"You can continue to envy and hate by the side. When we get married, I can reluctantly let you be a bridesmaid and witness all this by the side. You want to stop us? Don't even look at how capable you are..." Miyazaki Aili showed a bit of sarcasm, insisting that Zhou Qiqi, a delicate and savage little man, be crushed to death.

"Witness? Are you kidding me? I'll burn down your wedding! If you want to get married, you won't!" Zhou Qiqi gritted her teeth angrily.

"We are in that kind of relationship, no matter how much you object." Miyazaki Airi pinched her waist.

"So what about that kind of relationship!? My brother is just for fun, and when he's done playing, he'll leave you as a scumbag. He doesn't know what you're complacent about? Keke~" Zhou Qiqi covered her mouth and kept laughing.

Zhou Han's face turned black, thinking that he should not say such nonsense, he is very sensitive...

"Ulusai! I won't be left behind, you are the one who was left behind!" Miyazaki Airi really felt a little uncomfortable, because when she didn't receive a marriage certificate, she always felt a little uneasy.

"Ke Keke~, you have been played by my brother now, it won't be long before my brother will lose interest in you, and then he will find that I am the true love, and you will become a defeated dog, in the corner Licking the wound alone." Zhou Qiqi said it vividly, as if it was real.

"You..." Miyazaki Airi was so angry that she felt uneasy when she was told, she sat next to Zhou Han with tears in her eyes, and asked pitifully, "Is what she said true? You will lose interest in me ..."

"How is it possible? Don't listen to her talking nonsense..." Zhou Han frowned, and scolded his sister, "Qiqi, don't talk nonsense!"

"Brother! You are too biased!" Zhou Qiqi yelled dissatisfied.

"Hmph, did you see that you are the one who became the loser!" Miyazaki Airi gave Zhou Qiqi a provocative look, "We will love each other until we grow old!"

"Nonsense! Stay away from my brother, you bastard! Don't come within one meter of him! Because within one meter is my territory!" Zhou Qiqi became more and more disgusted with Miyazaki Airi.

"Who...who is the ****! You are not old, why is your mouth so dirty!" Miyazaki Airi became annoyed, thinking about how traditional she is.

"It's you vixen! Riding on my brother's body! Disgusting! You have no sense of shame!" Zhou Qiqi showed a bit of contempt.

Zhou Han covered his face, not wanting to express his opinion at all, feeling despised by his own sister.

"We..." Miyazaki Airi blushed and retorted with shame, "We are a normal exchange of feelings between lovers! Eight Ga!"

"You liar! This is how you want to be in a relationship, how casual you are, Keke~" Zhou Qiqi challenged Miyazaki Airi's dignity.

"It's the first time I'm in love, and it's not what you think! You're disgusting and shameless, okay?" Miyazaki Airi couldn't bear it anymore, and said ironically, "As a real sister, you accuse your own brother , It's disgusting! I don't want any face!"

"Aren't you also a younger sister? Why are you with my brother! You are more disgusting than me, okay!?" Zhou Qiqi yelled.

"I'm sorry, my adopted sister can really do whatever she wants, but my own sister just can't..." Miyazaki Airi said with a firm attitude.

"You...you you you..." Zhou Qiqi was at a loss for words, she ran to hug Zhou Han and did not let go, "Brother, look at her, this fake sister always bullies me, why don't you help me!"

"Let go! Don't hold it so tight!" Miyazaki Airi turned over the jar of vinegar, hugged Zhou Qiqi's waist and began to drag her, trying to keep her away from Zhou Han.

"Why!? What's wrong with me hugging my brother!" Zhou Qiqi turned around and glared at Miyazaki Airi, holding onto Zhou Han like a koala.

Airi Miyazaki: "He's mine!"

Zhou Qiqi: "Nonsense! Brother is mine!"

Zhou Han was tortured half to death by his two younger sisters, he didn't speak, but showed a loveless expression——


Who is coming to save me?

