Zhou Han turned off the electric fan and explained to Miyazaki Airi, "Is there a problem? You can also play."

"I..." Miyazaki Airi was speechless, feeling something was wrong, "Don't fool me!"

"Why am I fooling you? That's how I educate this girl." Zhou Han scratched his head.

"Aili Ou Nei-chan, you have to make the decision for me! Brother, he bullied me, hey..." Zhou Qiqi fanned the flames beside her, and the deeper the misunderstanding, the happier she was.

"You are talking nonsense, your behavior is much worse than this, you are very hot!" Miyazaki Airi felt that Zhou Han wanted to get away with it, and there was a mountain of hard evidence at the scene. It must be that Qiqi was raped just now and wanted to be porn , Even my sister's small mouth is not spared, is she still human?

"Cum...exploded?" Zhou Han frowned, thinking that hanging his sister on the electric fan would ejaculate.

"That's right, do you think I'm blind?!" Miyazaki Airi pointed at Zhou Qiqi, "Look at you, it made Qiqi cry, how wronged! Are you like this for a momentary stimulation? Self-control is too weak It's too bad!"

"Hey, I'm in so much pain, we are brothers and sisters, why do you treat me like this..." Zhou Qiqi hurriedly cooperated beside her.

"It has something to do with... and self-control?" Zhou Han frowned, and said awkwardly, "This girl put her panties on my head, so I can't resist it?"

"Huh!?" Miyazaki Airi was stunned, what's going on with her sister's panties?

"No, it's my brother... He insisted on snatching my underwear and putting it on. If I didn't give it to me, he... just bullied me, oh..." Zhou Qiqi said in a very sad tone.

"Qiqi, go and die for me..." Zhou Han turned on the electric fan, and didn't intend to turn it off.

"Brother, you bastard! Remember it for me..."

Zhou Qiqi was taken up by the five-speed electric fan and spun like a small whirlwind top.

"You...do you have such a strange habit? Just because you don't wear underwear, you...you...disappoint me!" Miyazaki Airi stomped her feet angrily.

"Are you disliking me for hanging Qiqi on the electric fan and turning on fifth gear to torture her?" Zhou Han asked in surprise.

"Who cares about this? What I care about is... it's... you played with your sister's mouth!" Miyazaki Airi finally said it with a strong sense of shame, as if she had exhausted all her strength.

"Ah!?" Zhou Han looked at the spinning Zhou Qiqi, and argued, "I don't have one!"

"What are you pretending to be?! Your zippers are all open! And even tying up your sister is forcing!" Miyazaki Airiki's shoulders trembled.

Zhou Han looked down, didn't he pull it?So he quickly lowered his head and zipped it up, and said embarrassingly, "I forgot to go to the bathroom just now, don't think too much about it! The two of us didn't do anything..."

"You liar!" Miyazaki Airi asked angrily, "I ask you what is the white liquid on Kiki's face? Can you explain it clearly..."

"That's milk..." Zhou Han said helplessly.

"You...you actually call that thing of yours milk?! Disgusting!" Miyazaki Airi felt that that thing was very similar to milk, but it was definitely not the same thing.

"Tsk!" Zhou Han gasped, and turned off the electric fan.

"Brother... bitch~" Zhou Qiqi was already dizzy, unable to tell the difference between east, west and north, and spoke incoherently.

Zhou Han rubbed some milk on Zhou Qiqi's face with his fingers, and said to Miyazaki Airi, "Try what is it?"

"You... you you you..." Miyazaki Airi looked at the unknown white liquid with a face full of horror, her face was like an eggplant, and she thought to herself——

This... this pervert!

Are you asking me... Do I swallow rice greens?

( o ﹏ o )

The first thousand and 150 chapters add monthly tickets

Miyazaki Airi looked at the unknown white liquid on Zhou Han's finger, and suddenly felt a little sick.

Until now, don't know what this deoxyribose tastes like?But normal people definitely don't want to taste it!

With one bite, hundreds of millions of lives... What a murderous aura!

But since I have that kind of intimate relationship with Zhou Han, it doesn't matter if I swallow a little bit, right?

"Try it, it's really milk, I didn't lie to you." Zhou Han said awkwardly, and put his fingers stained with white liquid in front of Miyazaki Airi.

