Zhou Qiqi thought about Miyazaki Airi's chubby, thinking that this kind of thing is not suitable for girls to wear, but it is indeed attractive.

After scolding for a while, Zhou Qiqi saw the fat times she took off yesterday, she thought about it, and decided to play tricks on Zhou Han.

Zhou Han was packing things in the warehouse.

Thinking about how to deal with the relationship between yourself and your two younger sisters?

Try to let everyone get along peacefully, and don't intrigue.

Zhou Qiqi, in particular, is the most worrying.

"Brother! Give you a hat~"

As soon as he heard Zhou Qiqi's voice, a pair of pink underwear was too high on Zhou Han's head, and his thighs just exposed his eyes.

Zhou Qiqi giggled non-stop from behind, shouting——

"Perverted Kamen Rider! Hee hee..."

o(*≧▽≦)ツ~ ┴┴

The first thousand and 140 nine chapters of male silence and female tears

The scene at that time was extremely embarrassing, Zhou Han froze in place.

And the heartless younger sister giggled behind her back.

Zhou Han wore Zhou Qiqi's pink chubby hair on his head, and he could smell the girl's breath with every breath.

He could swear to God that he had never done such a perverted thing in his life, but Zhou Qiqi broke the precept today.

Zhou Han didn't feel any desire, only felt very angry, thinking that his sister was seeking her own death.

Although wearing sister's fat times on the head is very exciting to some people, but Zhou Han is not interested in this and must be very disgusted.

"Brother, have you ever seen the perverted Kamen Rider in the island country? The one with hot eyes." Zhou Qiqi was still giggling, insisting on trying her own method to witness the flag of "If you don't die, you won't die".

"..." Zhou Han didn't speak, and through the eyes of Pangci's two legs, a raging flame of anger was burning right now.

"Brother, you are exactly like that pervert now, with my underwear on your head, don't you feel so excited, you are about to awaken the power of pervert?" Zhou Qiqi asked with interest, feeling very happy, teasing her brother is also her daily routine one.

Zhou Han stood up silently, his back seemed to explode at any moment, turning into the successor of Beidou Shenquan, "I'm so excited..."

"Uh, brother, I'm a little embarrassed to be so frank..." Zhou Qiqi was sweating coldly on her forehead, feeling that something was wrong.

"I'm so excited because I'm going to get rid of you soon..." Zhou Han turned his face away. Although his underwear was still on his face, there was no sense of humor, but his vicious temperament was clearly revealed.

"Brother... Brother, you..." Zhou Qiqi was a little incoherent, and she instinctively told her that she would be beaten.

Zhou Han slowly removed the panties from his face, showing a very gloomy expression, and said coldly, "Qiqi, I think your skin is too tight, I need to loosen it for you~"

"No...no need bro, I...I'm going to do the laundry, you can do it." Zhou Qiqi looked at the underwear in Zhou Han's hand, and wanted to come back, but she was too embarrassed to say, "I...go first ..."

Poor Zhou Qiqi just turned around when Zhou Han grabbed her shoulder, and said sinisterly, "Where are you going? We brothers and sisters should have a good talk."

"Brother... don't do this, I'm still a child."

"Come on, I want to enforce the family law on you."


( o ﹏ o )


"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Brother, you bastard!"

"I will kill you if I come down!"

Zhou Qiqi was tied up by Zhou Han and hung on the electric fan in the dome.

Then Zhou Han unceremoniously turned on the fifth gear, and let Zhou Qiqi, who was hanging on the electric fan, rotate crazily with the fan blades, constantly torturing her.

"Brother! Your assistant ahhh~"

"When Sister Miyazaki comes back, I will let her beat you to death!"

"I still have to tell my parents that you bullied me, so die, you, trash brother!"

Zhou Qiqi's bones are very hard, even if she is hung on the roof and rotated, she still yells and scolds non-stop, looking for a chance to take revenge on Zhou Han, she has never suffered such humiliation.

At first Zhou Qiqi thought it was spanking, but ended up hanging herself on an electric fan to play out of gravity.

