"The point is, is Si Tiaojiao very relaxed on the bed? You like it very much." Elizabeth said with a smile.

"Get out, can you be more serious?" Zhou Han blushed, and didn't want to talk about too sexy topics.

"You can't do this. You are a harem man. A bowl of water is flat. If you like someone too much, you will explode." Elizabeth continued to say old-fashionedly, "You have to know that women are very narrow-minded creatures. , especially in terms of love, if you are not careful, you will be pushed to the stake by them."

Zhou Han remained silent, with a drop of cold sweat streaming down his forehead, to be fair, since I slept with Aili, should I sleep with both Xiaowei and Xiaorui?It seems that it is not impossible.

Forget it, let’s talk about this after the fact, let’s remind Airi first——

My sister is a ticking time bomb.

girls' room.

Zhou Qiqi was lying on the bed, sliding her fingers on the tablet, seemingly playing with fruit, humming with her little nose, and muttering in her mouth——

"Fox spirits, go to hell, watch me cut with a knife, huh..."

Miyazaki Airi was thinking about taking Qiqi to go shopping tomorrow, whether to bring other people, called Yao Xiaorui and Lin Nianwei, and then everyone went out to play together.

"Qiqi, do you want to go shopping tomorrow?"

"Shopping?" Zhou Qiqi's eyes rolled around strangely, "Brother, are you going?"

"If you don't go, you can go. Of course, girls need a boy's protection when they go to the street. In case of pickpockets, hooligans or something, you can ask him to block the knife." Miyazaki Airi recalled that when she was shopping, she also encountered If you've been harassed, it's better to bring a boy, who can help you carry things.

"It's okay to block the knife, but it's better to pierce the buttocks, Keke~" Zhou Qiqi didn't just think of something, she couldn't stop giggling.

"Are you going or not?" Miyazaki Airi asked again.

"Go, wherever sister Aili is going, I'll go with her?" Zhou Qiqi said solemnly.

"Then I'll call two friends and let's hang out together?" Miyazaki Airi asked tentatively.

"Who is it?" Zhou Qiqi thought it was a family outing, but she didn't expect there to be someone else.

"It's all your sister-in-law." Miyazaki Airi replied solemnly.

"Pfft!" Zhou Qiqi waited for her eyes, thinking she had heard it wrong, "What... what!? It can't be..."

"It's Xiaowei and Xiaorui, your other two sister-in-laws." Miyazaki Airi said very calmly.

"Nani?!!" Zhou Qiqi showed a terrified expression, thinking why did she just say she was my sister-in-law?And there are still two!I'm afraid I'm not living in the last century!Having three sister-in-laws makes me feel very complicated!Don't say she's my sister-in-law even though she's not married yet!How embarrassing!I won't admit to any of them!

"What's wrong? What was your reaction?" Miyazaki Airi asked suspiciously.

"That... that... isn't it a family outing? It's fine for us to go out as a family. It feels weird to bring outsiders." Zhou Qiqi pulled out a very far-fetched reason.

"How can they be outsiders? They are all your sisters-in-law..." Miyazaki Airi frowned, feeling that Zhou Qiqi was a little disobedient. If they really got married together in the future, wouldn't they all be sisters-in-law of Qiqi?

"This..." Zhou Qiqi fell into hesitation, thinking that it was difficult for her to deal with a vixen, but now she has to deal with a brood? ?What are you kidding!If all of them come, my little white rabbit will be beaten to death by three vixens if I am not careful, the pressure will be great...

"What's the matter Kiki? Don't you like playing with them? In the future, everyone will look down and see each other. Proper communication is also needed." Miyazaki Airi turned her head and said seriously.

"I..." Zhou Qiqi showed a very embarrassed look, thinking that she didn't want to communicate with the vixen, and she couldn't stand it together, two fists were no match for four hands.

"Don't worry, Xiaowei and Xiaorui are very good people, you don't have to worry about being bullied, I will protect you." Miyazaki Airi gave Zhou Qiqi a reassurance.

Zhou Qiqi pursed her mouth, thinking that Xiaorui had never seen her before, and she didn't know what was going on, but that vixen Lin Nianwei didn't want to see her at all, and she was the one who disliked her the most. I was so angry that my whole body was not well.

"How nice it is for the three of us to go together. Isn't it too messy to bring two more? My brother may not be able to take care of four girls."

