"Come on, accept my sister's care frankly~"

Miyazaki Airi didn't wait for Zhou Qiqi to refuse, she poured some shower gel in her hand, hugged her from behind, and then attacked her breasts to cum.

"Yeah! O...Ou Neijiang!?" Zhou Qiqi exclaimed, her face flushed red.

"What's wrong?" Miyazaki Airi asked strangely, feeling that Zhou Qiqi's delicate body was trembling.

Especially when rubbing the little cherry on the mountain, Zhou Qiqi's whole body will vibrate like a mobile phone.

"Okay... so cold..." Zhou Qiqi felt uncomfortable, and felt that Miyazaki Airi's hands were cold, which irritated her. Don't look at her as a sweet girl on the surface, she cursed directly in her heart, did the vixen do it on purpose?Want to see me make a fool of myself!

"Just bear with it, good boy~" Airi Miyazaki wiped it gently like a big sister.

"Hmm..." Zhou Qiqi could only bear it when she thought that she still had to play the role of a good baby.

The creamy shower gel covered the whole body, flowed between the breasts, and slid through the private parts of the breasts along the belly button.

This situation makes people think, where is the greasy world?

Miyazaki Airi rubbed Zhou Qiqi's breasts, feeling unexpectedly comfortable, with strong elasticity, and lubricated with shower gel, it was a bit like fishing in water. It was amazing, and unconsciously, it was a bit addictive.

"Ou Neijiang, don't... keep touching strange places..." Zhou Qiqi couldn't help reminding.

"I don't have one." Miyazaki Airi said in surprise.

Zhou Qiqi blushed a little, she remained silent, thinking in embarrassment, and said she didn't smell bad!How many times have you picked my cherry secretly?

The more Miyazaki Airi touched it, the redder her face became. It felt so nice to have a big breast, and it was very comfortable to touch, a feeling that I never felt when I touched it myself.

Miyazaki Airi began to envy her inexplicably. As an elder sister, she seemed to have no advantages, not even half as good as her younger sister, and she seemed to have no majesty in the future.

As long as Zhou Qiqi pushes her chest forward a little, Miyazaki Airi will become weak, without the dignity of her sister.

"Hmm..." Zhou Qiqi's whole body was tense and a little nervous. When a stranger touched her, she felt uncomfortable all over, and her breasts were almost coming to her.

To apply shower gel, of course it has to be applied all over the body. Miyazaki Airi took advantage of the situation and touched between Zhou Qiqi's legs, feeling the dense black jungle.

This girl, is she a bit precocious in her development, or is she strong in female hormones?

Miyazaki Airi took advantage of the situation to probe down, and Zhou Qiqi's delicate body suddenly let out a gasp, "Haha!"

Zhou Qiqi couldn't help it, she revealed her true nature, and she stood up abruptly.

"Stinky [-]! You have..."

"Huh?" Miyazaki Airi tilted her head with a puzzled expression.

A drop of cold sweat dripped down Zhou Qiqi's forehead, remembering that she still had important matters to worry about, so she became coy and said shyly——

"Ou Nei Sauce~"

"It's a strange place..."

"It feels...it feels like an electric shock..."


The first thousand and 140 chapters of the second chapter monthly ticket plus update (overcome procrastination!)

"I'm your sister, it's okay to touch strange places."

Miyazaki Airi pinched her waist and said confidently.

"But...but..." Zhou Qiqi hesitated, "but it's so shameful."

"Everyone is a girl, why are you shy? Am I rubbing your back for you?" Miyazaki Airi said in surprise, feeling that Zhou Qiqi was a little too sensitive.

What's wrong with girls touching each other?You can also take the opportunity to get close. When the boys are out of class, they are pushed down in various ways, and various positions emerge.

"Even if it's a girl, you can't touch it everywhere? My sister...is really a bully..." Zhou Qiqi duplicity, look at Miyazaki Airi's airport, at first glance, there is no sense of disobedience in the men's bathhouse!

"Who will bully you, I am your sister, don't be shy, I still want to clean you up~" Miyazaki Airi beckoned Zhou Qiqi over.

"No, Airi Oone-chan...is she bisexual?" Zhou Qiqi asked strangely.

"How...how is it possible? I'm not bisexual, let alone lesbian..." Miyazaki Airi retorted with a blushing face, thinking that she envied other people for such things as big tits... how dare I say it out loud ah?

