there is no good way. If it is a girl, it is easy for him to deal with it, but how to deal with two?Sure enough, let's find Song Mingyuan and watch the meteor shower together...

Am I fucking sick?Why do you have to be so hard when you have a girlfriend?

Zhou Han became frantic on the spot, and unexpectedly fell into a stalemate.

In fact, the two girls had noticed him a long time ago, but they were both a little nervous and embarrassed to talk.

Lin Nianwei was worried that Zhou Han really went to find his friends and wasted the opportunity to watch the meteor shower together, so he whispered consciously, "Aili, please remind him, otherwise you have to think too much about it, and the meteor shower will pass."

Miyazaki Airi thought about it too, and turned around and shouted angrily——

"What are you staring at? Get out of here!"

"Come on, come on~" Zhou Han rushed over as soon as he heard that he had been beaten with blood, and suddenly felt a little weird, thinking something was wrong!Where is my dignity?I didn't expect to join in this way, it's not very face-saving!

But Zhou Han still blamed his father, and inherited something inexplicable to himself.

Sitting between the two girls, Zhou Han felt quite nervous.

"What are you doing standing there for a long time?" Miyazaki Airi asked dissatisfied.

"I'll take a look at the surrounding scenery." Zhou Han said nonsense.

"We have been waiting for you for a long time, but you are like a log." Lin Nianwei said very straightforwardly.

"Really? I see that you two are having a good chat, but you haven't been able to find a chance." Zhou Han said in surprise, wondering if he was thinking too much.

"We're talking about you, come here directly, what are you worried about?" Miyazaki Airi took advantage of the situation and took Zhou Han's arm. In fact, she had been patient for a long time.

"I..." Zhou Han felt uneasy, thinking that if Ai Li is so straightforward, Xiaowei's jealousy will be overturned, right?

"Yeah, we won't eat you, so there's no hesitation." Lin Nianwei also leaned over, holding Zhou Han's arm while still interlocking his fingers, which seemed very intimate.

What the hell! ?

Did the two of them take the wrong medicine?

Are you possessed by aliens today? Why not be jealous?

Hell, both are fake wives...

Zhou Han's eyes were filled with surprise, not knowing what was going on.

"I... I'm a little nervous. Are you guys... a little too enthusiastic today?"

"What's wrong?" Miyazaki Airi asked with a blushing face.

"Don't like this?" Lin Nianwei asked tentatively.

"'s's not the same as usual..." Zhou Han's expression became strange.

"Aren't we going out together? Is there anything unusual, hum~!" Airi Miyazaki pouted.

"Xiaohan, don't make a fuss, don't you like us?" Lin Nianwei's face was flushed with two blushes.

"It's true to say so... Cough, so it's okay?"

Zhou Han pulled out his arms, hugged Miyazaki Airi and Lin Nianwei into his arms one by one from left to right, wrapped their arms around their slender waists, and hugged their delicate bodies tightly.

He was trying to die. If it was normal, the two girls would be angry, so they should hit themselves hard.

But today, it was really weird and abnormal——

Lin Nianwei blushed, kept silent, and breathed a little faster.

Miyazaki Airi was also a little twitchy, after a few struggles she stopped moving and remained silent.

Zhou Han became a little excited, thinking that it is really possible!In the past, there would be fights, and the smell of vinegar is right!Did you not take your medicine today? ?'s not bad...

Zhou Han hugged left and right, feeling elated and super happy. I didn't expect the two girls not to be jealous today, and they were very considerate.

The delicate bodies of the two girls are very comfortable to hug, they should be soft and slender, and they have a feeling of occupying the world, which is very exciting.

Zhou Han was having a good time with masturbation, when he suddenly felt a pain in Miyazaki Airi's waist, obviously he was pinched hard.

"Don't be silly, be honest." Miyazaki Airi still couldn't hold back her words.

"Today is special, next time is not an example." Lin Nianwei seemed a little emotional.

Although the two girls have done psychological counseling, they were still a little uncomfortable when they officially went on stage, and to the greatest extent they just hugged together. It seems that they still need to continue to work together.

"Uh, okay..."

Seeing that Zhou Han had touched the bottom line, he became more honest, and he was very satisfied to be able to hug together.

At this time, a meteor pierced through the quiet night sky, attracting Zhou Han's attention.

"It seems to be here..."

After a star passed by, the dark night sky became no longer calm, and countless stars dragged their long tails, shining like a waterfall.

The picture is so beautiful, here on the top of the mountain, it seems to be closer to the sky.

"Wow!" Miyazaki Airi exclaimed, starlight passing by her pupils, reflecting a different color.

"It's so beautiful..." Lin Nianwei also sighed, watching intently.

Zhou Han secretly heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that this holiday was not too bad, and being with Aili and Xiaowei was not bad.

It's good to be peaceful and quiet like now, but the harem still needs to be comfortable, right?

Zhou Han thought to himself, but felt a slight chill on both sides of his cheeks.

The meteor shower streaked across the night sky, leaving with the wishes of an unknown number of people.

The vast sea of ​​stars has become more prosperous, and the mountain tops are noisy in autumn.

In this atmosphere, the two girls couldn't help kissing Zhou Han's cheek.

Zhou Han suddenly became less calm, blushing a little and thinking——


Don't do it all of a sudden?

The old man's maiden heart is pounding...

o (* //// ▽ //// *) q

The first thousand and 120 chapters six monthly pass plus more

"Let's watch thunderstorms fall on this earth~"

"Don't open your mouth, it's a friendly army, show some face."

Sure enough, Lilith couldn't help but come out to make trouble, but she was stopped by Miyazaki Airi.

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