Miyazaki Airi felt a little bit nervous, looking at the white flowers, she couldn't bear to look directly.

She hesitated for a while, just stuck out a small tongue, but immediately regretted it, and slapped Zhou Han's hand aside.

"Go away! Do you think I can lick? What do you think I am? You pervert! I will not satisfy you bastard! If I lick, you will be very excited! Daydream!"

"Emmmm..." Zhou Han hesitated for a moment, and without saying a word, he stuck his finger into Miyazaki Airi's small mouth.

"Hmm!!!" Miyazaki Airi was so frightened that she was out of her wits, her eyes widened, obviously stimulated.

The white liquid on Zhou Han's finger passively made Miyazaki Airi's taste buds perceive a very obvious milky smell.

Miyazaki Airi was stunned, her whole body stiffened, her expression was very bewildered, she thought to herself... Does deoxyribose taste like milk?It's quite delicious, not the very disgusting taste as imagined...

"Have you tasted it? I didn't lie to you, did I?" Zhou Han smiled.

Miyazaki Airi couldn't understand Zhou Han's smug face, so she bit his finger directly.

"Hey!?" Zhou Han pulled his fingers out of Miyazaki Airi's mouth like lightning, and said depressedly, "Why bite me?"

"So... so that kind of thing... tastes the same as milk?" Miyazaki Airi asked suspiciously, seeming to be a little concerned about this matter.

"Fuck..." Zhou Han's expression became complicated, "What are you thinking? This is real milk..."

"Nonsense, how can you make a face when you drink milk?!" Miyazaki Airi felt baffled.

"Okay, I'm going to shoot you..." Zhou Han sighed.

"Eh? You... what did you say?" Airi Miyazaki frowned.

"Let me demonstrate it to you." Zhou Han picked up the milk carton on the side, and blew hard, the milk spurted out from the straw immediately, and shot Miyazaki Airi in the face.

"Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Miyazaki Airi cursed.

The two younger sisters were shot by Zhou Han just like that, and the white liquid splashed all over the ground, which made people imagine.


Zhou Han was slapped by Miyazaki Airi.

The reason was not to vent her anger on Zhou Qiqi, but to scold Zhou Han for harassing herself without any scruples.

Zhou Han kept silent with the red handprint on his face, but thought that Miyazaki Airi was sprayed with milk just now, the white liquid covered her whole body, her clothes stained her skin, and it also exuded the aroma of milk, which is a bit tempting.

That's right, Zhou Han didn't blame Miyazaki Airi for being unreasonable, instead, he started flirting first.

As for Zhou Qiqi, she was taken down by the little guard of justice, Miyazaki Airi, for a long time. At this time, the two girls are taking a bath in the bathroom. After all, it doesn't feel very comfortable to be covered in milk.

Zhou Han put away YY Miyazaki Airi's thoughts, but thought about Zhou Qiqi, thinking that today is still quite dangerous, after all, Zhou Qiqi almost succeeded in sowing dissension.

In case she didn't explain clearly, Miyazaki Airi might explode on the spot.

This little devil will not give up, he must find an opportunity to talk to Miyazaki Airi, and tell her not to believe Zhou Qiqi's words, otherwise the ship will capsize in the gutter sooner or later.

Zhou Han decided to secretly send a text message to Miyazaki Airi at night...

in the bathroom.

Both girls are naked.

Miyazaki Airi helped Zhou Qiqi wash her hair, and she felt a little embarrassed when she remembered her misunderstanding.

Also deoxyribose is milk flavor?

What a joke!Shame to death...

Miyazaki Airi felt that she couldn't blame herself, the situation just now looked like that, and something strange happened just now.

"Qiqi, why didn't you speak clearly just now?"

"I made it very clear, my brother is bullying me." Zhou Qiqi replied innocently.

Miyazaki Airi blushed, wondering if she understood it wrong?Bullying is meant literally and nothing else.

"Huh? Could it be that Aili Ou Nei misunderstood it? I seem to have heard playing with her mouth just now, does it mean..." Zhou Qiqi hesitated to speak, showing a meaningful expression.

"No." Miyazaki Airi blushed and knocked Zhou Qiqi on the head, "Don't think about it, I didn't mean that."

