Zhou Han didn't think much about it, he thought it would be good for both of them to talk well, and he was quite happy in his heart, after all, the two younger sisters would be thankful if they didn't fight.

"Okay, you two stop sticking to me and talk about serious business?"

Miyazaki Airi felt that as an older sister, it was best to set an example, so she honestly let go.

But Zhou Qiqi is a little careless, she clings to Zhou Han, her eyes are full of little stars, she hopes to stick to her brother all the time.

Zhou Han didn't give Zhou Qiqi face, and shook her away abruptly.

"Hey, what is that? Kiki really asked you to come back?"

"Of course, is this fake?" Zhou Qiqi hugged her breasts and said proudly, "I told my mom that if I'm not allowed to go back, I'll go on a hunger strike. If I don't eat for a day, my mom will let me go back. Tell me to come back and take a look, and then I was green..."

Miyazaki Airi frowned slightly, why did she feel that Zhou Qiqi's words were full of irony, and she really didn't mean to call her sister?

Zhou Han's heart skipped a beat, and he managed to keep the two younger sisters steady, but he didn't want them to quarrel, so he quickly changed the subject, "Is mom busy?"

"It's almost the same as before. I'm almost always in the research institute. Most of the nanny takes care of me." Zhou Qiqi said helplessly, "So I don't want to stay in Australia at all. Instead of letting the nanny take care of me, it's better to let my brother take care of me. You can also eat instant noodles together!"

Miyazaki Airi was stunned, thinking that the siblings looked miserable.

Zhou Han felt a little uncomfortable, why Qiqi lived with her mother, but her mother was still the same, and hired a nanny. In this case, it would be better to take care of Qiqi by herself, relatives are always better than outsiders.

Originally, Zhou Han wanted to blame Zhou Qiqi for coming back without permission, but now he understood that his mother ignored him, and his father didn't love him, so he had to come back to find his brother. It was a bit bitter to think about it.

As an older brother, Zhou Han certainly wouldn't drive Qiqi back, he had to take the initiative to take care of her and not let her be wronged.

I may be Qiqi's last life-saving dish, if I still drive her back to Australia, what will this child do?Being kicked around like a rubber ball is very disrespectful.

Compared with my mother, my father is still reliable, but I don't want to find a home. It seems that I am the only one who can take care of Qiqi.

Zhou Han patted Qiqi's head, showing a kind of pampering expression.

"Brother~" Zhou Qiqi smiled with her small face up, without any resistance at all, much calmer than Miyazaki Airi.

Looking at Qiqi's smiling face, Zhou Han had mixed feelings in his heart, wondering how long he would take care of Qiqi?It can't be forever, can it?It can only depend on what she means, how long she intends to stay in Huaxia.

"Qiqi, how long do you plan to stay in Zhongqing City..."

Zhou Qiqi swayed her calves, and said with a little excitement on her red smiling face——

"I'm not leaving."

"Where is my brother, I will follow, hee hee~"

o (* //// ▽ //// *) q

The first thousand and 130 chapters and eight monthly tickets plus more

"This one……"

Zhou Han's expression became embarrassed, has he stayed?It's a little unacceptable. After all, I have that kind of relationship with Miyazaki Airi, and there seems to be nothing good about having a younger sister in the middle.

Miyazaki Airi is also a little disgusted, let Zhou Qiqi live here all the time?How can this work, how can anyone live with a younger sister?

"Qiqi, are you going to live here forever? Are you not going back to Australia?"

Zhou Han hesitated, and decided that it would be better to ask clearly, otherwise conflicts would arise again.

"That's right, I don't want to go back!" Zhou Qiqi took Zhou Han's arm and said seriously, "Where my brother is, I will be there. I don't want to live in other places."

"How can this work? Of course it's okay if you want to come on vacation, what's the matter with planning to be a resident?" Miyazaki Airi couldn't help expressing her dissatisfaction.

