Zhou Han immediately breathed a sigh of relief. It's okay to say that she is not pregnant, and there will be no problems. She can continue to live a shameless life with Miyazaki Airi.

"Phew, I was scared to death. I thought... I was going to be a father..."

"Are you that scared?" Miyazaki Airi said in a dissatisfied tone.

"I was thinking, you are pregnant, you have to deal with it, no matter whether you are born or aborted, it will cause trouble, and it is the best result not to be pregnant." Zhou Han said helplessly.

Miyazaki Airi's mood is a bit complicated. She didn't take medicine and she was not pregnant. It seems that the safe period still has some effect.

"I want to get pregnant. Isn't it great to have a baby?"

"That's not right, Airi, you are not suitable to be a mother at your age." Zhou Han felt that Miyazaki Airi's whimsical idea was not very realistic.

"Then why do you keep touching me?" Miyazaki Airi asked angrily.

"It's two different things." Zhou Han sighed and continued, "I don't dislike that, it's just that you and I are both high school students, so it's not suitable for raising children..."

"It doesn't matter if you have children, I'll just drop out of school." Miyazaki Airi had made up her mind, but what should have happened didn't happen.

"Don't be like this, Aili, it's not worth it." Zhou Han was a little embarrassed, "Aren't we doing well now? It will be very bad if there are more people suddenly, right? You should do what you are at any age."

"But..." Miyazaki Airi hesitated to speak.

"But what?" Zhou Han smiled, took Miyazaki Airi's little hand, and let her sit next to him.

"I was thinking... If I was pregnant, would you care about me more..." Miyazaki Airi said intentionally or unintentionally, sneaking a glance at Zhou Han to see what he said?

Zhou Han felt a bit dumbfounded. It turned out that Miyazaki Airi thought so. Although it sounds childish, it is quite in line with the girl's psychology. In order to get more love, she will always do anything at all.

"Airi, do you think I don't care enough about you now?"

"That's not the case, the more the better, don't you understand?" Miyazaki Airi said very tactfully, in fact, she just wanted to let Zhou Han surround her every day.

"I swear, I care more about you than any other girl." Zhou Han told the truth, and he really cared about Miyazaki Airi the most.

Originally, a creature like a younger sister was enough for people to care about, but now that she has multiple wives, is this still worth it?

And Miyazaki Airi is so good at acting like a baby, she always attracts Zhou Han's attention, making it hard for him to look away.

Let me ask, who doesn't like a sister who is cute and good at acting like a baby?

"Is there? I don't feel it at all, and I think you don't like me enough, hum~!" Miyazaki Airi wrinkled her small nose, and her greedy appearance was also very cute.

"Then...then what do you think I should do?" Zhou Han asked tentatively, feeling that he was doing pretty well.

"You should think of me every day, no, you should think of me every second, you will cry to death if you don't see me, you will hang yourself after a long time, and you should come over like a pug when you see me. Tail, if you want to call you, you can call, if you want to roll, you can roll." Miyazaki Airi said confidently.

"I think you need a pet dog, not a brother or a boyfriend." Zhou Han had mixed feelings, feeling that Miyazaki Airi's demands were too harsh, and she was simply making things difficult for herself.

"I'm just..." Miyazaki Airi also felt that she was going too far, so she changed her words and said, "I just hope you will be more loyal to me, and like me as attentively as a dog."

"I like you very much now, you greedy little cat." Zhou Han took Miyazaki Airi into his arms, and touched her nose affectionately.

"What are you doing?" Miyazaki Airi struggled symbolically, "I'm not greedy..."

Zhou kissed Miyazaki Airi twice, looking down at her blushing little face.

"Airi, it's okay now, it's so late."

"Just...you know how to bully me, have you planned it for a long time?"

Miyazaki Airi didn't intend to resist at all, instead she showed a bit of obsequiousness, obviously knowing what to do?

"Ari, I like you..."

Zhou Han put Miyazaki Airi on the bed, rolled over and pressed her down.

Miyazaki Airi was wearing a nightgown, her tender body revealed bright red, and because she had just taken a bath, she exuded the smell of shower gel.

"Don't... wait... wait a minute..."

Miyazaki Airi made resist makeup, and seemed to have something to say.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Han asked, feeling that there should be nothing wrong.

"This time... this time I want to be on top." Miyazaki Airi blushed and said in a low voice.

