"Sister's original black stockings, isn't it exciting to smell it?"

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The first thousand and 140 chapters and seven Ula

"Brother, tell me, how long do you want me to wear these stockings? It is recommended not to exceed half a month, otherwise it will be a bit dirty." Zhou Qiqi said seriously.

"I'm so excited...shit..." Zhou Han sighed, "First of all, I don't deny my sexual fetish, but I like the black stockings of normal girls, but I don't like the black stockings of my sister. The former is a gentleman, and the latter is abnormal."

"Don't you want to smell the stockings that my sister wears, what does the crotch smell like?" Zhou Qiqi asked seriously.

"Fuck..." Zhou Han covered his face, a little embarrassed, "Don't say it so bluntly, okay? I don't want to smell it, thank you, the goddess also shits, and the goddess picks her nose too, thank you..."

"Emmmm..." Zhou Qiqi squinted her eyes and asked tentatively, "Don't you want to tie your sister's black stockings to Ou Jinjin, and then start the piston movement up and down?"

"I don't want to at all!" Zhou Han couldn't take it anymore, he was blushing, and Qiqi was still acting as if nothing happened.

"This is my brother's fault. You can't forget your roots. If you have a girlfriend, you won't be happy anymore. This is called inflation." Zhou Qiqi talked about a set of fallacies.

"Tsk, be normal to me." Zhou Han said impatiently.

"Come on, brother, let you touch my sister's black silk thigh~" Zhou Qiqi patted her leg, making a patting sound that made people think.

"Stop messing around, I want to make a video call with my dad, let him see your virtue, and I won't stop you from blowing your ass off." Zhou Han said seriously.

"Tch!" Zhou Qiqi curled her lips.

After the video connection, Dad appeared on the opposite side. As for Aunt Miyazaki, she did not appear this time.

"Dad, what's up~" Zhou Qiqi pouted at the camera.

"Uh..." Zhou's father had a few black lines running down his forehead, and said awkwardly, "Qiqi is back? You didn't even say hello, you child..."

"I beat you and won't let me come back. Qiqi doesn't like patriarchal dad at all!" Zhou Qiqi turned her face away.

"Who said, Dad doesn't love you enough? How many gifts do I mail you every year for your birthday? Your brother never has anything for his birthday." Father Zhou said with a smile.

"Everything is dead, Dad, you should come and see me." Zhou Qiqi pouted, looking very dissatisfied.

"You have to know that your mother is also in Australia." Father Zhou didn't say much.

"I don't think you'll die if you meet once. My mother didn't remarry, but my father remarried. I feel like you're such a scum~" Zhou Qiqi said with complicated feelings.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Zhou's father coughed repeatedly, and said awkwardly, "Oh, if you don't understand, don't ask me. How is your mother?"

"Still the same." Zhou Qiqi replied helplessly.

"Really..." Father Zhou nodded, then changed the subject and asked, "Why did you come back suddenly?"

"I want to live with my brother, and I don't want to go back." Zhou Qiqi said without any concealment.

"Does your mother agree?" Father Zhou was slightly surprised.

"Mom said it's up to me." Zhou Qiqi said helplessly.

"Did you make mom angry?" Zhou Han asked in surprise.

"Who made my mother angry, I just yelled and wanted to come back." Zhou Qiqi said indignantly.

Zhou Han blushed, thinking that it was really Qiqi who was messing around, mom didn't tire of it, did she?

"Since your mother said to let you do whatever you want, then it must be letting people do what you want." Father Zhou sighed, seeming to understand his ex-wife quite well, "However, your brother's situation is a bit special. OK?"

"What's wrong, my brother and I have lived together for a long time..." Zhou Qiqi said strangely.

"Son, do you think it's okay to let Qiqi come back to live?" Father Zhou asked.

"Of course I think..."

"Dad, when you came back, you saw your brother and fake sister..."

Zhou Han originally wanted to say that there was a problem with Qiqi staying, but Zhou Qiqi retorted and wanted to tell the story of her being intimate with Aili.

It wasn't that he was worried about being scolded by his father, but mainly because he was ashamed, so Zhou Han immediately changed his mind.

"Hey! I think it's okay for Qiqi to come back and live. The two younger sisters seem lively, so it's okay for me to take care of them."

Zhou Han pursed his lips and gave Zhou Qiqi a hard look, but the dead girl made faces frequently.

"In this case, there is no problem. It would be best if you are willing to take care of Qiqi." Father Zhou nodded, thinking that Zhou Han was not happy, but it turned out that there was no problem at all, "Then I will say hello to my old classmate and let Qiqi Qi goes to Jinteng Academy to study."