"Why not? This is my home, and Airi Ounei is the invader..." Zhou Qiqi complained dissatisfied.

"I..." Miyazaki Airi was at a loss for words, she just didn't want to disturb the world of the two of them, it would be great to be tired of being together every day like now, with Zhou Qiqi here, this kind of life will definitely be gone forever.

"Qiqi, don't you want to live with your mother? What about your studies?" Zhou Han's question is basically a primary school student's trump card, similar to "Have you finished your homework yet?"

"Brother, what do you mean?" Zhou Qiqi looked at Zhou Han in amazement, tears welling in her eyes, "I finally came back and you actually...you hit me..."

"No..." Zhou Han suddenly became nervous. He couldn't afford to wear such a big hat, as if he had a adopted sister and no longer needed his own sister.

"Hey..." Zhou Qiqi burst into tears immediately, began to cry, and said sadly, "Mom doesn't care about me, father is patriarchal, and now even my brother doesn't want me! Qiqi has no one to love, no one loves, she is a poor girl." Worm, let me disappear, I don't even have a home, I always thought that my brother would always take care of me, but I didn't expect... I didn't expect... Hey..."

"Don't cry, I didn't say I don't want you..." Zhou Han panicked when his sister cried, and looked very uncomfortable.

Originally, he had been his follower since he was a child, but it was very worrying to be so sad all of a sudden.

Zhou Han thinks about it, it is indeed like what Qiqi said, mother is indifferent and emotional, and father is indeed patriarchal, what will Qiqi do?All I can do is take care of her.

If you drive her away by yourself, where can this girl go?Go back and continue to be taken care of by a strange nanny?I don't even want to.

Regardless of how old Qiqi is now, in Zhou Han's eyes, she is always that little tail.

Miyazaki Airi felt a little uncomfortable beside her, after all, she was a bit of a virgin, and her heart was also soft. Seeing Zhou Qiqi crying like a poor little girl, her sympathy overflowed immediately.

Thinking about it, why isn't she staying at a relative's house, and she is obedient in her heart, isn't it normal to come back to find her brother?

Miyazaki Airi suddenly couldn't bear it, and felt that it didn't matter if Zhou Qiqi stayed.

"Don't cry, don't cry, that... eh!?"

Zhou Han was about to say something to comfort him, but his voice suddenly stopped.

I saw Miyazaki Airi sitting next to Zhou Qiqi, holding her in her arms, telling her not to continue to be sad, and to experience her own body temperature.

Zhou Qiqi was stunned, her sobs stopped abruptly, her eyes widened in a daze.

"Don't cry, if you want to stay, just stay, as long as you want, if no one wants to take care of you, I will take care of you, so be happy."

Miyazaki Airi hugged Zhou Qiqi and let her head rest on her washboard, regardless of whether the other party was uncomfortable or not, showing the radiance of the Virgin Mary.

Zhou Qiqi's expression was a little dazed, and the little devil was trembling under the halo of the Virgin, and his mind was a little dazed.

what's the situation?

This fake sister...

Surprise is a good guy!

Zhou Qiqi felt that she was almost corrupted, so she shook her head quickly.

No no no!Can't be brainwashed.

Since the fake sister is a saint, let me make good use of it, Koko~

Zhou Qiqi showed a bit of cunning in her eyes, intending to slowly sow discord, and then drive Miyazaki Airi away.

"That...Arione-chan, the chest is so hard, it hit me..."

Zhou Han was stunned, thinking it was over, wasn't this mocking Airi's chest?It was rare that the atmosphere was so good just now, and it is estimated that there will be another quarrel.

Miyazaki Airi's face turned dark, and she looked down at Zhou Qiqi. She wanted to lose her temper, but when she saw her innocent eyes with tears in her mouth, the resentment disappeared immediately.

"Sorry, next time I hug you, I'll bring a breast pad..."