I really can't stand it...

( o ﹏ o )

The first thousand and 130 six chapters of majesty

"Brother! Quickly save me, the fake sister is going to take me away!"

Zhou Qiqi didn't let go, she hugged Zhou Han's neck tightly, making her look like Siamese twins.

"Let go! Don't cling to him like this!" Miyazaki Airi was anxious, she put her foot against Zhou Han's stomach, and used some strength.

"I won't let you go, why don't you let me cling to you as my sister?!" Zhou Qiqi retorted through gritted teeth.

"You obviously have bad intentions! A brother-controller, does he think unreasonably of his brother?" Miyazaki Airi involved Zhou Qiqi.

"Brother! Look at her accusing me of innocence again. Get rid of this fake sister! I'm enough!" Zhou Qiqi insisted.

"If you want to leave, you are the one to go, and you came back suddenly to interfere with our life, no matter what you think, it's your fault!" Miyazaki Airi was annoyed.

The two younger sisters were messing around here, and Zhou Han, who was the older brother, was caught in the middle and kicked again.

Zhou Shuren, the ancestor of the old Zhou family, once said that if you don't break out in silence, you will die in silence!

Zhou Han responded to his ancestor's call and finally lost his temper——

"What are you doing!? Do you want me to die? Wouldn't it be better to be honest? If there is any conflict, can't we talk about it!"

The two younger sisters were stunned, watching Zhou Han's darkened face in silence, maintaining their tugging movements.

"Please don't make trouble, can't we have a good chat?" Zhou Han asked in a pleading tone, hoping that the two little ancestors in front of him would be more honest, and see if it was already one o'clock in the morning, and they could still rest.

"Brother, don't be angry, I'm good." Zhou Qiqi shook off Miyazaki Airi, sat next to Zhou Han, and stroked his chest with her hands.

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, we're just kidding." Miyazaki Airi also changed her tune, sitting next to Zhou Han, rubbing his shoulders like a little wife.

Zhou Han looked at Zhou Qiqi, then at Miyazaki Airi, sighed and said, "Can you two stop arguing? We are a family, please don't make the relationship so stiff?"

The two younger sisters nodded in unison, without talking nonsense, and suddenly became extremely well-behaved.

"Aili, Qiqi finally came back once, can't you treat her better? Although this girl has a poisonous mouth and a bit of a disliked personality, she is still a very kind girl in her bones. Except for a little mental disorder, she is not in other places. It's all normal, I guarantee with my personality, my sister is a good girl." Zhou Han said seriously.

"Brother~" Zhou Qiqi was elated when she heard it, and kept pushing into Zhou Han's arms, "Since I'm so good, let's get married soon~"

"Tsk!" The veins on Miyazaki Airi's forehead twitched, and she was very upset to see Zhou Qiqi's clingy appearance, and the anger that was finally suppressed was rising up.

"Girl, shut up." Zhou Han replied to Zhou Qiqi.

"Hmph, brother is so stupid." Zhou Qiqi scolded angrily, then buried her head in Zhou Han's arms and stopped talking.

"Aili, you are Qiqi's older sister. Don't be as knowledgeable as her, and there is no need to be angry with her. As an older sister, shouldn't you be more patient with your younger sister? I have never been wronged before, right? You can't be like me Is it the same?" Zhou Han said seriously.

"I..." Miyazaki Airi was dissatisfied, and felt that it was not all her fault, why did she criticize herself first?

"Didn't you promise me before that you would be a good sister?" Zhou Han tried to remind Miyazaki Airi of his responsibility.

"I... I know, I will be a good older sister." Miyazaki Airi's tone was very reluctant, but she still had to show her attitude.

"I don't need Sister Fox! Go away, don't lean on my brother's shoulder!" Zhou Qiqi was more stubborn and didn't appreciate it at all.

"You!" Miyazaki Airi glared at Zhou Qiqi angrily, thinking that this younger sister was too delicate and unreasonable, not cute at all, and didn't want to think about her usual virtues at all.

