Miyazaki Airi's eyes widened, watching Zhou Qiqi holding a knife, she looked like a psychopath, so she shrank behind Zhou Han.

"Fox, don't hide behind my brother, come down if you have the guts, didn't you make an appointment with me on the Internet before? Now I'm here! Let's have a good fight!" Zhou Qiqi has a kitchen knife in her hand. , and never thought that Miyazaki Airi was a girl with no seeds.

When Zhou Han saw the gleaming kitchen knife in Zhou Qiqi's hand, he was startled into a cold sweat and backed away in fright, thinking that his sister was furious with a cuckold and wanted to take the dog's head from his neck, or cut off his own Ou Jinjin! ?

If I remember correctly, Qiqi is not mentally normal, she seems to be able to do anything after she loses her mind!

Zhou Han found that Miyazaki Airi behind her was also quite frightened, and it seemed that he could only block Qiqi who was going crazy by himself.

"Qiqi, what are you doing!? Put down the knife! We have something to talk about, what are you doing with the knife!?"

"I don't care, brother, you have been fascinated by the vixen, I want to save you!" Zhou Qiqi made up a reason, in fact, she wanted to drive away all the girls around her brother.

"Save what?! We really love each other! Don't make trouble, baby sister, be obedient, calm down, put down the knife, we are all a family, what can't be settled through negotiation, what are you doing with the knife?" Zhou Han broke into cold sweat, trying his best to stabilize Zhou Qiqi's emotions.

"Look bro, you're talking nonsense about true love again, now your brain is out of order, I have to save you, don't worry bro, sister, I'll hack this vixen to death, let you please charm me Come on the right way to marry me!" Zhou Qiqi was in a state of illness, her mind was full of hatchets.

"Please be normal, your brain is not normal, okay?" Zhou Han was so upset that he wanted to go up and grab the knife, but... always felt that he would be cut too.

Although Elizabeth said that she is almost immortal, who knows if there are other problems?

"Brother, I've always wondered why I was charmed by this vixen, she's a fake sister!" Zhou Qiqi said angrily, waving a kitchen knife, as if she was about to throw Zhou Han on the forehead at any time.

"It's not a question of true or false, love, Kiki, do you understand? This is love." Zhou Han emphasized again and again, hoping that Kiki would understand him.

"Fart! Let me ask bluntly, the fake sister is more comfortable underneath than me!? Tighter than me or something?" Zhou Qiqi is also a temperamental person, and she said such shocking words casually.

Miyazaki Airi blushed, feeling ashamed and indignant, thinking to herself what is the question?uncomfortable...

God, this question is so explicit!

Miyazaki Airi covered her face, not daring to see anyone.

But Miyazaki Airi immediately felt something was wrong, there was something wrong with Zhou Qiqi's words, as if Zhou Han had done something to her.

Miyazaki Airi looked at Zhou Han in front of her, her eyes were not quite right.

"You're asking... isn't it too hot?" Zhou Han's expression became complicated, wondering if Aili was tighter than Qiqi?How do I know?I haven't really had orthopedics before, how would I know if I haven't tried it!

"Brother, don't tell me useless things. Just say that my real sister is not as good as a fake sister!? My breasts are bigger than hers, and my bottom is tighter than hers. Even including dimples, my face is also bigger than hers! Pretty, why are you falling in love with her and not me!?" Zhou Qiqi held a kitchen knife and compared Zhou Han, her mood became more and more unstable.

Zhou Han's expression became weird, and he wondered if he should be so direct. My sister is mentally abnormal, and the setting of the old driver is really surprising. That girl will say that she is not tight?Please be normal!As your brother, I have no place to put my face!

"Cough, what... Kiki, calm down, I think Airi is fine..."

Miyazaki Airi nodded in agreement, and raised her chin flauntingly, obviously provoking Zhou Qiqi.

"Brother, do you mean that I am worse than my fake sister?" Zhou Qiqi's expression became unbelievable, and she said unacceptably, "Where am I worse? I am obviously better! Brother, are your eyes polluted? Let me Get your eyeballs out!"

"Don't, don't..." Zhou Han broke out in a cold sweat, and said awkwardly, "It's not about my sister's status, but Aili is a good girl, so I like it better."

"Bro, what do you mean... I'm not a good girl?" Zhou Qiqi took a step back in despair.