"Hehe, you bad girl, you have a tough temper. I think I'll let you go around for an hour to stimulate you and experience the training of an astronaut." Zhou Han stood next to the electric fan switch and looked up with interest. Zhou Qiqi, who was twirling wildly, planned to clean up her foreign-looking younger sister.

"No, bro! Woohoo! Am I your own sister? You will arouse public outrage if you treat me like this..." Zhou Qiqi felt dizzy and dizzy.

"People's anger? If you harass me like this, even if it's your own sister, I won't give you a good face, and other people won't criticize me. Maybe they're all pleasing people's hearts. Just play it like a merry-go-round." Zhou Han didn't like it. Ignoring Zhou Qiqi's protest, she had a good time instead.

"God damn merry-go-round!" Zhou Qiqi was crying, her voice trembling because she was spinning in circles, "brother, put me down, I won't dare to put my underwear on your head anymore, it's so dizzy and uncomfortable , beep..."

"Be obedient and punish me, I won't let you down, do you know what will happen if you piss off your brother?" Zhou Han smiled crookedly, and added, "Our electric fan doesn't have ten speeds. Don't let today have to dump you into outer space."

"Didn't you say you want family law?! Family law is spanking, it's not hanging on the fifth-speed electric fan!" Zhou Qiqi swayed on the electric fan.

"Now I'm the head of the family. If you make a mistake in the future, I'll hang you on the electric fan." Zhou Han said seriously, wanting Zhou Qiqi to have a better memory, in case things start to cause trouble.

"Spanking is so good. I don't like this punishment. It's exciting to be spanked by my brother!" Zhou Qiqi seemed to be a little dizzy, and she had no scruples in speaking.

"Uh..." Zhou Han frowned, and said viciously, "Another hour, I'll see when you can be more honest..."

"Brother ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah" Zhou Qiqi was twirled screaming, pleading, "I can't take it anymore, I'm going to vomit, vomit..."

"I'll go, don't make trouble..." Zhou Han was ashamed.

"Brother, stop, I don't dare, I really... want... want... hiccup..." Zhou Qiqi rolled her eyes, as if she was dizzy.

"Forget it, I'll let you take a break. You should reflect on yourself and put your own underpants on your brother's head. Is it right?" Zhou Han was a little worried, and let Zhou Qiqi go as soon as his heart softened. The fan is off.

Zhou Qiqi, who was spinning, stopped slowly, her face turned pale, and crocodile tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

"Brother, I know I was wrong, can you untie me?"

"No, you hang on first." Zhou Han was not at ease, thinking that if Zhou Qiqi was released, something might happen, so he should wait for Miyazaki Airi to come back and let this bad girl go.

"Brother, how could you treat me like this?!" Zhou Qiqi began to sell miserably, "You actually hang your lovely sister on the electric fan, are you still human?"

"If you put your underwear on my head, you are human?" Zhou Han asked back.

"Hmph, my brother is narrow-minded! I was joking." Zhou Qiqi pouted angrily.

"I'm joking now too." Zhou Han sighed, "You should reflect on yourself first, I'll go to the bathroom."

"Brother, I'm thirsty!" Zhou Qiqi yelled.

"There are so many things, I'll get you water." Zhou Han said helplessly.

"No! I want pure milk." Zhou Qiqi said stubbornly.

"Okay, I'll get it for you." Zhou Han went out.

Zhou Han went to the bathroom and came back with milk.


"Oni-chan, sizzle~" Zhou Qiqi said with a smile, revealing her dimples.

"Don't be cute with me, I'm immune." Zhou Han inserted the straw and handed it to Zhou Qiqi, "Drink quickly, I'll teach you after drinking."

"There's no flair at all." Zhou Qiqi curled her lips, grabbed the straw, and blew hard into the milk carton, and then the pure white liquid crazily shot on Zhou Qiqi's face, "Yeah~, my brother is so fucking, cum in my face."

"Hey, what are you doing? Don't drink it, don't waste it..." Zhou Han put the milk aside, took out a tissue, and wanted to wipe the white liquid off Zhou Qiqi's face.

"I'm back..." Miyazaki Airi just happened to come back at this time, seeing the scene in front of her——

Zhou Qiqi was tied up.

Her face and mouth were covered with white fluid.

