"Kiki, Kiki, are you in there?" Miyazaki Airi's voice approached the door.

"Damn it, Qiqi, are you willing to cheat me to death?" Zhou Han was extremely anxious, got up and pulled Zhou Qiqi's clothes down, but refused to let her take them off.

"Brother, let go, it's my right to undress." Zhou Qiqi said confidently.

"Damn right, I think you are itchy and need to be dealt with." Zhou Han turned over and pressed Zhou Qiqi under him, wanting to punish her.

"Ah~, my brother is so proactive and enthusiastic..." Zhou Qiqi blushed, showing a somewhat obsessed expression.

"You...I..." Zhou Han showed a look of lovelessness, nodded and said, "I'll let you have a good time..."

Miyazaki Airi went out to buy breakfast just now.

Before leaving, she told Zhou Qiqi not to disturb Zhou Han and let him sleep for a while. After all, there were a lot of things last night and the noise lasted until midnight.

But I didn't see Zhou Qiqi when I came back, so I used my elbows to know that I went to Zhou Han's room.

Miyazaki Airi felt a little helpless, thinking that Qiqi was good, but sometimes she was still disobedient.

"Brother, just wait for me! You treat me like this, I won't let you go!"

Miyazaki Airi was surprised when she heard Zhou Qiqi's voice.

"Be honest with me, don't move around."

Miyazaki Airi frowned slightly, unable to guess what the two brothers and sisters were doing, so she hurriedly opened the door to have a look.

Zhou Han wrapped his younger sister in the quilt and rolled it up, like a big chrysalis, scolding angrily.

As for Zhou Han, he sat on his sister with his buttocks, making her unable to move.

"Brother, let me go! I want you to taste the taste of Huya!"

"Hehe, just stay like this. Forgive me, you are a monkey grandson, and you can't escape my Wuzhishan at all."

The siblings teased each other without saving face at all.

"You... what are you doing?" Miyazaki Airi couldn't understand and couldn't help asking.

"We're... joking around." Zhou Han explained awkwardly, thinking what else could he do?Qiqi wants to take off her clothes in front of me to frame me, she must be careful.

"Aili Ou Neichan, come and save me, brother... he is a bully!" Zhou Qiqi put on a look of a victim, and said aggrievedly, "I came to wake him up out of good intentions, but he treats me like this, It's too bad, beep..."

"Aili, don't believe it, this girl has absolutely no intentions." Zhou Han said seriously, he was not for everyone, he had to control his sister and not let her mess around.

Miyazaki Airi is always a little jealous, if she finds out that she and her sister have some unbearable scenes, she will definitely be sad, right?

"Aili Ou Nei, it's so painful, I can't breathe..." Zhou Qiqi pretended to be uncomfortable.

"What are you doing! Get down! Don't sit on your sister, didn't you see her suffering?" Miyazaki Airi was anxious, seeing the little guy who had been acting like a baby by her side being bullied, a little upset.

"No, Airi, listen to me..."

"Let's go down! Is there someone like you who is a brother? Baga! Sasa Duosine!"

Miyazaki Airi didn't listen to Zhou Han's explanation, and slapped her across the face.

"Hey!?" Zhou Han covered his face, thinking how could he be his own?I am the partner of justice, young hero Emiya!

"Kiki, come here." Miyazaki Airi opened her arms.

"Airi Ohne-chan~" Zhou Qiqi ran over and hugged Miyazaki Airi, turned her head and gave Zhou Han a provocative look, as if to say again, "Have you been beaten? Let brother bully me again, Keke~"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, my sister is here, if this guy dares to bully you, tell me, and my sister will support you." Miyazaki Airi comforted Zhou Qiqi, stroking her back continuously.

"Airi Ohne-chan, chirp~" Zhou Qiqi stood on tiptoe and kissed Miyazaki Airi's cheek.

Miyazaki Airi kept giggling, thinking it was great to have a younger sister, and indulged in the desire to be an older sister.

Don't look at Zhou Qiqi's innocent face, but she thinks in her heart, this fake sister should not be too easy to drive, I want my brother to fear me, Keke~

"Hey, Airi, I didn't do it on purpose just now, don't take me as a bad person." Zhou Han quickly explained.

"Stop explaining, what are you doing? You will bully your sister." Miyazaki Airi scolded dissatisfied.

"I didn't! It's all about this girl, she...she undressed in front of her face! I have no choice but to!" Zhou Han spread his hands and explained, "Aili, you have to believe me, this girl Qiqi has a bad stomach, I am the justice ah……"

Miyazaki Airi looked down at Zhou Qiqi suspiciously, her eyes became surprised.