"Really?" Zhou Qiqi was deeply skeptical. She touched her breasts from just now, and then touched strange places. It's so strange!

"Really, if you don't like it, you can apply body wash yourself..." Miyazaki Airi said in embarrassment.

"I...I want to do it myself..." Zhou Qiqi took the bottle of shower gel.

Miyazaki Airi smiled awkwardly, thinking how she looks like a strange sorceress, does she really have homosexual tendencies?

After washing.

Two girls are sitting in front of a vanity mirror.

The hair dryer in Miyazaki Airi's hand was buzzing, blowing Zhou Qiqi's hair. After the double ponytails were put down, her hair was not short.

"Hoohoo~" Zhou Qiqi had a face full of enjoyment, being very comfortable being blown by the hot wind, she felt that she was being taken care of like a little princess, very happy.

Is this what it feels like to be taken care of by your sister?

He is much more careful than his brother, it's nice to have a sister.

Sure enough, Airi Oone-chan is super good at taking care of people...

etc!What am I thinking? !

Be reserved!You must correct your attitude and not be corrupted by the aura of the enemy.

Zhou Qiqi regained some sanity, and was almost immersed in her sister's tenderness.

"When you were in Australia, was the nanny taking care of you every day?" Miyazaki Airi asked tentatively, blowing her hair non-stop.

"Yes." Zhou Qiqi replied.

"Can you adapt? It feels weird to be taken care of by a stranger?" Miyazaki Airi thought of her past.

"This... more or less, I like eating things made by strangers too much." Zhou Qiqi replied.

"Really, let my sister make something for you to eat in the future. I am still confident in cooking." Miyazaki Airi said very seriously.

"Thank you, Ou Nei-chan~" Zhou Qiqi acted cute, a hint of displeasure flashed in her eyes, huh!Who wants to eat it! ?I'm afraid of being drugged!

"Qiqi, will you cover me with a quilt later, or alone?" Miyazaki Airi asked.

"I want to share the bed with Ou Nei Jiang." Zhou Qiqi said seriously.

"Souga, so cute~" Miyazaki Airi suddenly became a little bit elated, there is nothing more pleasing than being loved by her sister, and her sister is indeed a cute creature~

"Sister Aili, why do you like my brother?" Zhou Qiqi asked.

"It's a long story, but he is a very responsible person. Many things happened to him, and I gradually fell in love with him, and we will get married together in the future." Miyazaki Airi replied with a smile.

"Tch!" Zhou Qiqi was very unhappy. I was the one who married my brother. "But my brother is not very good. He is sloppy and always nervous. Most importantly, he is very sweet..."

"I know Huaxin. Other shortcomings are not big problems. In short, being around him will make me feel safe. I don't know what love is? But as long as I want to be with him, it's enough, right? "Miyazaki Airi smiled, not paying attention to what Zhou Qiqi said.


etc!Playful! ?

Didn't Lin Huxun say that she is a sister-in-law not long ago?

But brother, he is having sex with Airi One-chan again!

This relationship seems to be a bit messy, why can't I understand it!

Is my brother stepping on two boats?If I make good use of it, it seems that I can wipe out all these vixens, and then... Keke~

Zhou Qiqi thought she had discovered some shocking secret, so she pretended to be surprised.

"Is it really acceptable? My brother is dating a girl other than you, a girl named Lin Nianwei, will you really not be angry, Airi Oone-chan?"

"What, so you know everything?" Miyazaki Airi felt a little surprised, thinking that Zhou Han had told Zhou Qiqi everything.

"Eh?!" Zhou Qiqi was stunned, her mind was full of question marks, and she felt that her thoughts were not on the same channel.

"The three of us made our own choices, and no one will force anyone else. If we like it, we should be together. We'll hang out together. It's not a playful thing. Everyone doesn't want to give up. The result is like this. Doesn't it sound good? Unbelievable?" Miyazaki Airi asked with a wry smile.

"Three!??" Zhou Qiqi said that she could no longer understand, and it seemed that she had really discovered the shocking secret!

"It's just three girls, me, Xiaowei, and Xiaorui." Miyazaki Airi explained in confusion, wondering if Zhou Han didn't make it clear?