"It won't be chaotic, there are so many people, it's so fun to go shopping together, as for not being able to take care of it? No, after all Zhou Han is a boy, he will try his best." Miyazaki Airi encouraged Zhou Qiqi, hoping she would agree.

"But, is it really okay? You like a boy, don't you underestimate the enemy? Shopping like this swagger..." Zhou Qiqi didn't say the whole thing, thinking that meeting each other would be a normal reaction, right?

"It's okay, it's not that we didn't go shopping together, what are you worried about? If you don't go, my sister will be angry." Miyazaki Airi puffed up her cheeks and put on a look of getting angry.

"Okay... okay... let's go shopping together..." Zhou Qiqi responded with a half-smile, thinking nervously——

This is how to do?

I am alone.

How to outsmart this fox den?

How to let them fall apart and take my brother as their own?

( o ﹏ o )

The first thousand and 150 chapters and three ghosts

After getting permission, Miyazaki Airi suddenly felt happy, and felt that she was a really good sister, and it was very responsible to worry about her sister.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Qiqi behind her rolled her eyes a lot, and she was so uncomfortable that she was dying.

Miyazaki Airi picked up her mobile phone and planned to contact Yao Xiaorui and Lin Nianwei. The National Day holiday is already in the middle of the year. If you don't hurry up and enjoy it, the boring days of school will soon come again.

Miyazaki Airi: "Wei-chan, do you have time tomorrow?"

Lin Nianwei: "What's the matter?"

Miyazaki Airi: "Let's go shopping, let's go together."

Lin Nianwei: "Yes, yes, can Xiaohan go?"

Miyazaki Airi smiled, and sure enough they were asking this guy if he would go or not. Although he had already guessed this would happen, it was still a bit embarrassing. Even if Zhou Han was not around, everyone should come out and get together.

Miyazaki Airi: "Of course I will, if not I will tie him back."

Lin Nianwei: "Is it okay? If Xiaohan doesn't want to go, then don't force him."

Miyazaki Airi: "I won't force it, he will come by himself, after all we go shopping, he won't be at ease."

Lin Nianwei: "This..."

Miyazaki Airi: "Don't worry, I understand you, I will call him, okay~"

Lin Nianwei: "/(//o/ω/o//)/"

Miyazaki Airi: "But there will be another person with me, you seem to know her."

Lin Nianwei: "Any acquaintances???"

Miyazaki Airi: "It's Zhou Han's sister Zhou Qiqi, you and Zhou Han's childhood sweetheart, you know her sister?"

The chat suddenly fell silent, and Lin Nianwei suddenly stopped talking, as if she suddenly lost contact.

Miyazaki Airi felt strange, so she hurriedly asked what was going on in a tentative tone?

Miyazaki Airi: "Wei-chan? What's wrong?"

Lin Nianwei: "It's okay, so Qiqi is back?"

Miyazaki Airi: "Well, yes, I just came back yesterday."

Lin Nianwei: "He came back unexpectedly, and there is no news at all."

Miyazaki Airi: "Yeah, Zhou Han and I were taken aback, and came back suddenly."

Lin Nianwei: "Did she come back to make trouble, say strange things like marrying my brother, she is also very petite and self-willed, she plays nonsense endlessly, has deep hostility towards you, and will do bad things at every turn?"

Miyazaki Airi: "It was a bit annoying at first, but now it's cute."

Lin Nianwei: "⊙ω⊙"

Lin Nianwei: "Cute?! That might be a fake Zhou Qiqi."

Miyazaki Airi: "You're really good, I like it very much, Wei-chan, you seem to have opinions on Qiqi just like Zhou Han."

Lin Nianwei: "Do you like Qiqi very much?"

Miyazaki Airi: "Yeah..."

The chat was suddenly interrupted again, Lin Nianwei became silent, wondering what she was thinking on the other end of the phone line.

Miyazaki Airi: "Wei-chan?"

Lin Nianwei: "I see, I will come tomorrow, what's the agreed time and place?"

Then Miyazaki Airi told Lin Nianwei the time and place, and ended the chat.

Miyazaki Airi is a little strange, she feels that Lin Nianwei and Zhou Han are both venting out of the same nostrils, and they have certain opinions on Zhou Qiqi. Could it be that Qiqi is really a problem child.