"Sister Airi, I won't do this, trust me..." Zhou Qiqi pursed her mouth, showing a pitiful look, very similar to the kittens and puppies on the roadside begging for adoption, and she has a girlish heart for Miyazaki Airi. cause great damage.

Miyazaki Airi felt that Qiqi was still a good child, and that her cute sister was justice, so she turned her head and stared at Zhou Han, and said viciously, "Ulusai! I think you are dishonest because you are a perverted sister. It's not because of paranoia, even my own sister is sexually explicit, it's disgusting!"

"I..." Zhou Han held his forehead, thinking who did he offend?Why did you put all the shit on your forehead? !

"What are you!? You bastard-minded guy, restrain yourself when I'm here! Hmph~!" Miyazaki Airi held Zhou Qiqi's little hand, "Qiqi go, let's eat."

"Okay~" Zhou Qiqi obediently followed Miyazaki Airi out, and before leaving, she deliberately turned her head and made a face at Zhou Han, as if mocking her.

"Airi? Honey, I need a chance to defend myself!" Zhou Han shouted, but Miyazaki Airi ignored him at all.

The door was shut with a bang, leaving Zhou Han alone in the room.

Zhou Han lay on the bed with his forehead supported, wondering why he didn't even give him a chance to explain?

Think about Miyazaki Airi who is now immersed in the satisfaction of being an older sister, and doesn't listen to her own explanation at all.

Damn sister, why did you come back and interfere with your brother and my daily life?

It's still just pediatrics now, who knows how the devil sister will frame him later.

"Alas..." Zhou Han sighed, and secretly decided——


I'm going to fight back.

Can't sit still.

Let Kiki know how powerful I am!

The first thousand and 140 chapters six excited

Eat breakfast.

Zhou Han wondered how to be alone with Miyazaki Airi?

In this way, I can tell her what Kiki is up to.

But it seems that there is no chance, Zhou Qiqi seems to know what Zhou Han is going to do, so Miyazaki Airi pesters her whenever she is at home.

Miyazaki Airi was not at home, so she harassed herself in turn, yes, it was sexual harassment.

As for Miyazaki Airi, Airi is still in the freshness of taking care of her younger sister.

Zhou Han feels that the only child has this virtue, and he has expectations for brothers and sisters. With younger brothers and sisters, he will give them up like treasures.

In addition, Qiqi, this little bastard is a movie star, she has a knack for pretending to be cute and cute, she is simply a good baby in front of Miyazaki Airi, making Zhou Han look like a bad guy, a pervert who always thinks about plotting against his sister.

"Eat more eggs in the morning, it's good for your health." Airi Miyazaki grilled eggs for Zhou Qiqi, and put each one smooth and slippery in front of her.

"Well, thank you for loving you, Ou Nei Jiang~" Zhou Qiqi smiled, thinking that I don't want to eat eggs at all. Is it because I want to choke my rhythm to death after chopping so much?

Zhou Han ate, as if he wanted to be mentally angry, he chewed the pickles in his mouth, and could make a sneering sound when he drank the porridge, as if he was expressing a silent protest.

Especially Zhou Han's eyes, looking at Zhou Qiqi like an enemy in her previous life.

Originally Zhou Qiqi was abroad, and I missed her very much at every turn, but now I am a little annoyed when I come back for one night, I hope Qiqi will have a good life abroad, what trouble is she making when she comes back?

Zhou Han understands that this is a normal phenomenon, and the relationship between siblings is nothing more than that. If you don't see them, you miss them very much. After seeing them for a few days, it's enough, and you feel a sense of distance.

"Brother, what kind of eyes do you have? You look at me like an enemy..." Zhou Qiqi turned her head and asked with interest.

"Is there? No~" Zhou Han picked up the bowl, spun the porridge in a circle, and made a "xilihulu" sound.

"Why not? Since just now, there has been a lot of bitterness and hatred, and she has been exuding resentment." Miyazaki Airi said dissatisfiedly, and she had noticed it a long time ago.

"I'm thinking about the contemporary brother-sister relationship. Why do people think that brother-sister relationship is unreliable? This is a question worth thinking about..." Zhou Han put on an old-fashioned look.

"What do you want to express?" Miyazaki Airi raised her eyebrows.

"I want to say that the reason why it's unreliable is that it's the fault of a brother controlling the sister, which makes many people think that the relationship between brother and sister is unreliable." Zhou Han said solemnly.

"Why don't you take a look at yourself, isn't it right that it's hard to take you as a sister-in-law?" Miyazaki Airi poured a basin of cold water unceremoniously.

"I won't take the blame for this." Zhou Han said helplessly.