Zhou Han's expression became weird, he covered his head and thought, my brain, why is my brain gone!

"Hmm... Airi Ou Nei-chan, can I really stay? It seems that my brother is not willing, what should I do?" Zhou Qiqi hugged Miyazaki Airi, rubbing and rubbing.

"Don't be afraid, I have the final say, as long as I let you stay, he has no right to express opinions." Miyazaki Airi touched Zhou Qiqi's head. Although this child has a vicious mouth and a bad personality, it is quite distressing. Yes, he still acts like a baby to himself now, so he must not be a bad boy, right?

"Just ignore me..." Zhou Han's expression became weird. He was beaten to death a second ago, but now he is suddenly getting better. What are the girls thinking?I don't understand it at all!

"Thank you Ou Neijiang! I like you so much..." Zhou Qiqi, the film star, is full of drama, what she says is completely different from what she thinks in her heart, like you?No wonder!When you slowly relax your vigilance, I'll take the opportunity to drive you out, this fake sister!Koko~

Seeing Zhou Qiqi acting like a baby, Miyazaki Airi feels the same in her heart, she is so cute and cute, this is the sister I want, not the kind of bad-tempered, bad-tempered guy, a sister who can act like a baby and act cute cute……

Miyazaki Airi's attitude took a 180-degree turn, and the previous unhappiness was forgotten. If Zhou Qiqi didn't lose her temper, she would be a mascot every day, and it didn't matter how long she took care of herself.

As the only child, Miyazaki Airi felt the sense of accomplishment of being an older sister, and couldn't help but feel a little happy. She just doesn't have a younger sister. If she had one, she would definitely be the best older sister in the world. It's great to have a younger sister...

"Don't make trouble or be disobedient in the future, I will take care of you, you have to be obedient, you know?"

"Well, I won't make Airi Ou Nei-chan angry anymore..." Zhou Qiqi pursed her lips and said seriously.

"Good boy~" Miyazaki Airi touched Zhou Qiqi's head and felt her nose was a little hot, probably because she was excited. Although Lilith can act coquettishly and cute, she doesn't seem to be at the same level as Zhou Qiqi.

"Ou Nei Jiang..." Zhou Qiqi raised her head.

"Huh?" Miyazaki Airi felt dizzy.

"Chirp~" Zhou Qiqi kissed Miyazaki Airi's side face.

"Hey!" Miyazaki Airi was stunned, she just felt a chill on her cheeks, but her heart exploded, I... I was kissed by my sister! ?

She covered her cheeks with her hands, her face slowly turned red, and she almost had a nosebleed. This younger sister is so good at acting like a baby, she almost fell into a trap.

"Hee hee, Airi Ou Nei-chan~" Zhou Qiqi blushed and became twitchy, thinking——

Become my slave quickly!

A mere fake younger sister is also worthy of stealing my brother from me?

You are still too tender, watch me spoil your relationship, and then go directly to the position!

Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie...


The first thousand and 130 chapters nine bah

Zhou Han knows Zhou Qiqi quite well, and his attitude is often abrupt, which is just pretending.

"Aili, wait a minute, something is wrong with this girl..."

"What do you mean?" Miyazaki Airi asked in surprise, hugging Zhou Qiqi.

"Qiqi must be planning something..." Zhou Han said awkwardly, the more she looked at Zhou Qiqi, the more she missed the little devil.

"Brother! What are you talking about? Why do you look at me like that? I'm still a naive and pure child, why do you think of me so badly?" Zhou Qiqi's eyes were watery.

"Fart kid, giant baby?" Zhou Han twisted his mouth, thinking that if he guessed correctly, Qiqi must want to get close to Miyazaki Airi, and then play tricks behind her back, this is her usual routine.

"Aili Ou Neichan, brother...he bullied me..." Zhou Qiqi pretended to be pitiful and called for help.

Miyazaki Airi reached out and knocked Zhou Han on the head, and said angrily, "What are you doing? Why are you bullying your sister?"

