The two people on the bed were stunned and didn't realize what was going on for a while. They just thought that Zhou Qiqi was going to make some sick remarks, but they passed out immediately.

"Qiqi!" Zhou Han groped down from the bed and helped his sister up.

"Are you all right?" Miyazaki Airi covered her chest with the quilt, and leaned over to ask.

Zhou Han looked at Zhou Qiqi, and found that there was nothing serious, but because of emotional instability, he fainted immediately, "It's okay, just take a rest."

"Souga, you scared me..." Miyazaki Airi breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the sudden attack made her lose her composure.

The two calmed down a little, but the scene was still chaotic.

Miyazaki Airi frowned, her heart was in a state of confusion, since Zhou Han's own sister came back, what should she do in the future?Obviously, the world between the two of them hadn't enjoyed enough, but it ended already.

Zhou Han hugged Qiqi in his arms, not seeing her for a few years, this girl has grown up a lot, like a girl next door, remember when we parted before, she was still a wild girl who often made trouble.

A few years later, the wild girl has also become a slim girl.

"Aili, what do you think you're so mad at her for? Why don't you make it clear?"

"She's not reasonable at all." Miyazaki Airi frowned, and said sourly, "What do you mean? Do you think I'm treating your sister badly?"

"No... I didn't mean that..." Zhou Han said awkwardly.

"Your sister is back now, so you don't need me?" Miyazaki Airi paused, and continued, "It's too partial to your sister like this! Hmph!"

"Airi, don't think too much..." Zhou Han hugged Qiqi on the bed, then hugged Miyazaki Airi, "Who said I don't want you anymore?"

Miyazaki Airi struggled angrily, "That's what you mean! I'm also a younger sister! It's obvious that she is unreasonable, but you are so partial, and you actually blame me?"

"Why would I be biased? I just think you shouldn't haggle over every detail with Qiqi." Zhou Han shook Miyazaki Airi in his arms.

"Isn't this partiality? Your sister is spoiled by you. It's the first time I've seen someone with such a savage temper." Miyazaki Airi developed a small temper and felt aggrieved, and she was tolerant enough. In the end, Zhou Han also said that he was wrong.

"My fault, my fault, don't be angry." Zhou Han thought to himself that he shouldn't have spoken, being caught between the two younger sisters was like walking on thin ice.

"Huh~!" Miyazaki Airi put on a reserved and high posture, "I think you just like the new and dislike the old. When your sister comes back, you don't want me anymore. You must not treat me as well as before?"

"No, you are not only my sister, you are also my little sweetheart." Zhou Han kissed Miyazaki Airi on the cheek.

"Oh, don't make trouble, at this moment, you are not serious." Miyazaki Airi pushed Zhou Han away with a blushing face.

"You're an older sister. There's no such thing as an older sister. My younger sister will bear with her disobedience." Zhou Han touched Miyazaki Airi's little hand, trying to comfort her.

"I'm not angry!" Miyazaki Airi refused to admit it now.

"You see, I usually give way to you more, and I never lost my temper when I made trouble for no reason." Zhou Han said seriously.

"Who made trouble for no reason?! I didn't!" Miyazaki Airi snorted.

"That's my illusion. Our family Airi can be a good older sister and won't be angry with her." Zhou Han can only adjust the relationship between the younger sisters in this way. After all, Miyazaki Airi is a very proud person. Eat soft but not hard.

"I know, I don't need you to teach..." Miyazaki Airi blushed, and looked at Zhou Qiqi who was lying motionless on the bed, "Then what should she do now?"

"This..." Zhou Han hesitated.

"How about..." Miyazaki Airi hesitated for a moment, then said very seriously——

"Send your sister back to Australia by courier?"


The first thousand and 130 chapters are cool

I rely on!

What are you doing?

Did you treat Kiki as an item?

Do you still want to be a good sister in the front, and want to post Kiki back to Australia in the next second?

Zhou Han broke out in a cold sweat, and secretly swallowed his saliva.

"That's not good?"

"Yes, the postage is more expensive than the air ticket." Miyazaki Airi nodded.

"You..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak, thinking how long Aili had planned this, "Stop joking..."

"Tch!" Miyazaki Airi turned her head aside, a rare chance to send the plague god away and restore the world of the two.

"Huh?" Zhou Han was stunned, wondering in his heart——

This girl was very dissatisfied just now, right?

How dissatisfied is this...

living room.

It's one o'clock in the morning.

Zhou Han and Miyazaki Airi are already dressed.

The three came to the living room, ready to have a good chat.

Miyazaki Airi went to the kitchen to make a cup of calming tea for Zhou Qiqi.