Miyazaki Airi looked at Zhou Qiqi behind her in surprise, but she sensed her gaze, raised her head and started acting cute, "Airi Ou Nei-chan~"

Miyazaki Airi smiled, looked away, thinking that the illusion is all an illusion, Kiki is such a well-behaved child.

After comforting herself, Miyazaki Airi began to practice Yao Xiaorui.

Miyazaki Airi: "Xiaorui, are you free tomorrow?"

Yao Xiaorui: "Yes, what's the plan? I was wondering if I should go to your house to play."

A drop of cold sweat dripped down Miyazaki Airi's forehead, she thought she was going to play with Zhou Han, since she hadn't seen her for such a long time, she must be unable to hold back her thoughts.

Miyazaki Airi: "You don't need to come here, shall we go shopping together tomorrow?"

Yao Xiaorui: "Sure, but brother Han?"

Miyazaki Airi held her forehead, thinking why should I ask him?It's like if he doesn't come, everyone won't come out to play.

Miyazaki Airi: "All go, don't worry, I, Zhou Han, Xiaowei will all go, and Zhou Han's sister?"

Yao Xiaorui: "Huh? Isn't sister Zhou Han Ai Li you? Is this...a sick sentence?"

Miyazaki Airi: "No, it's Zhou Han's own sister."

Yao Xiaorui: "Huh?!"

Yao Xiaorui: "Σ( ° △ °|||)︴"

Yao Xiaorui: "Brother Han has a younger sister!? I've never heard him mention it..."

Miyazaki Airi: "Don't worry about it, his real sister has been living abroad and just came back recently."

Yao Xiaorui: "So that's the case, what's your name?"

Miyazaki Airi: "Zhou Qiqi."

Yao Xiaorui: "Aren't you cute? What's your personality? Will it be difficult to get along with?"

Miyazaki Airi: "You seem worried..."

Yao Xiaorui: "After all... After all, I am her sister-in-law. If it is difficult to get along with her, I will feel very stressed."

Miyazaki Airi: "Don't worry, Kiki is quite cute, treat her well, she will like you very much."

Yao Xiaorui: "Is...is that so? Then I feel relieved, and I am a little bit looking forward to meeting tomorrow."

Miyazaki Airi: "Just be normal, don't be so excited."

Yao Xiaorui: "But it is very important to get the approval of Han's brother and sister. You must treat it well. Let her admit that I am a good sister-in-law, and then act like a baby to me."

Miyazaki Airi: "This... well, you can use your broad mind to let her experience the brilliance of motherhood."

Yao Xiaorui: "Can this be done? How old is Kiki?"

Miyazaki Airi: "It's not very small, it looks like it's one year younger than Zhou Han."

Yao Xiaorui: "That's not much different from us. If you're not a child, it's very difficult."

Miyazaki Airi was at a loss for words, thinking what move Xiaorui was thinking just now?

Yao Xiaorui: "No matter what? Tomorrow, I have to show a good performance, so that Qiqi likes me."

Miyazaki Airi: "Well, see you tomorrow."

Miyazaki Airi sent the agreed time and place tomorrow, and got everything ready.

After finishing her work, Miyazaki Airi breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that it was finally over.

Miyazaki Airi stretched her waist, turned over, and said to Qiqi, "Xiaowei and Xiaorui are looking forward to seeing you?"

"Eh?!" Zhou Qiqi was terrified, like a little white rabbit being stared at by three big bad wolves, "Really...Really?"

"Really, what are you doing lying to you? So don't worry, Xiaowei and Xiaorui are good people, and they won't bully you." Miyazaki Airi comforted Zhou Qiqi, and patted her head.

"That... Lin Nianwei, that fox... cough!" Zhou Qiqi coughed lightly to cover up her embarrassment, and then continued to ask, "Sister Lin Nianwei, didn't you say anything? For example, I'm annoying..."

"This..." Miyazaki Airi hesitated for a moment, for the sake of harmony among everyone, it's better not to admit it, "No, why would Xiao Wei say such a thing?"

Zhou Qiqi's face was cloudy and uncertain, her eyebrows were raised high, and her mood couldn't help becoming complicated——

Leaving aside that Xiaorui for now, I am not familiar with it at all.

Lin Nianwei, that vixen doesn't say anything, is it too strange?

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