Did something go wrong...

Zhou Han became a little nervous. He didn't expect to make Miyazaki Airi cry. Thinking about it, he usually doesn't do this. Is it really because he is too anxious?

"Airi, don't...don't cry, it's my fault, I'm sorry."

Zhou Han put his hand on Miyazaki Airi's shoulder, feeling distressed, after all, she is his wife.

"Don't touch me, bastard! You've been talking about the night! You want to bully me! I don't want to talk to you anymore! Hmph~!" Miyazaki Airi said angrily.

"Airi, don't be angry, I will definitely ask you clearly in the future, I thought that "Ya Yudie" was a signal of permission, and I was misled by a group of people. "Zhou Han was very embarrassed, who said that Ya Die is the horn of attack, stand up, I promise not to kill you!

Miyazaki Airi's delicate body trembled, and Zhou Han almost laughed angrily. When did Ya Die mean permission?

"Don't be sad for Ari, crying flowers don't look good." Zhou Han poked Miyazaki Ari and comforted him, "If you're not happy, just hit me a few times, and my brother will be your punching bag."

"Hmph!" Miyazaki Airi pushed Zhou Han down and rode directly on him, in a very powerful riding position.

"Aili you?" Zhou Han was stunned, thinking what is this for?Reversed rhythm.

"I'll kill you! I'll kill you! I'll kill you..." Miyazaki Airi raised her small pink fist, and hit it with a rattle-like thump.

Zhou Han smiled awkwardly, thinking that this damn girl is still angry...

Miyazaki Airi tossed about for a while, seemed to be tired, pouted her mouth angrily, and stared at Zhou Han.

Zhou Han got up and hugged Miyazaki Airi in his arms, "Don't be angry Airi, have you calmed down yet?"

"Hmph! If you do this again, I... I'll sue you and send you to jail..." Miyazaki Airi threatened angrily.

"Don't make trouble, do you want to be a widow? What will you do if I go in?" Zhou Han said awkwardly, thinking that this can't be called a prostitution, right?This is called marital disharmony.

"Uruse!" Miyazaki Airi said angrily, "I'm happier when I'm alone, no one bothers me anymore!"

"Stop being angry, huh?" Zhou Han shook Miyazaki Airi in his arms.

"I said I didn't want that, but you just wanted to bully me." Airi Miyazaki paused, and continued, "It's a shame to smell of sweat..."

"Shall I lick it clean for you?" Zhou Han said lewdly.

"Oh, why are you so perverted? I hate you!"

Miyazaki Airi was ashamed and angry, and started fighting with Zhou Han again.


After dinner.

Zhou Han went back to his room to rest.

What is Miyazaki Airi going to do?

Consider that fifteen days have passed since the first time.

That proves that it's time to use the pregnancy test stick to see the results!

Miyazaki Airi took the pregnancy test stick, rushed into the bathroom, locked the door, and sat on the toilet.

Regarding the result, Miyazaki Airi was also quite apprehensive, not knowing whether she was pregnant or not.

If she becomes pregnant, she really wants to be a mother, but it's obviously too early now, but she still needs to discuss carefully with Zhou Han whether to keep the child or not.

If you are not pregnant, although I feel a little regretful, it is not bad.

But obviously it is more exciting for Zhou Hanxi to be a father...

Miyazaki Airi drew up two outcomes in her mind, and prepared various countermeasures.

She took a deep breath, read the instructions on the pregnancy test stick, and started the test.


The lottery draw has begun, what's the result?

The first thousand and 120 eight chapters are happy to be a father

In the bathroom, Airi Miyazaki finished it shyly.

When she was holding the pregnancy test stick to see the result, she was stunned for an instant!

Masaka! ?How can it be!Why is this happening!

inside the room.

Zhou Han chatted with Elizabeth.

"In a few days, you will go boating with the black-bellied girl, don't forget."

"I haven't forgotten, I still remember."

Zhou Han felt the pressure, and was going to get along with the black-bellied senior sister again, so he was really tired!

But it doesn't matter if you don't go, Uncle Su Youqiang has been notified, and he will still be lurking by the side like last time, secretly observing his eldest daughter.