Zhou Han was stunned, his heart was full of joy, his wife wanted to try a new posture, seconds!It's still a very active posture of the male next to the female, my God!So fucking cumshot!

Reject, what are you kidding about Nima?

I thought that Airi would be very reserved, and would shyly resist changing her posture, but she unexpectedly took the initiative!

I fucking like this kind of younger sister who is both active and capable.

Zhou Han nodded and answered in a low voice.


The positions of the two changed, Zhou Han was lying on the bottom, and Miyazaki Airi was riding on him.

Miyazaki Airi turned off the desk lamp, tore open the safety bubble gum with her mouth, and said very domineeringly——

"Come on, let's fight until dawn..."

in the room.

Heavy groans and gasps resounded in the darkness, and an atmosphere of ambiguity and rigidity spread, and the fierce battle between the brothers and sisters was in full swing.

Both of them were deliberately suppressing their voices, only the bed was creaked.

It was originally quiet and harmonious, but the door was pushed open with a bang.

"Brother! I'm back! Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"


Chapter 130 Monthly Pass Added

Friends, have you ever witnessed the end of the world?

I'm going through all of this right now.

This is the most embarrassing thing in the world.

I was in the jungle with great interest, and when I was about to punish and take away the buff, my sister came to gank me.

Wearing a full-level divine attire, she walked out of the grass and stared at me with cold eyes.

Ah~, this predator has been lurking for a long time, planning to grab the buff and then harvest my head.

At this moment, what else can I say?

Come on, knife, hurry up, don't make me feel the pain...

The key of Zhou Han's house has not been changed, it is still the key from a few years ago.

Zhou Qiqi came in easily, so quietly that no one noticed.

Originally, she wanted to give Zhou Han a big surprise, but as soon as she entered the room, she was given a super big gift by her brother, which made it hard to breathe.

The scene in front of her was so unbearable that Zhou Qiqi was speechless——

The two people on the bed hug each other naked, the active posture of the woman on top of the man and the awkward position of the man silent and the woman crying.

Originally in the midst of a fierce battle, after reaching the peak, someone suddenly broke in, causing the rhythm to suddenly stop.

Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi both looked at Zhou Qiqi, their minds went blank, they forgot to hide their embarrassment, and they hugged each other like magnets.

Zhou Qiqi's complexion turned ugly for a moment, and her head was a little dull, because the picture in front of her was too shocking to accept. The creation-level big explosion kept buzzing in her mind, which was extremely terrifying.

The travel bag on Zhou Qiqi's shoulder fell to the ground with a "boom", breaking the deathly silence.

"You... what are you doing? Why are you hugging each other naked..."

Miyazaki Airi came back to her senses, and looked at the girl in front of her in surprise, she was not Zhou Han's own sister!Why did you come back suddenly!Didn't you say you won't come back? !God!what on earth is it!

Zhou Han was equally shocked at the moment, his eyeballs almost fell to the ground, thinking, what the hell!What you said on the phone just now is true!Kiki, she actually came back!Still at this time! ?Make no mistake, this is not a rollover!This is fucking Mars hitting the Earth!Didn't mom not allow Kiki to come back?Why all of a sudden... die, die, die!

"Airi, hurry up, get dressed..."

Zhou Han hastened to say something to Miyazaki Airi, act quickly, in such an unsightly state, how decent is it in front of his sister? !So fucking embarrassing!

Miyazaki Airi came back to her senses, her face flushed immediately, like a hot little sun, she looked particularly panicked, she slipped off Zhou Han's body, rolled up the quilt to cover her naked body, her little butt It was seen by Zhou Qiqi.

She felt very ashamed now, why was she surrounded by crowds when she was naked? It was so embarrassing that she really wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

Miyazaki Airi, who was originally thin-skinned, now wants to die, and now the atmosphere is so funny that people are dying.

Although Miyazaki Airi wanted to wear clothes, Zhou Han threw her underwear and panties all the way away. At this moment, that lace-trimmed chubby is stepping on Zhou Qiqi's feet, so I ask you if it's embarrassing! ?

Miyazaki Airi can't put on clothes, so should she go down to pick up clothes with her butt naked?What a joke!

Let Zhou Qiqi look at her body as if it was cut by a blade, so don't go down to pick up the panties!

Miyazaki Airi blushed, curled up in the quilt, looked at Zhou Qiqi with suspicious eyes, and covered the quilt tightly.

