"She is!" Zhou Qiqi was so angry when she thought of Lin Nianwei. She has been robbing her brother since she was a child, and she has been plotting against her for a long time. , since I was a child, I hinted that my brother was with her, and I almost pestered my brother from day to night."

Miyazaki Airi left a drop of cold sweat on her forehead, wondering if Xiaowei was so active before?I haven't seen her take the initiative now.

"This vixen likes to play house wine when I was young. Every day, I let my brother be a father, and she is a mother. I am a daughter every time, and I have never been a mother. How bad is she? It pissed me off... "Zhou Qiqi burst into tears when talking about her childhood.

Miyazaki Airi didn't know what to say to comfort Zhou Qiqi, thinking that she cared so much about a child's game?

"Aili Ou Nei-chan, you are really a disgrace to my sister. I am very anxious to see it. How can you lose to your childhood sweetheart who is bound to lose? It's really incomprehensible..." Zhou Qiqi said annoyed.

"Uh..." Miyazaki Airi felt embarrassed, and knocked Zhou Qiqi on the head, "What is the shame of a younger sister? Speak up, are you being naughty again?"

"I..." Zhou Qiqi was so deflated that she almost showed her true colors, and quickly put on a pitiful look, "Sister Aili, I just hold the injustice for you. How could the younger sister's party be defeated? We should rise up and revolt, yes The other girls declare war, and take my brother as their own!"

"Qiqi, restrain your sharp-edged temperament, I know you are doing it for my own good, but..." Airi Miyazaki paused, and said seriously, "You have to know that in the current situation, everyone is very nervous. Satisfaction, that's enough, because you like someone together, but you are at odds with each other, no one wants to see it, you may not understand it now."

"..." Zhou Qiqi sighed secretly, thinking helplessly——



These girls are all prostitutes, right?

late at night.

The two sisters hugged each other to sleep.

Miyazaki Airi fell asleep early.

Only Zhou Qiqi couldn't fall asleep, her eyes were spinning strangely at night.

Now she has not thought of a good solution for the time being, how to tear down the old brother's harem?

A stable harem should not exist, there must always be some small flaws, it seems that I have to create some misunderstandings.

Zhou Qiqi secretly made up an idea and decided to do something tomorrow.

No matter what method is used, brother must be taken back.

Looking at Miyazaki Airi's peaceful sleeping face in the dark, Zhou Qiqi felt angry in her heart.

It's my own home, my own room, my own bed, but now I have to share it with others, and I have to pretend to be a good sister with a humble attitude! ?

The most important thing is that I used to be the only younger sister, so it's not too strong to possess my brother, but now I actually have to share it with a fake younger sister.

The more Zhou Qiqi thought about it, the angrier she became, and she felt that she was playing tricks, so she took a small revenge on Miyazaki Airi.

She lifted her foot secretly, and kicked Miyazaki Airi off the bed.

Miyazaki Airi fell to the ground with a "plop" and woke up instantly.

Zhou Qiqi snickered in her heart, feeling very relieved and super refreshed!

Miyazaki Airi looked around blankly, but found nothing, only Zhou Qiqi on the bed, sleeping in a very dishonest position, and scratching her belly from time to time.

Miyazaki Airi suddenly lost half of her anger, and regarded Qiqi as a sister who likes to move around in her sleep, and needs to be taken care of by herself in the middle of the night.

Zhou Qiqi pretended to be very similar, showing no flaws.

Miyazaki Airi climbed onto the bed, helped Zhou Qiqi into a sleeping position, and covered her tightly with the quilt.

"What a worrying little guy..."

Miyazaki Airi bowed her head and kissed Zhou Qiqi's forehead, then hugged her and continued to sleep, fulfilling her sister's responsibility.

Wow, kissed again!

What is this fake sister doing?

Wouldn't she be angry if I did this?

Still willing to hold me like this...

Forget it, let her hug me tonight.

Zhou Qiqi's mood was extremely complicated, and she leaned close to Miyazaki Airi's arms, arching and arching like a child——

Although it's a bit uncomfortable to snatch my brother away.

But no, she is a very good person.