"Xiaorui... who is it?!" Zhou Qiqi's eyes widened, feeling more and more wrong.

"Xiaorui is a very cute girl, she is your brother's girlfriend..." Airi Miyazaki paused, and added two words, "One of them~"

"Oh my god!" Zhou Qiqi widened her eyes and adjusted her thoughts a little bit, "Aili...Ou Neichan, you mean, my brother... dated three girls at the same time, and then you guys accepted it! ? Make him a harem!?"

"Opening a harem...we are in a normal relationship." Miyazaki Airi didn't want to get entangled in this kind of thing.

"Normal relationship?! This is also okay..." Zhou Qiqi felt that her mind was gone, who would allow her boyfriend to have so many girls around her!Will it explode? ?

"There is no way to do this. We have thought about it for a long time. Only this is easier to accept and no one will be injured." Miyazaki Airi said with a smile.

"That...Ou Nei-chan, are you really not jealous?" Zhou Qiqi tried to prove that Miyazaki Airi's brain is not broken.

"I was a little bit dissatisfied before, but after so long, I got used to it, and everyone was quite happy to get together." Airi Miyazaki said softly, blowing her hair with the hair dryer non-stop.

Zhou Qiqi was speechless in a daze, her heart was extremely shocked——

What the hell! ?

Xiaowei Fox No. [-].

Airi Fox No. [-].

Xiaorui Fox No. [-].

I am not alone!

It's an enemy alliance formed by three vixens!

God, what do I have to do to destroy this fox den?


The first thousand and 140 chapters and three sleep together

Zhou Qiqi felt a lot of pressure, and it was obvious that Lin Nianwei put a lot of pressure on herself, and it turned out that there were two more people as powerful as her.

I'm not superhuman, and I feel a little incompetent?

Zhou Qiqi's mood suddenly turned bad. She thought that there were not many vixens around her brother, but when she inquired, there were actually three, which was still a stable harem.

"Sister Airi, are you really willing? Allow other girls to like my brother. I think you are better than them. You should have it alone. I feel worthless for you."

Zhou Qiqi insidiously sowed discord, holding a handful of Miyazaki Airi, which made her feel ecstatic.

"You little girl, your mouth is really sweet." Miyazaki Airi was very happy, and pinched Zhou Qiqi's little cheek, "I am not better than them, and I am not unwilling, there is no way, Zhou Han likes it The three of us, the three of us also like her, we got together as soon as we talked about it, there is no option to own her alone."

Zhou Qiqi was a little reconciled. If she didn't understand the situation, she would be so jealous of each other that she picked up a hatchet and cut her brother up.

"Ou Neichan, your heart is so kind. It is a blessing that my brother has cultivated in eight lifetimes. If you want, I can support you behind the scenes. If you insist on letting you and my brother be together, None of the other girls."

"No, you don't need to make trouble, they are all my good friends, how can I do this? People who don't have faith will basically end well." Miyazaki Airi took a hair dryer and went to tease Zhou Qiqi Hair, "I'm very satisfied now, but thank you anyway. Sure enough, sister should be closer?"

"Well, I like Ou Nei Jiang~" Zhou Qiqi nodded, cursing in her heart, what's the matter with this vixen?My brain is sick!Quickly pick up the hatchet and hack the other girls to death is the correct response!

"Well, Kiki, you're so cute~" Miyazaki Airi kissed Zhou Kiki's cheek.

The more she looked at Zhou Qiqi, the more she liked her. She was still unreasonable and unreasonable before, but now she is much stronger.

Cute and cute, this kind of girl is really attractive.

Zhou Qiqi was in a complicated mood, touched her cheek, and thought——

what the hell?

What is this vixen doing?

Suddenly came to kiss.

Obviously my mother never kissed me...

"Hey, Elder Sister Airi, did you accept the condition of being together because you lost the competition?"

"That doesn't count, but before dating, that guy liked Lin Nianwei a little more." Miyazaki Airi felt a little embarrassed when thinking about the past.

"Ah!?" Zhou Qiqi was very angry, and said with hatred, "That fox surnamed Lin is a fart? A boring one, what are you going to use to fight our sisters?"

"This..." Miyazaki Airi's expression froze, and she said with shame, "Xiaowei is a very nice person, and she is not a vixen, Kiki, you have too much prejudice against her."

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