"Qiqi, be honest, what's your attitude?" Zhou Han shook Zhou Qiqi away, and put on a posture full of his brother's majesty.

Zhou Qiqi was taken aback, and murmured coquettishly, "Brother, what are you doing? Don't be so cruel to me, if you do this again... I'll cry..."

"Come on, be normal!" Zhou Han knew Qiqi very well, so he didn't accept this at all.

"Hmph, big brother, you are so stupid, don't preach to me, don't listen to me, you can't listen to me, you can't listen to the scriptures!" Zhou Qiqi puffed up her cheeks, and she looked very cute with her double ponytails.

"Qiqi, if you do this, I will drive you away?" Zhou Han threatened unceremoniously, thinking that her sister was spoiled by the family, and it would not be smooth if she didn't clean up.

"No, brother, I'm very good, don't drive me away~" Zhou Qiqi changed her face in a blink of an eye, hugging Zhou Han's arm and acting like a baby.

"Can't you treat Aili better? According to our family, she is your older sister. Is there such a thing? Just let her leave." Zhou Han began to educate his ineffective younger sister.

Zhou Qiqi was obviously dissatisfied, but she didn't say anything, and cast a disdainful glance at Miyazaki Airi.

"Aili is very good at taking care of people. It's not bad to be your sister. Can you change your temper and treat her better, don't always play petty temper? Aili never embarrasses others, it's you who always I'm doing something." Zhou Han said with a frown.

"I'm sorry bro, I'm just too angry. Can I let this fake sister leave the house? I'm enough alone." Zhou Qiqi still didn't give up.

"No." Zhou Han said seriously, not giving him any room for maneuver.

Miyazaki Airi cast a provocative look, and she was very happy.

"Why! Why do you want a fake sister? If you want to have sex, I can do it too..." Zhou Qiqi held her breath seeing Miyazaki Airi's triumphant look.

Zhou Han's face darkened, and he said sternly, "Be normal, Airi and I are in love."

"You and your fake sister are like that, isn't it okay to be with me?" Zhou Qiqi asked resolutely.

"I'm not my real sister." Miyazaki Airi emphasized.

"Yeah, Airi is not my real sister, so don't keep thinking about orthopedics." Zhou Han sighed.

"Why? I'm not convinced! Brother, you are so unfair, you only have a fake sister in your eyes, and you don't love me anymore!" Zhou Qiqi immediately felt wronged, tears welling in her eyes.

"How is it possible? I still love you as before." Zhou Han explained helplessly.

"Then you should drive away the fake sister, why did you let her snatch my sister's position?" Zhou Qiqi asked with tears in her eyes.

"They're both younger sisters, and I'm in the same pain. Don't be so bitter, okay?" Zhou Han was in a complicated mood.

"Brother, you are bloated. You were the one who loved me the most in the past, and you obeyed me. Look at you now..." Zhou Qiqi showed a heartbroken look——

"Did you forget the days when you put me down and made me moan when you were a child?"

( o _ o )

The first thousand and 130 chapters and seven deadlines

"Please, it's just you forcing me to help you rub your shoulders and make a sound of decompression." Zhou Han responded blankly.

"Then...then brother, you still stole my fat times, H~" Zhou Qiqi was not convinced.

"You just forced me to wash your underwear for you. If you don't wash them, you'll roll all over the floor." Zhou Han's face didn't fluctuate at all.

"When I was young...you always stuck your head under my skirt, you pervert!" Zhou Qiqi blushed, revealing a few shy hairs.

"Aren't you practicing deadly scissor kicks, and you insist on crushing my head with your legs? Do you think I'd like to see the bottom of your skirt?" Zhou Han showed a helpless expression, and exposed Zhou Qiqi's little plans one by one.

In fact, Zhou Han didn't even want to mention that he had a humiliating history of being enslaved by his sister before.