Zhou Han accompanied Zhou Qiqi, who was still awake, and asked her to lie on his lap to have a good rest.

"This girl is still the same..."

Zhou Han stroked Zhou Qiqi's hair, muttering to himself, remembering that it was the same way before, when he couldn't get angry, he would pass out.

Isn't it just that you have a girlfriend?As for being so angry...

Probably because of Airi's sister status, Qiqi has a special sense of substitution, right?

It is also a younger sister, and Aili and herself have achieved a positive result, which makes Qiqi, a real sister, very angry, even more angry than seeing Lin Nianwei and herself.

This girl... When will she get rid of her brother's control?

Zhou Han sighed silently, wondering if he cared too much about Qiqi and made her misunderstand something?

Or, the long-term care has made Airisan feel dependent on herself.

While Zhou Han was thinking wildly, Zhou Qiqi walked over slowly, and she stood up abruptly, which startled Zhou Han.

Zhou Qiqi grabbed Zhou Han's collar and asked angrily, "Where's my knife? And the vixen? I'm going to fight her for [-] rounds!"

"What are you going to do?" Zhou Han frowned, thinking that it would be better to let this dead girl faint.

"I want to fight to the death with my fake sister, we can only keep one!" Zhou Qiqi said very fiercely.

"Don't be like this, Airi kindly went to make you a cup of tea, can you stop your hostility?" Zhou Han said awkwardly.

"What kindness! I bet, that fake sister must have acted preemptively and poisoned the tea, trying to poison me to death! So don't take it lightly, brother, and you can't be fooled either!" Zhou Qiqi said fiercely Something happened, like a persecution paranoia attack.

"Don't say such a terrible thing, Airi won't do such a terrible thing, can you stop demonizing him?" Zhou Han sighed helplessly.

"Brother, why are you talking for that fake sister now? It's too much!" Zhou Qiqi thought for a while, and said clearly, "Is it because of the child? Because this fake sister is pregnant with yours." Kind of, so you care more about her? Isn’t this kind of rubbish routine that mothers are more expensive than their children, isn’t it the dregs of the times! Orthopedics is popular now, do you understand it?”

"What are you thinking about? It's not like this!" Zhou Han frowned.

"I don't care! I can't have this child! Let the fake sister get rid of her! Then kick her out of the house and live a shameless life with me!" Zhou Qiqi is relentless, she must not see the fake sister pressing her head superior.

"Who said Airi was pregnant, she was teasing you? How could we be so careless?" Zhou Han tapped his sister's forehead.

"Eh!?" Zhou Qiqi was stunned, and asked in surprise, "Fake? There is a red line on the contraceptive stick."

"Pregnancy shows two red lines, you haven't used it before, don't you know?" Zhou Han felt that his posture overwhelmed Qiqi, and he felt superior.

"How could I have used it before! Brother, if you don't take the initiative, I won't have a chance to use it..." Zhou Qiqi blushed and became coy.

"Don't be like this..." Zhou Han's face darkened, and he accidentally gave Qiqi a chance to hint.

"So, the fake sister is not pregnant, really, it made me break out in a cold sweat." Zhou Qiqi took a deep breath and continued, "Brother, break up with the fake sister, you will not be happy, Look at the coquettishness of the fake sister, she is obviously not a serious girl, we can't have water-based flowers."

"Why do you arbitrarily assert that Aili is a flirtatious girl?" Zhou Han listened to Qiqi's reasons for now, and then refuted.

"In terms of behavior, when you two were doing that kind of thing just now, you didn't see the slutty fake sister, how twisted her waist is!" Zhou Qiqi said seriously.

"No, Aili is not that kind of girl, so don't sow discord here..." Zhou Han twisted his mouth, thinking that Aili's state is only for himself to see, who would dislike his wife for giving up open?

"Brother, you are really obsessed now, why are you so partial?!" Zhou Qiqi questioned dissatisfied.

"I don't! I'm not partial at all!" Zhou Han said solemnly.

"Then let's kiss one!" Zhou Qiqi suddenly became excited.

"Don't make trouble..." Zhou Han was expressionless and felt nothing.

"Look! Brother, you still say you are not partial!" Zhou Qiqi pursed her lips, almost crying.

"You're going too far! Don't make trouble, just sit next to me honestly. The three of us have a good chat. I haven't had a chance to introduce Airi to you." Zhou Han patted Qiqi's buttocks and signaled Don't ride on her.

"It's not fair!" Zhou Qiqi said relentlessly, full of jealousy, "You can be like a fake sister, can't I even kiss you? My brother is biased! You were not like this before, only me as a sister, how painful it is its me!"

"This..." A drop of cold sweat dripped down Zhou Han's forehead.