But Zhou Han is very satisfied, these few days can get tired of spending time with Miyazaki Airi, playing with my sister at home, it's a lot of fun!

"In addition to this, there is also the property handover of the black-bellied woman's family. Her father wants to meet you. It is probably a matter of power distribution. We still won't ask for management rights. There will basically be no conflict of interest. This meeting is scheduled at It's October [-]th." Like a little secretary, Elizabeth took care of the schedule beside her.

"Isn't it going to be like going to Anxing before, having meetings for hours? The super tired one..." Zhou Han frowned, very conflicted, he was already addicted to being a shopkeeper.

"No, this is a vacation meeting, how can we have a meeting? It's just an ordinary chat. It is estimated that the father of the black-bellied woman wants to find out the reality of the investor. There is no management matter, and I have already rejected all meetings, but Let's meet the black-bellied woman, after all, the black-bellied woman is not a stranger." Elizabeth explained.

"Where is it?" Zhou Han asked anxiously.

"The restaurant of a black-bellied woman is full of family atmosphere. Don't worry, it's not a very high-end place. If it's a Michelin three-star restaurant, don't you look too low for pretending to be a rich man?" Elizabeth said embarrassingly.

"Look at what you said..." Zhou Han felt a little dissatisfied, and said helplessly, "I'm learning etiquette, and it still looks very elegant."

"I think you should learn, now that you are so rich, don't act like a dick..." Elizabeth said in agreement.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with **, right? Why do you have to be bound by rules and regulations? How good is it to be free?" Zhou Han felt that there was nothing wrong with him now, mainly because he was very down-to-earth.

"Don't you think about yourself, you should also think about your harem?" Elizabeth flew to Zhou Han, and said old-fashionedly, "Their parents definitely don't like the future son-in-law who is a dick, even if he is not a successful person, You have to be an outstanding man, right?"

"This..." Zhou Han hesitated, and suddenly said, "I think there is a better way to prove that I am a hero?"

"What way? Can it make up for the gap in temperament?" Elizabeth spread her hands.

"I accidentally dropped the black gold card on the ground, and was accidentally seen by my father-in-law and mother-in-law, and in the end, I was surprised by them." Zhou Han said seriously.

"It's really a simple and direct way to show off your wealth..." Elizabeth said awkwardly, thinking it was a bit useful.

"But you can't show off your wealth all the time, can you? You will be regarded as a low-educated rich man." Elizabeth thought it was not safe.

"I will pay attention, don't worry." Zhou Han gave a thumbs up.

"Okay, it's up to you, I'll take a rest first."

Elizabeth disappeared, but Zhou Han's heart skipped a beat, and he started to feel sleepy again, should he upgrade again?

Zhou Han still hasn't forgotten Elizabeth's dream. Think about it, this guy still wants to get his body back.

But this matter can only be shelved temporarily because Elizabeth herself can't figure it out.

When Zhou Han was thinking about something, the phone rang suddenly.

He looked at it, and it was Zhou Qiqi's phone number.

"Tsk!" Zhou Han gasped, thinking that it was Qiqi who came to harass him again, but he still chose to answer.

Zhou Han: "I'm sorry, the phone of the person you dialed has been turned off, please try again later, blah blah blah blah..."

Zhou Qiqi: "Brother~Brother~Brother~, I'm getting off the plane, are you happy? I'll be home in less than an hour, remember to welcome me, hehe..."

Zhou Han: "What nonsense are you talking about? Mom won't let you come back."

Zhou Qiqi: "Hee hee, my mother can't stand my soft and hard palate, so she let me back! Now I breathe the air of the motherland, which is very kind."

Zhou Han: "Just brag about it, I won't believe what you girl said, give up."

Zhou Qiqi: "Why don't you believe me? I never lie to my brother..."

Zhou Han: "Come on, you have lied to me a lot, you girl has become a habit of lying."

Zhou Qiqi: "I don't, brother, why don't you learn to trust me? I'm your precious sister!"

Zhou Han: "Playing the emotional card again, you must still lie to me this time, right? If you want me to mess up and break up with Aili, you have achieved your sinister purpose."