"Keke~" Zhou Qiqi smiled, thinking that it must be because you are so dirty in your heart, what do you mean by overthinking?

"Why did he hang you on the electric fan?" Miyazaki Airi was a little strange.

"Because I didn't give my brother underwear, he became angry from embarrassment." Zhou Qiqi said seriously.

"Impossible? He has never done such a thing." Miyazaki Airi didn't quite believe it.

"Believe me, Sister Airi, brother, he is a sister-in-law. Is it normal to covet my fat times? Every time you are present, my brother looks very serious, but it's just the two of us. It will show the ugly face of a sister-in-law." Zhou Qiqi said nonsense in a serious manner.

Miyazaki Airi did not speak, but doubts arose in her heart.

Zhou Han tends to be a bit of a sister-controller, and Miyazaki Airi knows it.

But before Zhou Han was all kinds of black Qiqi, it seemed that he didn't want her to come back. This is obviously inconsistent, right?

Whose words are more credible?

Who is accusing whom?

These two questions were on Miyazaki Airi's mind blankly, and for a while she didn't know who to trust.

But no matter who controls who between the two brothers and sisters, Miyazaki Airi will not allow it.

"Arione-chan, I want to tell you something?"

"Huh? What?" Miyazaki Airi asked in surprise.

"My elder brother is a person who is good at disguising, and his appearance is different from his appearance." Zhou Qiqi said lightly.

"What do you mean?" Miyazaki Airi seemed a little interested.

"In order to cover up the fact that I am a sister-con, my brother will definitely blackmail me in various ways, saying that I am a bad person and that I am not worthy of trust, so that no one will suspect that he is a sister-con." Zhou Qiqi prepared Block Zhou Han's way.

"Really?" Miyazaki Airi frowned.

"I guess it's just recently, my brother will definitely tell you secretly, "Don't look at Qiqi who looks like a little angel on the surface, but her stomach is full of bad water. Don't listen to her nonsense, she is a little devil, It's very bad, I want to take this opportunity to break up our love relationship, you have to be careful", there will definitely be such words, so that my brother can continue to harass me unscrupulously behind Airi sister's back. "Zhou Qiqi said seriously.

"Is that so?" Miyazaki Airi raised her eyebrows together.

"Aili Ou Neichan, you must not trust my brother, or the claws of this crazy girl pusher will definitely attack me." Zhou Qiqi showed a very pitiful expression, thinking badly in her heart——


Dude, you can do whatever you want.

Just obediently let me mess up your love affair!


The first thousand and 150 chapter two monthly pass plus more

Dinner is over.

Back to each house.

Zhou Han returned to the house, ready to find a chance to send a text message to Miyazaki Airi.

But there is a problem that stumps him, because there is no evidence for what he says, so he must find a very decent evidence, right?

In case Zhou Qiqi seizes the opportunity and bites back that she is a pervert who is accused of being a sister, she will die badly.

Zhou Han put the phone in front of him, stared at the screen, lost in thought.

Elizabeth's petite body sat on top of Zhou Han's head, looking down at him.

"What's the matter? I was so angry with my sister that I vomited blood?"

"No, it hasn't reached this level yet." Zhou Han said helplessly.

"Then why do you have such a stinky face?" Elizabeth asked very strangely.

"I just want Aili to recognize Qiqi's face, otherwise I will be tossed by this bad girl, and I will overturn sooner or later!" Zhou Han felt very headache.

"You can say it face to face, Shi Tsundere is still very easy to talk to, after all, a soft-hearted horse who doesn't hold grudges." Elizabeth seemed to like Miyazaki Airi quite a bit.

"But Airi is very naive. If someone shows a little kindness to her, she will think that the other party is a good person. This is very troublesome. I want to think about it seriously. If possible, I don't want to overthrow Kiki's love in Miyazaki Airi. The impression in my eyes, after all, is quite harmonious on the surface." Zhou Han nodded.

"You love Tsundere so much?" Elizabeth asked in surprise.

"Is there a problem? I like her very much. Who doesn't like a wife who can act like a baby and manage the house?" Zhou Han said confidently.

"Did you miss the point on purpose?" Elizabeth narrowed her eyes.

"What's the point?" Zhou Han asked strangely.

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