"I don't care! I want to kiss!" Zhou Qiqi didn't care about 21, and put her little mouth together, "Chirp—"

Zhou Han had a weird expression on his face. With all due respect, he didn't want to have this kind of mess with his own sister.

It just so happened that Miyazaki Airi had just come out of the kitchen after making calming tea. For the sake of her image as a good sister, she could pour tea back and forth in two cups until it was warm.

But Miyazaki Airi didn't expect that as soon as she came out, she would meet Zhou Qiqi who wanted to kiss Zhou Han. What are these two brothers and sisters doing?A breath of ethics!

Miyazaki Airi was stunned for an instant, and almost missed the tea and fell to the ground.

Although Miyazaki Airi knows that Zhou Qiqi is a brother-in-law, shouldn't this kind of thing be hidden?Why are you so shameless, showing your brother clearly.

Miyazaki Airi felt uncomfortable, why did she think she was Zhou Han's regular wife, and how could she let her sister-in-law put a cuckold on her head?

Miyazaki Airi walked up behind Zhou Qiqi in a few steps, picked up warm tea, poured it on her head with a splash, and took a hot bath in advance to greet her——

"Ah... sorry, my hands are shaking, hehehe~"


The first thousand 130 chapter five monthly pass plus more

Zhou Qiqi was stiff all over, and her hair and clothes were wet with tea.

Her face darkened immediately, she held the corner of her skirt and remained silent, her delicate body trembling.

"Sorry sorry..."

Miyazaki Airi apologized, but her eyes kept smiling. It was obvious that she deliberately disturbed Zhou Qiqi and prevented her from putting a cuckold on her head.

Zhou Han was stunned, feeling that the two younger sisters were completely incompatible. If this continues, sooner or later something will happen, will they fight right away?

Seeing Zhou Qiqi's distressed appearance, Zhou Han felt a little distressed, and said to Miyazaki Airi with a hint of complaint.

"Ari, what are you doing?"

"I said I was careless, what's your attitude?" Miyazaki Airi pouted dissatisfiedly, she regretted seeing Zhou Qiqi's silence, and then remembered that she was her sister. But when I am jealous, it is always difficult to control my emotions.

"This..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak, both of them are younger sisters, what should I do?It seems that it is very troublesome to offend any one.

"You vixen, what are you doing!" Zhou Qiqi turned around and scolded Miyazaki Airi angrily, gnashing her teeth, as if she was about to fight at any moment. "Why did you pour water on my head on purpose!?"

"I'm not careful, I'll wipe you with a towel." Miyazaki Airi said in a good voice.

"Unnecessary hypocrisy! You did it on purpose!" Zhou Qiqi pinched her waist and yelled at Miyazaki Airi, "Are you jealous of me?"

"Why am I jealous of you?" Miyazaki Airi was not the one to be offended, she folded her hands and put on a pose to meet the challenge.

"You're jealous of me being close to my brother! You came here to interfere with us on purpose! What a wicked vixen!" Zhou Qiqi bared her teeth, full of hostility towards Miyazaki Airi.

"Who did it on purpose? Stop spitting blood, what evidence is there!" Miyazaki Airi said forcefully.

"What more evidence do you need? You just picked up the cup and poured it on my head. What more evidence do you need? Isn't it obvious that you deliberately messed with me?" Zhou Qiqi frowned, her expression very angry.

"Yeah~, I thought there was air in front of me, I'm sorry I didn't see it at all." Miyazaki Airi just refused to admit it, and deliberately angered Zhou Qiqi.

"You fake sister! You didn't follow your good intentions, and even the pregnancy was fake. Are you trying to drive me to death, and then you and your brother can continue to live a shameless two-person world?!" Zhou Qiqi questioned .

Miyazaki Airi gave Zhou Han a dissatisfied look, thinking he was talkative, and turned to Zhou Qiqi, "I am your sister and sister-in-law, so what does it matter if you are not ashamed?"

Zhou Han swallowed nervously, thinking that he couldn't control the situation, if he intervened suddenly, he must be the one who got hurt!

"I don't admit it! I won't admit your relationship with my brother! You fake sister! You shameless vixen! Get out of my life with my brother!" Zhou Qiqi yelled angrily.

"You don't need to admit it! Uncle Zhou has already agreed, no matter how much you object, it's useless, we will definitely get married together in the future! You should hurry up and obediently call me sister-in-law!" Miyazaki Airi pinched her waist, He kept emphasizing his identity, trying to overwhelm Zhou Qiqi in terms of momentum.

"It's useless for my father to agree! I won't agree! Want to marry my brother? Daydreaming! Unless you step on my dead body!" Zhou Qiqi said with an angry face.

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