"Okay, brother." Zhou Qiqi pretended to be a good boy, and asked tentatively, "Are you jealous that Elder Sister Aili will chop eggs for me, and won't give them to you?"

"Will I care about such a boring thing?" Zhou Han pretended to be indifferent on the surface, but thought in his heart, I really care about it, okay?My daughter-in-law treats my sister better than me!beep beep...

"Here~" Miyazaki Airi quickly picked an egg for Zhou Han and put it in front of him, "I'll give you one, stop crying."

"I don't, do you look down on me too much?" Zhou Han spread his hands.

"I'll give you mine too, don't cry." Zhou Qiqi felt that there were too many eggs in front of her, so she quickly gave Zhou Han four.

"I said I don't need it anymore, but since you insist on giving it to me, then I can only eat it, otherwise I will waste the food." Zhou Han said solemnly.

"Brother, Tsundere is not your character..." Zhou Qiqi said in a strange tone.

"Okay, eat quickly, don't chat." Miyazaki Airi said calmly.

"Keke~" Zhou Qiqi smiled gloatingly.

"Airi, let's go shopping later." Zhou Han couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to go out for a walk with Miyazaki Airi alone.

"Going shopping?" Miyazaki Airi thought about the Golden Week now, so it's okay to go out together.

"I'm going too!" Zhou Qiqi hurried over to intervene.

"Forget it, stay at home." Zhou Han had no interest at all, gave up the idea of ​​going shopping, and took Qiqi out to forget about the world of two people.

"Huh~, brother, what do you mean? Are you disgusting me? Or do you mean that I interfered with your good affairs with Sister Aili?" Zhou Qiqi showed a provocative look, seeing through Zhou Han's tricks at a glance.

"No, it suddenly occurred to me that I would talk to my dad about your transfer, and ask him to get involved with Jinteng Academy." Zhou Han said casually.

"That's not it, brother, you just dislike me, and you're like this in less than a day since I came back." Zhou Qiqi turned to crying to Miyazaki Airi, her little eyes were teary, "Airi Ou Nei-chan, Qiqi is Not a very annoying kid, you all actually hate me?"

"How could it be? Qiqi is very likable." Miyazaki Airi rolled her eyes at Zhou Han, "He's like that, he lacks love, and we have to clean up today. Let's go together in a few days, will my sister buy you some beautiful dresses?"

"Yeah!" Zhou Qiqi nodded vigorously, laughing through her tears, "Ari Ou Nei-chan, stay ki~"

"You can speak Japanese well, cutie." Miyazaki Airi touched Zhou Qiqi's head.

Zhou Han rolled his eyes, thinking that this was all used to show off his cuteness when he was a child. He used to be "Oni sauce, dasi ki~", but now he has become a sister.

"Kekeke~" Zhou Qiqi smiled like a treacherous minister, thinking——

Want to be alone?

Come to me first and then talk!

After dinner.

Miyazaki Airi took the initiative to wash the dishes, took over Zhou Han's work, and asked the two brothers and sisters to make a video call with Uncle Zhou.

The siblings were sitting in front of the computer. Since they had already greeted each other in the morning, Father Zhou should be waiting at this time.

"Brother, all the little porn movies you hid are gone? Is it because you have a girlfriend that you don't need to do it yourself?"

When Miyazaki Airi is not present, Zhou Qiqi will show her true nature, which makes Zhou Han very helpless.

"How do you know it's gone?" Zhou Han asked in surprise.

"Your computer's C drive has a total of 200G, and there are hundreds of K left after saving pornographic movies. It's so empty now, isn't it gone?" Zhou Qiqi said helplessly, "I've seen all the stuff you store, and it's full of black silk and long legs."

"You..." Zhou Han said awkwardly, "Can you learn something better? I beg you..."

"What's wrong with me?" Zhou Qiqi pouted.

"Please be a normal sister, of course, this is my lifelong request." Zhou Han clasped his hands together in a very earnest tone.

"Brother, I beg you to become a dead sister-in-law. You will fuck your sister at every turn. If you don't have my sister's saliva, you will die. This is my sister's lifelong request." Zhou Qiqi pretended to be more pitiful than Zhou Han.

"Shut up, you make me speechless..." Zhou Han held his forehead, admiring Qiqi.

"Brother, do you see my thighs are beautiful?" Zhou Qiqi swayed her black silk calves, "The black stockings I put on specially are still very thin, and they will tear if you tear them. Do you think they are very sexy and want to lick them?"

"Get lost." Zhou Han frowned.

Zhou Qiqi tilted her small mouth, revealing a bit of a dissolute smile——

"I'll take it off and give it to you later, you're welcome."

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