It seems that the older sister is much better than the elder brother.

Gentle and caring, that is...

**It's so hard, it's up to me.


The first thousand and 140 chapter four Hey Sen

early morning.

The second day after my sister came back.

Due to yesterday's troubles, Zhou Han slept very late, which made him very tired.

As a result, at 09:30, I was still asleep and didn't want to get up at all.

But the situation is different now, there is a younger sister who likes to make trouble in the family, Zhou Han still wants to sleep lazily?

"Brother! Brother! Wake up! The sun is shining on your ass~"

Zhou Qiqi pushed open Zhou Han's door, poked her head out and looked into the room.

"Ah... please, I slept until ten o'clock, I made too much noise last night..."

Zhou Han frowned slightly and muttered something on the bed.

"No way! It's already this time, the longer you sleep, the more brain cells will be killed!" Zhou Qiqi walked into the room and sat next to Zhou Han.

"Please, let all my brain cells die, and become mentally handicapped easily." Zhou Han was in a shattering posture.

"Get up, brother! Hurry up! You're lazier than before..." Zhou Qiqi didn't want to let her go, so she grabbed the quilt and shook it vigorously.

Zhou Han crashed to death, ignored his sister, and slept in his own bed.

"Get up?" Seeing that Zhou Han didn't respond, Zhou Qiqi climbed onto the bed and rode on him, "Brother?"

"Don't make trouble..." Zhou Han covered the quilt and put on a state of being isolated from the world.

"You forced me. Now it's the classic scene where my younger sister wakes you up. According to the routine, I need to use a coquettish operation to wake you up." Zhou Qiqi rode on Zhou Han, her position was quite standard, "I just thought, if you don't get up , I will block your face with my butt, so that you can't breathe and suffocate to death."

Zhou Han was terrified, feeling that this move was coquettish and embarrassing, what kind of coquettish operation is the younger sister's ass riding on the face?

"But I thought about it, and I can't do this, because this is a deduction item and will lose fans." Zhou Qiqi paused, and continued, "So I'm going to change the routine."

Zhou Han breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that he had escaped a catastrophe, and was suffocated to death by his sister's buttocks, what a fucking sad way to die?

"My current posture is the same as the posture of you and your fake sister last night. You can imagine it without covering your face?" Zhou Qiqi asked.

Zhou Han in the quilt frowned, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in Qiqi's gourd?

"You two were like this at the time, the fake sister was riding on top of you, and your waist twisted." Zhou Qiqi twisted her waist as she spoke.

What the hell!

What the hell is this girl doing! ?

Are you trying to humiliate me?

Zhou Han felt very delicate, Qiqi found the position quite accurately, right on top of her little brother, separated by underwear and quilt.

Every time Zhou Qiqi twisted her waist, she would rub it slightly.

Zhou Han was a little disappointed, or he was about to react to the relationship that he hadn't finished venting last night.

I rely on!This is my own sister, I actually have a tendency to react, it's too perverted!Bow your head quickly!Unbelievable Ou Jinjin!

Zhou Han seriously suspected that it was because he hadn't seen Qiqi for a long time, otherwise how could a normal brother react to his sister, it's too fucking crazy.

"Brother, do you feel it? That's what the fake sister did yesterday. The movements are very skillful. The two of you take advantage of the fact that no one is watching at home, so you can make out regularly, right? You are so skillful in cooperating, ah yes, you also need to cooperate with the sound effect." ..." Zhou Qiqi pondered for a while, and tried to learn——

"Ah... Oni-chan... Haha~"

"Ya Butterfly, Oni-chan, um..."

"I just took my father, sizzled the pot, ah..."

Although Zhou Qiqi has never done this kind of thing before, she learns it so vividly that she is worthy of being a film king, she looks like what she learns, and she flies up in her mouth.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

Zhou Han couldn't take it anymore, he lifted the quilt and stopped pretending to be dead.

He felt that if he kept shouting, Miyazaki Airi would have to be attracted, and the scene would be extremely embarrassing and he couldn't control it.

But I have to say, Qiqi is really good at learning, and it really sounds like a Japanese in that.