Zhou Han also seemed to find that the clothes were all underneath, and he couldn't go down to get them. He was so anxious that his head was sweating for a while, and he had never longed for a piece of clothing to cover up his shame in his life.

"Emmmm..." Zhou Qiqi's eyes were sharper, and she accidentally saw Zhou Han's holy sword, and suddenly the red clouds flew together, and she couldn't help but tease, "Brother, I haven't seen you for a few years, you have grown a lot..."

"You girl, what are you talking about?"

Zhou Han had no choice but to hide under the quilt with Miyazaki Airi in order not to expose the charged holy sword underneath him, and looked at Zhou Qiqi tremblingly, looking very embarrassed.

Zhou Qiqi was almost confused by anger, and after a long time, the situation has not changed at all, and she is still hiding in the same bed and getting tired of being together, she just doesn't want to be separated?

In fact, Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi were also very helpless, going down to pick up clothes in a panic?How embarrassing!

Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi hid under the quilt, terrified on the bed.

Do you think this scene is very familiar, and you often meet it in various nightclubs every period of time?

That's right, it was as if the anti-pornography brigade broke in and got caught.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly fell silent, Miyazaki Airi was too embarrassed to speak, so she kicked Zhou Han secretly, asking him to explain quickly.

"Qiqi, you... why are you back!? Shouldn't you be in Australia?"

"Isn't what I said on the phone clear enough? My mother allowed me..." Zhou Qiqi's face was frosty, feeling that there was a green prairie on her head, and she was green once in person, "It's you, brother, What do you mean? You just don’t want me to come back? Afraid of spoiling your good deeds, right? It’s not the right time for me to come back, disturbing both of you’s pleasures?”

"No, look at what you said, can I not let my baby sister come back? I mean why didn't you notify me in advance so that I can go to the airport to meet you." Zhou Han laughed, and what he said was very nice. It's right to coax Kiki.

"Brother, you have changed and become glib. I called before, don't you believe it!?" Zhou Qiqi's voice was cold, her expression was full of anger, her ponytails were messed up, and she wanted to push her brother to the stake.

"I... didn't I think you were joking? Who knows... it's true..." Zhou Han wanted to cry without tears, feeling that this matter was so fucking cheating!

"You don't believe what your real sister says, it's natural! I think you are fascinated by this fake sister, and you can't find your way!" Zhou Qiqi became furious, she looked quite scary, she deserved to be the little princess at home , were spoiled by the whole family.

When Miyazaki Airi heard that her name was called, her delicate body trembled subconsciously, her mind was filled with: I can't see me, I can't see me, I can't see me...

"Don't make trouble Kiki, brother, I believe you. I just thought you were joking. It has nothing to do with Aili. Don't blame her." Zhou Han jumped out to be a peacemaker, not wanting to make the two younger sisters quarrel. Between the two younger sisters, there is really a lot of pressure, and it is not good to offend anyone.

"Brother, okay you, you were caught and raped by me and you still protect your fake sister, do you still have me in your eyes!? I finally came back once, and you put a power cap on my head when you came up!" Zhou Qiqi Gritting his teeth angrily.

"What power cap? Airi and I are in love, and everything we do is normal, obviously you broke in without authorization, right?" Zhou Han argued hard and retorted.

"Okay, wait for me!" Zhou Qiqi thumped and left the room.

"Bring the clothes quickly." Miyazaki Airi urged, looking flustered.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, Zhou Han grabbed the scattered clothes back as soon as he landed, and then the two of them hid under the blanket and dressed wretchedly.

There were thumping footsteps outside, and Zhou Qiqi came back with a kitchen knife!

Zhou Qiqi raised the kitchen knife, trembling with anger, and yelled at Miyazaki Airi on the bed——

"Vixen! Come down for me!"

"I, Zhou Qiqi, will fight your fake sister for [-] rounds today!"


The first thousand and 130 chapters 9999

Miyazaki Airi puts on her clothes at the speed of light in bed, and she is not so fast when she is late for school.

But what's embarrassing is that Zhou Han only brought Xiao Pangci over. After working for a long time, Miyazaki Airi put on Pangci, and the other places were still exposed, so he didn't dare to go out.

Zhou Han was also very embarrassed, he grabbed the trousers randomly, so he could only make do with it.

If I knew this earlier, I shouldn't throw clothes around when I was doing business, but now I can only worry about it.

Zhou Qiqi yelled with a kitchen knife, but they were frightened.

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