And when Zhou Han went to the bathroom just now, because he was too anxious to get milk for Qiqi, the zipper on the bottom was not closed.

In this scene, the man is silent and the woman is crying.



Chapter 150 Milk

Zhou Qiqi didn't expect Miyazaki Airi to come back so coincidentally, she just chose to come back at this time, which directly complicated things.

Zhou Qiqi just wanted to tease her brother, and it was very interesting to get milk shot all over her face. She didn't intend to cheat Zhou Han, but his luck was really bad.

Miyazaki Airi stared blankly at this embarrassing scene——

The sister who is tied up.

Dissatisfied with white liquid all over the face.

In addition, the door below Zhou Han opened.


Combining the things you think of, don't be too explosive!

It's clear that you played a very shameful play just now, right?

Moreover, Zhou Han's act of wiping the white liquid with a paper towel, in the eyes of Miyazaki Airi, became evidence of eradication.

Miyazaki Airi was a little dizzy, her delicate body swayed, thinking what did the siblings do just now? !How shameless!

"You...you two..."

Miyazaki Airi stretched out her trembling hand and pointed at Zhou Han with an extremely complicated expression.

"Huh? Are you back?" Zhou Han greeted calmly. Da Luobo's face was neither red nor white. After all, he didn't do anything guilty, so there was absolutely no need to be nervous.

"You... you you you..." Airi Miyazaki felt her chest tight and she was a little out of breath, "What are you doing!? Haga!"

"Me?" Zhou Han looked at his sister who was tied up, and replied calmly, "I'm training Qiqi."

"Tune...Tune (♂♀) teaching?!!" Miyazaki Airi was dumbfounded, and immediately thought about the pornographic picture, and immediately felt very sad. How could Zhou Han, who is usually a dog, actually do this behind his back? Kind of thing? !

"That's right, Qiqi is disobedient and needs to be trained, otherwise the house will be destroyed sooner or later." Zhou Han said bitterly.

"Brother, you are too much, so rough, why did you treat me like this?" Zhou Qiqi entered the scene, as if she had just been raped by her brother, "We are brother and sister!"

Zhou Han frowned, and said in surprise, "You still know? This is the first time you are so serious."

"You are a perverted girl! Disgusting!" Miyazaki Airi's eyes turned red, and she couldn't help cursing directly!

"Eh!?" Zhou Han was stunned, and asked suspiciously, "Aili, what's wrong with you? Why are you scolding me all of a sudden?"

"Keke~" Zhou Qiqi showed the smile of a little treacherous official, secretly happy in her heart.

"What are you scolding you for!? Don't you have any clues in your heart?!" Miyazaki Airi stomped her feet angrily, seeing Zhou Han's concealed appearance, her heart became even sadder, and tears rolled in her eyes.

"Ah? What's wrong with me..." Zhou Han spread out his hands, with an innocent expression, thinking that he hadn't provoked Xiao Aili recently.

"Pervert! Smelly shameless! A guy who only thinks with his lower body, even his own sister! Unexpectedly...unexpectedly...mouth...mouth..." Miyazaki Airi's face flushed red, because she was too ashamed, already I can't go on.

"???" Zhou Han frowned, expressing that he didn't quite understand, what did he say?Verbal abuse?

"That's enough! I'm going to vent my anger on Qiqi today!" Miyazaki Airi rolled up her sleeves, looking like she was about to fight Zhou Han for hundreds of rounds, "You pervert, Nishi!"

Miyazaki Airi didn't talk nonsense, and slapped him across the face. Fortunately, Zhou Han was prepared and grabbed his arm directly.

"Ari, what are you doing?"

"Pervert, what were you doing just now?" Miyazaki Airi asked through gritted teeth.

"I'm training this girl..." Zhou Han was at a loss and didn't think there was anything wrong.

"Thank you for being able to say it openly!? Don't you feel ashamed?" Miyazaki Airi showed some eyes looking at aliens.

"What's there to be ashamed of? I didn't do anything, that's all..."

Zhou Han reached out and turned on the electric fan, and Zhou Qiqi, who was hung up, whirled and spun.

"Brother, I hate you!!!"

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