"No, of course you are a good girl, but you are my own sister, so don't always think of inexplicable things, okay? Please consider my feelings as an older brother, I am also very embarrassed..." Zhou Han Showing a somewhat troubled expression.

"What's the matter with my own sister? If you don't have a child, you can adopt it. If you can't get it, you can steal one. You can wear a condom for sex. If you don't want to wear it, you can put it outside. What's wrong?! Brother, are you Something wrong with your brain? Why would you hook up with a fake sister when you have such a cute sister like me?" Zhou Qiqi's eyes became very sick, and she obviously entered a crazy mode, her brain trembling non-stop.

Oh my God!

What's going on in my sister's head!

It seems to reverse my plan, and it has been premeditated for a long time!

This is so abnormal!Not only papapapapapapapapapa, but also thinking about the children in the future...

Zhou Han broke out in a cold sweat, feeling that Zhou Qiqi's mental illness is really terrible. Although the method she said is indeed feasible, orthopedics is still too dreamy.

"Qiqi, stop your sexual fantasies, we can't!"

"Then why can the fake sister have sex with my brother, why can't I?" Zhou Qiqi got into the horns and said seriously, "Admit it, brother, you actually like me, and deliberately use the fake sister as my substitute. wrong?"

"Enough! Are you finished?!"

Miyazaki Airi couldn't take it anymore, she had a fake sister and a vixen, it was already ugly, but now she is talking about her own substitute, this is unbearable!

Our little Aili is not a vegetarian either. After being suppressed for so long, it's time to fight back!

Miyazaki Airi lifted the quilt directly, and walked out wearing a chubby pair of clothes, no matter what shame or not, she must argue with reason.

"Be polite to me! What do you mean!?"

"You fake sister, you are arrogant with me..." Zhou Qiqi looked at the airport on Miyazaki Airi's chest, feeling so flat, and asked in surprise for a while, "So you are a boy..."

"Pfft!" Miyazaki Airi spat out a mouthful of old blood for more than three feet, and her heart was hurt——


The first thousand and 130 chapter two monthly pass plus more

Hey Hey hey!


Although it is very flat, it is too much to be misunderstood as a boy!

Why is Kiki...so outspoken?Don't talk nonsense about some things!

It looks like Airi is going to lose her temper, what should I do?

Zhou Han could feel that Miyazaki Airi was traumatized in her heart, and finally mustered up the courage to confront her sister who was holding a kitchen knife, but in the end she was misunderstood as a boy, how embarrassing it is!

Miyazaki Airi clutched her imaginary breasts, her expression was very uncomfortable, it was obvious that she had suffered a huge amount of mental damage and hadn't recovered yet.

Zhou Han is a little worried about Miyazaki Airi's state, and feels that this is the worst time she has been hacked, and I hope there will be no fights...

"Brother, what do you think?" Zhou Qiqi showed an incredible expression, covered her head, and took two steps back in a daze, "So you like boys, my God! This world is too crazy It's..."

Miyazaki Airi suffocated for breath, and the anger that was finally suppressed began to rush up again.

"No, Qiqi, don't think about it..." Zhou Han frowned, feeling very wronged, since when did he like boys?Isn't this a joke!Airi is a girl!Who taught Kiki to know people by looking at their chests?hell!

"Brother, why don't you like girls? Why do you want to mess with boys? Boys can't get pregnant..." Zhou Qiqi's expression became complicated, and she couldn't accept this reality for a short time. "Is it... is it because you can't get pregnant? , will you be excited? Can you play casually without any scruples?!"

"Don't think about it! Your imagination has broken through the sky!" Zhou Han felt that his head was getting bigger.

"Brother, you... what do you think? Do you like chrysanthemums more than girls' bottoms!? Don't you think this hobby is disgusting!" Zhou Qiqi's expression was slightly disgusted.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Zhou Han put his hands on his forehead, as if he was going crazy.

"I can't help it!" Zhou Qiqi gritted her teeth and said, "Since my brother likes chrysanthemums, so can I! I will work hard for you! So don't hang out with this boy anymore! My brother's Sexual orientation, let me straighten it out!"

"Qiqi, stop talking, my brother's heart is bleeding..." Zhou Han's face was pale, and he was stabbed by his sister's stern mouth.