"I want to go to the second grade, and my brother is in the same class, preferably at the same table." Zhou Qiqi said bluntly.

"Are you kidding, can you keep up with me in the second grade? Obediently let me go to the first year of high school!" Zhou Han didn't want Zhou Qiqi to be in the same class, then he would be finished, and he couldn't even go to school peacefully.

"I don't! What a great class~" Zhou Qiqi said very unhappy.

"Qiqi, your brother is right. You should go to the first year of high school and be good. You can't be sloppy in your studies." Father Zhou said seriously.

"Hoohoo!" Zhou Qiqi puffed up her cheeks angrily, not very satisfied, but she didn't dare to disobey her father's intention.

"Has Qiqi come back to make trouble?" Father Zhou asked.

"It's...it's okay..." Zhou Han answered ambiguously, thinking how could he not make trouble, it's almost annoying me to death.

When Father Zhou heard it, he knew that it must be his daughter who made trouble, "Qiqi, have you seen Airi? She is your sister."

"I see, Sister Aili treats me well~" Zhou Qiqi said with a smile.

"That's good, your brother is dating someone, don't mess around casually, try to give them some space, you are not a child anymore, do you understand what I mean?" Father Zhou said very tactfully.

"I understand. I'm sure I won't cause trouble for my brothers and sisters. Dad, don't worry." Zhou Qiqi said seriously.

"You have to do what you say." Zhou Han put on a half-smile.

"Well, brother, I'm a good person, trust me, meow~" Zhou Qiqi acted obediently.

Zhou Han sighed secretly, thinking that if Qiqi left this door, she would no longer be her.

"Boy, take good care of them both. To put it bluntly, they are both your sisters. I will rely on you when I'm not at home." Father Zhou warned.

"Yes." Zhou Han nodded and said seriously, "I will take good care of Airi and Qiqi."

Then the house started a monthly cleaning.

What is different from the past is that this time there is more Zhou Qiqi in the family.

The three of them were all ready to go, put on masks, and were ready to fight.

Zhou Han was in charge of all kinds of heavy work, moving around.

Miyazaki Airi is in charge of mopping the floor, and Zhou Qiqi is in charge of the lightest laundry, just throw the clothes into the washing machine.

On the way, Miyazaki Airi realized that the laundry detergent was missing, so she turned her head and said.

"I'm going out to buy a bag of laundry detergent and I'll be back in a while."

"Aili picks up the person, be careful on the road." Zhou Qiqi responded.

"Well, be good at home." Miyazaki Airi smiled and went out directly.

"Yo Xi~!" Zhou Qiqi clenched her fists, looked back at the old brother who carried the old things, and muttered to herself——

"The vixen who got in the way has finally left."

"Start to find a way to reverse the old brother."


The first thousand and 140 chapters and eight monthly tickets plus more

Zhou Qiqi came out of the bathroom and ran over when she saw her brother.

"Brother, brother~"

"What are you doing? Go play and don't make trouble." Zhou Han didn't show a good face when he came up, because his instinct told him that Qiqi didn't play nicely.

"Brother, why are you so fierce? I didn't provoke you, my temper is really bad, just a little~" Zhou Qiqi stuck out her tongue angrily.

"You don't look like a good person, I have to be on guard." Zhou Han said solemnly.

"Who is not a good person? Brother, you look like a criminal!" Zhou Qiqi pointed at Zhou Han and said unscrupulously.

"What?" Zhou Han frowned, and said depressedly, "Your brother, I, Yushu Linfeng, how could I be linked to criminals? You are dishonest."

"Ouch~" Zhou Qiqi vomited and continued, "Don't be cruel to me, or I won't make it easier for you."

"Look, there is nothing wrong with threatening me as soon as you come up." Zhou Han smiled with his mouth crooked.

"Brother, you scoundrel, I'm so cute, can you bear it?" Zhou Qiqi pouted Lao Gao.

"Ouch~" Zhou Han didn't give up, and vomited.

"Brother, you're going to die. You actually despise my lovely sister. You really won't end well. In the ACG culture, the grass on the grave of the elder brother who abandoned his sister is more than three feet high." Zhou Qiqi said meaningfully .

Zhou Han felt a chill on his back, "What are you going to do? Didn't you see that I was working? Don't make trouble suddenly if you have nothing to do."

"I didn't make trouble, who made trouble." Zhou Qiqi blushed, and said pretending to be coy, "I just saw that I was able to be alone with my brother again, and I was very excited, and I was bumping like a deer."