Zhou Han felt that as an older brother, he needed to correct his attitude and remain unmoved, and condemned this kind of exciting, ah!embarrassing thing.

"I'm convinced, I'm convinced! Stop making trouble, please..."

"Are you scared? You guys were defiant last night, and you had a good time at once. You two were like this at the time. Brother, can you imagine how shocked I was at that time? The scene was very insignificant. I didn't know it. I thought my home was an island country. Where is the shooting scene of the action movie!" Zhou Qiqi asked with great interest.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't expect you to come back." Zhou Han said awkwardly, which was indeed a bit unexpected.

"I'm coming back, brother, are you very conflicted, you can't act recklessly with the fake sister, it's a pity, isn't it?" Zhou Qiqi narrowed her eyes, there were no outsiders here, and she showed her character of a little devil without any scruples.

"Who said, I'm also very happy when you come back. I'm your brother. How can I be unhappy because my sister is back?" Zhou Han explained.

"Brother, I am very clear about your current state. You can't help yourself if you are addicted to your fake sister!" Zhou Qiqi said very euphemistically, it seems that she has a lot of resentment towards Zhou Han.

"What do you take me for? Why am I obsessed with that kind of thing? Don't slander me..." Zhou Han said seriously.

"Come on, brother, don't I understand you? Are you dating three girls at the same time?" Zhou Qiqi asked while riding on Zhou Han.

"You know everything?" Zhou Han felt a little surprised.

"The fake sister has already told me, brother, you are really capable. I haven't seen you in three days. Let me treat you with new eyes." Zhou Qiqi questioned.

"This..." Zhou Han's eyes wandered, and he said awkwardly, "This is an inevitable result, and there are some inside stories that you won't understand."

"Brother, don't you find it very exciting now? There are three different girls who can let you do whatever you want." Zhou Qiqi squinted her eyes and asked, which was very explicit and did not save face for her brother.

"Don't ask me so...Qiqi, you still don't understand love? The four of us are together because of our feelings, not our so-called desires." Zhou Han answered patiently.

"Come on, brother, I won't believe it. I've demolished your harem." Zhou Qiqi showed her sharp little canine teeth.

"Sure enough, that's what it's going to be like. I've already guessed it. Don't make trouble. Think about it, aren't you happy to have three sisters-in-law loving you?" Zhou Han smiled slightly, trying to make Qiqi understand.

"Happy big-headed ghost!" Zhou Qiqi showed a bit of a fierce look, obviously very angry, "I don't care! In short, you break up with those vixens! I am the true love, do you understand?"

"Be honest, old YY, isn't your brother embarrassing me?" Zhou Han frowned.

"Not at all, and don't be hilarious." Zhou Qiqi said enthusiastically.


"Qiqi, Qiqi? Where did you go? In your brother's room?"

Zhou Han didn't say a word, Miyazaki Airi's voice sounded outside the door, it seems that it's coming!

"Fuck, get down quickly, don't let Airi see it, what do you look like?" Zhou Han was startled, and drove the little devil away first.

"Go down? Keke~" Zhou Qiqi began to face Zhou Han...

Zhou Han's eyes widened, feeling that something was wrong, the rhythm of death——


"You damn girl, what are you doing undressing!?"

Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

The first thousand 140 chapter five monthly pass plus more

"Fuck, Kiki, calm down, don't trick me at this time, do you want me to be hacked to death by Airi with a kitchen knife?"

Zhou Han could tell at a glance what kind of tricks Zhou Qiqi wanted to play. Visually, he was planting a frame for blame. He wanted to pour dirty water on himself, and then let Miyazaki Airi misunderstand him, so as to achieve the sinister purpose of dismantling the harem.

"Keke~" Zhou Qiqi took off her clothes on her own, and lifted them up, revealing half of her breasts and flat belly button, "brother, are you excited?"

"I'm so excited about your size! Hurry up and put down your clothes!" Zhou Han was so anxious that he was sweating, and he had already heard Miyazaki Airi's footsteps approaching the door!

"I don't! I want my fake sister to watch us love each other~" Zhou Qiqi is so excited now.

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