Miyazaki Airi felt a little sympathetic to Zhou Han, thinking what kind of childhood she would have had with such a younger sister...

"I don't care! I don't care!" Zhou Qiqi shook her head vigorously and threw herself into Zhou Han's arms, "My brother's sister is only me, no one else is allowed, break up with the fake sister and let her go, I will take care of my brother in the future .”

"I said you..." Miyazaki Airi frowned, feeling that Zhou Qiqi was a little endless, "What can I do if you drive me away? It's as if your perverted desire can be realized."

"Even if it can't be realized, I won't allow a second sister in my family! Don't be ashamed to give me a power cap!" Zhou Qiqi glared at Miyazaki Airi.

"You!" Miyazaki Airi was so ashamed and annoyed, she felt that she had given in, but Zhou Qiqi was a little unreasonable.

"Qiqi, what are you doing!?" Zhou Han scolded.

"Brother, why is it so fierce..." Zhou Qiqi showed a bit of aggrieved look to win sympathy.

Zhou Han saw his sister like this, and his heart softened again. He had been taking care of her since he was a child, and he was afraid that she would be wronged, "Qiqi, you are not a child anymore, I hope you can understand me and get along well with Aili. , Treat her like a sister."

Zhou Qiqi fell into silence and looked at Miyazaki Airi next to her, a trace of dissatisfaction flashed in her eyes, obviously not convinced.

However, Zhou Qiqi knows that her current status is inferior to that of Miyazaki Airi, and if she makes a fuss, her brother will definitely be disgusted, so she might as well avoid her for the time being and wait for an opportunity.

Zhou Qiqi thought that since she came back anyway, if she wanted to stay, she must drive Miyazaki Airi out if she had a chance.

At that time, there will only be a younger sister in the family, so do you still worry about not being loved by your elder brother?

Zhou Qiqi felt that she had saved her brother from the claws of a vixen.

"Okay, Qiqi will be obedient and won't make trouble anymore..."

Zhou Qiqi began to pretend to be good, she looked harmless to humans and animals, but actually thought in her heart, I will act first, and find a chance to deal a fatal blow to the vixen, so that she cannot make a comeback!Koko~

Zhou Han breathed a sigh of relief, no matter it's true or not, as long as Zhou Qiqi puts away her bad attitude, everything else is fine.

"Qiqi, Airi is our stepmother's daughter, will you call her sister from now on?"

"Huh~!" Miyazaki Airi put on a high profile, thinking that Qiqi would definitely not bark, and she had already disillusioned her sister, and she didn't look like a bad-tempered sister at all.

"Oh..." Zhou Qiqi had 1 reluctances, but if she wanted to play the hidden routine, she had to act well, so she suppressed her disgust and said in a coquettish voice against her will, "Aili Ou Nei-chan~"


Miyazaki Airi felt that Zhou Qiqi's voice was too soft, which made her body feel very strange, and her whole body was excited, her bones were crisp and numb, which was very beautiful.

Think about the cuteness of all kinds of little lolitas when they yell "Oni sauce" at you, there is still some lethality, and it does not distinguish between men and women.

Miyazaki Airi felt less resentment towards Zhou Qiqi, and suddenly thought that it would be a good thing to have a sister who is so cute and cute.

"Well~, let's forget about the previous things. As a big sister, I won't hold a grudge against you. Be good in the future..."

Zhou Qiqi had a smile on her face, her mother was a critic in her heart, she was just a fake sister, what was she so proud of?I pretended to be a kitten first, and then took the opportunity to eat her, Keke~

"I see, Airione-chan~"

Miyazaki Airi blushed, she was a little bit shy, this mouthful of "Ou Nei Sauce" made her a little excited, but the change of attitude was too fast, which made people feel a little uneasy.

Can a super big brother control it in a few days?

It's obviously impossible, but I'm planning something in my heart...

Miyazaki Airi was full of surprises and doubts, full of inner drama, staged a duel between scheming bitches.

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