"No, this girl..." Zhou Han hesitated to speak.

Zhou Qiqi turned her head and made a sneaky grimace, mocking her elder brother, making him speak ill of herself, and finding a backer to support her every minute.

Zhou Han frowned, feeling that the situation was not good for him, thinking about the fear of being dominated by Qiqi when he was a child, it seemed to be coming back again.

In the past, Qiqi pretended to be pitiful and asked her father to vent her anger.

Now let Miyazaki Airi help her vent her anger...

"Don't explain, I think you didn't communicate well between the two of us, otherwise you wouldn't have quarreled before. It turns out that your sister is not such an unreasonable person. She can still understand others when she speaks well. She is not as rude as she said. It's unreasonable." Miyazaki Airi stroked Zhou Qiqi's hair, feeling soft and comfortable.

Zhou Qiqi blushed, seemingly enjoying it, but actually thought in her heart, hum!Foxy, let me touch it for a while, it's like giving me a massage, but it's kind, a little...

No no no!How can you be brainwashed by a vixen!I'm the big villain!

Zhou Qiqi gave Zhou Han a sneaky look, thinking she was her own brother, but she actually spoke ill of me behind my back!

Zhou Han became embarrassed, thinking how can Miyazaki Airi understand the seriousness of the matter?Looking at the dead girl, she is obviously happy to have a cute little sister!

"So your sister is so cute, why don't you tell me honestly before? You have to say something inexplicable to scare me. If it's Kiki's, I'd be happy to be her sister." Miyazaki Airi fell into the trap of becoming an older sister. In the frenzy, she, who has never had a younger brother or sister, is extremely happy now. Not every younger sister is as good at being cute as Kiki, and is easy to be liked by her elders.

"Ou Neijiang, please give me a hug~" Zhou Qiqi began to act cute again.

"You little guy, it would be nice if you were not obedient at first, really..." Miyazaki Airi hugged Zhou Qiqi tightly, feeling that having a cute younger sister was much more enjoyable than raising a cat.

"Sister, I like you so much~" Zhou Qiqi showed a very shy expression, she was almost out of breath.

"Be good in the future, I will spoil you well, don't be mischievous." Airi Miyazaki told Zhou Qiqi in her arms.

"Yeah." Zhou Qiqi nodded, thinking, be nice?How can it be!I want to become a king-level light bulb and let you two break up, Keke~

Zhou Han watched from the side with complicated emotions. He was obviously the older brother of the two of them, but now he looked like a superfluous person.

Nima, what the hell is this rhythm that looks like Lala?It's so unscientific to meet for less than an hour...

In Zhou Han's heart, Qiqi must be acting. If this continues, Miyazaki Airi will suffer sooner or later, and he can't reprimand his own sister.

I remember scolding Qiqi when I was a child, but the girl's bones were harder than her own.

"Qiqi, please be normal, if you have any dissatisfaction, please tell me, don't be like this..."

"How can I be dissatisfied? I like Airi Ou Nei-chan! Brother, why are you always sowing discord? Big villain!" Zhou Qiqi made a face, and then said to Miyazaki Airi, "Ou Nei-chan, Ou Nei Neijiang, bro, he has conspiracy theories, you don’t believe him, do you?”

"How come? This guy is narrow-minded~" Miyazaki Airi coaxed Zhou Qiqi, and a backhand was slapped on Zhou Han's forehead, "Shut up, you are a real brother, why do you always treat your sister as a bad person? Crazy Are you? Baga!"

"I...I..." Zhou Han covered his forehead, intending to remind Miyazaki Airi, but he was beaten by Miyazaki Airi instead. It's really a dog biting Lu Dongbin, who doesn't understand good people!

"Keke~" Zhou Qiqi snickered, glared at Zhou Han with a very sinister look, as if to say again, "If you dare to speak ill of me, I will make your life worse than death, Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

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