"It doesn't matter, brother, whoever made you have such a quirk must be bewitched by this fake girl!" Zhou Qiqi took a kitchen knife and gave Miyazaki Airi a hard look, then said helplessly to Zhou Han, "But old man Brother, you are also pitiful, you can't find a girlfriend, so you put your interest in fake women?"

"Pfft!" Zhou Han spat out a mouthful of old blood, and was greatly traumatized both physically and mentally.

"Don't give up the treatment, brother, you still have me! I can be your girlfriend, take her out, get her back, go to the hall, go to the kitchen, and warm your bed if you have nothing to do..." Zhou Qiqi said He was straightforward, and seemed to want to take the opportunity to pull his brother to his side, "Don't worry, brother, I will let you understand the wonders of girls, Keke~"

"Get out! I don't need it!" Zhou Han frowned, feeling that his daily life was collapsing after Qiqi came back.

"What you need, as a man, your primary goal is to get a big girl's belly! No matter what you do with a fake girl, you won't get big, do you understand it!?" Zhou Qiqi said seriously.

"I don't understand! Don't indoctrinate me with inexplicable ideas!" Zhou Han refused Qiqi's brainwashing, and if he continued like this, he would definitely become his sister's plaything.

"Brother is such a waste, tell me how can this fake mother satisfy you? Is a bottle of corkscrew enough? If you are with him..." Zhou Qiqi picked up the kitchen knife and said to Miyazaki Airi solemnly , "Quickly chop off Ou Jinjin, from today onwards, you are a real girl!"

"Have you played enough!?" Miyazaki Airi was so angry that she pointed at herself and said, "I am a real girl! It's true! Hachi!"

"Ah!?" Zhou Qiqi showed disdain in her eyes, and said word by word, "I think you have a habit of dressing up as a woman, and you really see yourself as a girl! Just replace the triangular function pants with boxer pants honestly. !"

"You give me a little bit of moderation! No matter what I say, she is your sister! So big or small, I think you have been used to bad habits!" Miyazaki Airi said angrily.

Zhou Han looked left and right, feeling embarrassed, he didn't want to see the two younger sisters fighting, so he smiled, "Well... let's talk, don't be like this, okay?"

"Don't talk, I think your sister is spoiled by you!" Miyazaki Airi turned around and scolded Zhou Han, posing as the hostess of the family, saying what she said.

"Uh, this..." Zhou Han was a little embarrassed, thinking that it seems to be the case, but Qiqi usually looks like that, so how easy is it to change?

"Who are you talking about being spoiled! What are you? How dare you point fingers at me?" Zhou Qiqi stared at Miyazaki Airi with her angry face up.

"I'm your older sister, or your sister-in-law! I just have the right to say something about you!" Airi Miyazaki pinched her waist, seemingly forgetting that she wasn't wearing a bra. At first glance, she really looked like a shirtless boy.

"Hahahahahaha..." Zhou Qiqi let out a series of laughter like silver bells, "It's ridiculous, you are a boy! Give me a little self-knowledge!"

Miyazaki Airi was annoyed, she raised her neck and showed it to Zhou Qiqi, "I tell you this wild girl, I'm a girl, you show me, do I have an Adam's apple or not!"

Zhou Qiqi gathered herself together, examined it carefully, and was startled, "My God! Why is there no Adam's apple on her neck?!"

"Now believe that I'm a girl!" Miyazaki Airi said angrily.

"How is it possible? How could a girl have such flat breasts! What did you eat? Why are your breasts so barren!" Zhou Qiqi became astonished.

"What do you care about what I eat? Genetic problems are not acceptable!" Miyazaki Airi confidently cast the blame on Gene.

Zhou Han pursed his lips, thinking that Aunt Miyazaki is quite big, but when she comes to Aili, who is to blame?

Zhou Qiqi calmed down a bit, thinking it was impossible, Miyazaki Airi is a boy, it must be because the secretion of male hormones is not much, resulting in unbalanced development, so there is no Adam's apple!

"Stop lying to me! You are a boy, you are immature! You have no sexual characteristics!"

"Okay, that's what you said..."

Miyazaki Airi is very angry, how old is she, what the hell is there without gender characteristics?

Angrily, Miyazaki Airi picked up the chubby hair on her body, bent down, and took it off with a stab.