"Please be normal, and show your true nature quickly, like a little devil." Zhou Han's expression on his face showed that he had long been able to resist his sister's cute acting skills.

"Ah... Brother, how did a boring guy like you find a girlfriend? Did those three vixens get sand in their eyes? How could they fall in love with a boring guy like you?" Zhou Qiqi showed her heart With a tired expression, he spent a long time trying to show coquettishness, but in the end it was useless.

"Isn't it perverted to be flirtatious towards my sister? Who do you think I am..." Zhou Han blushed.

"Brother, the fake sister has left, we can do shameful things now, and no one will come to interfere." Zhou Qiqi became a little awkward, "I want to experience what you did with the fake sister."

"Get lost, please go back to your hometown Mars to report." Zhou Han remained expressionless, unmoved at all.

"Brother, think about it carefully, we haven't been intimate for a long time." Zhou Qiqi said pitifully, her eyes full of anticipation.

"When did I make out with you?" Zhou Han thought three hello, make out?Those that do not exist have always been harmonious, and have never crossed the red line of orthopedics.

"Have you forgotten? There are too many times, let me count..." Zhou Qiqi stretched out her finger and began to list one by one, "We used to hug each other to sleep every night, kiss every day, hold hands every day, every day You have to do blushing and heartbeating exercises."

"Get out, hugging is because you are timid, you always feel that there are ghosts in the curtains, kissing is asking me to get up, I have refused countless times, holding hands is me pulling you to school, you have to cross the road, blushing and heartbeating movement I forced you to do morning exercises, right?" Zhou Han sighed, and said lightly, "Isn't it very common, and there is nothing out of bounds, right? And that was when you were young, it doesn't matter if siblings take a bath together, but now you are older Now, be honest with me and put away your sexual fantasies."

"I don't, my brother married me, just break up with other vixens obediently!" Zhou Qiqi said angrily.

"Hehe~" Zhou Han smiled without saying a word, completely ignoring his sister's request.

"Would you like me among those vixens? Are you cute? Hurry up and obey me obediently." Zhou Qiqi said through gritted teeth.

"Daydreaming~" Zhou Han smiled and shook his head, completely unmoved.

"I don't care! You break up with them quickly, and then fall in love with me." Zhou Qiqi pinched her waist and said very seriously, do you know how lucky you are?Orthopedics is something that many brothers dream of! "

"I'm sorry, I'm not a dead sister who pushes my sister all the time, you give me a little peace of mind, I'm so old, and I still have this virtue, you make me very sad." Zhou Han sighed, and an old man was born in his heart. father feeling.

"It doesn't matter, brother, let's come and make out, first kiss~" Zhou Qiqi hugged Zhou Han, put her feet on her feet and pouted her small mouth.

"Don't hug me suddenly, I'm holding something." Zhou Han frowned.

"Brother, this is being alone, aren't you curious about your sister's body?" Zhou Qiqi asked seriously.

"Go away..." Zhou Han tilted his mouth.

"I...my breasts have grown a lot, brother, don't you want to watch in silence?" Zhou Qiqi's eyes became very hopeful, and she deliberately squeezed her breasts into a pancake shape, so that Zhou Han could experience the beauty of it.

However, it didn't have any effect on Zhou Han. Instead, his heart was peaceful, and he obviously had no interest in his sister's body.

"Hurry up and look at the washing machine, brother, I'm also busy."

"Tch!" Zhou Qiqi immediately went back to the bathroom angrily like a deflated ball, "My brother is a dead eunuch, gay, can't lift, male with impotence and premature ejaculation, Flammulina velutipes..."

A drop of cold sweat fell on Zhou Han's forehead, thinking——

Damn girl, what about it?

Zhou Qiqi returned to the sanitary napkin and started washing clothes.

Throwing the clothes into the washing machine in annoyance, the small mouth was raised high, obviously very angry.

Zhou Qiqi felt that the old man was really a guy who didn't know how to be emotional. He was acting like that to his righteous sister, but when he came to him, he started to be serious in all kinds of ways. Don't be too hypocritical.

Why can't I do it myself?Where is the difference?

Zhou Qiqi is full of thoughts, turning her elder brother into a sister-in-law, but the seduction doesn't work at all, which makes people very headache.

She picked up a pair of panties, which were black lace and looked a little transparent.

At first glance, Miyazaki Airi is wearing it, so mature and sexy, and a bit coquettish.

Hmph, this little rascal just likes to seduce his brother by wearing this kind of thing, right?It's really low, dirty, shameless!

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