Zhou Qiqi: "Brother, you are really a conspiracy theory. Is it necessary for me to use such a dirty method? I have already arrived at the airport in Zhongqing City."

Zhou Han: "Oh, you continue to perform."

Zhou Qiqi: "I didn't perform, and now I'm ready to return home. My mind is full of my brother. I'm super happy. I'll be home in a while. You have to clean up for nothing and wait for me on the bed. We will start to inherit the family and open the A new chapter in forbidden love."

Zhou Han: "Hurry up and stop your delusions, it's impossible, you give me peace of mind, be my sister honestly, don't keep thinking about strange things, I'm under a lot of pressure."

Zhou Qiqi: "No, brother, you have to know that sister control is justice, come and accuse me! Don't fuck with fake sisters! Treat fake sisters as my substitute, brother, aren't you so pitiful! Let me cheer up and face up to my hobbies honestly! You like me! My sister!"

Zhou Han: "Stop talking, I won't listen, I will always like Miyazaki Airi."

Zhou Qiqi: "I came back this time to wipe out the vixen around you, and then defeat the fake sister and return to the throne of the younger sister. Brother, please make me aware! We are going to get married, no matter which vixen will get you Take it away! My brother is my private property! Hee hee, my brain started to tremble again, so exciting..."

Zhou Han: "Stop your delusions, don't call me such threatening calls in Australia, it's basically useless, good night, go to sleep, goodbye."

Zhou Qiqi: "Brother, wait for me, I'll be home soon, hehehe~"

Zhou Han hung up the phone directly, sighed, physically and mentally exhausted.

He covered his face and thought, God!Why is my sister a psychopath! ?Can't you just be normal, please?I want a normal younger sister, as long as she can act like a baby when nothing happens, she doesn't want to push me back every now and then.

The door was knocked open with a bang, and Miyazaki Airi came in excitedly, with a slightly panicked expression.

"It's not good, take a look!"

Miyazaki Airi showed Zhou Han the pregnancy test stick in her hand, looking dissatisfied.

Zhou Han's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly calmed down and saw that the pregnancy test stick in Miyazaki Airi's hand had a particularly obvious red line, which meant——

"No... no way!"

"My God! Damn it!"

"I actually became a father!"

"Isn't Xidang's father coming so suddenly!?


The first thousand and 120 chapter nine monthly pass plus more

Zhou Han felt dizzy, all this happened so suddenly, it was hard to accept.

I am still a high school student, why did I suddenly become a father?

Obviously, I haven't enjoyed my youth yet, but it's over suddenly.

Zhou Han stumbled on the chair and began to think carefully.

If I were to be a father now, what should I do?

Should he drop out of school and stay with Miyazaki Airi?Or should it be destroyed?

No matter which one you need to think carefully, it is not good to make a hasty decision.

Zhou Han couldn't help feeling a little worried, and wanted to resolve this matter satisfactorily, but his mind was full of his father's livid face when he heard the news.

Knowing that being a father is already very exciting, it must be even more exciting to tell my father that he is a grandfather.

Miyazaki Airi was a little angry when she saw Zhou Han's reaction, and asked, "What's your reaction? Are you unhappy?"

"It's...not really..." Zhou Han felt embarrassed, remembering that he had said before that he would be responsible to the end, "I was thinking about where to get milk powder."

"What milk powder? I can't use it..." Miyazaki Airi was a little surprised.

"Could it be...do you want to destroy it?" Zhou Han narrowed his eyes.

"What are you hitting? I'm not pregnant at all! Where are you going?" Miyazaki Airi frowned, wondering if Zhou Han couldn't understand the pregnancy test stick?

"Eh?!" Zhou Han widened his eyes and asked in surprise, "Isn't there a red line on the pregnancy test stick?"

"That's the reference line? If there are two red lines on the pregnancy test stick, you are pregnant, and one means there is no problem." Miyazaki Airi explained angrily.

Zhou Han took it over and looked at it, and it really was one.

That is to say... she was not pregnant, so she was a false alarm.

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