"Yeah!" Zhou Qiqi covered her eyes, for fear of seeing Ou Jinjin whom her brother thought she was.

"Look! Come on, witness it with your own eyes!" Miyazaki Airi pinched her waist and stood naked on the bed, insisting on proving that she was a girl.

"Oh my God..." Zhou Han was behind, looking at Miyazaki Airi's bare back and raised buttocks, her mood was extremely complicated, what was she trying to do?Go to heaven!

Zhou Qiqi was shy, but curious.

Under the influence of anger, Zhou Qiqi took a sneak peek at Miyazaki Airi who was naked on the bed through her nails, and suddenly saw the naked prairie.

"No way!" Zhou Qiqi's eyes widened, her face was flushed, and she said in a trembling voice——

"you you you you……"

"You can actually shrink the sun into the abdomen in the legend!"


The first thousand and 130 chapters three air transport

Zhou Han's mind was full of question marks, wondering if there was something wrong with Qiqi's eyes?Can't you see that Airi is a girl?Even the moves of shrinking the yang into the abdomen can be thought of! ?

"I didn't expect that you, a fake mother-in-law, have a lot of background. You even know how to learn martial arts. You have spent a lot of money just to pretend to be a girl. Don't you know the shame?!" Zhou Qiqi felt that Miyazaki Airi was very shameless.

Miyazaki Airi put on Pangji and asked helplessly, "How do I prove that I am a girl? Will you believe it?"

"I'll see if you're pregnant!" Zhou Qiqi asked very embarrassingly. In this era, the only way to distinguish between men and women is whether they can get pregnant, and appearance characteristics are no longer reliable.

"This..." Miyazaki Airi was stumped. She never thought that one day she would be suspected of her gender. Fortunately, there was still a pregnancy test stick on the table. She had an idea, "Okay, it's right to prove that you can get pregnant." Bar?"

"Yes! You old man, please be normal to me, don't you have any sense of shame! It is because of people like you that my Dahuaxia is becoming less and less masculine!" Raised to the height of the nation.

"Okay, you wait..." Miyazaki Airi reached out and raised the pregnancy test stick on the table, shaking it in front of Zhou Qiqi, "Until what is this?"

"Uh..." Zhou Han's eyelids twitched, and his heart twitched, and he always felt that Aili was going to break the rhythm.

"This...this is...test...test...pregnancy test stick!" Zhou Qiqi has seen the real thing at all, usually in various pictures.

"You have some knowledge, what does the red line above mean?" Miyazaki Airi said in a probing tone, she didn't know if Zhou Qiqi would use a pregnancy test stick, if not, then cheat her.

"Red... The red line means..." Zhou Qiqi looked at Miyazaki Airi's stomach, a little confused.

"That's right! I'm pregnant!" Miyazaki Airi knew from Zhou Qiqi's bewildered expression that she definitely didn't understand pregnancy test sticks. It seemed that she was just an ignorant girl who had a lot of talk but didn't know anything.

"Damn it." Zhou Han instantly petrified, can this be used as a joke?

"What?!!" Zhou Qiqi seemed to be struck by lightning, her eyes wandered from Miyazaki Airi and Zhou Han, "You...you...you actually..."

"It's not Kiki... Mmm!"

As soon as Zhou Han opened his mouth, Miyazaki Airi stopped him from explaining.

"I said how proficient you are when you have sex! How many times have you done it in private! You actually have a baby!" Zhou Qiqi burst into tears and stomped her feet angrily, "Brother, you Why are you so perverted! Just now it was a play during pregnancy! Why are you so diligent in plowing the land!?"

"No, no, no!" Zhou Han explained, but Miyazaki Airi slammed the reader's lips.

"You brother is too irresponsible! Do you want to be squeezed to death by this fake sister so much? How much do you like the bottom of her!" Zhou Qiqi became more and more excited, and said viciously, "I don't recognize the fake sister's belly. The children here are from our old Zhou family!"

Zhou Han rolled his eyes, feeling very complicated. This misunderstanding is getting bigger and bigger, and he is a little confused.

"I...I'm going to...to..." Zhou Qiqi raised the kitchen knife to Miyazaki Airi, and suddenly her eyelids rolled up, she passed out and fell to the ground.

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